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Everything posted by bb1

  1. Yup, the Ref should be up for a hearing too...Interference? And how do you miss that brutal from behind hit from Reaves? Player safety huh?
  2. Wish we would of picked him up, they got him for a 4th rounder, i don't understand Chevy he has played the game,intimidation is still part of Pro hockey. Wish we had a couple of nasty,dirty players on our team....
  3. Winnipeg boy ( Glass) ties it in the shootout then the Preds steal it wow..Saros just robbed em. Looking good for the Jets.😊
  4. We are tied with FLA at 78.7 %( money pucks) chance to make it into the playoffs. Ahh the irony.🙃
  5. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2b/e4/a5/2be4a51d24a1e1a0bf17d04a4208328b.jpg
  6. Kelly... i am on a **** contract that is not a **** contract. Gotta admire his honesty.🤐
  7. Check out this hit by Beckett...around the 38 sec mark. Could be a gooder this one. 😊
  8. I wonder if losing Perfetti has hurt Wheeler and the Jets more than we think? Last year we took a bigger nose dive when he got hurt too...but we still should be playing better than this...sad.
  9. Finally removed scheif off center responsibility so that should help, Don't like Wheeler on second line should be Ned or Baron or even Mel at least they hit. Love what Wheels has done for us in the past but he has lost a step and is no where near the player he used to be.
  10. We get in,Helle can steal any first round series....but we can only ride that horse so long.
  11. Good points,i would add immigration has affected the CFL as well when you look at the popularity of Soccer here in Canada now. No slag intended just that Soccer is THE sport outside of North America.
  12. You never know maybe 55 is hurt but then why would Bowness say he needs alot more out of his top players? And then why play him 20 min? Doesn't fit, Schiefele has done this in the past so the pattern is there unfortunately. Only 55 knows why he is playing like crap...
  13. And like i said he ain't scoring now and is basically floating out there doing jack squat....
  14. Here is a CFL problem i can turn on my TV and watch crappy XFL games on regular cable but Most CFL games i have to get TSN 1-5 to watch? Sad.
  15. O goals in the last what 10 and looks totally disinterested....something has to give. I know Lowry is limited offensively but he hits and is tough to play against. Scheifele right now is killing us on both sides of the rink.
  16. Knock Schiefele down to the third line play Lowry and PLD a ton...take Schiefele off the PP1, time to shake this guy up,he ain't scoring and he doesn't hit...or play well defensively. Why is he still getting 20 min a game and PP 1?
  17. Right now our league leadership is killing us, we need to get a person with marketing skills for today. Need an app and more innovation. Any chance Wade Miller would interested in taking over league leadership?
  18. Yeah that and Dubois showing up at the NHL draft in Montreal. it may be conjecture, but where there is smoke ...we will see in the offseason i guess.
  19. Maybe, if Chevy knew any of this before he traded for him....ugh.
  20. Yeah but the fact that it was released that Montreal is the only place he wants to play has definitely screwed us. Normally at least we would have a few teams to trade him to.
  21. Some good points, but why would Montreal give up anything for a player they will get for free the next year? Dubois has really screwed us if he doesn't sign long term.
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