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Everything posted by ediger

  1. Not just Canadian depth but Canadian depth at skill positions. Any old idiot can load up a roster with a buncha fat guys from Weyburn.
  2. also consider that most of the "rookies" we're comparing him to are actually guys who were around on practice rosters or holding clipboards for a few seasons and had a familiarity with the Canadian game.
  3. None of the bad things I saw from Streveler last night were things that can't be fixed with some coaching/experience and it was far from all bad. He definitely earned game 2 with last night's play.
  4. The Bombers could do direct snaps every play for the first 5 weeks and still finish higher than the Riders. Their team is putrid this year.
  5. Honestly I think the only way Jericho has one last big match in Winnipeg is if he books it himself a la Cody/All In. He wouldn't have to cheapen his rate. Even if he takes a hit he could tell people "Hey, I was the promoter, I took a chance. Still costs $200 k to book me"
  6. 😣 Why you gotta crush me like that?
  7. Cody talking **** about Winnipeg wrestling fans at around the 6:40 mark. He's opening himself up for some good heckling if he ever comes back to town. I'd like to get front row seats just to ask him if we were supposed to be entertained by a Stardust vs. Big Show vs. Santino triple threat or whatever garbage he was booked in here.
  8. I'll never understand McMahon's dislike for managers. There's so many possibilities you are eliminating when you don't have them.
  9. The farting bit really should be it's own documentary.
  10. The farting bit really should be it's own documentary.
  11. If I recall correctly, the Superdome has a no re-entry policy so with a 7 hour event, I'm picturing a loooooot of empty seats for the pre-show.
  12. Definitely one of the most recognizable characters from that era. Count me amongst those who are surprised he's not in already.
  13. I could totally see the WWE doing a "Smoke & MIrrors Match" in a dark room with like a dozen mirrors and a fog machine.
  14. I hope they do a run of shows in the US sometime. I'd go to Chicago in a heartbeat.
  15. I did a decent amount of travelling in my early 20s to see all the bands I really wanted to see. Some horrible experiences along the way (anyone ever take a Greyhound to Nashville and back?) but in retrospect, I couldn't be happier that I actually did it. It was maybe the one period in my life where I had the time, some disposable cash, the freedom and the energy to do those sorts of trips. Even at 30, I don't think I could do something like the Bonnaroo festival where you're camping in Tennessee in the June humidity for 4 days with music blaring from all directions 24 hours a day. I mean, I saw a band play from 3:00 until 6:30 am at that festival and still caught the 10:00am Conan O'Brien show. I'd like to think I could still do it, but hell no.
  16. My brother went to that show. Apparently it was quite the atmosphere. Also went to Wisconsin to see Rage with Queens of the Stone Age at some outdoor amphitheatre they have just outside of Milwaukee. It was a super good show but it had rained for two weeks straight before the show, rained through the entire thing and the general admission area (which we were in) was a grass hill. And when I saw was, I mean prior to the rain. It was just a giant mud slide by the time we got there
  17. It was one of the most intense shows I've ever seen. They were definitely a bit rusty, some of the songs were a bit slower than they should have been, but it didn't really matter. The night before RATM played, the county sent in about 200 police officers in full riot gear to surround the campground. Didn't really do anything, they just kinda let everyone know they were there. Made for a slightly tense scenario. The day of Rage's performance, about 10,000 people flooded over the fences into the festival grounds where there were already about 75,000 people. Again, the cops had the place surrounded the entire time along with off-duty Marines working private security. Again, made for a pretty tense situation. It took about 5 seconds into their first song before people started lighting fires. Nothing too huge, there wasn't much around to burn I suppose. It wasn't a Woodstock '99 type of scene. Most of that might sound pretty unenjoyable but it kind of completes the whole Rage Against the Machine live experience. They played a really good selection of songs and generally seemed pretty pleased to be playing together again. Overall, happy I did it as a 20 year old.
  18. Lets see. I've met a number of musicians. Probably the most elusive being James Hetfield from Metallica. He was actually quite friendly. Aside from musicians, about 10 years ago I went to Coachella (I know, I know, but Rage Against The Machine was playing for the first time in like 8 years). That place is overflowing with celebrities. The most notable thing I saw was a shirtless Danny DeVito doing a Hulk Hogan posedown for a group of fans. That dude likes to party...
  19. kicks to the back are especially tricky/dangerous. The body doesn't have much give in that direction and you can cause whiplash pretty easily.
  20. Too bad there's nobody like that around, eh?
  21. I think it might require some bucks who are fairly young...
  22. This was super fun to read through. Every time I see someone on twitter talking about wanting to see a Kenny Omega vs AJ Styles match, I smile knowing that I saw that very match over 10 years ago. WFX was fun but it was pretty obvious from the start that it wasn't going to work. Also, Paul Diamond was raised in Winnipeg and moved back when his father was was terminally ill.
  23. He'll pop up at PCW shows from time to time. I haven't been to a CWE show in forever so I can't really speak to the quality of their roster, but TUP's put together a decent roster in PCW. Antonio Scorpio Jr, Jackie Lee, Scott Justice, Chad Tatum, Blaze N **** and Flex Appeal amongst others are all worth the price of admission.
  24. Thought WK12 was fantastic. The main events, especially. It's been a long time since I've seen someone at Jericho's age put up a performance like that. Yeah, there were some spots were his age showed but he was crafty enough to hide it for the most part. Great heel performance. Slapping around Red Shoes' kid? Good stuff. Yelling "KENNEEEEEYYY!!" as he beat Omega down in the corner? Maybe my favourite moment? Anyway, if people can't see why a large segment of wrestling fans prefer the current NJPW product over anything in North America, I think you're being obtuse. Of course not every match needs to be an hour. They aren't. The reason the long matches get such high ratings is because they are typically meaningful matches held between two of the top performers in the company. No **** you're going to get a good match. And those SHOULD be long matches. Who wants to see a 12 minute blow off match that you could fit into a segment on Smackdown?
  25. Jamie Stoddard would like to enter this conversation, please.
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