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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. LOL sure am. I'll be the first to admit though that was the only raptors game i watched all year and really only basketball game from basically start to finish. I have watched other games, the clippers are fun to watch but.... i never ever watch a full game, i did yesterday for the first time ever lol
  2. didnt vlasic get injured in game 6? but yeah i suppose that's an excuse that could be used, or the sharks are just good in the regular season and choke when it matters. It's not like this is the first time they dominated the regular season and choked.
  3. Our cars would have had to be protected every game. People would be nervous walking in the area.... Slum houses. Slum neighbourhood. A few blocks from Main Street. Picking that area was just a bad decision. A football stadium doesn't spur redevelopment by itself. Go to Oakland & see where the Raiders play. To go somewhere near the downtown, well just where would it have been located? The land would have had to be bought & now we're taking $320 million to build the stadium. But the U of M?? There had to be other better locations. LOL at 320 million, we just talking stadium here now right? cuz that higgins plan was a total redevelopment of the entire area really, that was going to be billions for sure. The money wasn't around. I don't see the area "downtown" either, Polo isnt part of downtown.
  4. are we really sure they have enough talent? Kesler is unhappy and wants out never mind that he's on a downward slope from his peak a few years ago, the Sedins are still there sure but they're getting old and aren't exactly the core guys anyway. Other than that they don't have a real deep roster. Oh sure lots of serviceable players but they really are a one line team. and no prospects really outside of horvat and shinkaruk.
  5. Didn't ottawa sign nick setta also? This palardy thing isn't new is it? i thought i heard about this a month or 2 ago. There is no guarantee they go with a canadian kicker either.
  6. Teague Sherman looked good on special teams last season in his limited time playing it. I think he might be a good special teamer if he makes the team. West can come to camp, if he is beat out by a sherman, so be it or a robertson, so be it The more competition the better. No need to cut canadians who can play special teams and contribute in a pinch if neccesary b4 you have guys that can replace them. Our canadian depth is a problem, i wouldn't be cutting guys like that just yet. Come to camp, may the best guys win. If its west, thats fine. If he is beat out by someone else, thats fine too.
  7. i liked that idea too but it was obvious it wasn't going to happen. Is that walking distance between the 3 even? that's probably a half hour walk maybe more, baseball stadium to higgins where the stadium would have gone would take a while to walk. I liked the idea of across from polo park or near the U of W but... whatever i guess right. What's done is done.
  8. UFC much like wrestling is very cyclical too. UFC has been around for a long long time, it just never really got that big until a few years ago. Back in the ken shamrock, gracie, kimbo days, UFC wasn't doing too well. I'll bet there comes a time in the future when UFC isn't doing as well as they are now also, it just seems to trend that way at times. Much like wrestling, very very cyclical.
  9. not that i dont agree but no need to ***** about it now. Its not like they can pick it up and move it. But say the could, where in gods name downtown could it have gone? walking distance between those 3? The space doesnt exist really, nothing that is actually available at least.
  10. Carolina has fired kirk muller and his assitants outside of rod brind'amour.
  11. Sharks biggest problem was they couldn't score goals. That's the reason. The stats in that series backs it up. First 3 games they scored like 15 or was it 17 goals? last 4 they scored 5 goals. Can blame the D, can blame the goalie but if you can't score you arent going to win. This isn't a new thing with San Jose either, it's what they do every year.
  12. Hate to say it but there was a reason boston sent jumbo joe packing, They knew he just couldn't get the job done when it mattered. That entire San Jose team is like that tho. Marleau goes missing when it matters the most too.
  13. Officiating isn't much better in most other sports. Cite: Rappers playoff game today. NFL SanFran vs Seattle this past January. Plenty of bad officiating to go around.As for the proposal, I'd suggest that the main media isn't suitable, but an interview between the director of officiating or a well trained interviewer and the game crew designed to better explain the rules could have some merit. Omgz, you watch the raps? But, no one watches the raps outside of toronto if you believe whats said 'round here i agree tho, wow that was embarrassing by nba ref standards.. Obvious that the league since the refs obviously do what the league tells them wanted New York vs Miami for sure. The reffing was garbage, in the end tho, the raps had a chance to win and didnt do it though. Too bad but, you're right nobody watches it.
  14. Pennywise? No way, they are right up there with bad religion in terms of wikked awesome punk bands. Never knew they were still together.
  15. Doesn't hurt to give the guy a chance. Injuries are what they are. He's good enough that he got a shot at the NFL. If he can stay healthy, he might have something. we shall see.
  16. wow 3-1 montreal with 11 minutes left. 4-3 bruins with 3 minutes left now. 5-3 now. Geez this is a maple leaf like fail by montreal here. Not the same as that was game 7 but wow. what a collapse.
  17. you sound like someone from the other Bombers forum site. Do i? I don't have an account there. What did i say though that wasn't true? why should i trust fans opinions over bob wylies? chill man, i didn't say what your saying is not true. i just said that you sound like someone from the other site. that's all. but from your last post, i kinda sense you know who i am referring too. the first word in the dictionary?
  18. Maybe they should just make the correct calls on the field and then they wont have to explain any "controversial" calls.
  19. you sound like someone from the other Bombers forum site. Do i? I don't have an account there. What did i say though that wasn't true? why should i trust fans opinions over bob wylies?
  20. http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=451046 Unbelievable. Just about a week ago, people were going after the clippers owner for saying things not as bad as what some of these keyboard warriors said. Just sad that this is still the case in 2014. Racism is alive and well and people who pretend that guys like subban simmonds and kane dont have to deal with it on a daily basis are part of the problem. They shouldn't have to deal with this at all. Wonder how PK's brother Malcolm feels about this, he is a boston prospect.
  21. I'll trust bob wylies opinion. If we take lavertu or goosen, im confident they will turn out to be a good pick because wylie obviously will have a say. Honestly, we probably have the best oline coach in the CFL now, if he thinks goosen or lavertu are worth the #2 pick, then do it. No questions asked. Gotta trust the guys in charge to make the right decisions here. Wylie is a very respected oline coach, I'll trust he can turn whoever we take a 2 into a starting player for us (assuming its an olineman which i think it will be)
  22. The problem might be the media has no idea about the rules also, the refs would have to explain to the friesens of the world what the rules actually are first.
  23. I wonder what the percentage is for the joe mack tenure, Everyone seems to think his drafting sucked... but i wonder if you just took the last 3 years and did percentages, where the bombers would rank overall I'll bet its probably closer to the top. 5 years means we are looking at mack kelly and 1 year of taman no? Remove kelly and taman and see what happens.
  24. Pretty sure 99.99% of officials wouldn't enjoy this. I think it might make them look a little more incompetent in the big picture. Are these guys trained to speak to the media? could you imagine a paul friesen type of guy asking these guys questions? It wouldn't be good at all.
  25. Regardless of how you look at this, we got a brand new stadium that will last for 40 50 years plus for 210 million. Hockey arenas cost more, Regina Stadium will be more. 210 million is good value really. Im actually amazed that it was built for so little to be honest. I'll take this stadium over the one in Ottawa and Hamilton that's for sure. I understand some people will complain cuz that's what they do but... 210 million for something that will be around for 50 years plus.. No issues here. Honestly, our tax dollars go towards lots of really ridiculous things that none of us have any use for. I'm not going to mention one thing that i think is a huge waste of tax payer money because that will open up a can of worms I'm sure.
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