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Everything posted by ediger

  1. Jared freakin Leto. Can't believe he hasn't come up already. ****, I've heard first hand accounts from people I know about his creepy antics.
  2. It was a really fun show! Was going to come by and say hi but it looked like you were pretty busy at the time. I heard a number of people outside talking about how they came for exclusively for Kenny Omega but ended up really enjoying the whole thing. Hopefully they decide to start coming out on a regular basis. Kinda surprised the ring survived the opening match. That was a lot of beef in the ring!
  3. according to Randle, the mantra going around the locker room today was "the grass isn't always greener". Sounds like a lot of the guys genuinely want to stick together.
  4. So you didn't watch the game but you still feel the need to make an assessment?
  5. not unexpected from the leader of the "sky is falling" crowd. Sober up, then post dude.
  6. Owens told Zayn "wrong trunks" but Vince misheard it as "Young Bucks" and sent them home
  7. Yeah, I've never had a huge problem with it. I watch pro wrestling to be entertained. If a wrestler and non-wrestler can give me 5-10 minutes of entertainment in the ring, who am I to complain?
  8. Well I'll be there regardless. After all of Korba's complaining about non-wrestlers getting in the ring, I need to be able to critique his performance properly.
  9. Well holy crap. Kenny Omega vs Chris Jericho at WrestleKingdom. We'll finally find out who the King of Winnipeg is in front of 30,000 fans in Tokyo. @The Unknown Poster, no chance of you stealing their thunder and giving us that match on the 25th, eh?
  10. definitely should have been called a headshot. How many times have we seen incidental headshots called this year? And THAT one doesn't qualify? Don't know who I'm more pissed at. The refs for their inconsistency or Lefevour for having such a shitty arm that he's getting guys killed out there.
  11. Anyone go to the WWE show on Saturday? If so, how was the turn out?
  12. I enjoy their griping over that TD. It was very clearly in bounds. Suck it, losers.
  13. Will Jim Cornette be at ringside screaming at the camera "YOU ******* MILLENNIALS! DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE SEEING! LOOK AT THEM SELL!!! LOOK AT THAT WORKING PUNCH!!!"?
  14. Was going to tweet something along those lines but apparently he's blocked me
  15. #CFL to go to 21 week schedule in 2018#CFLPAhttps://t.co/5VfZZU8RIV pic.twitter.com/VLeTWTW2Lz — Justin Dunk (@JDunk12) September 13, 2017 Not sure I like this. As long as it's an extra week at the start and not the end.
  16. I don't even think it will require luck, just getting back to what they were doing before this week.
  17. just be thankful we don't have to hear about "Sticky" Stala anymore.
  18. Well yes it can, thank you, but considering it was a typed message that's sort of irrelevant, isn't it now? However, I get what you're trying to say and I stand by my earlier statement. I'm comfortable doing so as unlike a vast majority of Sask football fans, I'm familiar with the league's history prior to 2007.
  19. Papa Godfather as "The Soultaker" in Memphis. His tag partner in this match had a pretty decent career as well.
  20. "Call me when they're winning" - the motto of the Rider fan.
  21. This is definitely getting kicked while down. I'll refrain from including them in any of my slagging of the Ti-Cats for the short term. Especially because it seems like most Ti-Cats fans are disgusted by this move as well.
  22. Week 16... if this hunk of crap is still floating, week 16 would be a good time for "free D cell battery giveaway day"
  23. Agreed. Chickenshit response. EDIT: AND WOW! Follow the thread. He keeps on going...
  24. Dammit! I was looking at that Betty White game...
  25. while regina (that's right, regina, I save capitalization for real cities like Tuscaloosa) may qualify as hell, a hot plate does not qualify as a kitchen, if ya catch my drift.
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