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Everything posted by camper_2

  1. Todays comment that I posted was/is based on current repeat comment(s) by others, other than yourself. I don't come on here looking for what has "Mike" posted, but since you have provided feedback, I will respond. Based on what you provide to this site, I know that you know your football and you do help others understand the game of football with your feedback, as well.. As mentioned, I don't often post, as its not worth getting into crap with others, including you. I do have different opinions at times and there are views by some that are very much this way and no other way, which is fine. Mike, with you it goes back to your view on mock CFL drafts and mock CFL drafts that others come up with. I'm all for the mocks as they are presented leading up to the draft starting with Hodge (6 to 8 weeks prior). I put a lot of time into the prospects for the upcoming year, starting with the East/West Bowl that has been played with next years crop of prospects already, which you know. Late Sept. I start gathering more info on these prospects focusing more on the ones that are in the Cdn schools. Its my time in front of the puter and honestly I do put some time into it!!!! I've been doing this since I retired. Now stuff that ticks me, is when someone posts a mock 18 hours (give or take a hour or two) prior to draft day and then boosts at as to how accurate that mock is. In my view, its like getting a cheat sheet hours before the final exam, sorry don't put much stock into that type of mock. I do look at different mocks CFL, NHL or NFL to a lesser degree, wow talk about different projections or predictions. Please look at Cap Friendly and see all the mock drafts for the upcoming NHL draft. In conclusion, I will continue to limit my visits/views and nothing against you. I'm fine with expressing an opinion, but my goodness, reading or hearing the same comment or complain day after day is a bit much. Its no longer a debate, its plain "over the top", was my point, besides siding with a poster.
  2. Agree with your comment(s). I limit my time on this site, as its the same stuff over/over by those in the know and seconded by those that are the followers. In conclusion, voodoochylde, I voiced my concern back in Mar, got into a back/front with a couple posters on here which wasn't worth my time or theirs... This group/site is what is.
  3. Was pre-season... Did you listen to the color guy from Sask, now that was pre-season mode at its finest.. I don't believe he is a rookie, but very green.
  4. he is also a snapper as well..
  5. Do remember #75, Ogbevoen, during the Sunday drills. They had him working middle LB. These two will get there shot on teams. I spent time watching the O-Line guys and also in particular the talked about 3 D-Line guys. Edmonton got a good one with their first pick.
  6. Both were here in Wpg @ the combine in Mar. Prospect # Pos Height Weigh Bench 40 Ver Broad 3-cone Shuttle WEITZ, Fabian 76 LB Cologne Centurions (ELF) 5' 10 7/8" 228 17 4.77 32 9' 3 5/8" 7.07 4.59 OGBEVOEN, Lucky 75 LB Raiders Tirol (ELF) 6' 2 3/8" 233 10 4.96 32 9' 5 1/4" 7.33 4.58
  7. Agree with your last comment, but if the D-Line prospect from Saskatoon is available at 8 I'd be picking him ahead of Brubacher (I hear all the upside stuff and getting him would be great as well, but how long is he here before he explores NFL). Rec & Ol at 17 and 20, either way should get us a couple value prospects.
  8. My take for the Bombers: 8. Okpoke 17. Mueller 20. Duncan-Busby 28. Hladiuk 37 Berta 40. Muembi 46. D-Line (Tackle) 55. D.B. (Teams) 64. D-Line (Edge/Teams) 73. L.B. (Teams)
  9. Hey, Bluedawg... nice mock. The two o-linemen from BC will get drafted and spend some time in the States, Theo probably longer than Gio in my opinion.
  10. Must of hit a nerve, insults & name calling. It is what it is!!!!
  11. Totally agree with you Pete... I limit my visits and comments on this site as there are a few in here who wish to control the board with their views, roll their eyes at others and feel their feedback only matters. What collection of individuals.
  12. Again, your only looking at your point of view, which you should and can. But, from my point I look at the prospects listed, not where they will fall in draft order, but who they are and how they would be of value to the Bombers position wise, player wise or a "fit". As I mentioned yesterday, over the past years I do start looking at prospects in Nov including time leading up to the draft (who are they, what are their strengths or weakness, their numbers, etc). There is no one, who is going to get it bang on, from #1 to #72 and I'm not looking for that either. As far as your comments which I read, I will pat you on the back, well done!! As far as yesterday's mock, I don't agree with some of Hodge's suggestions for the Bombers and leave it at that. And if you ask the question, do I have a mock for the Bombers, I say, yes (starting with position need and then player choices for those needs). But very much different to what you saw yesterday on 3 Down. In closing, I do see value in what Hodge's and others provide in their mocks, it means something to me. To you perhaps not so much, besides those that side with you. I also believe there are others, besides me who like these mocks. Maybe there is a split here, right down the middle.
  13. I like your comments and agree. Mocks are mocks and in my case I further use them to get myself familiar with the prospects who are available for the year. I do research the current crop of prospects starting in Nov of each year and use the mock(s) as a guide and look to see if I'm way out. In some cases don't agree with the positions/players the Bombers would select as proposed, but still do find/use it as a tool for my purposes. I enjoyed reading/looking at these mocks. Good on the guys who do them!!!! But, there are a few of the self pro-claimed experts in here and a few others that will band together if self pro-claimed experts are challenged in here. They love to shoot this/these mock(s) down as was the case last year as well. I actually would like to see their mock draft(s) as I asked one of them to provide.
  14. Also last years draft pic Max Charbonneau who was at camp, went back to U of Ottawa attained OUA first team linebacker all star status, as well as second team special teams would/should be a teams prospect. Secondly, Jared Beeksma linebacker, 2022 5th round pick by Hamilton, has a special teams background (snapper) has been in the Bomber camp since last summer. The Bombers have in house talent available, I believe.
  15. Someone call Farhan, he's got the info.
  16. The 48 hour window is here (Bomber player/Walters conversation), those who want to re-sign should be done anything time (Gray), those that don't will be free on Feb 13th at 11am our time...
  17. Edge guys in Okpoko, Hergott & Brubacher could draw some interest.
  18. It's called bargaining and see who breaks... Agents motive is to fill their pockets/ satisfy client's interest, care little about the fanbase.
  19. I hope the Bombers have been contacted JK, now that Jeffcoat is exploring other options contacting*
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