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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Austin has anger and temper issues, running around on the sidelines like a crazy person... Jones seems like the bigger ****** though.
  2. Anyone been to any events yet? Just checked out the African one with my girlfriend and i have to admit, it was quite entertaining, very cool. Bryant Turner and another bomber i didn't recognize were there, they participated in the limbo event at the end..Was quite something, if anyone is into this Folklorama event and wants to go see a pavilion they will truly enjoy, Go check this one out, This one ends this week though, strongly recommend spending the 6 bucks to check it out at Grant Park School.
  3. Delete- Put it under "Folkloroma" in the other section of this site.
  4. 360 Colony Street is the Holiday Inn Location technically. http://winnipegtransit.com/en/navigo/result?leave_right_away=off&time=6%3A30&ampm=pm&timeMode=Arrive_Before&tripDate=2&originKey=145888&originName=360+Colony+Street&originType=address&destinationKey=8446&destinationName=Investors+Group+Field+%28315+Chancellor+Matheson+Road%29&destinationType=monument&commit=Submit&waitingTime=20&minWaitingTime=0&maxWalkTime=20&walkingSpeed=4 Click that... It's to arrive before 630 pm.. 360 Colony to U of M I personally Recommend Option 1 The 60 bus.. You leave at about 527, walk 4 minutes to Vaughn, Westbound.. Beside the "BAY".. CATCH that.. you get there and walk 7 minutes to IGF. That one gets you there at about 610 ish.. I say ish cuz it depends on traffic.
  5. Jets were pretty competitive with Maurice as coach, yeah they dug themselves a hole earlier in the season that they couldn't climb out of but...you know what, even with that huge hole, they were closs to a wild card spot, maybe a full year with Maurice and the team actually gets that wild card spot. Who really knows, pretty crazy to sit here in august actually and say the team will suck, get some average goaltending and this team probably is closer than even i think. And i don't think they are that close but... pavelec was ranked like 40th overall in terms of goaltenders in the league, there are 30 teams are our goalie was ranked 40th or even lower, (45th ish actually wasn't he??). Get some average goaltending and who knows what could happen. Get some top 30 goaltending even and who knows. Pav doesn't need to be a superstar to make it, he probably just needs to be average and last year he wasn't and we were pretty close. Hopefully we make the playoffs this season. If not, so be it. I got all the time in the world really, i'd rather they do things the right way rather then the toronto or philly way and be good enough just to make it but don't really do much when they get there. Is a successful season making the playoffs? What if we make the playoffs and get swept in 4 games? Still a success? cuz we ain't winning a stanley cup any time soon, if ever really.
  6. Unless the decision to play Garcia comes from above Higgins, can't really rule that out with the ALS. i mean, the GM didn't even get a say on the Higgins hiring... seems like the owner is running things there, if the owner is running things, what really could higgins do. Higgins is almost like a puppet here being controlled by those who are above him on the pecking order.
  7. I find it odd that they haven't removed some of the guys who are no longer in the league...gotta weed through all that first, theres quite a bit of names on the lists there that aren't in the league anymore. They should probably remove those names.
  8. Congrats to Drew. Really deserved it. Could have had it a few more times too really. I will say that i THINK they got the special teams player of the week wrong this team, not taking anything away from mcduffie in hamilton, but Tristan Jackson of the riders IMO was more impressive.
  9. a rumour on the other forum says the bombers are planning on brining in a qb high on their neg list. A guy that could have some NFL experience, not sure i believe it, not sure who it could be but... apparently that's what one of the guys on there has said. Maybe not NFL experience exactly but a guy currently in an NFL camp... And why bring in all these quarterbacks? because it's the most important position on the field by far and probably the toughest position to learn for a guy coming from either the NFL or NCAA.
  10. The biggest difference is we have an OC who actually understands the CFL game, for all the "hate",Marcel took in the off-season, gotta give the guy props. The other big difference is we have a team who aren't playing as individuals but playing as a team, it's refreshing to see that. Our biggest issue IMO outside of coaching and management the last few seasons was that there were I's in team, this year, not so much, not at all actually, their message the last few years wasn't very clear, this season it's quite clear actually.. Win as a team, Lose as a team. The other difference is obvious, we have a quarterback, we have an offence that actually moves the ball, you know we had zero 2 and outs vs BC? none, zero.. last year we lead the league in the 2 and out category by quite a lot, this year? I'm not sure where we rank but from watching the games, i don't think we are anywhere near close to leading the league in that category. Huge difference for sure. That was not the case the last several years.
  11. Well, Edmonton lost to Calgary, who lost to BC, who we beat in their own house. Makes sense to me to see the bombers #1
  12. Predicted 9-9 with a chance of 10-8 earlier so I'll scratch that now and also go 12-6
  13. Good point and that was in a monsoon. Anyway though, 32000 + sold so far. This game will be rocking.
  14. Wondered that myself, Edmonton has a very good D too so it's not like Reilly has been winning games on his own, Willy has driven the field twice now on the last drive of the game to win, Maybe it's the 9 touchdown passes thrown (which leads the league) or maybe it's just that Reilly has been getting all the hype the last 2 years now.. I dunno but that one was a little mind boggling. Reilly is a good QB but so is Willy, Reilly is a better runner than Willy but Willy is a better passer, I think if you can contain Reilly's ability to run, he doesn't look as good. Was reilly even named played of the week once in July? If not, I'm not sure how he could have been named POTM. Maybe i'm a bit bias but... if the game is on the line and i can pick between either Reilly or Willy, I take Willy 9 times out of 10. I'm guessing though it has a lot to do with Hype though, Every week, Willy seems to get the "is he for real" question, Reilly doesn't.. I'm sure Drew doesn't care about POTM awards but... all in all i think he deserved it more than Reilly and I'm not taking anything away from what Reilly has done.
  15. Last week O'shea said sears and a few others (alexander i believe was one) are "weeks" away from returning.
  16. Brett Carter would come out and Watson would go in and like others have said, they would rotate watson JFG and Kohlert.
  17. Bombers win, sask is jekyl and hyde this year big time, win one big, lose one big... they just beat ottawa big, so that means they will lose big this week. Sask right now is the definition of a .500 team, played good one week, not good the next. That continues this week.
  18. You could try providing an opinion once in a while instead of getting your panties in a bunch about mine. As for 'who has Edm beat'... well, us for one. Edm lost the Calgary game because Jones is a very good coach who thinks he is the world's greatest coach. We won two games against mediocre teams on the last play and got destroyed by the best team we have faced. Edm and Calgary defences are the best in the league. To me, that means 'real deal'. And yeah, they could easily be 3-3 as well... LOL. But according to you we aren't a very good team, we are just some well coached 3-3 team so outside of us, who you say isn't very good, who has edmonton beat? I just don't really get your logic in that post, you talk about other teams injuries but ignore ours? why? How come, why do you take that in to account for the other teams but not for the bombers? I mean seriously, i'm just curious why you'd leave our injuries out but mention other teams injuries? It doesn't make much sense to do that, if you talk about the other teams injuries then you should mention ours also, Mediocre teams? That mediocre hamilton team almost beat that "real deal" edmonton team too and would have tied that "real deal" calgary team if not for a flubbed field goal, why ignore that? Calgary is the real deal eh? they just lost to bc, who we killed just last week. Why not mention that? The team that beat the "real deal" calgary is the team we absolutely dominated last week in their house. I just don't really understand how you can say certain things about other teams but ignore those same things when talking about the bombers. Oh and just for the record, i don't wear panties, and if i did, i certainly wouldn't get them in a bunch over your posts. Think you take things too seriously on here, i just asked you a simple question or 2 or 3 or 4, why do you ignore what the bombers have overcome but don't ignore it for other teams? why do you ignore the fact that both those "real deal" teams have almost lost to hamilton also, but didn't, neither did we, we didn't lose, we almost did but guess what so did both calgary and edmonton, why do you ignore that calgary lost to the team we just hammered last week.
  19. The bottom 6 needs an upgrade for the Jets to compete on a regular basis, that's 6 guys, that is more than 2. They need a goalie also, that's 7. Could actually use a legit 2nd line winger instead of frolik who is probably best suited on the bottom 6. Ladd,Little,??? Kane,Scheif,Wheeler ??, Perreault, Frolik ??,??,?? On D they could use a #2 LHD, maybe that's morrissey but if it's not this year, it's clitsome and that's not good enough, if clitsome isn't ready, who is it? So yup more than 2 players for sure, not sure why you think jokinen would have signed here for the same thing he did in Nashville, in Nashville, he's the number 1 or 2 centre, here he would have been the 4th line centre... not sure why you think he would have signed here for the same when the opportunity to play more minutes in Nashville i'm sure was the deciding factor. Dude has all the money he needs, it's not always about money for some players, it's about getting the chance to play more minutes, here he's not a top 6 player, in Nashville he is. Bottom line really. You have some anger issues tho there floyd, should probably settle down a wee bit, talk about me getting my "panties" in a bunch? that's a nice thing to say by the way, what the heck are you doing then?
  20. Darian Durant has a foot "injury" again.. The entire Sask Oline is banged up too.
  21. adarius bowman and aaron kelly are some good value picks. SO is the ESks D this week vs Montreal.
  22. Get that feeling and we seen it here with the BOD (who are the defacto "owners" of the bombers) but i think once the owner gets involved too much, see it hockey lots of times, that the problems then start to add up, hiring higgins without popp's approval was a bad move. That is on the owner obviously. Top to Bottom, Montreal is a mess.
  23. Tim Hortons Field better be ready for Labour Day because McMaster's Ron Joyce stadium is not available. via @theSpec #CFL #Ticats That's gotta cluster **** written all over it.
  24. Get the feeling one day , when we win a grey cup, there will be people on here saying yeah that's great but we could have easily lost that game.
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