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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. that shot down theory might gain some ground if that plane is found in the bay of bengal tho. I dunno, i hope we get some answers here. It is a huge mystery and interesting. I hope in my lifetime i find out what happened but i get the feeling that it might take a while.
  2. doubt pallister wins anyways but dont want to talk politics. will say NDP sucks but PC's arent any better. As far as this rabb fella goes, he's not a city of winnipeg representative, he's sam katz's friend... atleast sheegl worked for the city, and yes i understand he was also sammys buddy but... seems like the bombers want an actual rep from the C.O.W. so cant say i disagree with them as rabb is not a rep but a friend of sammys.
  3. went with the no option here, but agree with 17to85 first post. If we can get for a late round pick, do it. If not, nope.
  4. This all depends on what the word on Quinn Smith is... if he is rated better than Westerman, I think there's a lot of interest to trade up for #2 pick (then again, I would be wondering we we aren't picking him...) Only reason to trade down is to still pick Goossen and another starting player - our NI depth is what will kill us this year. I just think its very obvious that lavertu goosen and foucault will go 1 2 and 3, maybe not that order but... ott wpg edmonton all need oline help badly. Pretty obvious montreal needs a receiver, bc probably would still get smith when they pick at 5 just based on needs really. I just dont see trades happening here. If anything maybe we trade a pick in next years draft (what about a first in next years draft for edmonton or bcs first in this years??? ) or first round 2015 for bcs 1st and 2nd rder this year or montreals. Think thats more likely then trading out of the 2 spot.
  5. just gonna throw some crap on the wall here, see if it sticks. Is this a fair trade for kane To florida for the 1st overall and brandon pirri plus rights to mike matheson (d man) is that a fair trade? i think it might be. Im not sure florida would make that trade but.. if i was them, id consider it. Florida is in a situation where they need to win but... they are so young that i dunno if it can be done anytime soon. They got luongo right now and brian campbell as their 2 best players (outside of barkov) but these guys are proven solid players. They arent exactly spring chickens. does kane speed up their rebuild more then the number 1 pick would? Like i said, just throwing crap on the wall.
  6. short video about a minute 20 seconds long on the sun site. not much said tho. basically what was said here really already. I highly doubt we trade down, actually... its highly unlikely teams would trade up with us... it makes no sense for them too. everyone and their mother knows we need a center... why would montreal or bc gives us 2 picks for 2 picks from us. They are gaining nothing. Pretty apparent ottawa takes lavertu or smith, pretty obvious wpg takes lavertu or goosen, edmonton will take one of goosen or foucault, montreal will take bailey.. bc will take a DL (whether that be smith or gill) There is no need for those teams to move up 2 spots really... and dont forget, ottawa could take lavertu, we could trade our pick and then that team or edmonton could take the other center. Leaving us pretty much out of luck. We will take a center, its painfully obvious. Its lavertu or goosen. Mark it down boys, thats who it will be.
  7. I think its been obvious all off season that we were targeting a center olineman. Im not sure why anyone (one guy) would be surprised by this. We all know it. We have known it for a long time. This isnt the first time walters has mentioned wanting a center either.
  8. I agree. I think Winnipeg has more passion for the Bombers than Calgary does for the Stamps. People love the Flames but I don't sense that burning desire that Jets fans have here. I was at the Jets game here 2 weeks ago & they had 18,000 at the game. Easily a quarter of the crowd was cheering for the Jets. watched the game on tv and i thought it was more then half the crowd cheering for the jets, everywhere i looked on tv, jets jersey after jets jersey. It was quite the sight. It was beautiful. I was high up.Both fanbases treated each other well & with respect where I was sitting. No fights. Just everyone having a good time. Flames & Jets fans. We all knew our teams were out of the playoffs so I'm sure that had a lot to do with it. If these were Rider fans, there's be a lot of jackoff @$$***** looking for trouble. actually thought there was a fight in the lowerbowl, at one point it looked like it actually. everyones heads were turned. was told 2 drunk jets fans got into a brawl with eachother tho. I dunno, maybe that was earlier in the season tho.
  9. I agree. I think Winnipeg has more passion for the Bombers than Calgary does for the Stamps. People love the Flames but I don't sense that burning desire that Jets fans have here. I was at the Jets game here 2 weeks ago & they had 18,000 at the game. Easily a quarter of the crowd was cheering for the Jets. watched the game on tv and i thought it was more then half the crowd cheering for the jets, everywhere i looked on tv, jets jersey after jets jersey. It was quite the sight.
  10. If you can call 18 goals in an 82 game season a GOAL SCORER!!! But Evander has a pile of excuses - self-inflicted injuries, infections, bad coach, new bad coach, linemates with stubby hands, linemates with no hands. Trouble is - at this point he's untradeable as a 30 goal scorer - cuz he's NOT a 30 goal scorer. He's a 15 to 20 goal scorer and for 6 million a year, thats not only a money blow - its a formula for golf in April. actually in todays world, 6 million does seem to get you about a 25-30 goal scorer. You need to take a look at some of the guys making that type of money and you will see, kane is pretty good value for what he brings. Seem to have a dislike for the guy, thats fine but dont kid yourself that he isnt tradable, he's very very very tradable. He'd get the jets a very nice return for sure. Whether you think so or not.
  11. im not talking about atlanta, im talking about the JETS and i honestly doubt the jets would have taken him. The jets take high character guys.. Kane isnt a high character guy. They probably would have taken schenn cuz he does indeed fit the mold of the player the jets seem to like.
  12. the last raptors playoff game was the 2nd highest rated basketball game in tsn history. So people care but... maybe not that much. The ratings are good but compared to hockey and even the CFL, its a fraction. Calgary tho? i dunno. Has to be a combo of things, new people not caring, old people getting tired of the same old same old, regular season champs playoff chokers stuff. Doesnt make sense tho, however i was watching a flames game later in the year and noticed lots of empty seats too. Maybe Calgary just isnt that big of a sports town.
  13. Not really paying that much attention to most games, no teams i really like besides the blackhawks are in it anymore... i was pulling for a team like columbus, just would have been cool to see them atleast get by the pens. But i will say this, the reffing in 2 games ive watched has been absolutely terrible. The non call against the avs for basically tackling the wild player when the avs had noone in net and then 2 seconds later, the missed offside. Brutal. Then tonight san jose vs la, not blaming the refs for the sharks choking, thats what they do but that second goal where stalock was pushed in the net was garbage. Sharks would have lost anyways but still... brutal call. Will also add, been watching the colorado minny series and, i dunno, that is one heck of an exciting series. Everyone talks about how minny plays such a boring defensive style of hockey, i dunno if its cuz they playing the high tempo ultra talented avs but... man thats been probably the best series so far. Very exciting. Annoying that next round we will see another all california matchup. Not a fan of the california teams at all. Sharks gonna lose game 7 so we gonna get kings vs ducks.... i think im gonna make a prediction of avs vs habs final (lol not gonna happen) (but that would probably be the best series storyline wise) honestly, im gonna say boston vs chicago final.
  14. hmm, bc could always go with lulay and a couple rookies. seems a few teams are going that route this year so far (montreal being one, hamilton also) I dont think wally really wants glenn that badly, i dont think he's willing to overpay for him, i guess we will see what happens. I get the feeling tho that glenn starts this season as a redblack.
  15. i agree with the 2nd post of the thread but i do have to say... that i wonder why that isnt used as an excuse here? winnipeg is a very diverse city too, as a matter of fact, we have won awards for being one of the most diverse cities in canada. We got people from all over. I go to bomber games, i see people from all over there, its not just people born in manitoba, there are phillipinos and asians and all sorts of different varities of people. Minneapolis is as close to us (closer) then seattle is to calgary, they got an nfl team, heck so is green bay and chicago for that matter. I dont know what the deal is with calgary but.... id suspect a lot of it has to do with the lack of marketing. The flames suck, the seahawks arent close enough imo for it to be a major factor in calgarys attendance, its also at different times of year so i dont think i buy into that theory too much. I guess, that leaves... people just dont care as much in calgary about the CFL as they used too. Maybe its cuz calgary is always so good in the regular season but choke in the playoffs? i dunno. Id suspect if the stamps won the grey cup that next seasons attendance would be much higher. I dunno tho. Ive been to calgary to see a bomber game and honestly, in my humble opinion, i thought there were more bomber fans in attendance. You never see that here, ive never been to a game here where the visiting fans out numbered the local fans.
  16. was into this big time the first couple weeks but then it became pretty apparent that something was being covered up, the malaysians werent and i dont think still are telling the whole truth on what happened. Heres my theory, i got 2, one was already explained, the massive mechanical failure. The other... it was shot down by the us military base at diego garcia. I heard theories and i suppose conspiracies that the plane was carrying some interesting cargo, something to do with military stuff, there were a few guys from that freescale semiconductors group on there, specializing in military stuff. so its possible the plane was indeed shot down. I dunno and to be honest, i dont care anymore as much because its just been going on and on and on for too long. CNN ruined it for me, too much "breaking news" "developing news". I do tho find it odd that the plane apparently wasnt tracked by anyone. Its all so suspicious. it makes you wonder if the plane ever actually existed even lol (obviously it did)
  17. Nate: whats your issue with kane? the guy is what? 22 23 years old, has put up 30 one year, on pace for 30 lockout year, would have probably had 30 this year if not injured for so long at times, would have had 20 had he not passed it to peluso on the empty net earlier. But as i said b4, if the jets were around in 2009 and were drafting 3rd in that draft year, would they have taken kane? i dunno they would have. Jets seem to value high character guys, guys without attitude issues. say what you will about kane but he does indee have character issues. But outside of what kane does off the ice, cuz really who cares.... what makes you dislike him so much? you talk about wheeler playing with slugs, kane played with jokinen, who is the definition of a slug.
  18. wheeler is a very good player but he's definitely not a crosby getzlaf perry or whatever tho. However, he can be a point a game player and was for the last 30 or so games of the season. Im not sure how this point a game thing works, cuz guys like crosby getzlaf etc, they all go on these points sprees where they get tons of points in a few games then are invisible for a few. Im not sure anyone is technically a point per game player, maybe crosby but... you also have to look at who he plays with. Crosby is on a stacked penguins team, getzlaf and perry are team and line mates. wheeler dont have a crosby or getzlaf or perry to play with. You put him with one of those guys tho and i think he does become a point per game player. He almost is right now. Is wheeler one of the best players in the league? its debatable, is he the best jet player? for sure he is, would he more then likely be our all star nomination, you bet he would be. Wheeler has improved every year, ever since coming here actually, guys been good, is he crosby or getzalf or perry? no but who is really. Comparing wheeler to those guys are crazy actually.. like i said tho, give wheeler a crosby or getzlaf or perry to play with and he probably is.
  19. rask is one of the best goalies in the league, he does steal games for the bruins, quite a bit actually. Boston is a good team but they arent invincible, they have bad games too and when they do, rask is there for them. Rasks save percentage on scoring chances is 916, the league average on scoring chance save percentage is 880. Yeah he's just average . This idea that boston has this great team is crazy, sure they are good but... their d outside of chara and seidenberg(but hasnt he been injured all year really) consist of rookies like krug, dougie hamilton, matt bartkowski, aint exactly household names outside of chara.
  20. Petan is one of the best players in the WHL, who cares if he's 5'9. mary st louis and a bunch of guys are smaller guys but they dont play like smaller guys. Neither does Petan, ive seen him play actually a few times and the guy is brendan gallagher, he is small but he has no issues going in to the corners, going to the front of the net, is a play maker for sure, put petan with kane and look out actually. I feel kane will be moved tho, and petan probably wont be up here for another year or 2 but if he develops, man he's gonna be a good one. If he was 6' plus tall, he would have probably been a top 20 or at worst top 25 pick cuz he is that good.
  21. Not that it really means much just based on who has been all stars but january has been an all star on the oline for us for a few seasons hasnt he? saying he is a B- i think isnt really giving him much credit, i think he starts on most other teams olines. He's by far our best olineman too. Pencer looked pretty good at tackle last season when he got a shot to play, just for some reason, they never went back to him. Last year was kind of a gong show tho. Pencer still has high potential, think the problem with some of the guys is, people for some reason expect them to start or be an all star immediately, it doesnt work like that really in the cfl draft. Pencer was drafted what? 2 years ago now... isnt he where he should be development wise?
  22. Maybe if he comes up here his nickname could be silent bob.
  23. 3 weeks ago quinn smith was a nobody nothing, not even ranked on the top 15 list, now he's #4 and everybody wants the guy? based on a strong e camp it appears, but how much does e camp actually mean? how much do the numbers actually mean? can you repeat those numbers? or is it a one off type day or camp of a lifetime where you just show up and dominate but then you go back to normal and dont. Im curious how much these e camp numbers actually mean to the people in charge of actually making the picks. As a fan, all i really know is... all year there have been guys who have been ranked in the top 5.. all rankings really, LDT,LAVERTU,FOUCAULT being 3... and there was a guy who wasnt ranked at all really, but after the e camp he is ranked top 5. I dunno about guys like that to be honest, go with the sure thing like foucault or lavertu, smith could just be some testing freak... i dont know, havent seen him play... but like i said, as a fan all i know is what the rankings have been and i find it strange he wasnt really ranked until after the e camp. perhaps a red flag of sorts. I just think we need oline help so badly that passing on either of lavertu or foucault (got off the goosen train but still think he's an option)(he becomes probably a bigger one if lavertu and foucault get serious nfl interest), it would be silly. Oline needs help so bad, its vital to our success, put lavertu and foucault with wylie and you got yourself a couple young guys ready to go im sure, pencer too (he has potential still), perhaps wylie gets it out of him. Like the idea of us taking an oline and having wylie coach him up... Think long term, oline is whats needed for this club. Smith? I dunno, not a fan of the testing freaks, see it lots in sports, nhl,nfl,cfl even.. guys who have crazy e camp type things and then proceed to really not do much as a pro. I guess regarding SMITH, is... based on his play on the field agasint competition, he wasnt ranked at all. Based on what he did at a weekend or so at an evaluation camp, he moves up to 4. I think thats a reach of a pick if there ever was one. Do you take a guy at 4 to groom to become a center just based on a weekend of work? Thats a tough one, excellent numbers but scouts didnt have him ranked at all all year really. Well im sure he was just not so high... at all. LDT Lavertu and Foucault were, if no NFL interest we have a shot at one of those 2 (LDT is nfl bound for sure) who have been ranked high all year. Be crazy to pass on one of them if they didnt get nfl interest.
  24. let me be clear, im not saying the organization is a joke, but a few months ago, it was quite the gong show for a while... for a few years really it was a gong show, sure we may not be as much of one right now as we were, but... it doesnt take 3 months to fix what took years to get too. We are still a gong show of sorts, and probably are known as one throughout the league, why would coaches want to come here? cuz recent history suggests you come here and your career is ruined. Oshea hired ETCH, so be it. its his choice. If etch fails, he fails but i think basing thoughts on his past and what he says in media written articles or opinion colums like doug browns, i dont like that. Lets see what he does as a blue bomber first then we can crucify him if he fails. I think after last year and the previous regime, i think based on last season, if anything, this year will/should be entertaining. say what you will about etch and the coaches and all that but ones things for certain. Last year was boring dull not exciting, we sucked so bad and were losing so bad that games were over by half time most games. This year... say what you will but i think the entertainment factor will be high. Yes we all want the team to do well and win win win but if not, i think most of us just want to be entertained. 60$ a ticket, give me something to cheer for or get excited about . Last year, i had nothing. This season, im betting ill have a few things to entertain me.
  25. Just curious but who would you have put a gun to and forced them to come here to be the defensive coordinator instead? cuz seems to me, the guys we wanted (stubler for sure) didnt want to come here. So sure maybe ETCH is a bit of a crazy person or strange i guess, maybe the phrase best used to describe etch would be "not normal" but... he came here. Stubler didnt, others didnt. why is that? cuz others didnt want too probably. So basically, seems like ETCH was the best we could get. Oshea trusts the guy, honestly osheas opinion should mean more then a bitter doug brown who has done nothing but crap on the team who paid him hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to play and not win for. So just curious, who would you have made come here? cuz i think oshea tried to get other guys but they didnt want to come. Happens when you fire coaches every year. Guess you get the reputation that your organization is a joke... who would you have wanted to come join the joke of an organization?
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