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Fatty Liver

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Everything posted by Fatty Liver

  1. I don't see the connection between returning punts and kickoffs and playing RB, totally different skill sets and running situations. Stoudermire is probably better suited to playing receiver if he can run good patterns but no .evidence yet that he can catch the ball as well as the 3 Intls. currently in those positions.
  2. But the western teams are going to play against each other more often in the last half of the season, they won't all stay at lopsided win/loss records like that, something has to give. We got 2 games against the Riders, 2 against the Stamps, 1 against the Esks and I guess 1 against the Lions... make those count. If they can't beat their divisional rivals then you don't deserve to make the playoffs. Win some of those games you'll get in simple as that. True enough, the Bombers played a good game to upset the Lions so hopefully they can rise to the occasion against other Western teams. The two upcoming games against the Riders will be critical to the Bombers chances and if the Lions can kick the Riders next week in BC Place that would be beautiful. I'll happily concede the Stamps first place if they can sweep EE in all 3 games this year and I'll award BC second if they can split their remaining games with both the RR and EE..
  3. I'm feeling less hopeful about the Bombers playoff chances as BC is now kicking it into a higher gear. Even securing that 4th cross over position is going to be a major challenge. If the Bombers can't make hay against EE and the RR in their remaining games they're going to end up bottom shelf in the West. Let's hope for some key injuries to opposing QB's so they have a chance to up end the apple cart.
  4. Desjardins ran the Ti Cats into the ground overspending on Casey Printers. They could have used the money saved with having Glenn on other positions. As Dee & others are saying what's the point of spending $450,000 on a 40 yr old qb who has little if anything to throw to??? As stated by others, by the time the redblacks have these weapons Hank will be retired. Glenn would have given them stability & consistency at qb at about a quarter to half the price they're paying Hank now. Glenn may have not put up superstar numbers but the money saved could have been spent elsewhere & would have made the team better than they are now with Hank starting. Look for Rick Campbell to be Marcel's first sacrificial lamb before he gets the boot himself in a couple of years. What was the worst that happens with Glenn as the qb? They have a shitty record? Same as now? Desjardins with the silly notion that all you need is a big money qb. The coach that looks even more foolish is Austin for letting Henry go.
  5. Just realized almost half the season is gone and I believe the only team that has suffered injury to their QB's is Hamilton. They've lost Collaros and now it looks like Lefevour is going to be out for awhile. Last season the only QB to stay healthy throughout the season was Burris, and yet I believe sack numbers are way up this year over last years numbers. Is it possible that the stricter calling of the R.T.P. penalties and less tolerance of any QB abuses are having a positive influence in protecting the QB's?
  6. Thought for a moment you were referring to Durant with that description. Got to laugh that Sask. fans want to hoist this guy as the league's number one QB. More like number seven, 3 inches in front of Brink.
  7. You really think Sask would have given them a kick that was returnable? That would have just wasted time. Well, you can only kick it so many places like that. Yeah they could try a squibber, but those can backfire bad on you. Kick it out of bounds and you're setting the team up with a better hail mary shot A kick that bounces a couple times to the returner gives the cover team a couple extra seconds to get down field, zero chance of a return. The kicker doesn't even have to place it well. He'd have to make a catastrophic mistake to make it worth the risk for the Als to run time off with 12 seconds left. Hope the Bombers are ready for the Als D. next week, they could provide major headaches.
  8. Hamilton is looking competitive with the best team in the West, no longer a free spot on the bingo card.
  9. No guarantee they go back to the Riders. But I think the Riders only have enough money within the salary cap to sign one not both. If so, I'd take Dressler & let Sheets go to whoever he chooses. Maybe Winnipeg? No worries, the Riders will happily ignore the salary cap than justify doing so.
  10. All feeds were terrible on Tuesday so I didn't get to watch live action, it was more like a slide show. These replays are life blood for me and I really appreciate the effort you're putting in. Saving every one to watch in the off-season.
  11. My main complaint with Marcel is that he doesn't utilize Cotton enough, but things are improving, now he occasionally lets him on the playing field.
  12. That's one line I never really expected to read on this forum, ha... Pretty sure you're not supposed to say that, especially if you're a moderator!
  13. Probably because of Moore,Denmark and Kelly out playing them.. Got a question for you tho here, Name 3 receivers this year throughout the league who you would consider to be "legit rookies". Bet you can't do it, There aren't many.. That's what some need to redneckonize... Seriously just 3, but if you do name those 3, you have to explain why they are such superstars and if they are better than Denmark Kelly and Moore and what makes them better than those 3 i mentioned who are our starters. You do realize Romby is just depth right... Whats the issue there? Cuz he had a bad game where you think a fumble cost us oh so dearly? LOL, would you have changed your mind about him a bit if Howard didn't get the penalty cuz guess what, that was Bryant who scored that TD that didn't count. Did you just invent a word? Mind if I use it?
  14. Game two agreed as he dropped a couple of passes but in game one he looked good and he was the "go to guy" on Marve's big TD drives that impressed one and all.
  15. Cold consolation but I don't think Ricky Ray was going to be beat last week no matter how well the Bombers played. It was just one of those golden days for the best QB in the league.
  16. So what's the problem? BTW nothing else in your comment registered.
  17. Agreed. His insight into the game is refreshing as he actually knows what he's talking about.
  18. That's what I've been saying. Our running game (or lack thereof) has absolutely nothing to do with Grigsby. Cotton does no better. It's the entire scheme, and the personal of the Oline (who get manhandled regularly at the LOS) that is our Achilles heel, not the running back. We could have better, yes. But better won't solve the problem. Just because Cotton does no better in the very few chances he gets, does not mean he isn't the better RB. there's plenty of evidence other than getting stuffed in the backfield as to why Grigsby just isn't good enough. His play in the open field being one of them. Another is how easy he is to bring down. and there's plenty more I fear Marcel is playing favourites again re:Boltus. Even when Cotton is on the field they don't use him, he's just a distraction for the "Great Grigsby". Doug Brown actually said that the Bombers are relying too much on Grigsby and opposing teams are on to it.
  19. If the PI that was called last night after Mil through the challenge flag, then it should have been called against Kelly. I was thinking at the time, and I think others said the same, that OSH should have tossed the challenge flag for that one. The ref's need to be more consistent. I couldn't believe he didn't throw it for that play. From here on out if I'm a hc and there's an incomplete pass downfield with any sort of contact I'm throwing the flag. Might as well. You know this utter non-sense is going to come to an end by next season. If that's the standard for calling P.I. on that play than it means that a DB has to defend against the pass without touching the receiver at all. Virtually impossible.
  20. Give credit where credit is due, Ray and the Argos played well.
  21. Don't know if it was my PC or what but did that broadcast lose connection 47 times?
  22. I'll be stunned, shocked and pissed if the BB don't come up with a much improved running game against the Argos. Hope Marcel had his thinking cap on this week.
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