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Everything posted by bb1

  1. He ain't gonna pull himself unfortunately.
  2. Um no cause its about brohm and mos is his coach see?
  3. No your right I blame mos can't blame a player when he doesn't have what it takes.
  4. To be competitive at home....
  5. Marve can at least move around give our defense a rest. Mos nope I'm sticking with broom well he may be following broom out the door.
  6. Team was watching the putrid offense and gave up how can you go to war with a blind leader?
  7. All the great coaches know talent when the see it Mos has had over a year with this guy. Can't blame mb this falls on the hc.
  8. Reason y no other cfl team was interested in broom. Another testament to Mos lack of spotting talent I'm afraid.
  9. Anyone catch the end of the game where Rod Black states that the Riders gotta stop the Bombers or its the game,then we take a knee
  10. Also we did hold em to 3 points from middle of the third to the end of the game. A bend don't break defense no? Gotta trust that a DC that has won a cup might know a little bit more of what needs to be fixed rather than posters around here. Let's chill give him a little time say second game then we fire his a$$.
  11. Reilly was strictly bad luck Def lineman was pushed and hit him low.
  12. We have new lbs and a lot of changes on the d perhaps we should give Hall a little more slack? Oh yeah and we won
  13. Well, that would be real stupid, on their part....Marve has been the only guy who even appears to be able to accomplish anything, when Willy goes out....... Yeah but they seem to like Brohm for some reason (did jack in this last game) and left all the backups in for Marve who still showed more in 6 min than all the other qbs combined but that doesn't seem to matter he may still be gone.We will see.
  14. You could be potentially be throwing out all our gains in the off season on the oline with this move.Unless we get a solid Cdn starter in return this would be a huge gamble and finger crossing for unproven young players and rookies.
  15. They only thing I wonder is that we could of had Durant and Richards which with our "Cdn rec lacking 'star' power would of made sense. Also Calgary grabbed Durant so that scares me.
  16. Makes sense to me as well.We will still get a good OL prospect at 11 but Demski in my mind will be long gone.
  17. So did we settle that the new commish is small or large c or l? The off season can do strange things to football discussions around here.
  18. Agreed. I do think he has a shot at being number one despite that though for the following reasons. I think that he is a bit of a project player with HUGE upside. He would fit in Ottawa perfectly as the y continue to build. Ottawa can be patient with him, while providing him plenty of opportunities to play while he is being developed. Not sure they pass up on his potential upside. He just seems too good a fit for them. They have plumbers and journeymen already in Ottawa, they need an infusion of raw talent. I very much agree that the combine will paint a clearer picture though and that a lot of the talk about him is pure speculation sprinkled with some homerism right now.
  19. Disappointed in how that game ended , they moved down the field getting the ball away quick then Dobie takes a timeout and then Yantz holds on the ball gets rushed and sacked. Why give the defense time to regroup when you had them on their heels? Weird call Imo.
  20. Its on SRC too if your lucky like me and cant get 360.
  21. Can't find the stats from that game but pretty sure he had more than 1 catch. They were double and triple covering him from what I could see and I remember him making a big catch to extend a drive.
  22. Your post makes no sense. How do you get 7 good NI starters if you don't take the best player available (with consideration to availability around the NFL factored in)? Having a bunch of OL who might be ready to play in 2-3 years won't help us. Gotta draft and develop those mid-round guys into being players. How many 1st round picks on Calgary's OL or Saskatchewan's? We desperately need players who can play now regardless of position. Draft 1 OL with the first overall and pencil him in as a 2nd year starter. Draft 1 OL later in the draft and HOPE he will eventually turn into something down the line. Use the mid-rounds to bolster the rest of the NI roster. Gotta use your top picks to upgrade where you need to and for the Bombers, that's O lineman. If the OL players in the Draft are weak in general does your one way to Draft to success still work? The reason we have been weak is because of a lack of elite Cdns not just Cdn oline men.
  23. Terry, I can't believe that you would even have to explain this concept on a football site? I'd really like to hear why the majority doesn't agree, it should provide entertainment until training camp. Add me to that list, good thing we have Tburg here to explain the nuances of the game to the rest of us btw what's an oline again?
  24. Your dealing with a player that is arguably the most dynamic player in CIS Imo he is the best player out there and homegrown to boot when did we make that mistake in the past?
  25. I don't see how we skip past Demski if he's there when we Draft, I know we need oline help but this guy is a beast and dynamic as well...Imo we have to grab this guy if we get the chance
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