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Everything posted by wookie

  1. does not look too bad for sat, maybe 6-7 , but the wind is going to be only 10-15 k so not a bad afternoon for football
  2. mayo is on the pr all ready
  3. i think we signed one
  4. Tennant is instead of warden, i am guessing that waggoner or jones would play safety is loffer got hurt
  5. did he play any preseason games this year with the colts
  6. so who is taking first team reps today in place of smith, anyone know
  7. just traffic in tor, if u go enjoy the game, looks like a neat place to watch a game
  8. Bond and adams will be the odd men out on thurs
  9. i think the bus parking lot which they are starting now was to be built at the same time as the stadium, but not sure why it was not bulit then
  10. u can go out kings drive, never has been blocked going out, u just can not enter thru there, best way out
  11. if u look at the last 6 to Stanley cup winners, they have all one thing in common, they all picked very high in the draft, chi and la come to mind u need a top 1-3 pick otherwise u will be a middle of the pack team and get no where, u need that it factor , mc david will do that down teh rd for edm, time will tell
  12. any news on what Henc is doing, has he signed down south as of yet
  13. i am guessing they will if he signed with the steelers, not sure when they released him
  14. i just saw that, great idea to play on a sat instead of a sunday
  15. yes, as far as i know , both teams on the same side, like old stadium in ham, plus was that not the case at the sky dome as well
  16. what are we paying hurl, does nay one know, 175ish
  17. we have 4 cdn o lineman, i bet we draft at least one maybe two ,plus i bet they have signed or will sign a cis non drafted player how many cdn o line man did we have at camp last year, did we have 6 or 7, as for import o line man, they will come , i bet we have 5-6 at training camp
  18. andrew harris is not being offered a contract by the lions
  19. kyle walter is very easy to talk to ,had a few conversation with him, and very opened and honest about things
  20. i think he also said that he would be back doing one next fri feb 5 again to update us on the bomber free agents good signing today
  21. u are saying wpg is the only team to over pay, i am guessing u mean in 2016, because the riders were the team in 2015 if i am not mistaken we are the only team to offer hot food before and after practice in the cfl, cal offered Cereal and milk and hamburgers and hotdogs, not even close to what the bomber players get now
  22. thanks , i never saw any thing on the signing,
  23. does any body know when we signed Quincy McDuffie , i see him on the roster did he not play for ham before
  24. no to chick , he is 33 ish, he did not look too good last year, but at the right price, maybe
  25. most of those trades the teams knew that the players were coming back to the cfl or had a good chance to come back we do not know that about these two, if they do come back, it will be good for wpg
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