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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. 1.Lavertu 2. Goosen 3. Foucault Foucault at 3 due to possible nfl interest. If he hasnt signed by draft time and is commited to signing up here, he's ahead of goosen on my list if im kyle walters and staff. Lavertu, just makes sense. we probably want him. We need him. He probably will start right away. He's a perfect fit for what we lack. Goosen. Same as Lavertu, just not as good right now, probably not ready to start but.. he's an olineman and we need that badly plus he's a center and well, like lavertu, we need that. Foucault, ahead of Goosen if no NFL interest, might project to be tackle but can start and probably will at guard for whoever drafts him. Gotta think he would for us. We need OLINE guys, we need center olineman. There are 2 available. We probably will take one. Foucault would be nice too, he fits a need. Guys like Coomb,Gill... Sure, Gill might be nice but not at 2 when you need to fix your oline. You dont pass up on one of those 3 for Gill i dont think.Coombs? Lets not even go there, like the guy... he's good, but.. he's very small. If he's there in round 2, maybe i look at making a trade to move up to take him then but not at 2, not even close to 2.
  2. I expect our D to be decent, cuz they normally are. I expect our O to be atleast competent, last year we werent at all. I expect some excitement and some disapointment. I expect us to have atleast 1 1000 yard receiver. I expect our Running Game to be good to very good (IT SHOULD BE) (if not, we need to get better players) Record Wise, Honestly with some offensive production, we should be good for 6 wins, so im gonna say we pull a couple miracles off this season, maybe on some special teams players or Defensive plays, Big plays, INTS to end games, Kick Return TDS etc, so im gonna say 8-10 but Im not naive to think it could very well be a 4-14 season too, hopefully if it is, its with progress. Like 2010 really, sucked but were close, was progress. LOL.
  3. Ok. Lets try. We will just go top 5 tho. Ottawa - Lavertu - not really a need, just desjardins likes to screw other teams over Winnipeg - Goosen - since lavertu isnt available Edmonton- Foucault - because like us, they desperately need oline badly Montreal - Bailey - because i dont see any non import receivers on their roster really BC- Gill - i could see them taking coombs here also, harris/coombs is a nice combo but i suspect gill goes here as they have westerman and need a guy who can play for him at times too. Plus westerman refused to sign an extension so maybe he's gone this next off season.
  4. anyone remember the anaheim game? we dont win that if not for pavs. You cant just throw out his bad games and say he sucks, you have to throw in his good ones too, There were plenty of games we won just because of how pav played, that anaheim game is one that just sticks out. What seems to be the case is the entire team, not just pavelec, but the entire team is inconsistent. Its not just one player, it never is in pro sports. Its the entire team. You can blame pav for a few bad goals sure, but... what about the games he won pretty much all by himself? What about the powerplay that sucked so badly all year, if our powerplay was any good, some of those 1 goal games might have gone the other way for us. You cant really blame one guy, You can but... when you look at the team as a whole, well... what it shows is that they are all inconsistent (everyone except ladd little and wheeler really) 3 players are pretty consistent game in game out, the rest arent. You can blame the goalie, you can blame the bottom 6 lack of scoring, you can blame the powerplay... but if you do just blame one of them, you are ignoring the other issues the team has. Would a new goalie make a difference? maybe, maybe not tho. Maybe tho. But would that new goalie make the bottom 6 put up more goals and points? would it improve the powerplay? would it make most our players any less inconsistent? I dont think so.
  5. because if we sign a better goalie or one of the youngsters come up and show they are ready, where else is he gonna go? why buy him out when u can put him in st johns. Maybe he doesnt accept that and goes back to play in the khl or czech leagues or something. I really dont think a buyout on pavelec is something TNSE will even think about. Sometimes, it makes me wonder. Buyout Pavelec he sucks, get rid of him, he sucks... but... you think burying his contract in the minors is awful? how can the jets trade someone who is awful? why would anyone pick him up if he's as awful as some make him out to be. Why waste a buyout on pav when you dont need too. You either trade him if you sign someone or one of your young guys step up or you bury him in the minors. He has no trade value according to those who think he sucks.
  6. I wonder if maybe the thinking with Pavelec is that he's got 3 years left on his deal. Thats probably when a guy like Helle or/and Comrie will be ready, perhaps sooner even. The thing with going out and buying out pavelec and maybe signing a halak or a greiss or whoever is available or making a trade, (have to be a vet probably tho, dont want him but cam ward might actually make sense, not really money wise but how many years does he have left? if its 1 or 2? or even 3 like pav maybe you try to get him here, I dont think the goaltending answer long term for this team is in a trade, Its Helle or Comrie maybe both so you cant go out and get a goalie on a super long term deal. Just 2 or 3 years, Thats what PAV is on. Maybe the solution is PAV plays less games and Hutch or whoever the backup is next season (NOT montoya) play more games and when you feel Hutch or Helle or Comrie or Pasqualle is ready to take over from PAV, well maybe in a couple seasons the cap will be much higher and pav is our backup veteran goaltender. Plays limited games.
  7. and if this was Chad Johnson 5 years ago too.
  8. well, he has the right attitude then. I wish him luck. It would be good for the league actually, i just am not convinced he will be that great up here.
  9. and lets not forget, if they dont buy out pav, they could always try to trade him if we sign another guy or they could bury his contract in st johns. There are ways around this, you dont need to buy him out, you dont need to trade him. You can bury him in the minors, yup that involves him going through waivers but if he's as terrible as some suggest (im not convinced he is) If you break his games down in to 10 game segments, i think what you will see is... he's pretty decent at times but pretty crappy at other times. I wonder if part of pavs problem is if... maybe he plays too many games. maybe our coaches dont have confidence in the backup goalies. There is always that possibility, if pav is so awful but the coaches play him the most, what does that say about montoya? says the coaches dont really have confidence in him to get the job done. Who knows, season just ended. Lets see what happens.
  10. Do the als even need american receivers? This seems to be a huge PR move. Get the feeling he gets cut in training camp If not, i dont know how long he will last up here. I dont know how good he will be either, he's gonna have a target on his back. Hate saying this, but... i love when former "nfl stars" come up here and fail. Ricky Williams was supposed to come up here and dominate, he didnt. Akili Smith is another, got cut in camp didnt he? So many former NFL guys come up here with this attitude that they are gonna just light it up big time.... but then reality kicks in and they realize,oh crap these guys up here are actually pretty good. If johnson comes in with the attitude that he is gonna do amazing things because he was a former NFL player, he will fail. If not, he might have a chance but... i have to question whether the als actually need another american receiver, Richardson,Green among others... I dont know if CJ even makes it out of camp. Seems to be an annual thing, JIM POPP brings in some american player who gets all this hype only to see him be cut during camp. The other thing, How far has johnson fallen, what has he done with all his money? the guy was making millions upon millions upon millions of dollars, where did all that money go? Is he playing now for the love of the game or because his millions are now gone and he needs the money?
  11. quatre vingt cinq altho milt had that nickname too
  12. Florida might have to add another player, maybe a prospect like mike matheson or even a bottom 6 like quinton howden or drew shore. Shore i think would fit in nicely with the bottom 6 here. Is there room on the top 6 here for barkov? barkov hasnt really proven anything, kane has. he's a former 30 goal scorer. I gues prospect like barkov (thats what he is still) and a high pick isnt that unreasonable.
  13. Not sure why you would be. Lets look at reality instead of sillyness for a moment. Pavelec is the only goalie currently under contract for next season. Montoya is a UFA and a career backup, as much as people want to pretend he's a starter, he isnt. Pasqualle hasnt played a game up here. Hutch has played 3. Helle and Comrie are way too young to bring up just yet. Not sure why so surprised actually. I dont know why people seem to expect these guys to come out to the media and say, yup pav is gone for sure or yeah we gonna buy him out or stuff like that. It doesnt work like that. He's the only goalie currently under contract for next season. Its as simple as that. Maurice seems to think its less pav and more on the entire team. I'd honestly take chevy and maurices opinion over people who arent in the room. Same really with Kane, ill take the guys in the rooms opinion over people who post on fan forums anyday, Ive heard things like Kane is a cancer in the room, is he tho? how would any of us actually know this? Let me clarify why I find it odd. A team that repeatedly misses the playoffs has to look for reasons for their deficiencies throughout the course of the offseason. Having the GM come out less than a week after the season has ended, and publicly declare his firm stance on Pavelec is basically saying that the problems aren’t goaltending related. I would have honestly expected a response that may have suggested he still believes in the goaltender, but still addressed the constant need for improvement in all positions. It just seems too soon to be so cut and dry on the subject. Makes sense, the way i uhh heard him say it was, pav will be the number 1 goalie next season but... its up to PAV to show that he can be. Im not sure he gave him the ringing endorsement but he did say he'd be number 1 and right now, since he is the only nhl goalie on the roster under contract for next year, makes sense why he would say it. Im pretty sure he also said that pav has to prove he belongs also (not those words) but reading between the lines a bit, it seems to me that chevy and company believe in pav, they wont throw him under the bus, goalies confidence issues are a bit of a sticky situation, you dont want to say yeah he sucked, he's the reason we missed and we definitely need an upgrade, you need to tread carefully cuz there is no guarantee that a guy like halak/holtby/greiss whoever will be here so cant put all your eggs in the free agent basket i guess you can say. Do i think PAV will be number 1 next season? not if they can sign a guy i mentioned, if not... well, id rather go with pav and hutch then monty and hutch. I think what chevy was saying is... right now pav is the number 1 goalie going in to next season, things can tho and might change.
  14. quite the list, el generico is now rocking it out on NXT as sami zayn, dudes gonna be a star. Petey williams, the canadian destroyer. Awesome stuff there. Kevin Steen? No doubt, guys a machine and heard he learned to speak english listening to jim ross doing commentary on wwe shows as a kid. Yeah, PCW... pretty solid organization there, pretty big too isnt it? you guys do lots of shows. Not sure how to say this, is your former partner not around anymore? was he the guy that... well, suicide? dont have to answer that if you dont want too, just i heard one of the guys killed himself and he was a promoter of one of the groups here in the city.
  15. Why you don't want Glenn here? Doesnt really matter if i want glenn here or not, its just becoming quite apparent listening to the people in charge (walters, oshea etc) that glenn just isnt in the plans really. Doesnt really matter what fans want, we dont always get what we want and sometimes when we do and it doesnt work out, we like to crap on the team. Cant have it both ways. Do i want glenn here? not really, why? because been there done that. He's not gonna be the difference between winning a grey cup and not winning a grey cup. I just dont see Glenn fitting here, the way oshea and walters have spoken, its just leads me to believe that glenn isnt really that much of a priority really. Fact is, if they really wanted Glenn that badly, he'd probably already be here. He isnt and its mid april already. Oshea asked by irving if the 4 qbs at mini camp will be the ones at main camp, said its a very high possibility. The way i look at glenn is, does he want to be a mentor? does he want to even come back here? if the answer to both of those is yes, then ok. I'd have no issue with him being here but if the answer to either of those questions is no, then pass. I understand people fear the unknown and willy and those guys are unknown, but... at the same time, With glenn, you know what you get and unfortunately as much as some like to pretend, what you get with glenn, is when the going gets tough, glenn folds like a tent. He's proven it time and time again, If the goal is to just make the playoffs, maybe glenn is an option but.... if the goal is to win the grey cup, i dont see kevin glenn ever winning a grey cup. I dont see Kevin Glenn being the difference here between winning and losing. I do see him tho hindering the development of guys who could very well be better then him tho.
  16. PCW? I've been to a couple in the past. Dont you guys always bring in stars from the past? like billy gunn was there among others? Kenny Omega (omega driver rules) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GLeEE9zLUo <--- sick What was the deal with omega? i thought wwe signed him but then he left, i heard rumors it was because they wouldnt let him do all his crazy moves. but, whats the actual reason? do you know? Cuz man, that guy would have been great to see in wwe.
  17. isnt barkov finnish tho? sure he's got a russian last name but i believe he's a finn. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksander_Barkov,_Jr.
  18. yes he was, but im not even sure why pearn was hired in the first place. I didnt like it when we hired him and was happy when we let him go with claude. Seems to me that in hockey, there isnt always a need to have more then 3 or 4 coaches in place. Wouldnt hate to see pascal vincent replaced tho as i believe he was in charge of the power play and it was absolutely awful. People can go on and on about goaltending but one more pp goal a game and its the same thing. Our powerplay sucked and if vincent was in charge, wouldnt mind if he wasnt brought back also.
  19. according to the interviews, its maurices decision. Said he had lots of chemistry with those guys. With that being said tho, anything can happen.
  20. just based on needs, i'd suspect the als will look at bailey if he's there when they pick. I dont really see many non import receivers on their roster. Ottawa? who knows, they are a confusing bunch really. Winnipeg probably goes with lavertu or goosen (pretty safe bet, its one of the 2) Edmonton will go with the oline guy winnipeg and ottawa (id suspect) dont take. Quinn Smith eh? I wonder if his draft stock has gone up because not only can he play DL but he can also play OL also it seems. Versatility is a good thing. Gill? Lets hope he told teams he only wants to play for the bombers
  21. well despite what i just said, i forgot to mention, and really i just ignored both chevy and maurice, but... all assitants are under contract for next season and will be back. Maurice even said that at this time he doesnt expect to add any assitants to the staff. I think he adds one but... in the interviews yesterday, it was stated by both chevy and pomo that all current assitants will be back (pascal vincent,flaherty,huddy)
  22. I'm a fan. Loved Ultimate Warrior, the energy he brought to the ring was insane. Always going 150 percent out there. His promo from RAW, think people are reading to far in to it. That was the Ultimate Warrior just being the Ultimate Warrior. I thought he looked pretty good for a guy who is 54. Hogan looks terrible, warrior looked ok. Sure, he seemed to be a little winded and was sweating a lot but... thats the ultimate warrior. The guy would get winded back in the day running to the ring. It was part of his gimmick. Watched the Utlimate Warrior DVD the other day and some of the stories people tell, Insanity. How warrior and macho man would always be pushing each other to see who can be more intense. One of them was, they were in englad i believe and needed a fix, (none of these guys were that in to drugs i dont think, doesnt sound like it at least, pretty sure warrior was pretty natural for the most part) but... they needed a fix, nothing was around. They went and found a cofee machine and stole it, brought it back to the arena and proceeded to down about 100 cups of cofee b4 going out to wrestle. I know the easy thing to do is when these guys die is to think, gotta be drug related but its not like that in all cases. Things have changed recently too, wwe's drug testing policy is more strict then any other "sport". Sure, the 80's sounded like it was an insane time but.... Not everyone back then did drugs all the time. His official cause of death is cardiovascular related, rumors are his father died of something similar. Like i said, its easy to go the drug route... but fact is... hear disease is also something that could be hereditary. I dont like the idea of saying its because of years of steroid abuse, the guy hasnt been around for 20 years. Had a young family, great kids and great wife. His hall of fame speech was outstanding telling his little girls the greatest thing he will ever do in life is be their father. Outstanding. Sad day when warrior died. Hulk Hogan was apparently a huge drug addict, i really dont think warrior was even back in the 80's. Sounds more and more like he was just... well, he was just crazy intense. The stigma of wrestlers from the 80's is they all were drug addicts. I dont think thats always the case tho. The one thing i wonder tho is, macho man is dead, warrior is dead... but hogan? the biggest drug addict in wrestling history isnt? how.
  23. Coaches contracts all have outs in them, im sure maurices is no different. Anyways tho, I wouldnt be opposed to maurice adding trotz to the staff. Trotz is a good defensive coach, something we seem to lack here a bit. Doubt it happens as im sure trotz gets a head coaching gig somewhere but it would be a pretty neat thing to see if it did.
  24. Florida might have to add another player, maybe a prospect like mike matheson or even a bottom 6 like quinton howden or drew shore. Shore i think would fit in nicely with the bottom 6 here. Is there room on the top 6 here for barkov?
  25. Not sure why you would be. Lets look at reality instead of sillyness for a moment. Pavelec is the only goalie currently under contract for next season. Montoya is a UFA and a career backup, as much as people want to pretend he's a starter, he isnt. Pasqualle hasnt played a game up here. Hutch has played 3. Helle and Comrie are way too young to bring up just yet. Not sure why so surprised actually. I dont know why people seem to expect these guys to come out to the media and say, yup pav is gone for sure or yeah we gonna buy him out or stuff like that. It doesnt work like that. He's the only goalie currently under contract for next season. Its as simple as that. Maurice seems to think its less pav and more on the entire team. I'd honestly take chevy and maurices opinion over people who arent in the room. Same really with Kane, ill take the guys in the rooms opinion over people who post on fan forums anyday, Ive heard things like Kane is a cancer in the room, is he tho? how would any of us actually know this?
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