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Nasty Nate

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Everything posted by Nasty Nate

  1. Management in places like Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg and Toronto are just selling hope, thats all. Toronto will never go below capacity until there's 3 NHL teams in proximity. (ie. which is never). Edmonton has a turkey-head owner, Calgary has stable ownership but now a sickboy like Brian Burke leading the charge. Winnipeg's strength is patience. Its also their greatest weakness - but like Toronto most fans just want NHL hockey. And thats exactly what a Jets season ticket gives you - the right to attend 42 NHL home games. Nothing more. Winnipeg fans are just happy to have pro hockey and football. They'll gripe a bit at the coffee shop but in the end Chipman has his way with them. And despite some absolutely atrocious management, coaching and player combos for the Bombers, fans still support them with 85 to 90% capacity over the last 10 to 12 years.
  2. Al. This isn't a 5 year plan. Its more like a 7 to 10 yr plan. This is year 4 in the so-called 5 yr plan and frankly I don't see much improvement over what they did last year (with Maurice injecting new spirit into the team after Clod went lifeless) I think year 5 or 6 is when they start showing signs of life (playoff life that is) and still too many passengers on board. Coaching has improved a tad (if not more, going from Lifeless Clod to spirited paul) Goal-tending is sick (in a bad way) Defense has shown strides (but in typical playoff action top teams would just cut thru our d like a hot knife thru butter) Offense has improved the most but still not enough depth and really only 2 reliable lines!
  3. I would think Wade Miller would welcome a proper inspection by city of winnipeg building inspectors. If for no other reason to get a sign off on possible future liability.
  4. It's funny you said that b/c I was taking about this with a friend of mine yesterday. It's basically a lateral move, but it would give both groups a breath of fresh air. Lateral my ass. Thornton and Marleau are way better players than the Sedins. Yes. In a battle of regular season slitherers Marleau & Dinky Joe are superior. The Sisters are just about gassed.
  5. Headline: "Stadium Collapse Kills 15,000 In Winnipeg. Premier Warned But Ignored Danger". Really??? put lives in danger? I doubt that. It's all ******* bullshit until guys like that moronic caller come out of hiding & say it publicly with his name & face to the camera for the world to see. Otherwise STFU. C'mon Al. You of all these lemmings have more sense than that. You're not saying you're against proper safety inspections like the other posters are you?
  6. I'm pretty sure city building inspectors will (or already have) inspect the defective areas of the stadium if there's a hint of public concern. NOTE: Building inspection is a city responsibility not provincial. If it were provincial I'm sure Selinger would turn a blind eye - even at the risk of spectators potentially exposed to danger!
  7. Miller can play hardball with local news media - he's got the sports media in his pocket; but at some point he'll need future favours from them. Most media folks have long memories and Miller stiff-arming them could have future consequences. At some point he'll need them. Actually, I'm sure of that!
  8. I think the fact that there is an 87-88% retention rate is the story here. Not 12-13% of the ST base not renewing. When it's put that way, doesn't look so bad does it? Thanks for nuthin' Lawless. Actually, I kinda agree with iso. 88% retention is amazing given all the problems with transportation, facility, concessions and of course, performance. If they can get anywhere near 90% that will be a miracle. If the team starts to fly a bit - (doubtful but always possible) they could easily get big walkups in droves. The idea of getting more money for a walkup ticket is also valid but remember, if you're at 21,000 there's up to 12,500 walkups available for every game (some obviously eaten up by flex paks and pre-buys for events like Banjo and other rider visit) The potential for this team attendance & marketing wise is actually quite amazing, Nate. But they have to get their act together as an organization.... Its hard to get your act together when the entire board and team management always seem to be operating at Defcon 4....they treat media probes and circumspect fans as if they're hostile threats. More about identifying threats than getting a stadium ready for 10 football games and training camp plus assembling a roster. I sense their was probably many a tremor when O'Shea did his first overall assessment of the team and the report simply read - "Where did you find some of these guys?" If the roster is that suspect then another 3-15 season looms. Certainly no better than 5-13. O'Shea can only do so much!
  9. They won't blow it up is my guess. If I was offered Dinky Joe (Thornton) for Kane I wouldn't take it. Thornton and SJ's first round pick - maybe? but Thornton at 7 mill. is an even bigger drag on salary than Kane at 6. Thornton just has better regular season leadership qualities and could be a monster assist man with Kane or Wheeler as his wing-man.
  10. I think the fact that there is an 87-88% retention rate is the story here. Not 12-13% of the ST base not renewing. When it's put that way, doesn't look so bad does it? Thanks for nuthin' Lawless. Actually, I kinda agree with iso. 88% retention is amazing given all the problems with transportation, facility, concessions and of course, performance. If they can get anywhere near 90% that will be a miracle. If the team starts to fly a bit - (doubtful but always possible) they could easily get big walkups in droves. The idea of getting more money for a walkup ticket is also valid but remember, if you're at 21,000 there's up to 12,500 walkups available for every game (some obviously eaten up by flex paks and pre-buys for events like Banjo and other rider visit)
  11. Why would they blow up a team that does so well in the reg. season and takes a great team like LA to a 7th game? The irony is folks like you tell Chevy & Chipman to be patient and keep returning deadbeat players to the roster. At the same time you exhort a successful organization like San Jose to 'blow it up'....
  12. I seem to recall Miller stating the financial statements wouldn't be out 'til late April, first couple weeks of May (which means mid to late May in sales speak). The reason he gave, fwiw is he was new to the job. I didn't realize he was an accountant! Even if the bombers have a moderate loss I don't see why they delay announcing it. Season ticket holders don't give a crap about losses - they know Selinger will spread his cheeks if mo money is required! I sense the bombers are fighting too many internal battles (ex. the hidden costs of IGF flooding, transit arrangements, appointment of Rabb to board, IGF structural truths ready to emerge, who knows what else)
  13. I'd like to see the Jets trade one of their "loaders" so that their budget can accommodate potential solids like Moulson or Vanek, etc. All the core guys now are in the $4.75 to 6.5 million range. ie. Ladd, Enstrom, Buff, Kane, Wheeler, Bogo. They're lucky they've still got Trouba and Schiefele on the low entry bar. As far as Maurice is concerned everyone thats still rostered is a 'great guy' and 'darn good player'. That applies to Kane. What Maurice really thinks of some of them will be hidden to the public for now - but actions speak louder than thoughts. At some point Chevy & Chipper will have to make a play on top free agents, trade out some picks, trade Kane or Buff or Ladd, etc. Worst thing. They all believe Kane just had a bad year and will be much better next year. Next year comes and after a hot start (3 goals in 4 games) Kane starts tailing and falls into his typical bad habits. By the 30 game mark his value is diminished that they can't make the right trade for him so they either have to keep playing him or make him a 'wealthy scratch'. If the Jets keep their basic 12 guys (Pavelec, Montoya, Enstrom, Trouba, Stuart, Clitsome, Byfuglien, Kane, Slater, Ladd, Schiefle, Jokinen, plus the usual rounders, rookies and AHL callups I suspect they might be hard-pressed to match the mess they made this year.
  14. I agree with U. Poster that Bauer gives the PCs a big edge in dealings with the Bombers. However, Pallister is gonna get a ton of questions about whether he'd totally forgive the bomber debt, further IGF subsidies, Grey Cup grants, etc. Personally, I think most of the bomber board and even Wadzilla hate the NDP vermin on principle but right now they've hooked a big fat live one - Selinger. And nobody, I say nobody in business looks a gift horse in the mouth and Selinger is certainly that. Miller and the board have done a magnificent job having the big boy spread his cheeks with Greg's only question being - how wide? Don't know if the PCs will have the big open cheque-book when Selinger is exterminated in 15 months. (actually, the smart money says Selinger resigns in the next 3 to 5 months, allowing time for an NDP leadership convention so that Oswald, Howard or Andy leads them to their next slaughter!
  15. Too bad Undertaker is pretty much exhausted and shot. A Kane - Taker combo would be awesome, if even for a few weeks!
  16. I agree with all you say about Katz. That notwithstanding Jeffrey Rabb is still a good nominee. Like another poster said, the bombers need a liason for their Grey Cup. That person doesn't have to sit on the board of directors. But at this point I suspect the board played Lawless like a cello - and Rabb has been sufficiently dis-credited to withdraw his nomination. If Rabb is a good nominee, and I'll take your word for it on that one, then why doesn't he just apply when there's an opening for a spot on the board that doesn't have a prerequisite he doesn't meet? Good point. Are we sure he hasn't? (ever) Your point brings up the possibility Rabb is being discredited for reasons other than NOT being a senior employee with CoW....
  17. Looks like the second best rating of the year last night. People do watch. A lot of people watching the attitude era now hate it. I'm with you as far as some of the idiotic filler like Santino. Though I do like Emma since she can work and is a different look than the other girls. I also don't mind the midgets. The kids like it. That's what's it's for. And to sell Merch. I've always been a Kane fan. That guy just managed to take every chickens&@t idea and turns it into chicken salad. Kane is the ultimate house-worker. A guy the McMahons can trust to do anything they ask. Never revolts, never questions. Over the last 20 years he's their best overall worker. Taker a close 2nd cuz Taker did more high shows but far less low shows. Unfortunately, Kane's last run he was scripted to lay down for some up 'n coming young stars and essentially got buried. Perhaps its time for one last big run for the The Big Red Monster - one that sees him scooping up a WWE title, even for a short transitional run.
  18. Bogo seems to be the same level as Kane in developement. I've seen Bogo play some really solid hockey but this year's resume is just a botch job. Both Kane and Bogosian sufferred by not having spent significant time in the minors and developing their respective skill sets. Bogo seems to have a significantly better attitude, I'll give you that. Now that I think about it trading Kane + Bogo as a package might yield a nice return. Possibly 1st and 2nd rd draft picks plus a solid shut-down #2 or #3 d-man. (like Vlasic) Too bad Byfuglien was never toilet-trained as a proper NHL d-man. For his size and power, he's really light on his skates when trying to clear debris in front of his goalie. But trying to get Byfuglien to go shut-down is probably a harder task than getting Kane to take less errant shots and fewer anger penalties.
  19. I agree with all you say about Katz. That notwithstanding Jeffrey Rabb is still a good nominee. Like another poster said, the bombers need a liason for their Grey Cup. That person doesn't have to sit on the board of directors. But at this point I suspect the board played Lawless like a cello - and Rabb has been sufficiently dis-credited to withdraw his nomination.
  20. Just take the money out of snow-clearing, pot-hole repair and frozen pipe thawing. Nobody needs those services anyways. Pantywaists@@@
  21. Last nite was not a hallmark evening for Vince McMahon and the WWE. Even Good "Ol Stephanie had something up her sleeve - trying to screw up Daniel Bryan's new wife, Brie Bella and having Kane do the old trick of coming up thru hell (aka the ring mattress). A throwaway episode if there ever was. Even the Austrian Strong Man taking on Jack Swagger for the 40th straight time. swiss superman cesaro you mean? Well that makes sense that story, i mean they were former tag partners just about a month ago. Cesaro just joined heyman recently. That feud makes sense. Last nights was awesome, the opening was hella cool. bray wyatt and the choir kids, that was a cool thing to see. Darn - I missed Bray's choir..... that woulda taken it from a C- ep to a B+ just for Wyatt.
  22. I'd trade Bogosian if there was value coming our way. I also think Kane might thrive in another market but he's gonna be the same mope next year he was last year if he stays in town!
  23. I accept some fans think Kane is the answer to all that ails the Jets. I prefer to think he's the biggest question. Its a difference of opinion. Opinion is not fact. I know some folks (minority) who think Toby Enstrom is a physical defensman. And other who think Ondrej Pavelec will be a Vezina candidate one day.
  24. Last nite was not a hallmark evening for Vince McMahon and the WWE. Even Good "Ol Stephanie had something up her sleeve - trying to screw up Daniel Bryan's new wife, Brie Bella and having Kane do the old trick of coming up thru hell (aka the ring mattress). A throwaway episode if there ever was. Even the Austrian Strong Man taking on Jack Swagger for the 40th straight time.
  25. Yours is an honest response. I have no idea whether Rabb will be a good or bad member of the board. I also know the CIty of Winnipeg doesn't have many managers or top staff that have extra time on their hands to be anything more than a rubber-stamp for bomber board outcomes. Having a COO like Mike Ruta or this Joshi guy on the board cuz they hold high civic positions doesn't make it automatically right either. I wonder what the real objection to Mr. Rabb is. Other than the fact he's not on the city payroll. One would think a guy like Rabb with his incredible history of support for Wpg's pro sports teams would be a decent appointment. Or at least one that should be given one term on the board. So far Bob Irving has been successful in holding Adler back on this issue. I don't think Paul Friesen or Kirk Penton want to shadow Lawless's footsteps on this issue either. Nate, opinion and facts are very different things. You often confuse those. Youre opinion is a top city staffer wouldnt have a lot of time to invest in Bombers business so you make that a fact that a city staffer would simply rubber stamp anything the BoD wants. That's neither proven nor reasonable. Its not like the current Board are a bunch of unemployed loafers with time on their hands. They are all busy guys with a lot of business that is not Bombers related. I would assume Rabb in his current position is pretty busy also. And I would assume a city staffer with the experience and insight to sit on the board would make the time for Bombers-related business especially, as stated in the Lawless article, the team has a Grey Cup to plan which requires a lot of dealings with the city. Why have a CoW representative on the board that wont be representing the city's interests when it comes to Bombers-related business? Makes a lot more sense to have the CoW representative be someone who will be able to represent the city. The city should appoint a bomber liason to handle the goings-on with regards to Grey Cup. Anything requiring other city involvement should have senior city officials brought in on a case by case basis. No need to drain someone's time when they've got their hands full with crumbling roads, brown water, frozen pipes, inadequate policing, etc.
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