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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Interesting if you look on bluebombers.com and on the roster, stafford gattling is listed as DE/LB. He is listed at 6'4 249. Drop a couple pounds and that's CFL MLB size.
  2. Kesler probably does have higher value than Kane, just because Kesler has been consistently very good .Even this year, for as bad as the canucks were and even with the rumors of him wanting out, 25 goals i believe? Pretty decent. I do think Kesler wouldn't waive his NMC to come to another Canadian City, if anywhere tho, it could be here as he does have some ties to chipman and heisinger. He did play for the Moose here one season, I just dont think a trade for Kesler is well, it doesn't fit in to what the plans here seem to be. He doesn't fit in to that age category. Honestly tho, If im vancouver, and i move kesler, Its to an eastern based team, I could see NYR being a fit or a team Like Philly even. Philly for Maybe Scott Lauhgton,a pick and a guy like Matt Read works. Van gets younger and picks up a good prospect in laughton and a solid winger in read. Also if i'm the Jets, and i'm moving Kane, I'm moving him East. Im not moving him to a team in my same conference that's for sure. Long off season. Laviolette named coach of Nashville today also.
  3. Jets have had some pretty outstanding drafts the last 3 season really, Outside of Lukas Sutter, everyone else seems to be either having solid junior seasons (or had) or are now playing in St Johns. Pretty spectacular when you look at what the jets had prior to the 2011 draft and you look now. Night and Day. Top 15, could argue top 10 team in terms of prospects. Trouba,Scheif have shown they belong. No doubt once given the chance, guys like Lowry and Lipon will at worst become solid bottom 6 players. Morrissey has high potential to be a top pairing d man, and Brendon Kichton has lit up the AHL his first year too. Not normal indeed. But, i'm gonna have to give some credit to the Thrashers for already having a solid d man like Enstrom, A good bottom pairing d man and heart and soul in Mark Stuart and a guy who still hasn't reached his peak, Shea Weber didn't come in to his own until much later in his career (not saying he's comparable to weber tho) but at worst a top 4 D man in Bogo. Edmonton? LOL they probably did well taking Eberle when they got him, late 1st rd pick, They did good with RNH, probably should have spent a year or 2 bulking up tho, Did good with Taylor Hall. But, i think they probably should have taken D man Ryan Murray (sure right now he might not have made a huge difference to the Oilers) but... in the long term, I think Murray would have been a better pick instead of Yakupov, Not saying YAK isn't a good player, he is and very well could be very good one day, but... in terms of what the oilers had and needed, Had a bunch of skilled smaller forwards, Needed a Dman, not another skilled smaller forward. If i'm edmonton, I look at moving one of my smaller skilled forwards (Yak or Eberle ) to get me a Legit top 4 d man. Buff to Edm straight up for Eberle might work for me but... it's not going to happen. Eberle here means Frolik can be bumped down to the third line. Not saying he didn't have a good year but... a 3rd line consisting of ??, Burmi/O'dell/Jokinen,Frolik is pretty decent. Say what you will but that would give us a very good forward group and eberle fits in terms of how old he is also. Won't happen but is a trade that does help both teams, If buff wants to be a dman that is.
  4. McRath is shocking. Just because from all accounts he was solid at mini camp and was even taking on a leadership role apparently in Flo Rida. The other guy, never heard much about him from mini camp so not overly surprising. A trade seems likely or maybe like others have suggested, McCune is on the way. Someone suggested a trade with BC. Really? For Elimimian or Bighill? One would assume we would have to give up a bit, unless #2 and "insert player here" for Elimimian/Bighill and 1st rd 2014 Maybe #2 and a guy like Swiston or Pencer to BC for Elimimian/Bighill and their first works.. i have no idea. I hope the bombers do. The other possibility is McRath asked for his release, maybe he has an NFL opportunity??
  5. safeway is very expensive compared to other grocery stores. But, safeway has a very loyal base of shoppers, regardless what people say, you drive by a safeway (not the one on main) and it's packed all the time when it's open.
  6. To me the whole kelly etienne argument is much ado about nothing. Kelly is american, Etienne canadian. Kelly is older, etienne is what? 23, heck our draft picks this year will be older. You cant really compare the 2. It's like comparing rotten apples to rotten oranges. They both aren't very good but regardless of what people say, etienne is a young guy still, kelly is not. Etienne could still turn in to a very productive receiver and since he's canadian and young, he will get that chance. Kelly is a journeyman american, dime a dozen replaceable american receiver. Etienne would have made a good backup if he played special teams.
  7. Not exactly Point Douglas though, it was waterfront, they were gonna extend waterfront, point douglas isn't that bad, I mean, yeah it's sketchy at times but really name an area and it's sketchy at times. Really it's no worse then the downtown region by the MTS Centre. Point Douglas could be a gorgeous area, its surronded by the river, it's unfortunate that it's a giant waste of space though and it's unfortunate there are people living there who just don't give a crap. It could be quite beautiful if it was indeed redeveloped. It's not like they were gonna build this stadium near magnus or manitoba avenue, now that area is sketchy at all times.
  8. Just for the record, i am a sharks fan, i loved the sharks b4 the Jets came back, They were cool. I just think they don't have what it takes to take that next step. Its too bad cuz i'd love to see them actually win the cup but.... it's quite apparent that the current group just can't get it done. Good in the regular season, they don't have that extra gear tho in the playoffs.
  9. LOL sure am. I'll be the first to admit though that was the only raptors game i watched all year and really only basketball game from basically start to finish. I have watched other games, the clippers are fun to watch but.... i never ever watch a full game, i did yesterday for the first time ever lol
  10. didnt vlasic get injured in game 6? but yeah i suppose that's an excuse that could be used, or the sharks are just good in the regular season and choke when it matters. It's not like this is the first time they dominated the regular season and choked.
  11. Our cars would have had to be protected every game. People would be nervous walking in the area.... Slum houses. Slum neighbourhood. A few blocks from Main Street. Picking that area was just a bad decision. A football stadium doesn't spur redevelopment by itself. Go to Oakland & see where the Raiders play. To go somewhere near the downtown, well just where would it have been located? The land would have had to be bought & now we're taking $320 million to build the stadium. But the U of M?? There had to be other better locations. LOL at 320 million, we just talking stadium here now right? cuz that higgins plan was a total redevelopment of the entire area really, that was going to be billions for sure. The money wasn't around. I don't see the area "downtown" either, Polo isnt part of downtown.
  12. are we really sure they have enough talent? Kesler is unhappy and wants out never mind that he's on a downward slope from his peak a few years ago, the Sedins are still there sure but they're getting old and aren't exactly the core guys anyway. Other than that they don't have a real deep roster. Oh sure lots of serviceable players but they really are a one line team. and no prospects really outside of horvat and shinkaruk.
  13. Didn't ottawa sign nick setta also? This palardy thing isn't new is it? i thought i heard about this a month or 2 ago. There is no guarantee they go with a canadian kicker either.
  14. Teague Sherman looked good on special teams last season in his limited time playing it. I think he might be a good special teamer if he makes the team. West can come to camp, if he is beat out by a sherman, so be it or a robertson, so be it The more competition the better. No need to cut canadians who can play special teams and contribute in a pinch if neccesary b4 you have guys that can replace them. Our canadian depth is a problem, i wouldn't be cutting guys like that just yet. Come to camp, may the best guys win. If its west, thats fine. If he is beat out by someone else, thats fine too.
  15. i liked that idea too but it was obvious it wasn't going to happen. Is that walking distance between the 3 even? that's probably a half hour walk maybe more, baseball stadium to higgins where the stadium would have gone would take a while to walk. I liked the idea of across from polo park or near the U of W but... whatever i guess right. What's done is done.
  16. UFC much like wrestling is very cyclical too. UFC has been around for a long long time, it just never really got that big until a few years ago. Back in the ken shamrock, gracie, kimbo days, UFC wasn't doing too well. I'll bet there comes a time in the future when UFC isn't doing as well as they are now also, it just seems to trend that way at times. Much like wrestling, very very cyclical.
  17. not that i dont agree but no need to ***** about it now. Its not like they can pick it up and move it. But say the could, where in gods name downtown could it have gone? walking distance between those 3? The space doesnt exist really, nothing that is actually available at least.
  18. Carolina has fired kirk muller and his assitants outside of rod brind'amour.
  19. Sharks biggest problem was they couldn't score goals. That's the reason. The stats in that series backs it up. First 3 games they scored like 15 or was it 17 goals? last 4 they scored 5 goals. Can blame the D, can blame the goalie but if you can't score you arent going to win. This isn't a new thing with San Jose either, it's what they do every year.
  20. Hate to say it but there was a reason boston sent jumbo joe packing, They knew he just couldn't get the job done when it mattered. That entire San Jose team is like that tho. Marleau goes missing when it matters the most too.
  21. Officiating isn't much better in most other sports. Cite: Rappers playoff game today. NFL SanFran vs Seattle this past January. Plenty of bad officiating to go around.As for the proposal, I'd suggest that the main media isn't suitable, but an interview between the director of officiating or a well trained interviewer and the game crew designed to better explain the rules could have some merit. Omgz, you watch the raps? But, no one watches the raps outside of toronto if you believe whats said 'round here i agree tho, wow that was embarrassing by nba ref standards.. Obvious that the league since the refs obviously do what the league tells them wanted New York vs Miami for sure. The reffing was garbage, in the end tho, the raps had a chance to win and didnt do it though. Too bad but, you're right nobody watches it.
  22. Pennywise? No way, they are right up there with bad religion in terms of wikked awesome punk bands. Never knew they were still together.
  23. Doesn't hurt to give the guy a chance. Injuries are what they are. He's good enough that he got a shot at the NFL. If he can stay healthy, he might have something. we shall see.
  24. wow 3-1 montreal with 11 minutes left. 4-3 bruins with 3 minutes left now. 5-3 now. Geez this is a maple leaf like fail by montreal here. Not the same as that was game 7 but wow. what a collapse.
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