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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. NAH... let's just do what we've been doing the last 25 years and see if that works... I mean really.... insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results yet lots of these posts i read suggest we do the same thing we've been doing the last 25 years cuz maybe this time it will work... but theres 25 years almost of proof that it doesn't work. INSANITY... Give MOS and Walters some time really... otherwise, you are just doing exactly what we've been doing the last 25 years... New coach comes in with new gm, blows it up, 2 years go by.. we suck, they get fired... new coach and gm come in and blows it up, 2 years later we suck.. fired and repeat... How don't people understand this? I mean really.. It's the same thing over and over and over and over and over........ Do we have some issues? for sure, have we solved some? for sure... We have a good QB who hopefully when MB is fired can stay healthy... our CDN talent seems improved... Our Import talent, lacking a bit but... watch the Moll youtube video to find out it takes a couple years for those guys to even agree to come up...
  2. Well, for sure.. but if Scheif puts up 55 60 as #2 center, that's pretty damn impressive and honestly, i see no reason why he couldn't. It also really depends on your teams make up really... Like for example, would you rather have 1 50 goal scorer or maybe 3 30 goal scorers instead? Would you rather have 1 guy with 100 points in a season or maybe 2 with well over 100 combined. Really depends on your teams make up really. Would I like Ovechkin on the Jets and would i like it if he scored 50 for us? Yup, but... at the same time, I'm fine with a bunch of guys scoring 20 goals too.
  3. Hamilton is also a very very good team who will probably be in their 3rd grey cup in the last 3 years too. I think you need to look at teams like Montreal in terms of oline, basically bomben is a great example actually...They could trade him, why? because they have stockpiled oline over the years really... They have drafted and developed and waited for guys really... This was done over a very long time with the same GM in charge.
  4. Cuz there were so many all star interior oline available in free agency
  5. When do we start worrying about next year's cap? A conscientious GM is worrying about next year's cap right now not next year. TUP, If you don't think there is any reason to worry, jot down what players would be playing and at what cost. See for yourself. I enjoy Cap discussions, but I dont care enough about the minutia of dollars and cents to spend that much time on it, especially without Capgeek to help me! If I have some time this week, Ill try to predict... Isnt Pavs expired after next season? Thats another contract that could be expendable. Pretty much this. Don't care enough to even bother with it. It's not my concern. Hey Ducky, figure this one out for me k. Then maybe i'll trying a little prediction myself... since i just don't care enough to look this stuff up... Who are on 1 year deals and how much is that one year deal for? Ladd,Buff,Pardy,Postma,Harrison for sure,Hali,Fraser,Etc really... who else and how much is their contract worth Who will still be on their ELC next season (Morrissey,Ehlers,Petan,Copp,Lemiuex etc) Who has 2 year contracts or 2 years or less remaining on their contracts?
  6. I think the Picard signing was based on bringing some vet presence to the oline, I think he was brought in also to help Goossen learn also, give him another year to learn behind a vet, a guy who was pretty decent really.... Perhaps they thought re-uniting him with his old oline coach Wylie would help him get better, it hasn't worked like that tho. Picard hasn't been good but... at the same time, I think Greaves and Neufeld as guards have been worse.
  7. I'm not talking about Chevy, Yeah i'm sure he's looking at the cap for next year and the year after and etc... I'm talking about people like you who put together these make believe numbers that you think these guys will sign for... You really don't know. They could sign for less, they could sign for more... The cap is not my concern, it's not yours, it's not any of the fans concerns really, there is NOTHING we can do about it, all we can do is play make believe and that's what you are doing really.. Playing make believe, pretending you are the GM, pretending you have info about players and what they will or won't sign for. Like i said, who really knows and as a fan, who really cares about the cap a year from now, it's not my job to care about the cap really.. It's chevy's job to manage it and i'm sure he will... part of the reason they probably let frolik walk, part of the reason stafford only signed for 2 years... Like i said... Stafford among others could very well be moved at this year trade deadline, you just don't know.. and for every raise a scheif or trouba or lowry will get... well, an ELC will still be on the books like an ehlers, a petan, a morrissey, a copp, a lemieux etc. TUP said it best, other teams have guys making 8 9 10 million on their roster and a few of them at that and you are worrying about guys who might get 4 5 6 million
  8. He definitely tho let it be known that it's MB's o and MB's the guy in charge of the O and MB alone...
  9. Honestly, as fans, the cap should be none of our concern at all. You can sit here and play make believe GM all you want, it doesn't really prove anything... None of us know what the Jets internal cap is, really don't know if they'd spend to the cap or not but Chipman has said that they very well could and might just spend to the cap soon. When do i worry about the cap? When this season is over really... We really have no idea what is going to happen, maybe we really suck this year and we actually end up trading guys at the deadline instead of bringing guys in... who really knows. The cap is none of our concern right now, people can go on and on and do this make believe GM stuff all you want, it's really irrelevant. For every guy getting a raise, theres probably a guy on an ELC also. Pardy,Postma,Clitsome,Hali, these guys... among others won't be around next year... Pav might not be, maybe he loses his job this year to hutch or helle and jets either trade him or buy him out... who really knows, maybe stafford is traded, buff is traded, who knows really... There are too many variables really right now to discuss our cap situation a year from now.
  10. I doubt MB would get fired if we lost again, I mean it really depends on how we lose doesn't it.. What if we put up 400 yards of O (LOL i know right) but we lose? What if our D is the issue this week and the O is on fire... So many variables really... Honestly tho, I think MB's rope is definitely getting tighter and tighter but... If they were gonna fire him, they would have done it i think a couple days ago. I think he's here till the end of the year but i think in the off-season, he's done for sure. In MOS's presser yesterday, he totally distanced himself from MB, said it was MB's O and MB's play calling and basically said it was all MB, as far as the O goes. There is definitely pressure on MB to perform this week, the excuses are gone really for him, not sure if valid but.. not sure if the best OC in the world could turn Marve or Brohm in to good quarterbacks... That excuse is now gone tho cuz Nichols actually has 6 years of CFL experience and has started and won games in the past, even this year. If Nichols and the O fail to put up 200 yards, Yeah i think MB could be done next week.. but more than likely, he sticks around until the end of the year and then is let go.
  11. You know what, if you could dress 2 Canadian Oline, and 5 elsewhere on the roster, man, I'd go 3 Import Oline for sure, It's a way to keep the QB healthy i bet... Bryant,Jefferson,Goossen,Chungh,Longo/Daniels moving forward would be outstanding. Let's just try this.... 2 Canadian receivers, 2 canadian Oline, Westerman,Hurl/Muamba,Bucknor... That's 7 Canadian starters right there... Meaning you could go 3 imports on the oline... Wonder if maybe next year, you see us try that out. It's smart isn't it? Our Canadian Oline obviously aren't good enough (Greaves,Neufeld at least) so why not go 3 imports on the oline really.
  12. Sure but from all indications he loves playing here and reality is we have nobody close to replace him. Not even close. Morrissey is our only real LHD prospect
  13. 55 60 points is Damn near an elite center. Days of 100 plus point players is coming to an end.
  14. Doubt it. Willie looked good when he got the ball. Would like to see more
  15. Is Longo Canadian?? No. But really it doesn't matter cuz we start 8 Canadians. Remove greaves and it's 7.
  16. Toby has a no move clause so he's going nowhere. Stuart married a girl who works for TNSE. He going nowhere. No need to worry about next year's cap yet
  17. Lol at these crazy lunatic posts. Seriously
  18. Or maybe he did bring in some good players but our OC passed on them. Really don't know do we cuz guys like bass adams Collins Cole even, M Willie and Veltung among others have looked good when give the chance. Makes you wonder really... square pegs in round holes maybe or maybe there were some talented players brought in who just weren't MBS boyfriends. Cuz the D has a few talented newcomers
  19. Exactly. 17 to 85 seems to have this erroneous reasoning that by keeping a Berry or Mack with the organization for a sufficient period of time it will bear fruit in the form of long-term success. In reality, patience will not be rewarded by tolerating mediocrity year after year - it will just result in more mediocrity. Every team in the league won't tolerate losing for very long (proven if you take the time to review each team's history) - they will fire the personnel responsible for the team's underachievement and move on to new coaching/management.The Bombers have been mediocre for so long because they have hired inexperienced/inept coaches and management the past decade plus. It has nothing to do with not showing adequate patience for the inept coaching/personnel. Which, I'd argue, we had no choice but to do because no qualified/experienced coach/manager wants to come here because we are a coaching graveyard that fires people constantly and shows zero patience... No kidding and how people still don't get this is crazy really.
  20. It's not like you can change the playbook in one week, but still think MB needs to go and i think sooner rather than later, he will be sent packing. Possibly next week or the week after. I dunno, but the excuse about Marve and Brohm and it's probably a valid excuse after seeing them play, it won't exist with Nichols this week, Nichols knows CFL D's, he's a 6 year veteran, if he does nothing on O, then i think MB is done this time next week.
  21. That right there is a perfect example of what happens when you don't have a QB... They showed a stat during the LDC on Sunday that showed in the last 10 years i believe, 10 different QB's have started the LDC... or something close to that
  22. What happens if they actually get way better? Why does it always have to be the other side of things, what if they get better?
  23. Thought it was actually a pretty good PC all things considered.. couple things of note is that O'shea basically said It's MB's O and MB's O alone, that's a coach distancing himself from his OC, knowing that OC is probably next in line to go. I also thought he was pretty much right about lots of stuff he said, it can't be easy to fire anyone, let alone a friend from way back when in the day and the people going on about friends hiring friends, that's how the CFL works really... every coach hires guys they are familliar with, Jones basically took the entire argos D staff with him to Edmonton, Austin brought his own guys really with him to Hamilton, it's how it works, I'm not sure why a coach hiring a friend or a guy he is familiar with is so surprising to some people, it's a friggin 9 team league, they are all friends or friends of friends really. It is what it is. Firing a coach, let alone a friend isn't easy, nobody likes to fire people, regardless of what people say.. It's not easy, it's never easy. But that was a good PC really, i thought MOS did answer lots of questions and did give some info as to what changes will be made, it's time people just give up on this friends hiring friends thing and it's time people give up on pretending a coach is going to come out and give out the game plan this week. It's not how it works really.
  24. We need someone to replace Greaves and it sounds like Longo might do that. Bryant,Longo,Picard,Chungh,Neufeld can't be worse than Bryant,Greaves,Picard,Chungh,Neufeld. Losing Jace Daniels tho has really hurt us i think. He was a good tackle and even though Neufeld played well last game, I don't think he's really the answer, not sure he can stay healthy long enough even. Is Longo the only healthy Import oline we have right now outside of Bryant? Scouts need to bring more in.
  25. I will say this about Doug Brown tho, he's been on MOS's case for a long time now, ever since day 1 really so i do kind of sense a bit of a, not sure of the word but... I'm not sure Brown and MOS get along and I'm not sure they ever have... to me, Brown seems to make things personal lots, it's tough to answer his questions cuz regardless of the answer or non answer MOS gets, brown is always right in his mind. Listen, I liked Doug Brown the football player but Doug Brown the semi media type guy, not a big fan of. He comes across as always knowing what's right and with guys like that.. yeah, i'm not sure how i'd feel about answering his questions either. There seems to be a history between MOS and Brown, and i'm not sure it's a good one. Brown really has been on MOS since day 1 so it makes you wonder if theres some sort of grudge or personal history there between the 2. I tend to find myself... liking Doug Brown a lot less every time he speaks because the way he speaks, it just screams I know it all and nobody knows more than i do... Good Football player tho but... at the same time, The more he talks as a member of the semi media, the more i find myself disliking him. He's very condescending and seems to be very full of Doug Brown, he comes across like he is better than everyone else and i find it very hard to take people like that seriously. He's almost trying to hard to be a ****** at times. And i get that he's Doug Brown, and Doug Brown was a great football player and he can do no harm cuz he's Doug Brown but at the same time, like i said, the more he talks, the more i find myself not wanting to listen to him, talks down to people, condescending really... always right.
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