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Stickem last won the day on May 4 2019

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  1. Have you ever heard of the term 'permanent fixture'....then look up Fat boi.....they are synomonous
  2. Very Heartfelt goodbye from Alexander and I hope he's successful in his future endeavours....Solid DB and we're most likely going to miss him....He could really bring it especially in the middle days of his career with the bluengold...So long Brandon
  3. I think Bud stole a line from W.C. Fields referring to Philadelphia...The difference is that Bud liked kids unlike Fields who said he couldn't stand either..lol....Best thing that ever happened to the Bombers is when Grant became head coach....Will OSH prove me wrong ?? Jury is out
  4. They're overloaded at the position....wouldn't hurt to kick his tires though
  5. One of the best centre's we've ever dressed ....Doesnt take a bonk on the head to realize that ....Kolo has a long way to go to fit in his class
  6. That would only happen in saskabush....lol......land of the toothless and living dead
  7. Apparently Adarius was having a problem seeing the ball when he was with us....Had his eyes checked out when he he went to Edm and started catching the ball....a lot..He must have went partially blind again after a couple of good years, because he reverted back to his old ways and started dropping the ball again and disappeared
  8. According to turd down , Lucky has called it quits and retired....Not a surprise after disappearing last year ...on returns and his general contribution ...He most likely wouln't have survived tc at any rate
  9. I, along with many others in bomberland will be watching closely...I have a bad feeling, after seeing so many departures in free agency, and seeing what has been brought on board...Certainly we have picked up some talent BUT will it be enough to perpetuate the winning ways we have been accustomed to....Sure hope so.... the jury is out
  10. ....risky move considering his injury propensity....they may have to keep tabs on the Redblacks '12 qb stable' real close....as a just in case he comes up lame .......so is Sean Mcewan still available considering Dobson has officially flown the coop
  11. .....so Lawler is going to be our big fa move..... ...see Sukh Chung is not being brought back by the leo's .....could we....should we???
  12. The last sentence capsules it quite nicely....We know Streve has taken a lot of shots doing just that....IF we're going to run him, give him something where he can demonstrate his abilities better and bulling between the tackles ain't it....
  13. .....I'm sure he has a mittful of fa's BUT he has first hand knowledge of our guys .....knows we have a lot of quality players in the lineup, and is accomplishing two things.....making his new club better (in some instances) and weakening a very good opponent ....You'd think there would be 'some' loyalty toward his old club ...Unfortunately I think loyalty in professional sports no longer exists IF it ever did
  14. I think Streve was hurt early in the year and a lot more than he let on...Using him as a battering ram was most likely the cause of his downturn ....Used correctly he should regain his form as a bonafide qb....Bring in a potential with upside as the third stringer and forget the nonsense of a Masoli who has brittle pins ...There's a reason Ottawa and Ham moved on from the guy
  15. Pre fa deals coming apart already...Tre Roberson deal with Ottawa has been scrubbed and I wonder how many others will do the same...Maybeeee the Lawler deal with Ham might meet the same fate........????we shall see
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