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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Guess i'll just say 2.5 million for a 4th line centre? No thanks, that's not how it works really. Jokinen didn't want to be a 4th line centre, heck he probably didn't even want to be a 3rd line centre, Jokinen was a stop gap until Scheifele was ready, now that he had a year under his belt, jokinen became irrelevant and perreault is an upgrade and younger than Jokinen. Jets main issue is the bottom 6, their top 6 does a good job and basically have carried the team the last couple seasons really, first year we were really just a one line team (ladd,little,wheeler) (same with year 2 really), last season, 2 lines showed up most nights... the bottom 6 hasn't been productive though their entire time here. Fix the bottom 6 and the team will be better. Perreault is an upgrade to our bottom 6, Who will be his wingers? who knows, Could maybe even see guys like kosmachuk and or ehlers or both step up in camp and make it impossible for the Jets to send down to junior and the AHL. Kosmachuk could turn out to be that 3rd line winger. Dude is a beast and looked good at the rookie camp. Him and Ehlers had quite the chemistry there. Do i expect those 2 on the roster this year? Not really but who knows. All i know is, the teams who generally spend spend spend in the off-season, well, it doesn't really mean much when the season starts. I'll even say that last year at the deadline when st louis traded for miller, people were like, experts too, they were all like, that is the missing piece for the blues... how did that turn out again?
  2. - Don't give the riders good field position.. part of the problem in that debacle last night, was sask started on Ottawas side of the field in the first half.. average field position was like the 40 yard line of the redblacks. - Double Team Chick. Dude's a beast. Stop him and there goes most the pressure from the sask dline. - Ford? meh, 20 carries for like 70 yards isn't that impressive.. basically had 2 walk in td's though due to field position, Ford had a good week last week, last night? not so much really. - Durant? Get to him early and he should cave. Throw different looks at him, remove the running game and durant isn't nearly as good. - Sask has been kind of an enigma this year, great one week, terrible the next.. if that holds true, this week they should be terrible
  3. What makes Edmonton for real? and Winnipeg a well coached 3-3 team? Seriously, I'd like to know the logic in the last post... I don't get it, you talk about other teams injuries, fail to mention our own, greaves out a couple games, watson out, sears out the last couple games, moore out the last game, why ignore those injuries? They are significant pieces. Edmonton easily could have lost 2 or 3 games also. I don't get that logic there in the post above, What i have learned after 6 weeks? No matter how many games the bombers win, no matter who they beat, no matter what injuries they overcome to do it... there will always be a poster or 2 or 10 who just refuse to give credit where credit is due. There will always be posters who ignore our injuries and concentrate on others, there will always be people who refuse to believe actually. you know calgary beat hamilton 10-7 right? and edmonton barely beat hamilton also? We could have easily lost 3 games? sure, but so could calgary and edmonton really.. Edmonton is for real? why? who have they actually beat so far? we haven't beat anyone good? if we haven't, who the hell has Edmonton beat?
  4. Chicago already has 2 of them in Kane and Toews.
  5. Rory Kohlert if anyone but i'm not even sure they had to take anyone out since they started more than they had too.
  6. saw it last playoffs though, subban isn't their franchise player, PRICE is.
  7. 8 years 72 million they say, aav of 9 million. Is he worth it? I'm not a habs fan but, i don't really like this contract at all. He's a good player but 9 million a year is paying him like he's one of the best and in my opinion, he isn't one of the best. He's not even the best all around D man in the league. Maybe not even in the top 10. He's a very good offensive d man but not very good in his own zone. That's a brutal cap hit for a guy who might win you some games but will definitely lose you some games too.
  8. Yeah he looked like he could care less, dude should not be "consulting", he should be in Florida relaxing.. I mean jesus the guy looked catatonic at times, at times being every time they showed him. I know he's older but man, he looks like he's not all there any more.
  9. This game wasn't as close as the score made it out to be, The bombers absolutely dominated the cats in every aspect of the game. Bombers deserved to win and Hamilton was lucky it was as close as it was. Bombers took the gas off the pedal in the third and allowed the cats to catch up and take the lead but the bombers definitely deserved the win.. Bombers played for 45 minutes, ticats played for 15. What is up with Hamilton though, to come out so unprepared like that... just mind boggling really. Playing in their "own" university stadium and to come out and get dominated like that in the first half was crazy.. how many people were at the game? cuz in the first half, i didn't hear anybody at all. That pass to gable for the touchdown was really the only thing the hamilton offence did all game long.
  10. I think its pre-mature to compare Austin to the Don, the Don is/was a legend and won for many many many years, Austin? what? he won in sask then left, had a good season last year but got absolutely blown out in the grey cup and is struggling this season? Couldn't stand Don Matthews but man to compare him to AUSTIN in any way is just a kick to the Don's legendary balls.
  11. we have given up lots of points but how many of that is on special teams or on interceptions for touchdown returns? I know Edmonton's only major until the 4th quarter against us was the grigsby play/willy interception... i know we have given up a couple special teams returns also. Remove those and i wonder, how many points has our D actually given up?
  12. I agree about them not developing anyone behind calvillo, so it's really their fault for the mess they are in. I know it was Rod Black but last night him and forde were talking about the als issues at qb and they mentioned the succession plan might have actually been Russell Wilson, I think i LOL'd a bit at that because Wilson has never even stepped foot on a Canadian field and never will. Als got problems for sure. Tebow? Be cool to see but don't think he'd do any better. The myth with Tebow seems to be the "all he does is win", well, if that was the case, the broncos would have won the superbowl a couple seasons ago and tebow would actually have a job in the NFL.
  13. how good would sanders have looked in bomber colours, damn. He's a good player.
  14. willy himself said he saw denny (denmark) in the flat and also saw grigsby open also. I'd say Denmark was his first read.. no need to ***** about a playcall though considering none of us have any clue what was actually called. Just want to add, we are 5-1, it's been a third of the season, who the hell predicted us to be 5-1 anyway. Nobody. Enjoy it. Yeah we can talk about things but.. 5-1 is 5-1. Nobody expected it, hell most of the posters on these forums never thought we'd win 5 games all year. No faith from some folks at all. Was at my lake today and yesterday and the last couple days, went to the restaurant, guy was reading the sports page... his buddies were like damn bombers are 5-1, none of us saw that coming, dude was like yeah true but woods needs to do more. Seriously, just bitching for the sake of it.
  15. the 0-4 start to the season didn't kill us, the fact our team totally sucked did.
  16. LOL rod black trying to sell this game as being good now, what a joke. Been terrible all game really.
  17. both teams aren't very good at all. The only way the eastern teams win games this year is when they play themselves. They just aren't good. I think Hamilton overall is the best Eastern Team and right now they are struggling but so is the whole division so even with only 1 win, last week the ticats were tied for first place. Not any more but... Man, these eastern games SUCK.
  18. Still think we see a trade or 2 before the season starts, More specifically Buff and or Kane, one or both, Not sure who, if i had to guess, i'd say Kane is more likely to be dealt but i could see both going also. Not a terrible signing here, i recognize the name, not a bad player, better then Tangradi (who could be very good if he learns to use his size, when he uses his size, he's very good, when he doesn't, he's not) I'll take TJ over Penner any day.
  19. Undrafted walk on to bombers camp.. Unbelievable.. Some of the stories that guys create in this league are mind blowing.. Apparently Walters was watching Lirim for the past 18 months or so, and coaching him as to what to improve and how to do it. Good on Walters. i believe you are correct as i recall something late last season saying something about Lirim. Maybe it was an article, maybe it was on a fan forum, i'm not sure but positive i heard the bombers had interest in Lirim late last season.
  20. Als probably could have hired LAPO in the off-season, if he wanted it, they chose to go the Higgins route. Turns out it's been a mistake.
  21. When the QB'S can't throw the ball or complete a pass, man... doesn't matter what the OC is calling. Now Bourke is probably done for the season, his reaction on the field certainly made it seem like a brutal injury. I'm gonna say it, it looks good on Montreal, i hate them and always have and always will. Love to see the als struggle, they always came across as being an egostical dbag organization back to the days when the don was the coach, looks good on them. Montreal wasn't very good last season either though, you lose AC and you struggle bad there, turns out AC was the reason the als were good for so long.
  22. not a terrible game called by dinwiddie, i think the als problems are a lot deeper than just the OC. who is their qb right now? alex brink is in the game, doesn't that tell you what the real problem there is?
  23. I think i blame management and coaches first then the players. I think if you have a good coaching staff, that staff eliminates the cancers.. if you have good management, you don't hire crappy coaches.
  24. Cancers? Turner has been with the team for a few seasons now so he probably isn't just referring to last season. Here's my best guess as to who "the cancers" on this team were the last couple years. Joe Mack, Tim Burke, Jovon,Hef,Stewart,Goltz, Gonna say Max Hall, didn't really seem like a leader out there, kind of Kevin Glenn ish, not a shot at Glenn, but.. basically blamed others and never himself really. Elliot, yup mr sucked crap in a game and then said thought he played well, Crowton, Creehan, I can probably go on and on but there's not point as those players, management and coaches are no longer here. Buchko even. Probably Lapolice as he liked to micro manage too much. The list goes on and on and on really for a few years. I will admit that the last few seasons, our team seemed to play as individuals and not as a team, cared more about personal stats where as this years team, they all say the same thing, the message is clear, we win as a team, we lose as a team. Last few years (several really)(going back to mike kelly even) it was the opposite. i would say that is on management and coaches first and then on some of the players that i'm sure we are all aware of.
  25. I'm a little surprised Donovan Kemp hasn't been given a shot yet... No worries there still a lot of games left to be played, we're just in our 6th. Let the vets worked their butts off and help this team get wins in the early going. That will buy these PR guys enough time to learn the CFL and the team's schemes. Continuity is very important to O'shea and so far it's doing us good. They will get their chances sooner or later. How does bringing in Romby Bryant after three games, starting him at WR and then moving him to SB for game 6 fall under 'continuity'? I guess you missed the part where Nick Moore won't be playing this week, injuries effect continuity.
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