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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. hell, even with the washington fumble... thats just 7 points on that interception right there, instead of losing by 6, win by 1. Yeah the line sucked tonight, Wasn't at the game but they showed wylie a few times on tv and every time he was taking notes of some kind. Probably not too impressed tonight at all. Oline needs to step up. BIG TIME. But i guess, they are what they are and it's gonna take some time for them to actually get better. Are we the worst oline in the league? Nope, but... we certainly aren't even close to being one of the best. I find it hard to blame them though for Willys decision to throw a 40 yard pass across the field like that... but still... Willy has to take some blame for that, he was the guy that threw the ball.. I want to call our oline Ondrej Pavelec, and by that what i mean is, If they are just average, don't have to be the best, just be average, i think we could do some good things. But they appear to be pretty below average right now and are really what is holding us back. No run game, Willy getting killed and hurried the last several games. Oline getting worse, sure they have some injuries to deal with but... Guess when it comes to the oline, gotta be patient, no quick fixes out there, it's gonna take time, I mean, maybe we can look to upgrade our tackles, January included but... It's gonna take drafting to truly fix it. I thought the interior though played pretty decent for the most part though but our tackles got owned several times tonight... They all had issues but, the tackles didn't look good at all and they are Imports (internationals).
  2. Gotta agree that Buff, if he doesn't want to resign here, should be moved at the deadline this season or next even, preferably this cuz 2015 is a better draft class and i think a team would probably give up a 1st round pick and a prospect for him, if they felt they needed him to legit compete for the cup. Always thought Anaheim or Tampa Bay would be good fits for Buff and they have some pretty solid prospects actually who are Probably if not, are very close to being NHL ready but really no place for them on the big clubs roster.
  3. The last thing i will say, cuz it's bed time is.... the louie richardson roughing penalty on special teams... Was it because the returners helmet came off? or was it actually late? Cuz to me, it looked like they didn't throw a flag until the returners helmet came off, was that actually a legit call? Or like the stamps call a few weeks ago where they called the result of the play, not the actual play itself really..... was it a case of just the refs seeing the guys helmet come off cuz... On tv, it didn't look like it was that late, if at all. And Chamblin challenging the pass interference on a ball that was caught? Seriously bro? Talk about a waste of time... Lots of weird things in this game tonight.... O'shea seemed more animated on the sidelines, riders seem to like to tackle guys high too, saw lots of what could have been horse collar type "clothesline" type tackles, even on the demond fumble, there was what looked to be a very high almost facemask grabbing type of attempt at a tackle...On that play Willy almost got hurt badly, he was down and the sask player hit him low on his leg.. should that not have been called? they called something on that play but... don't believe it was for the late low hit on the already downed qb.... Not blaming the refs cuz thought they did a good job but... Couple iffy calls there, those didn't cost us the game, the turnovers, i guess that last play of the game counts as one too, so 6 in total cost us but still... Riders seem kind of like a bit of a dirty team.
  4. Fact is, as much as i agree, these new jerseys are about making money, if you want a royal blue jersey, bomber store sells them. That's the bottom line here with reebok and the CFL.... making money. They already are selling the royal blues, i got one. I don't care for this new third jersey too much but i'll be the first to admit that i'll bet they sell a fair amount of them. I have a Royal blue vintage #5 Dieter Brock. I want to see the team wear them. That's the difference. Kenny Ploen for me and I agree, i want them to wear them too but... really, IMO, i don't care really what type of jersey they wear, Yeah i'd also prefer they wear the royal blues all the time cuz i think they are probably the nicest jersey in all of Football for that matter, NFL included (new eagles jerseys look nice though) but really... It's not that important in the big picture.
  5. Wasn't too happy with the lack of screens or passes out in the flats, if you can't run the ball, find another way to get grigsby involved, swing passes, little screens, didn't really see much of that. I feel the riders are prone to that, They have a good dline but if you can get your backs out in the flats against them, man... theres lots of open field, not enough little 2 or 3 yard passes to the back tonight, cost us a bit.. riders were sending the house at times cuz they knew we weren't going to run... almost got WIlly killed and seriously Injured there because of it too. Not impressed with some of the plays calls at all. MB has done a pretty good job so far this season actually but really didn't think too much of some of the plays call or lack there of actually tonight.
  6. Yeah my bad there, Thought the interior of the line was actually pretty decent, the tackles and I'm gonna say this but more so January got absolutely schooled tonight. They all had good moments though, Willy did have time to throw the ball several times actually... But i guess at the same time, they all struggled too. Hell, look at sask, best OLINE in the league by far, doesn't matter who they put at RB, that guy produces...and even they looked a little lost at times tonight, Especially in the first half. I guess I can blame the oline for the lack of run game, i can blame the oline for almost getting Willy hurt out there... But i can't blame them for the interceptions that in the end cost us the game.
  7. Washington fumbled a kick return first of all, not a punt return. He actually faked a pitch to the other returner who IMO looked like it was indeed Aaron Woods, washington has always been the other guy back there returning kicks with woods on kick offs.. The riders kicked off, they didn't punt, they just scored a touchdown the play prior on the willy fumble... Maybe the reason the riders kicked it to washington this time was because for the most part, woods was actually getting some pretty darn good kick return yards out there tonight, almost broke several of them. This time they kicked it to demond and for all the bitching about demond, his fumble only lead to 3 points. Wasn't exactly the TSN turning point considering we came back and were actually winning for a while until Willy threw that ill advised 40 yard pass across the field and got picked off for a TOUCHDOWN. Seriously, the complaining some do about certain players when in reality that play by washington wasn't really the play that broke our backs, the play that broke our backs was the willy cross the field pass that was intercepted for a TD.. you know the one, the one that gave the riders the lead near the end of the game. Even then, we still had a chance to drive down field near the end of the game and win it with a touchdown but nope, another interception. Yup lets concentrate on the guy who didn't cost us the game cuz piling on is fun but ignore the actual reasons we LOST this game. Im gonna say it, don't care if i take heat for it... Willy SUCKED in the second half, i can't put it all on him but those interceptions i certainly can.. and those interceptions cost us way more than a fumble that lead to 3 points.
  8. Yeah, this is just a joke now. Can't have level headed discussions with the "usual suspects" after a loss i guess. Screw it really.
  9. Is it because it's a rant? I guess as opposed to all those level headed comments made by people like Floyd, Road Griller and the other "usual suspects" who seem to be happy when we lose? Its that or you are agreeing cuz flair is wooing there.
  10. Remove the turnovers, it's as simple as that. That's how this game was decided, we owned the riders in the first half, our turnovers though lead to 17 of their points. Eliminate the turnovers and we more than likely win this game easily. Riders offence didn't really do much except run the ball but even then, they settled for 3 more often than not.. Lets see, interception return for TD, Fumble by willy for a touchdown, Washingtons fumble lead to 3 points, 17 points off turnovers. Eliminate those turnovers and we win. It might have even been 20 points off turnovers, not 100 percent sure right now.. It might have been, when you lose by less than a touchdown and you turn the ball over 5 times leading to 98 or so percent of the other teams points, yeah... eliminate the turnovers and you win.
  11. Honestly, I'm not even sure what that means, it's the nature boy, i get that but not sure how you relate that to my post.
  12. So like, you do realize that I suggested Washington should lose his return job and AKAChip thought I was suggesting we cut him... Nice rant though. Ahh i see, can't blame AKAChip for coming to that conclusion seeing as how you crap on washington every chance you get. Okey dokey. And its 1. Randle 2. Leggett 3. Johnson 4. Washington 5. Bucknor Although I thought Bucknor played really well tonight, like outstanding actually. Keep hating on Demond the db all you want, it's really just a joke at this point with you and your dislike of washington. Not sure what the guy did to you but.... whatever it was, you need to let it go. Seriously man, what did he do to you? You have disliked him for really no apparent or logical reason for as long as i've been posting here. I'm done with this topic now though, it's been beaten to death already.
  13. Goossen IMO looked pretty decent most game actually, Howard was fine too, It was morley and more so January being schooled out there tonight... Lol, if you have messam playing against the bombers, he gets 3-4 yards at worst sure but outside of this game, what has messam done this season again? One half of football doesn't really mean much. The lack of run game for us is a direct result of us having an oline that can not RUN BLOCK... Messam ripping us in the second half, All taht shows really is the riders have a very good oline cuz once again, guess what... Riders lead the league in rushing... by quite a bit actually.. and they have used several different running backs... Allen, Ford, Charles, Messam, who else? It doesn't matter which RB the riders put back there, that guy gains yards... That's because of their oline, not cuz of the running back. Put grigsby behind that sask oline and he looks better too, can believe it if you want but... Theres some pretty strong evidence not based on just one half of football that backs that statement up. People can talk about Kory Sheets last year with SASK too, look what he did, BS he did it all on his own, he didn't... doesn't matter if its sheets, ford, allen, messam, grigsby, cotton,charles, some dude just signed off the street, he'd put up yards behind that oline. And anyone who doesn't want to believe that, well, theres a season and 1/3rd worth of evidence that says it don't matter who the riders use at RB, that guy puts up big numbers.
  14. Doesn't matter who starts at RB for us, we can't run block to save our lives, that's the biggest problem there... Don't get the piling on the RB after a game where we turned the ball over 5 times, gave up 5 sacks and a game where Willy almost got seriously hurt due to the patheticness that is that OLINE. It's sad but January and Howard but January more so was being schooled tonight by Chick and the rider dline... Seriously, Also to the guy saying we got killed at home or whatever? dude we lost by less than a touchdown and turned the ball over 5 times, all of sasks points pretty much came off of our turnovers, WE didn't get killed, as a matter of fact, you take those turnovers away and we win this game easily.. running away with it, just checked 17 sask points off our 5 turnovers... tell me again how we got schooled?
  15. Messam is 6" taller and 50lbs heavier. Who really cares, our oline sucks, Without an oline, messam is invisible, Seriously he has one good half against the bombers and all of a sudden he's some superstar running back? Please man, there was a reason he wasn't starting and still isn't starting... Dude had one good half, let's not get ridiculous and if you don't think the OLINE plays a role in what a running back does, you are crazy, sask leads the league in rushing, it's no coincidence they have the best oline in the league too.
  16. Demond is one of the best tacklers on the team, he is very good at coverage too, I'd rank our Db's 1. Randle 2. Washington 3. Johnson 4. Bucknor. Washington isn't a problem on defence, actually he's a guy who you notice lots on defence and it's not cuz he's being beat, it's cuz he's always the guy making tackles for losses. Floyd seems to have always had an issue with Washington for some reason and just can't let it go. Why is washington taking heat anyways when Willy threw 3 picks and our run game was non existent and our oline sucked? You know what, Our D kept us in this game, Sasks offence really did nothing all game, It was our own mistakes that cost us. To blame one guy or to pile on washington right now is being ridiculous.
  17. Messam wouldn't have looked as good here as does with SASK. While i agree Grigsby aint getting it done on the ground, neither does cotton when he gets his chances, tells me it's not exactly the RB who is to blame all the time, Our oline isn't very good at run blocking and i think that is the reason we have really no run game. It's on the Oline i think, the holes aren't there for these guys to run through, Messam had holes the size of some of our potholes in this city to run through, Grigsby/Cotton/Insert name here doesn't. That's the difference, Messam here would look just like Grigsby, Getting stuffed in the backfield for losses cuz he would have no holes to run through.
  18. I think blaming washington is masking other issues, to be honest, we had 5 turnovers tonight and washingtons was almost caused by his own player... the oline struggled but with all that being said, since this thread is about Demond, i'd hope that his days returning kicks are over, he's a great DB though.
  19. The chatter about Winnipeg's record being inflated by play against the eastern teams can go for every team in the west as there have been few in-division games so far this season. All of the Rider's wins have come against eastern teams as well. All we know is that every single western team is better than every single eastern team. But I don't think we have any clue about how the western teams stack up against each other yet. Not enough games yet. - direct quote from a poster on TSN.ca Speaks the truth there doesn't he. The riders haven't beat anyone from the west yet either... Getting kind of tired week after week hearing about if the bombers are for real from the people at TSN.
  20. GDT eh, K.. so for those lucky enough to be going to the game, leave early.. all the media are saying to leave early cuz of the construction on bishop or pembina or something... Some helpful hints but don't apply to the people on this forum cuz you are all very well aware but.... Don't park on campus unless you absolutely have too.. Park at GIant Tiger or Future shop and walk. I hope people don't complain about the traffic though, there is nothing that can be done about it and to be honest, i think the media people on twitter might be over blowing it a little bit. Was down pembina the other night and honestly, It didn't seem that bad, no worse than other areas of the city under going road repairs. You'd think Winnipegers would understand by now that we have 2 season here in the peg.. Winter and Construction.
  21. "Time to blow it up" "Bring back Jyles"
  22. Fact is, as much as i agree, these new jerseys are about making money, if you want a royal blue jersey, bomber store sells them. That's the bottom line here with reebok and the CFL.... making money. They already are selling the royal blues, i got one. I don't care for this new third jersey too much but i'll be the first to admit that i'll bet they sell a fair amount of them.
  23. The serbian pavillion smells quite amazing, drove by it with the girlfriend last night on our way to Rona and smelled amazing.. The food they make has quite the nice aroma to it.
  24. Think i've changed my mind on Buff a wee bit, think he would sign here. He doesn't really speak to the media, keeps to himself, he enjoys fishing and rumours are he likes ice fishing here in the winter time, the guys home is like seriously 3 hours away. Buff is a good player, we will see how Maurice uses him but him and wheeler were developing nice chemistry at the end of the season. When asked about moving to winnipeg he said "close to home, passionate fans". I get the impression that buff prefers playing in a small market over a bigger one, If i had to guess, i'd strongly guess that if buff has a few teams on his no trade list, it's teams like Toronto, Montreal, New York and even Philly. Seems to me like he likes being in a small market that is very close to his home in Minnesota.
  25. Pretty hard to blame this on the riders, really, what do they have to do? babysit the guy all the time? Sounds like it but... My guess is this guy is let go pretty soon, taman even said he's down to his last strike. Next time he's gone.
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