This is weak. 1997 was way more. I understand maybe some areas got pounded, sounds like Steinbach and the interlake got it much worse but honestly, I shoveled quick when it stopped around 3 and it's still pretty much concrete. They say 3 to 7 more cms to come here. Not bad at all. Neighbour's at the lake posted some pics tho and yeah they got double we got here. Places like Waverly and that are basically bowls, sage creek too so gonna seem like they got more there but it's really just drifts from the wind. I'm not sure if there's 20cms of fresh snow here in the north east winnipeg. Tough to tell tho cuz drifts. Very little roof snow tho as the wind has been blowing pretty good all day. It doesn't seem like much, from what I was reading on Facebook sounded like a day after tomorrow scenario so yeah, think there was some extreme exaggeration