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Everything posted by bb1

  1. Hey MB got anything besides a run up the gut on first down? Made the game closer than it should of been Imo. Hope we look hard a replacing MB as well.
  2. Yeah if MPI really wanted to promote safer winter driving I think they would hand out a discount if you buy winter tires no?
  3. Agree 100% I compare this team to last year's Edm team.We need a little more time to build our line and fill out the roster. Losing Moore really has hurt our off as well.
  4. Campell should be gone after that showing imo.
  5. Pathetic. Do the Riders have a horse shoe up their A$$e5?
  6. Pathetic. Do the Riders have a horse shoe up their A$$e5?
  7. Campell playin not to lose,hows that workin? Holy crap does anyone want to win this game in OT?
  8. Joey Elliot the guy who made a pylon look fast? Who once stated he played well but his teammates needed to pick it up? Yep terrific pick up for the Red Blacks they could score 7 in a game now.
  9. Im not paid to make these decisions like some posters here are but my hindsight now is working too. I think MOS is the best coach we have had here in a long long time and thankfully has the guts to do what he thinks is best at the time. Good enough reason for me.
  10. That's what happens to teams on the back half of a short week. They just don't have enough in the tank. Yep the Bombers didn't use it as an excuse but if it doesn't make a difference why not do it more often? Wonder why we didn't start the year earlier rather than screwing around with the schedule and looking a little like a bush league?
  11. Suber was hurt in preseason no? So that's a move because of injury, most moves have been made because of injury. Other than that no one has really come off the roster. It is far too premature to go about making claims like "if you don't perform MOS doesn't let you play" If anything he is showing remarkable patience with players. Suber been healthy for awhile and there was rumblings he should dress last game. MOS has stated since he got here it all about win-losses. You telling me he will put up with under-performing players because?
  12. Mos has not had to make many changes because we are sitting at 5-2 but the oline comes to mind and sitting vets like Suber tells me MOS plays who he thinks is the best.
  13. What changes has MOS made to the lineup for performance reasons this season?
  14. If we have learned anthing about MOS Is that if your not producing your not playing so ill leave that decision to the best coach we have had since Ritchie.
  15. Fans have eyes, We saw Cotton and Grigsby both in preseason and one of them was better, but he got hurt. Then Grigsby had a good start to the year and they can't justify taking him out. O'Shea is never going to say anything negative in the press about a player, we just have to hope that they'll make the change because we can't keep using a back who goes down as easy as Grigsby.
  16. Btw how did Ford look behind the best oline in the CFL? Lets give Sask dline some credit here. When MOS says he is happy with Grigsby well thats good enough for me. Man i swear some fans are never happy.
  17. Game is on now! No commercials too lol!
  18. Oh calm yer titties... I'm sure Walters will grab one or two more nats from the cuts and frankly even if we don't, we are not any worse off then Edmonton or Ottawa right now.. Hmmmm calm your titties ??? I think its late ,,,,,,,,,,
  19. Thnks will look into it.
  20. Its a joke, i emailed them doubt it will do much. I guess if your not with Bell your outta luck.
  21. All last year we could watch replays of all CFL games on their Website which was great for people like me who work evenings. This year now it has to go through your tv service again! We already pay for your damn station through our cable bill now what more revenue again to watch game replays? They also say hey great contact your own tv service and then you might get this TSN Go which was free last year whoop we really are getting great service here! So if your with Shaw your sol. Man do these companies never learn? Guess im back to the old vcr @@!! Thnks TSN. End Rant here
  22. Like Austin did last year cleaning house we just gotta hope that there is a plan and they are stickin to it.
  23. We cant pick based on need thats a recipe for disaster imo. Has to be the best player available or we trade down. We pick Goossen second and he is rated 9? Wasnt that what Mack took heat for doing?
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