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Fatty Liver

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Everything posted by Fatty Liver

  1. They used to, back in the Sweryn Mervyn days. As someone already said, if Winnipeg can get out 34K then BC should be able to get at least that or more to their games. It's kind of pathetic when 25,000 people show up to watch a game in a facility that almost every other city in North America would die for. It really speaks to the future of the CFL that they're losing the marketing/brainwashing battle to the NFL and that globalism is sweeping Canadian culture into the dustbin of history. Take notice of how every "Mom and Pop" restaurant, motel, whatever is being swept away by a "brand name" replacement. Never thought I'd see the day when Canadians would embrace Budweiser beer as their beer of choice when we produce so many superior beers, but sad to say those days are here.
  2. Sears is more valuable than Unamba. If they can manage the ratio Sherman can go back to back-up until Sears next injury.
  3. I don't think the CFL had much to do with where Vancouver decided to build BC Place. Can't see why they can't move it, all they need is a few farmers with big tractors to haul the thing out to Langley or Maple Ridge!
  4. I would think quite a few. BC president failed to tell everyone to read the fine print. The seats will likely be freebies in the rafters that are never full anyway. having sat up there many times I can say they are still darn good seats. It's a beautiful stadium. Its too bad the hipster-douchebags in Vancouver can't fill it. If the CFL would only realize hipster-douchebags are not their target market they would stop trying to appeal to them and build stadiums on the outskirts. Their target market should be suburban-lawncutting-mojoes and freakin-farmers-from-yonder-fields.
  5. They might want to reconsider that strategy if the Bombers finish the season at .500. Hopefully this is Walters decision to make.
  6. I suspect the ORBs will make Dressler a ridiculous offer he can't refuse and they may go after Matthews as well once he is cut.
  7. Why wouldn't he be trying to bring in Greg Carr, Doug Pierce and/or Priche Rodriguez from the Arena league, or contacting Joe Mack to track down some young receiver talent from the States? TJ Harris, Kurt Adams, and Jade Etienne are still available too. I suspect the ORBs will make Dressler a ridiculous offer he can't refuse and they may go after Matthews as well once he is cut.
  8. Except their marketing geniuses probably posted them in corn fields south of Glenboro.
  9. They just need to make the schedule a little more carefully. The West has been beating the crap out of the East for years now. The league was always able to schedule East vs. East enough times during the first part of the season that no one really paid attention to how big the variance in divisions were. This year the schedule did not hide the CFL's dirty little secret. Agreed. I think the schedule makers put too much thought into setting it up for rivals to clash late in the season, next year I hope the geniuses leave it to a computer program to find a better balance.
  10. Line Dressler up as the new Bomber safety and Durant will throw to him every time.
  11. It seems to me in the last 3 games the BB have not blitzed as much as they did earlier in the year. They had great success in the BC win and after that they seem to have curtailed blitzing quite a bit. If they plan to rely more on straight 4 man rushes than Hall would be a great addition.
  12. Didn't see much of the game, did Messam play?
  13. Ottawa fans are already starting to turn on the team, I dreaded this would happen....again.
  14. Hall would make these guys so much better by drawing away resources. It would also allow the BB to rely less on blitz packages when playing against reasonably skilled QB's that can exploit blitzes.
  15. I see Cornish is back. Too bad the BB couldn't have a crack at the Stamps without him.
  16. This is true, it would be nice to work more rotation into the D-line to keep them fresh and if none of the Bomber draft picks comeback from the NFL this would be a good role for Hall. It seems both Anderson and Vega have been quite banged up this year.
  17. I thought I saw some glimpses of fire in Grigsby in the 4th Q. and re-watching the highlights on CFL.ca confirms that he actually did break some tackles. As for Cotton he has yet to reach the open field this season so he has been unable to demonstrate where his real talent lies. Still hoping to see a lot more of the 2 RB set in the games to come.
  18. Doubt the RR would invest any more in their D-Line at this time so Bombers may have a shot but there are certainly other teams that will be interested as well so we'll see. Hall is not "plug and play" like the other members of the Bombers D-line so Etch may not have an interest in him.
  19. I see real parallels between Ricky Ray and Kevin Glenn although I'm not necessarily comparing their talent levels. They both bring a lot of offensive weaponry to the table and can be great game managers but they more than most QB's are dependent on their teammates proficiency to bring their talents to the fore. If the offensive line is not providing protection or the receivers are not running good routes or dropping balls both Glenn and Ray can look completely ordinary but when their offenses as a whole are functioning proficiently they are extremely hard to outscore.
  20. This is exactly what you want in a QB, doesn't get frustrated or down, even keel all the way even when things are going badly. I've seen Willy become frazzled a few times recently so he's got a ways to go before he can become the automaton that Ray is.
  21. According to Doug Brown the fundamentals of football dictate that the first guys job is always to wrap up or contain the ball carrier and the second and third tacklers go for the ball.
  22. I just can't figure this out. Here we have a guy that is leading the league and a 4.7 yd average but many are still not satisfied. I must be missing something obviously. Of course our Oline has nothing to do with this. Why is it that Willy is also ineffective at the same time? Might it be the line is not protecting Willy just like it is not opening holes. Holy jeebus, it just dawned on me. Willy probably contracted a dose of Durant's "useless w.o. a great RB disease" before he came over to the Bombers. The medical staff should have picked that up prior to T.C. Luckily it's a mild dose and it can probably be treated with a moderate prescription of penicillin.
  23. The biggest change in the Esks I can see is Jones & coaching staff ... not sure what all has changed personnel wise ... its been quite a turn around and I don't understand why As we discovered with the Bombers a lot of the pieces were already in place, sometimes it's just a matter of a few key players and coaches to turn a team of losers into winners.
  24. I think this nails it. When the Bomber scouts were searching the backwoods of America for a RB I think they went shopping in all the wrong stores. Considering their O-line woes they should have been looking for bruisers instead of ballerinas. The talents needed to succeed in this offensive scheme have to be grit, heart and determination over break away speed and open field running. In theory the second is more pleasant to think about but it neglects the fact that first of all football is a tough physical game. Grigsby runs beautifully, just like his TSN promo piece showed us but that only happens when he is running in a straight line and there is no one around to lay a hand on him.
  25. Being a rookie H.C. I think O'Shea has to learn to coach conservatively and patiently and wait for breaks to happen instead of tempting fate by taking unnecessary risks. If either one of those punts from the end-zone or the fake punt play to Sherman ends up in a TD for the Als it would be deemed a needless risk to take in a tight game that could go either way. IMO you don't worry about giving up 2 pt. safeties in the first half if it is the smart play to make. I'm wary of O'Shea coaching like he has a potent offence that can get the Bombers back into games, because at this point he doesn't and I hope he's aware of that. The BB seem to have the ability to squeak out victories but recently the offence has not shown the ability to light it up on demand and a 14 pt. deficit may well be lights out for them. It might work against weaker opponents but If he continues to take chances in the second half of the season some of the Western rivals could put the Bombers down on the canvas by capitalizing on his needless gambles.
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