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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. thought when swiston got injured last season, they said he wouldn't be ready in time for camp.
  2. also gotta keep in mind, smith,brescanin,the rifles receiver and briggs were all at rookie camp so this isn't their first time out on the field either. Sometimes, injuries just happen. It's day one of main camp, probably better to be safe than sorry, noone has been carted off tho right? so maybe they are just being cautious a bit with a few of them. no vets have been injured, just the guys who already had 3 practices already.
  3. Well technically beside his name there all it says is offensive line. The other positional coaches all have the word "coach" after their names, wylie does not. I dunno though, just throwing it out there.
  4. regarding wylie, When they announced they signed him, they technically didn't name him oline coach, just basically said he'd be helping out with the oline. Wonder if maybe he has other commitments the last couple of days. I guess technically he is our oline coach but... that's not what they are calling him is it?
  5. quite a bit of injuries it appears... smith,brescanin,goodrich,briggs...
  6. im guessing most of these "releases" have failed their physicals. I'm not sure any would be a great pickup.
  7. doubt it, he's gonna get bought out, those guys dont sign for much after they get bought out. I dont get the BURMI love. he was a failed atlanta draft pick.
  8. neurologists wouldn't come cheap either, you are probably look at a few hundred grand (250 k ish) for just one.. how many would they need? 4 seems to be a number that would work but right there is 1 million bucks, players willing to give up something else to make that happen? those neurologists would be paid more than most of the players.
  9. quite a bit of people out there today it seems, estimated to be close to 10,000. That's pretty huge.
  10. wild can also long snap and did it quite a bit last season.
  11. I'm very surprised they don't have Anderson locked in beside Turner. Only reason I'm nervous about zach is because they're letting Etch have so much control over the personnel on defence. Not sure why Etch wouldn't like Anderson though, he's got a crazy motor, and he's as fast as a LB'er! He can fly to the ball and is ridiculously athletic for his position just saying but shouldn't the defensive coordinator have control over the personnel on defence? if not the DC, then who? Not sure why everyone is so worried about anderson, he's a good player and will make the team. If he doesn't, it just means he got beat out by someone better. I doubt that happens tho as zach seems very motivated and definitely will make an impression. I think he's safe, just think maybe basing things on a depth chart which probably means very little right now is a little extreme. Only reason I'm a little bit worried is because of who the DC is Well, the DC likes good players who hustle and never quit so i dont see why he wouldn't like anderson. Anderson is exactly what etch wants in a player, he can play multiple positions on the dline, can play defensive tackle and defensive end... IMO, anderson is the definition of a player that ETCH would want.
  12. http://www.thehockeynews.com/blog/team-success-and-individual-instability-for-mike-richards/ That guy would be a great fit on this team for a 3rd line centre role, i consider him to be a local player, not that it matters but... I think he'd be an upgrade over jokinen and burmistrov, all the guy does is win.
  13. I think anderson will make the team, pretty sure they will start a non import field corner and go 4 oline I'm very surprised they don't have Anderson locked in beside Turner. Only reason I'm nervous about zach is because they're letting Etch have so much control over the personnel on defence. Not sure why Etch wouldn't like Anderson though, he's got a crazy motor, and he's as fast as a LB'er! He can fly to the ball and is ridiculously athletic for his position just saying but shouldn't the defensive coordinator have control over the personnel on defence? if not the DC, then who? Not sure why everyone is so worried about anderson, he's a good player and will make the team. If he doesn't, it just means he got beat out by someone better. I doubt that happens tho as zach seems very motivated and definitely will make an impression. I think he's safe, just think maybe basing things on a depth chart which probably means very little right now is a little extreme.
  14. The problem with CJOB isn't who is on the radio, really.. all that is somewhat irrelevant in the big picture, it's the content and the constant commercials. Used to enjoy CJOB lots, parents always listened to it when i was younger and it was pretty decent back then, along the way though they started having less talk and more commercials. That's their biggest problem.. too many commercials and too much whining hosts.
  15. somewhat agree here, i dont think we actually need him, i dont think he'd make that much of a difference to be honest but... to say he is a bust, i dunno man, granted he was an atlanta draft pick that was rushed too soon but i wouldn't call him a bust yet, i also dont think he'd be anything more than a decent third line centre. I guess, jokinen or Burmistrov, i'd take Burmistrov everyday cuz at least there is some potential (im not sure how much though) to get better.
  16. this should put an end to the burmistrov coming back talk Yuri Nikolaev, the Russian agent for Alex Burmistrov, said via e-mail his client will remain with Ak Bars Kazan of the KHL. next season.
  17. That would be awesome if they played here but i don't think it's likely. You know they would draw a pretty big crowd here too. Might be tough though logistically to bring them here. Is MTS booked those dates too? It's possible. But i'd definitely go if they were to play some games here. Love to take a look at the jets prospects up close. Part of the reason why i like the idea of the caps moving to thunder bay is, well... thunder bay isn't that far from here and could easily make a weekend out of it. Think it would be great if they played here but... for some reason i doubt it happens. I'm sure this all get settled and it's probably a non issue if the marlies actually win the series with the stars.
  18. http://forums.bluebombers.com/index.php?topic=38927.0 save u the time, monday 750am to 1220 pm.
  19. Just a little interesting note seeing as though we all were wondering about him.. Robert Mccune... guest coach at the stampeders training camp.
  20. The weather sure is cooperating here. 26 degrees. High humidity again tho. Very warm. These guys must lose quite a bit of weight during these camps.
  21. I don't remember where I saw it but there was a video featuring Kashawn Fraser, and they were saying that he's shown well so far. http://bluebombers.com/video/index/id/96449 That's the one.
  22. i think i'd put kemp in there ahead of fraser, danny mac was speaking quite highly of fraser on one of those videos at bluebombers.com. O'shea spoke very strongly of the entire dline too. Based on nothing, you'd have to assume a db or 2 gets cut because there is so many of them, an oline or 2 and probably a receiver or 2 also.
  23. Mr. Cohon (avatar), you have to be on the negotiating table to hammer this CBA deal out. You are not needed here in this Bombers Rookie Training Camp. LOL! I called off talks yesterday so I could have a long weekend, check out Bomber camp and hit the tanning salon! About those tanning salons, I have have some bad news for you . . . I really want to add a Bad News Barrett pic to this. But I have no idea how. So yeah, just visualise it. Mike - any guesses as to the cuts? aha... I'm afraid i got some baaad news for you... Man, o'shea should use that line when he cuts some players.
  24. I'm going to my cabin on sunday so i wont be at the first day of main camp but... this is just a suggestion, there has got to be a way for fans to actually voice their displeasure with some of these guys, whether that be throwing a jersey on the field, whether it be chants like "we are actually the league". or something, perhaps turning backs to certain players like nick moore and kory banks. I'd love to hear about that. It would send a message that the fans will not put up with this bs for much longer. Maybe nobody should show up even. I dunno, but... what these morons dont really get is without the fans, there is no league. They can all pretend, without the players there is no league but thats bullcrap, theres thousands of players down south who would come up here in a second to play. The players are all replaceable, the fans are not.
  25. my guess, that money or increase would go to just the top players on the team, that's probably what the PA doesn't really get... it's not like the guy at the bottom of the depth chart is gonna get a significant raise, it's the "stars" that will. so for the bombers, maybe willy gets a bit, maybe turner and vega get a bit, but guys like i dunno, lets say matt bucknor and dan west, they wouldn't see an increase at all. The greed some of these players are showing and just downright stupidity (you have to call it that relating to banks ridiculous tweet) is just mind boggling. Some of them really don't get it at all do they. I'll tell you this much, this guy wont be buying a banks or moore jersey thats for sure. That's not a name i would be proud to wear on my back.
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