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That stood out to me, too. Really dug Abadon vs Shida on Dark a couple months ago. Was pleased to see her again, was really surprised that she squashed Anna Jay after they had been promoting her return to Dynamite. And then having Dark Order come out to lead Anna Jay away instead of just burying her? Fantastic.
The Unknown Poster reacted to a post in a topic: Wrestling
That's exactly it. It's what separates him from Hogan, Undertaker, Flair and most of the other big names that stuck around a long time. Jericho has never felt like a nostalgia act or had to rely on looping back to previous gimmicks.
The Unknown Poster reacted to a post in a topic: Wrestling
Good point re: grudge matches. And I've always liked brawlers so I'm not exactly complaining. I also wouldn't have complained if one of the brawls was switched up for something more technical. Others have been bigger names than Jericho and made more cash, sold tix/merch/whatever during certain eras, but I can't think of anyone who has done it as successfully at the level he's done it at for as long as Jericho. All things considered, he'll probably get my vote for best ever when he wraps things up.
Enjoyed the show overall. Thought there was maybe a bit too much brawling and that it lacked some of the variety that other AEW PPVs have had. Ladder match was pretty good. I like the idea of a ladder match/royal rumble mashup that they use. Brian Cage will be a good addition I think. Massive body obviously, he can move good and some people I respect have good things to say about him as a person. Interested to see where it goes. MJF vs Jungle Boy was the best pure wrestling match on the show. Old school ****, very good stuff. If I ever attend an AEW show, I will run the risk of getting booted from the venue because the urge to slap MJF will be crazy high. Statlander vs Ford was fine but didn't have anything behind it so it was sort of filler. Basically a Dynamite match that got thrown on PPV. Dustin Rhodes vs Shawn Spears was tough to call a match, but it was a fun segment. Showed that Rhodes isn't done and I don't think it hurt Spears at all. In fact, I think it went a long way in establishing his personality. The last few weeks he seems to be getting better and better on camera with more of that personality coming through. More please. I thought Cody vs Archer was a bit clunky. Not sold on Archer in ring and I don't think Cody is the type that can have a great match with anyone. With the right opponent, you can get the best match on the card out of Cody but with others, I feel like his matches fall a bit flat. I liked Shida vs Rose. Didn't expect the title to change hands so quickly but I'm happy to see Shida win, she's definitely the most talented wrestler on then AEW women's roster and the crowd loves her. Mox vs Brodie Lee was a good brawl with some brutal looking moments. Brodie seemed a bit gassed towards the end. Moxley is simply the best performer in North American wrestling right now. He's exactly what I was hoping he'd be in AEW. Finally, the Stadium Stampede. Holy ****. That was something else. Watched it a second time last night and there are so many hidden gags in the background. The minds of Kenny Omega and Matt Hardy working together on matches like these is an exciting prospect. Favourite moment? Kenny getting irish whipped into the backstage area like it was one of the old Smackdown games.
The Unknown Poster reacted to a post in a topic: Wrestling
I like how that one dork thinks this is some kind of scandal or will have any effect on anything moving forward. Anyway, good Dynamite last night. Scary bump by Sammy G off the golf cart, but one hell of a visual. The whole street fight was really fun. I have to assume Kenny put that together as it had a distinctly DDT feel to it.
The Unknown Poster reacted to a post in a topic: Wrestling
The talent cuts will save them about $703,000 per month, $4 million includes all expenses cut including expenses of moving into a new office. https://t.co/5AD9Eie1mc — Dave Meltzer (@davemeltzerWON) April 16, 2020 Vince could have paid all those guys for 50+ years out of the reserve. Shitty move to do this right now.
I hope it's defended each week. I think you can do some cool stuff with that. You can have an underdog win because the champ is worn out after wrestling 14 weeks straight or whatever. Or build someone up with an unexpected streak. I also hope they have the old WCW 15 minute time limit. Put it on a heel and have them keep it through a bunch of time limit draws. Lots you can do with a TV title.
The Unknown Poster reacted to a post in a topic: Wrestling
Really liked tonight's Dynamite. Brodie Lee as the Exalted One makes so much sense when you think about it. The Dark Order's whole deal has been recruiting people who feel unappreciated and forgotten. The exact kind of person people viewed Brodie Lee as Luke Harper. Debuting Hardy the same night was great and somewhat unexpected after he turned out not to be the Exalted One. Still figured he was coming eventually, just not later in the same episode. While I'm sure Hardy would have excelled with the Dark Order, he has more freedom without them.
Was just coming here to say the same thing. They're having some fun with it, which is good. Having MJF ringside being a loudmouthed smartass is a great idea.
That would be my assumption. The logistics of doing some sort of last minute touring are pretty much impossible.
well there are a bunch of last minute openings at MTS Centre.
The Unknown Poster reacted to a post in a topic: Wrestling
in MJF's case, it'll probably be after he's made a boatload of cash.
They're pushing it so hard that it's making me think it's all a distraction and it won't be Matt. And then I'll be surprised when it is Matt Hardy cuz I'm stoopid like that.
That was a great episode. The build to the PPV has been really good. Even though the whole card looks really good, Orange Cassidy vs PAC put it over the top for me. Really. There's an intrigue to that match that the others just don't have. Oh, and Kenny is a star. Anyone saying otherwise is just being obtuse.
DO NOT disparage Whattaburger in Texas. Holy geez. That was great to see. I agree on both accounts, Brit and MJF are getting great heel reactions. My favourite part is that they're booed right from the start. With Jericho, he'll get cheered, **** the crowd will sing his theme while he enters, but then they boo as soon as he starts trashing them. Still good, but man I love when the crowd gets heated right from the first note of the entrance song. Watched the last AEW Dark the other day. Sonny Kiss is in the running for most improved. He's been working with Dustin Rhodes a lot and it shows in his strikes. His match with Jimmy Havoc had some stiff looking shots from both guys. His timing is vastly improved as well. I think you'll start seeing Sonny on the main show before too long.