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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. i don't know, i've seen a few comments on there from some players that do make sense. Lewis said he is not playing to become a millionaire, i don't think its about money here. It's about a fair deal. What is wrong with revenue sharing? all other leagues do it, i mean all of them. There is no guarantee that in the future they do get better revenue, as a matter of fact, i'd be surprised if it doesnt stay similar to what it is today with the exception of hamilton moving in to a new stadium, ottawa is a huge unknown and we all know the troubles with the argos. I don't see an issue with if the league does well the players do well, if it doesn't the players don't. That actually sounds fair to me. I think the players just want to feel like they matter to the league and right now, i have to admit, it does seem like the league is treating them like crap at times. they walked in to a meeting yesterday, read a letter, 15 minutes later left. That is not negotiating. That's being a bully really. You wont ever get a deal done like that. It just wont happen, The CFL needs to give the players something and the players need to give the CFL something back. And back and forth, Not just this is our offer, bye bye. Was that deal fair? i think so but... what did they really give the players? a tiny increase in the cap, and really not much else. That is not negotiating, That is like grade 2... take it or leave it stuff, i know you are but what am i type stuff here. It's playground tactics really. On the other side tho, the players need to understand that in order to get they need to give also. What have they given the league in return for wanting a higher cap and revenue sharing? Nothing really... Deals wont get done this way anywhere. Like i said, players need to give to get what they want and the cfl needs to give what they want.. Meet in the middle, its not rocket science really. As far as those teams who haven't shown their numbers from last season, who cares? all of us should, it's about being honest and transparent, if the argos ticats als etc lost as much as cohon said they did, then show the players... what do you have to lose? nothing. But.. heres the thing, what if those teams actually did make money ( i dont think they did) but what if they actually did and the CFL is bs'ing the players? You need to be honest and transparent in these negotiations, show them the numbers, if it's what the cfl said it is, then... why are the hiding it?
  2. Just had a little twitter convo with nik lewis, what he is saying does make sense. Toronto Hamilton and the privately owned teams have not show how much they made or lost last season, why haven't they? they certainly should. It does seem that lewis thinks toronto and hamilton both made money last season, i personally find that hard to believe... but maybe they should just show them their books from last season and see what happens, lewis is convinced they made money... i'm not. He does make sense tho, with the revenue sharing idea, when the league profits, the players profit, when the league doesn't the players dont. All i have to say to the CFL is... show them the numbers on toronto hamilton and the teams who haven't shown their numbers. Perhaps that is what is needed to make the players realize that maybe just maybe they did lose considerable amount of money. Lewis is also convinced toronto is moving out of rogers centre in 2015... is this for sure?
  3. I liked Gilmore at first but then he kept taking those really stupid undisciplined penalties all the time.
  4. The players really need to stop with the twitter stuff though, still several are on there going on and on, it's not helping their cause at all. It's funny that most seem to be the import players too, who in my opinion have the most to lose here. Do they not understand that they are very replaceable? It seems they may not understand that. I've almost had enough of this already, when a retired goon like rob murphy tweets out that if anyone crosses the picket line he will personally be there to confront them, man... just shut up already. That is not helping at all. If anything the more the players go on and on about this on twitter, the more i think fans will lean towards the cfls side Threatening people and having multiple current players retweet it is just dumb. PA needs to put a gag order on the players for sure. What i don't really get is the players seem to be all angry and hot and bothered that cohon went public with what the CFL offered, but the players went public with what they want way before cohon did. Grown men acting like spoiled brats.
  5. Fantasy trades are fun but that would never happen, pens will never give up maata, it just won't happen. If you want a d men from pitt, it's more likely depres or pouliot. And for that matter, the jets wont give up wheeler either, he's basically the best player on the team by far and he loves playing here. These trade proposals aren't really based on anything other than one guy wanting to mortgage the future for maybe one playoff run where we would get swept. Gotta understand that this team is building for the future, we aren't gonna give up our young players for a guy like james neal that's for sure. Think Kane of Buff might get traded and i think the eastern conference is their likely destination but... i don't think pittsburgh would be willing to give up what we would want for them.
  6. Something will get worked out, it's just posturing, it happens all the time. CFL players aren't stupid although sometimes you have to wonder.. I think a deal is there to be made, they are closer than they appear, if the players would just stop going on twitter and crying about it and actually get back to the CFL with a reasonable counter offer, i think a deal can be made soon, it's not like they couldn't sit down and get a deal done in a day or so.. It's really just a lot of posturing to the fans right now. Not so much by the owners (in some case, you can say we are the owners, no i know not technically but...) We all seem to have such short memories when it comes to CBA's. NHL players did the same, NBA players too, NFL players, heck even last time, the CBA didn't get finished until what? half way through or near the end of june? we got lots of time, if we miss a weeek or 2 of training camp, no big deal. Still not convinced we miss training camp either though.
  7. 6-2 kings, Dang, you know the NHL is hoping for NYR VS LA just cuz of the markets and i think its possible that's what we may get. Kings absolutely rolled over the Hawks last night.
  8. It's a nice looking building for sure, I will say this though, all these buildings look pretty sweet on paper but in reality, they may end up looking similar to the "drawing" but it will never ever be 100 percent exactly like the drawing. It's still a beauty though. Just saying i wouldn't expect it to look like it does on paper. Looks more like a soccer stadium to me but i still like how it looks.
  9. it is. and i'd suspect the guy standing next to buck and cameron is bucks brother, there is a resemblance there if you look close.
  10. cohon just said it wont happen anyways so yeah... nothing to see here.
  11. good catch, totally didnt notice that. That is quite interesting actually.
  12. i don't care what anyone says but the stuff on twitter is really making me agree with the owners here. Jon Cornish crying that he's not getting paid enough to feed his family, that's jon fricking cornish, he's a premier player in the league getting paid well over 6 figures. he even threw in a little face. Good god, get off twitter you moron. Marquay Mcdaniel going on about if you want a loan, ask the qb's, they got all the money <--- cracks starting to show there Juwan Simpson saying they dont want us to eat All this stuff is just bullcrap and i'm sorry but these are the marquee players in the game, they are crying that they are broke, i dont buy it for half a second, they are greedy arrogant pricks really. Could see it from their perspective for sure but this twitter stuff is getting ridiculous actually, the biggest mistake the cflpa has made so far is let their players go on twitter and basically rant. It's hurting them more than it is helping them. You get the odd fan who agrees but... it seems most really see through the bs.
  13. have to admit, his play well downhill fast.
  14. Anyone a fan? I'm not a huge fan but i did happen to catch the draft lottery last night and i have to wonder, how does a team with a 1.9 was it? percent chance at winning the lottery, win the lottery, how is Cleveland picking first once again? This all seems so rigged. Thoughts? Like i said, not a huge fan but just found it odd and a little bit interesting that Cleveland once again won the lottery. Shoot, wrong discussion form.
  15. what was the one with ben afleck and the little kid, the wife dies and afleck wants to take a job in the big city but the kid wants to stay in ahhh yes, jersey girl. That was a good movie i thought.
  16. i voted yes cuz i've never ever cared for the names on the back of the jersey, they all come and go really... i just care about the logo on the front really. football is football. If replacement players are brought in (i honestly don't think it will come to that), i will definitely go and watch games. Listen, i've got my fav players, we all do but... you know what, milt stegall was my fav bomber of all time, he is no longer playing but i still love the winnipeg blue bombers. Dont care if its milt stegall out there tho or bob smith, dont care if its drew willy or willy drew. dont care if its will ford or kevin smith, dont care who is playing, will support the winnipeg blue bombers regardless of what the names on the back of the jerseys are.
  17. Other than your observation of your stoner friends, what evidence do you have to suggest this is true? well, most of my friends are awful drivers, none drive when drunk, only a few when "high" and in my opinion, just based on nothing but driving with them when they are sober and driving with them when they are high, they are a lot more cautious when high. Tend to drive to the speed limit or even just under the limit, when sober, tend to drive over and like idiots. Just my opinion here based on a few of my own friends.
  18. it's my understanding that in order to be a part of the cfl pa, you first need to make the roster, would these rookies even be part of the pa?
  19. players come and players go, jeez man, 35 or 36 players are left from last years bomber team, there is a huge amount of turnover on every team every year, the players are not the league, i hate that argument, without the fans there is no league, the fans are the league... not the players who are here one week and gone the next.
  20. didn't say a DUI wasn't stupid, said being busted for pot possession isn't that stupid, was just dumb luck. I dont really consider being stoned to be a DUI, i've driven with plenty of stoners over the years and to be honest, they are some of the best drivers i know. DUI, with alcohol involved, yeah that's stupid for sure, putting other people at risk there too, for sure that's a no no but... i was talking about the weed charge, never did mention a DUI in my post.
  21. Reading some of the players comments on twitter, i think they have gotten off the revenue sharing idea, jon cornish said so at least, so did paul mccallum, it is odd to me that most the players going on about this on twitter are the veteran players and guys who probably are getting paid a decent chunk of change as is. Their is a deal to be made here, i don't like the cfl going to the media but i also dont like players using social media as a way to interact with the fans about this. This should all be done behind closed doors in my opinion. But their does seem to a deal to be made somewhere here, whether thats by raising the cap a bit more to 5 million this season and then going up in 100,000 $ per year increments until the deal is done, essentially making the final cap number about 5.7 5.8 million, i don't know but... there does seem to be some progress here regardless of what the players and certain members of the media are saying. Madani going on about how the players have already started asking their agents for loans is probably a sign that the players arent as united as we are lead to believe, i hate their hashtag too, #wearetheleague. Reality tho is, they are not the league, they come and go, the fans are the league and like tburgess and tup said, i think for the average fan, its pretty hard to be on the side of a player who just got offered a 10 percent raise plus a 3000 dollar bonus. I know i'd take that if offered to me right now. Who wouldn't. Also agree with bob irving tho who said, that 4.8 is a good starting point but the league needs to throw the players a bone a bit and actually increase the cap by more than 1 percent per year. increase the cap to 4.8 maybe 5.0 million this season and add 100,000 every year of the deal and i think that's fair for both sides.
  22. the only logical reason i can think of why he hasn't been. and regardless of what you me and everybody else thinks or says on this board, he has CFL experience and the other guys do not. That's the only reason i can think of why he hasn't been released. I don't necessarily agree with it but.... that has to be the reason or... he is indeed dating bellefeuille.
  23. i stand by my original post in this thread, not concerned at the moment.. however with every passing day, slight concern does start to creep in. we'd be naive to think that the season might not be played, but we'd be naive to think it definitely will be also. You never know what happens here, for all we know, we wake up tomorrow and theres a topic that says players and owners agree to new deal.
  24. in chevys interview he did say he expects pavelec to be better tho, its not like he said 100 percent for sure he is our starting goalie next season. The question that was asked was rather silly and to expect chevy to say anything different than what he said was silly too. what i took from that interview is as of now (or that time) pav is our goalie next season but we all know things can and usually do change. I'm not convinced pavelec is back next season, i'm not convinced he is gone either though. I don't think i'm on the side that thinks with better goal tending we are a playoff team, we have a long ways to go yet. Pavelec takes a lot of heat it seems but he isn't the only issue on this team and i think thats all chevy was saying. wasn't gonna throw pav under the bus... and i actually agree with him that he didn't.. what if he came out and said yeah no he sucks, we are gonna trade him or buy him out.. people would be going on about how stupid chevy was for saying that, when you ask a gm questions like that you are setting him up for criticism regardless of what he says.
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