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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. about time. Been a long ass off season, longer than most it seems, well not really but sure seemed like it. Long long winter didn't help. Should be interesting, supposed to possibly rain later, (i say supposed to possibly cuz the weather people are crackheads who have no clue) bombers players all excited to be getting back on the field... love it, seems to be a different vibe around the team this year so far. dont care if we win or lose, just will be nice to see some basic vanilla football being played. wouldn't expect anything to spectacular to happen though. gonna be interested to see the qb's (obviously), rb's (cotton and grigsby in particular) (brooks also) and the D. wanna see what type of D we have. i'd suspect it will be very vanilla tonight but hey who cares, football is back.
  2. arash madani just got called out by randy chevrier on twitter for basically being a troll. I'm not convinced a guy who works for sportsnet, tsn's main competition, actually knows as much as he thinks he does. why would players "confide" in a guy who works for sportsnet? sportsnet rarely to never mentions the CFL. ever. Madani reminds me of CNN, big time speculation all the time, very little facts, mostly wrong in what he thinks. Matt Scianetti (sp??) just tweeted that sources tell him the cba will be rattified. I'll take his word over madani's any day Arash seems to want to just, i dunno... it seems he just wants to break a story so bad that sometimes, he tries too hard.
  3. has the cfl broke the union? lol. is this what is happening right now? it sure seems like it.
  4. any relation to the LB we had last year, philip?
  5. guess gbill was right and players were just blowing off some steam. Some of these guys should be careful what they say though, seen it in other sports where if you are too pro union, you kind of get blacklisted. the name ron hainsey comes to mind.
  6. Mike McCullough and Labatte oh. interesting, he's been rather quiet actually. judging from some tweets by foley, i was certain he was. has mcCullough done a good job explaining it to foley and his team mates? cuz foley seems to think they are gaining nothing, completely ignoring the 600,000 plus increase in the cap.
  7. Just curious Pete Dyakowski is the ticat player rep January is ours Im assuming foley is sasks? how come the other player reps are way more professional and classy than ricky foley? Although foley has never been accused of being classy and professional has he. or is labatte sasks rep?
  8. do minor leagues get a 45 million/yr tv contract? do they get 20 30 40 even 50,000 people out to watch games? do they get huge ratings on tv like the CFL does? It's not as night and day as some of you are making it out to be.
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_professional_sports_teams_of_the_United_States_and_Canada Yup, it's wikipedia but... The CFL is considered one of the 6 major league sports leagues in north america along with MLB, NHL,NFL,NBA AND MLS IF MLS is major leagues, then so is the CFL. Oh, for the record, you can't and will not change my opinion or mind on this so probably shouldn't bother trying too. When did Canada become the 51st state though is what i wonder.
  10. The "fact" you are arguing is incorrect - this is not practise time. It's training camp. Players are being evaluated to decide who will make the team. If you feel this is unimportant we could have stuck with last years roster. If you feel that spending a large portion of training camp evaluating our backup import Olineman instead of our NI prospects, then I guess we'll just agree to disagree. Alrighty. Myself and 9 CFL teams will agree and you will disagree. I guess that's why Toronto is starting five Canadians on their OL tomorrow? Very cagey Barker... very cagey. we aren't Toronto though so that's your first mistake right there. We dont have the non import depth they do, we don't have the non import depth of any team, maybe ottawa but it's close. Gotta ask once again, you are all over the place here, going from should have taken coombs to now going on about non import offensive line? so which is it actually? did you want coombs or do you want us to have non import olinemen? what did you expect walters to do in one off season actually?
  11. Texas was the best team in the league this year, finished first overall with 106 points. St Johns finished 4th in their conference with 99 points behind 3 other teams who did not have as much points as the texas team did. Fact is, St Johns is a bit of a Cinderella story, Texas was supposed to be in the finals, St Johns wasn't. why 6-3? Quite honestly, Texas is just a better team than St Johns. St Johns just got on a roll at the right time, Texas has been on a roll all year. Nope, Hutch played fine, St Johns even played pretty good, it's just the simple fact that TEXAS is just better. Sometimes in sports, you just play a team that is all around better than you are, that's what this series is. I'll be honest, I'll be surprised if this series goes to 6 games.
  12. Yep - it's useless because the league isn't really a major league. It's not the 'final destination' and 90% of players are not here for the long term. They just want to play and hone their skills for the NFL. Striking won't accomplish that. Guess what though, you live in Canada. The CFL is indeed the major leagues here in Canada. I'm not sure how people fail to understand that Canada is not part of the USA. Why is the CFL not major league? because why? your reasons are flawed, 90 percent of NFL players dont last long either. What makes the CFL not the major leagues in the country you live in? The fact that Canada has like 300 ++ million less people than the USA does? In Canada, the CFL is as big as it gets, therefore it's a major league, just cuz its not on the same level as the NFL doesn't mean it isn't. The NFL should change its name to the AFL because basically its the american football league. You get it now? in Canada we got the Canadian football league.
  13. if they vote this deal down, they will get nothing in the future. zilch zero nadda. The owners will not cave. This is the best they will get, it's a take it or leave it take it or risk getting nothing. Are the players that stupid?
  14. however, if you believe madani's tweets to the right, maybe they wont accept it at all. if they don't, they are digging their own graves. They should all just shut up and vote.. get it over with. Quit playing the twitter and texting games. It's getting sickening already. I still think it passes by a large percentage.
  15. duane forde said it best.. the CFLPA got a decent deal here but because the execs set such unrealistic expectations, it looks like a loss. This one is on flory for thinking they could get way more when reality is this is the best they could have gotten. Think this isn't fair? lol if the players went on strike, then you'd see a brutal deal for them. They were never gonna get what they wanted, thats why it looks like a loss on them, set unrealistic expectations that we all know were never gonna happen. Realistically what are there other options? strike and actually lose big time? go play in the arena league for way less? get a real job? nope, take this deal cuz if they didn't they wouldn't have got anything close to this in the future. These guys like to pretend they are heros or something, doing it for the future players of the league but reality is.. all they care about is getting the best deal for themselves. several execs have already said the bump in the salary cap will go to the canadians and the qbs. The average player here gains very little and honestly, it doesn't matter if they accepted it today, last night.. a week from now a year ago... that's who would get the money in the end.
  16. why? it's pre-season game 1. It's irrelevant, lots of those guys playing tomorrow will be gone by Wednesday at the latest. Well, don't bother watching the game then. Everyone is sounding like Tim Burke this year... umm no, i'll be watching, i just don't think you should get all panicked and worried of a depth chart for our 1st pre-season game. YOu seem to have this idea that because these guys are penciled in week 1 of pre-season that that's where they will be come week 1 when it matters. That's not how it works tho, it's pre season, it's training camp, it's evaluation time, it's time to see what the new guys can do, crap or get off the pot really... Just not sure why you seem to get all hot and bothered over a depth chart for the first pre-season game of the year.
  17. to be fair, the stupidity ended last night.. today it seems like acceptance has settled in.
  18. why? it's pre-season game 1. It's irrelevant, lots of those guys playing tomorrow will be gone by Wednesday at the latest.
  19. 3 second round picks? was the trade not hall and a 2nd rounder to sask for neufeld? where are these other 2 picks that we traded to take an oline? unless you are refering to trading our 2 3rd's for sasks second to take briggs, in which case, they are not related at all. I'm not sure why people do this sometimes. The trade wasn't 3 second rounders for neufeld It was alex hall (who isn't in the cfl anymore) and 1 2nd to sask for Neufeld. rather have the 2nd round pick in a weak draft where that player wouldn't be starting anywhere? right guard or tackle, who cares, he's starting, that's all that matters. oh wait, pre season game 1 depth chart says he isn't.. must panic based on 1 pre-season game!!
  20. Just for the record, i do think Kane is a good player, i'm just not sure he has the character the jets are looking for, i'm not sure he's worth the headache that he brings at times. I'm not in the locker room so i don't know what he's like as a team mate but... IF the players on the team don't like the guy, there is no real indication they do or don't, just saying if they don't, it's probably best to get rid of him. and really, for all we know, kane has asked to be traded. If the guy dont want to be here, it's best to move on.
  21. i don't mind the name, it's growing on me.. think about it, if this was winnipeg getting a team in 2014 and they were called the blue bombers, people would hate that name too.
  22. It's the first pre-season game. Step back and realize that. This is not what our roster will be week 1 or even next pre-season game. Not sure why everyone is reading too far in to the depth chart for our first pre-season game. Pre-season is to get guys reps, give the rookies a chance to see what they can do in a sort of game like situation, cuz normally there seems to be an agreement amongst coaches that they will not go all out in game 1. I dont care if the bombers win or lose, tie or whatever.. it's all irrelevant, these games mean very little, it's just to evaluate players. The games that matter are the ones that will be played in a couple weeks from now. With that being said though, of course... let's go bombers!! but... i'm more excited to see what the rookies can do out there. The score really doesn't matter. See if a few new guys stand out.
  23. The Jets have to fish or cut bait on Kane. If he goes another year as Jets top mope he won't fetch a 3rd or 4th rounder. Now is the time to get somethin' for the guy and trade him to another conference. I think Kane fans are truly in the minority for the first time. I don't think so actually. Kane is a good player, he actually is, his numbers and corsi says he is... go check out hfboards.com Kane is very much a well liked player here and most those "nerds" don't want to trade him. I'd say it's probably 75/25 in favour of keeping kane.
  24. highly unlikely we burn a DI on an import OL. Talk about wasting roster spots.
  25. Minimum 2, probably 3. And the odd game they might go as high as 4, especially if Morley looks really old and The Goose is still a few games or a season away from starting. With four imports on the O-Line we'd have to start Volney at RB and have three Canadian receivers. Should have drafted Coombs... I'm going to ask you this once and move on, on the free press comments section there is a poster by the name of bob ganason, is that you? because only he'd mention something as ridiculous as what you did to a response talking about 4 import oline.. yup, should have drafted coombs, yeah that fixes our lack of canadian oline problem for sure..
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