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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. the only thing i dislike in this topic is the use of the word bigot, calling people bigots for having a different opinion than you on a subject is actually being a bigot yourself.
  2. crap.. rod black. good god someone help us all
  3. i thought prior to being selected by ottawa, that the rumor was hage would rather retire than play for the redblacks. them trading him kind of confirms this thought. Thought i heard this a few times prior to the expansion draft.
  4. the odd part to me in this trade is not getting a pick back, the trade is fine but... it just kind of boggles my mind that ottawa didnt get a pick back from calgary.
  5. i'll agree with this also. I just don't see calgary needing lavertu.
  6. desjardins is really really stupid. What a dumb move, i'd get it if they got calgarys first round pick but not even? wow, just wow really. It's not a huge move, if this is the type of offer walters gets for 2, id keep it.
  7. It is. holy crap, it is, tsn just announced it live. unreal, what is desjardins thinking here. :s so ottawa has no first round pick? wtf.
  8. It is. holy crap, it is, tsn just announced it love. unreal, what is desjardins thinking here. :s
  9. it cant just be straight up with no pick coming back to ottawa, that would be ridiculous.
  10. was it gott straight up for rights to retired hage and number 1? or did ottawa get calgarys pick also, which is what? 6 7th?
  11. yeah i dont think its lavertu they are after to be honest, it makes no sense.
  12. is it pruneau or quinn smith even, calgary dont need a center, they got jones. maybe foucault?
  13. or they did and just decided that we need the guy more.
  14. well, parker did only play in 8 games in 2 seasons and thought kuale was brought in for the MLB role, parker? i don't think that was ever a real option, except on this forum really. I never really heard anyone in the bomber organization mention parker as an option for MLB, it was just a few people on the forum here.
  15. not really a "name" lb, maybe to those who dont pay attention but..... a little underwhelmed by this signing. Didn't expect lawrence, he was just released like what? yesterday? surely he has other nfl teams interested in him, thought he did when he signed originally and honestly, if he was to go back to the CFL, why wouldn't he go back to hamilton, they wanted him, and if he comes back to the CFL, that is where he will be. Kuale? a big meh really, im not sure he makes it out of camp.
  16. If the cfl strikes, the cfl is done. It's that simple.
  17. We are likely to not have the horses to play firewagon football and with all of the coaching changes, we are probably going to have to go with a pretty simplified playbook until the team gels, so get ready for some boring football. if that boring football means winning games, i dont really care and after last season, i dont think it could get any worse. Not sure why you expect boring football, football in my opinion, its never boring. always something exciting going on.
  18. MB has got to know this is his last chance to prove he can be a very good OC in this league so i dont completely expect the same old MB conservative offence, however, if our d is very good (they could be), you dont need to exactly light up other teams on offence, you just need to do enough to win really. I'm not sure we have the personal for this ultra dynamic offence people want. Would i like an offence that is trend setting and other teams want to copy? you bet, but.... i don't expect that. Its football, there is only so much you can do and only so much that works. If our D is good enough, they might or might not be, who really knows right now, there is nothing wrong with playing a bit conservative. I've always liked the teams that rarely to never turn the ball over, those teams generally win the game, isn't it fact that in most games in the CFL, the team that turns the ball over the least generally wins? If being conservative means less turnovers, that's fine with me.
  19. i dunno, sure what he said was pretty homophobic but you guys are being pretty naive if you can't admit that none of you have ever said or done something stupid. I mean really, maybe its just me and my friends but i doubt it, but... calling each other "gay" has been going on for years, man thats "so gay". whats the difference? the difference is we dont have thousands of followers on twitter or facebook or whatever else. I have a hard time black balling a guy for having an opinion, is this what the world has come too? You can't have a different opinion than someone else? And again in the dont want to say it category, not saying i agree with what he said but you can bet your butt that lots of people do. I just dont like the idea of not brining in a talented player because he said something silly on twitter, even though lots of people im sure agree with him. Again, not saying i agree with what he said, but... he has the right to say it.
  20. for some reason, the name brett mcneil keeps popping in my head for this. He already lives here, coaches the rifles and i believe the bisons or did.
  21. read somewhere that several teams are interested in goosen, not just as a centre though. He is apparently quite versatile and can play guard also so really teams need these types of players, i think they probably want goosen maybe not as a centre though.
  22. I know they love the guy and nobody wants to give up a roster player, but if I'm Walters, I'm hardballing Buono. I don't want two picks for the #2, I want #5 and a guy like Haidara. oh i agree, 2 picks isn't enough. I was thinking like #5 and westerman. But haidara works too.
  23. hate saying this but if the stamps cut mo price, i hope the bombers make a call to him, so he said something on twitter, and yeah it was pretty homophobic but... he's a darn good football player. Moore,Price,Denmark. <-- thats sick.
  24. penton tweeted that bc really wants to move up to #2 and is wondering if walters will give buono want he wants. # 2 for #5 and #14 or keep #2.
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