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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. yeah they do, it's just tentative though, its like.. done but the players and owners need to ratify it. T's to cross, I's to dots... lawyers gotta sign up on it, etc etc it's like when the nhl lockout ended, fehr and bettman came out on tv, said we have reached a deal.. well, that deal wasn't officially signed until a few days to a week or so later. Needed to be ratified or approved by the owners and players. When a deal is reached between those in charge and the league, the deal always gets ratified. Players will vote this through, might not be 100 percent (never is) will be like 90/10 or something ridiculous. That 10 percent will never be known but you could guess who they were by their tweets. Most players on my twitter seem to be more happy that the season is gonna start on time and that they are gonna get to play games soon. Of course there are always the bitter players and those players seem to reside in calgary right now.
  2. Most those tweets are from stampeder players it seems. I thought the jason vega tweet summed it up nicely Put the phones down and #gotobed It really seems like a handful of stamps players are the only ones upset, the rest of the players seem to be fine with it
  3. was just about to post it. lol Matthew Scianitti @TSNScianitti After a conference call #CFLPA has verbally agreed to terms on a tentative deal for a new CBA w the #CFL,
  4. looks like they have reached a tentative deal. according to the twitter feed on the side
  5. just saying but i doubt that 2 owners (braley and wettenhall) are actually holding things up, i highly doubt it. sure they own 3 of the 9 teams in the league but... i doubt 2 guys would try to do something to harm the 6 other teams they dont own.
  6. Im not sure about KANE, eventually you have to show more than just potential, he's been in the league a few years, is he a good player? i guess, can he be a very good player? probably but im not sure the dedication or heart is there completely. I'm not convinced kane is this can't miss prospect anymore, i think he is what he is and he might get a bit better but im not sure how much better he will get actually.
  7. breaking news: the cflpa are watching the kings rangers in OT.
  8. 3 hour cflpa conference call. This is either, they are telling all players the deal is done or they are gonna walk out shortly. 3 hours is very long. heart wants to say they got a deal done, head and gut know better though. Its to implement their strike strategy cuz how would it take 3 hours to let players now a deal is done.
  9. I know i said buff, but i'd suspect that kane would actually be the guy moving in that deal, so essentially the lw marchand replaces the lw kane.
  10. Drew Edwards ✔@scratchingpost A source close to the negotiations between the #CFL & #CFLPA says progress has been made today and talks are continuing. Drew is a very reliable source, one of the, if not, THE BEST, writer in the league. This has got Good news written all over it.
  11. yup. my mistake there. Don't use park and ride so really was just concentrating on the 2.55 thing.
  12. man if this iglesias kid ever sees the field and scores a td, they need to play "hero" by enrique. That would be oustanding.
  13. bleacher report (pretty reliable) is reporting the bruins are shopping marchand and the jets are interested. Buff to boston for marchand and a pick?
  14. http://theahl.com/multimedia-broadcast-coverage-for-finals-p192465 shaw, shaw direct. etc
  15. i'll explain, i used to live in ek, still sort of do but... the 2.55 for example would be for me to hop the #11 bus lets say, then i would get a tranfer downtown and hop on to the 60 university bus, this is how i got to school every day. (most days) it's not different for the bombers... 2.55 gets you on a regular transit bus... all you have to pay is 2.55, you can get your transfers cuz unless you live on that side of the city, you are more than likely gonna need to transfer once.. the 5$ is for the park and ride, it's my understanding that the 5$ covers just the park and ride.. you pay your 5$ (per car it seems) and you hop on a school bus. Bombers must have got a pretty decent deal there if you only paying 5$ for a car load (which could be 5 or 6 people per car)
  16. its day 7, lets not look to far in to who is getting reps where, it's all irrelevant, its likely if that game goes ahead monday that there will be several cuts afterwards, the who the oline, how the ratio works out will sort itself out over the next few weeks, i'll go on record tho here, no chance in heck we start 3 import oline. NOt a chance.
  17. Gonna be honest here, i don't particular care for talk radio, when i turn the radio on in my house or car, its not to hear other people talking. I hate it actually, it frustrates me to no end, i did however give tsn 1290 a chance to sway my listening habits a bit, and they completely sucked in my opinion. Now i rarely to never listen to the radio (only for bomber games) and only to listen to music, really i have an iphone and i'd rather just plug that in and listen to it. Talk radio is just not something i care for, heck even on the music stations when the hosts start talking i switch it, it's just not my idea of entertainment.. entertainment to me is not listening to other people ***** about everything.
  18. Just saying but almost positive DB means Darren Bauming.
  19. Lucas and Thomas were inked in as one of the 7 starting NI's. It's not likely at all that Lucas was getting cut. Our NI starters took a hit when Lucas tore his ACL and we need to find another NI DT to rotate with Thomas if we still plan to use an NI at DT. It's much more likely IMHO that we will be forced to use 4 NI O lineman which is a shame because January and Jones were our two best O lineman last year and we won't be able to start both of them this year. No they weren't. I didn't hear anybody say that. You are speculating all the way out there in BC again. You are assuming that was the case but... you have no facts to back what you are saying up. That's your opinion. That's all it is, stop pretending like your opinion is always what the bombers are going to do. Speculation at best. What was actually rumoured was a non import field corner and safety. Never did hear anything about lucas or thomas. Not once, maybe from a couple of you on this board here but walters in the past mentioned field corner and safety as 2 likely spots.
  20. i'd probably debate if kane scheif wheeler is our number 1 line, i'd say its ladd little frolik actually.
  21. I'll be honest, i'd rather have guys getting hurt giving it there all than floating out there, training camp is time for work, if a few guys get hurt, so be it. it means they are busting their butts. That's a good thing in the big picture.
  22. Monty wont be back, it's gonna be PAV and Hutch.. Pav only has a couple years left on his deal, he's what you call a stop gap until helly or comrie are ready.. in a few years, pav will be gone and helly or hutch will be starter and backup. Makes sense now to stick with Pavelec, Montoya isn't the answer, he's a 30 year old career backup, people need to get that, montoya is a backup. When pav was "hurt", they gave monty his chance and what he did was win 3 and lose 3. It is what it is.
  23. Them walking off at half time would also be a big FU to the fans who showed up to the game, not the smartest thing to do. The other thing is, how many vets are going to be playing monday? i'd assume not that many
  24. when did the bombers say lucas was going to be starting? they didn't. why do we assume he was going to be? for all we know, he would have been cut. Yeah our non import depth is an issue but lets not assume that a guy like lucas would have been starting cuz its just as likely that he wouldnt be. we know and all knew about our non import depth issues a while ago, there is only so much you can do in one off season, the free agents weren't out there, gonna take a year or 2 or 3 to get to the point we want to be canadian depth wise.
  25. Lots of these injuries are hamstring pulls or ankles being rolled on, it's not like guys are out there breaking necks, it's just part of football, im not sure there is much you can do to avoid hamstring pulls or ankles from being rolled, it just happens. again though it seems some are making to big of a deal out of a depth chart, the depth chart means nothing at this point. O'shea has said several times already that the depth chart means little so really wish some would stop pretending some guys are being penciled in as starters right now when they are not.
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