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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. alex hall was a dominant defensive end that makes a huge difference, so much so, you know how good hall is? he's currently in camp in the NFL... January would not get you what alex hall got you, not in a million years, cuz regardless of what some think, January is not a dominant tackle, he's an average at best tackle... Listen, Glenn January the person, great guy, The football player though? He's really not that good, How many International Tackles are there in the league? Where does January rank on that list? If theres 10, i bet he's ranked 10th. Just saying. Alex Hall last season was arguable the best or 2nd best Defensive End in the league, Glenn January is not Alex Hall... Just cuz January has been here a long time doesn't mean he's one of the best tackles in the league, just cuz he's won "all star" awards or whatever, means nothing, wasn't jovon johnson an all star last season? The other side if... January and Morley have been the only constant players on our oline the last what? 3 4 5?? years, the oline hasn't been good in what? 3 4 5 years? Maybe January and Morley to an extent are actually part of the reason why our Oline hasn't been that good.
  2. I'm curious what Lawless would have said if we beat Edmonton last week. What will he say if we beat BC tonight? It's unfortunate that this is the type of stuff that gets out to the masses, someone said it best, lawless is no more than anyone of us on here, he just gets paid for spewing his crap, where we all do it for "fun". If we could trade January for a starting Canadian, i'm pretty sure we'd do it but reality is, not gonna happen. You know what the biggest problem Winnipeg in general has, sorry i should say the Winnipeg Sports Scene has in general, guys like Lawless.. Dude's pretty much trying to force Kane out of town with the Jets and has since he first got here and now, the bombers who are 3-1 and nobody expected that, if you said you did, you are fooling yourself cuz none of us expected them to be 3-1 after 4 weeks, hell 1-3 probably would have been the popular choice but 3-1 and now its time to blow it up and trade our "best" olineman, that's arguable in my opinion, he's our best International Oline, i'm not convinced he's our best Olineman though, I think Greaves is and i'm gonna say, Morley being more versatile (can play all 3 positions on the line, guard, centre, tackle in a pinch) are better overall... but what a crazy suggestion, 3-1 and it's time to blow it up. LOL. No wonder players don't want to come here, no wonder coaches in the past have said thanks but no thanks to coming here, some like to blame the BOD and things like that, nah man, its the media for sure, nobody wants or deserves the crap that some of these media types spew about them. Our biggest problem here is the media, they are just lacking so much and look to sensationalize and look to just cause problems when really, there are none, (there are some but) like i said, we are 3-1, same number of wins in 4 weeks this year as we did all last season, we ain't gonna lose 15 in a row lol, the team has made progress, blow it up? isn't that what we did in the off-season? I'm still under the impression that if we went 18-0, won the grey cup then next season went 17-0 to start the season and lost our last game playing backups, that some members of our local sports media would find a way to crap on the team.
  3. Ellerby signed a 2 way contract so it's likely he starts in st johns, if not the whole season there, fact is, he was a UFA for a while and took a 2 way contract with the Jets, means there wasn't much if any interest in him. Solid depth move though that should help a young st johns team out.
  4. For all the complaining people do about Asper and that, if not for him and his familly, this wouldn't have happened. They were the ones who made it happen through donations and things of that nature. Was in the official announcement released by the CLUB. Can't say i remember these 2 guys, but... from what i've read and have been told, i like it. Always good to honour the past
  5. You can look at Willys numbers last week all you want i think and think oh man he's trending downward, sure can but... If the receivers catch the balls, willy has probably similar numbers to the past 2 weeks if not a bit higher, some of those were big gainers that receivers flat our dropped.. With Grigsby, he's a running back.. DUH right but... what i mean by that is he generally has to make those yards on his own, some blocking here and there of course, here's a crazy theory, maybe both are trending downward cuz the OLINE is??? hmm. but... Willy needs to rely on guys making catches and getting open, if they don't, yeah his numbers won't look so good... Grigsby, make a guy or 2 miss and he should gain positive yardage, really... you need your back to have the ability to make guys miss, charlie roberts was a great example of this, not comparing charlie to grigsby at all but Roberts had the ability to make guys miss consistently and often, Does Grigsby? Also regarding Cotton, yeah he looked good in Pre-Season, against guys who are no longer playing, last week he didn't look good, didn't look good returning and didn't look good out of the back field when he got a couple chances, Grigsby so far when it's mattered, has looked better than Cotton, if we are going on what players did in pre-season, maybe marve should be playing more How has bolton looked in practice? maybe he's the guy we should be talking about or McGuffie, is he listed as RB or Receiver or both? Obviously with them bringing in backs and keeping backs like Bolton, who i guess also is a rb/wr type but with those types of players being brought in, probably means they want a guy who can not only run out of the backfield but have the ability to catch also, has cotton or grigsby shown that yet? Not really.
  6. I think losing Greaves is a huge loss for the team and more so the offence but really the entire team... especially considering Legget was hurt also, had to shuffle around some players to make things work ratio wise. Going 3 Imports on the Oline really has hurt us a bit... I like Teague Sherman but.. Sears at LB and Leggett at safety with Greaves in at guard definitely gives us the best chance to win. Our Canadian depth is tough and when you lose a starting Canadian to injury, could it be argued we lost 2 when Newman went down in pre-season?? But when you lose one starting Canadian for sure and you don't really have the depth to replace him, that's tough. Gonna say it, Joe Mack did some good things when he was with us, solid recruiter of american talent, he just really really sucked at the Canadian side of things. If you lose a Canadian Guard, you should have the depth to replace him and our biggest problem is, we don't and really theres nothing we can do about that besides be patient, draft draft draft. Walters needs to have better Candian Drafts than Mack did and we should be ok, Hope walters gets a long leash cuz stuff like this takes time to fix and change.
  7. If our receivers could catch last game, things wouldn't have looked so bad. It's all about execution and last game, we didn't execute the simplest of plays. Don't care what the play call is, thought most the play calls were fine last game actually, we just didn't execute them and that's not on MB, that's on the guys on the field dropping balls, missing tackles and screwing up kick returns.
  8. Because most other provinces/cities don't have the cash to do that plan. I agree the BC Plan worked awesome but it also cost a buttload more money than either Winnipeg or Hamilton spent/are spending. weren't most the stands/seats left over from the winter olympics also? That played a role, also winnipeg had a stadium to play at so winnipeg is kind of irrelevant here.
  9. Nope but one would assume he didn't fit in to the culture of the team, WHo knows, maybe had another opportunity elsewhere, maybe didn't like winnipeg? maybe expected to play right away? lots of possibilities and my guess is we never really find out the true reason.
  10. Section S was fun but... it was distracting for sure. Section S got ruined for me when i went to a game and i saw a few 40-50 year olds sitting in there acting like they were 20. Hogan was cool but man, that guy is a good example of what ruined it for me. Got lame when i realized that The "student" section wasn't just for students.
  11. Being at the game gives you a different perspective to what actually went down, In the section, lots of people when something went wrong, blamed Willy but... don't really understand that it takes the oline to execute and the receivers do get open and when they do, catch the damn ball, not sure some understand that. I think, yeah i'm going there, not a shot at those people but i think when the team is winning (3-0) there are gonna be people at the game who really just have no clue LOL. Several in my section (seriously) good section though, great seats, awesome stuff but... man not the smartest football people. Say what you will, not much to cheer for last night but still was a good time at IGF. Bombers just, i guess you can say, didn't execute, that's not just on Drew Willy, what can he do? catch the ball himself? get open himself? Nope, but the entire team just didn't get the breaks, so many dropped balls it's insane actually. Flubbed opening kick off set the tone, the grigsby can't catch "fumble"/ interception eventhough it was entirely on Grigsby set the tone even more minutes later, Lirim off the post from damn near the 50 with a slight wind in his face, off the post. Just sums it up really. Didn't catch the breaks, and the receivers couldn't catch the ball. Never mind breaks, we couldn't even catch the damn ball last night on Offense. D? played well, but had issues tackling. But played well considering they were on the field for 38 minutes, 10 of that though might have been because they couldn't tackle. What could go wrong, did go wrong? One of those games, our first like that in 4 games?? Ridiculous but if we go 3-1 every 4 games, we won't, but if we do, we are 14-4. LOL. Just chalk this one up to our first really bad game of the year.
  12. Willy's game was.. Have time, Receiver drops ball, have time, nobody open, have no time, sacked or dump it off to the nearest guy so no sack happens. Maybe one or 2 iffy throws, throws that maybe "he'd want back". 14/27 for 180. no TD. 1 pick. Pick was Grigsby not being able to catch, had space if he could tho and just needed to make willis miss.. Had legit 8 drops probably, no bs. Those 8 drops included probably a guaranteed touchdown by JFG, and a fumble by moore. Willy played well. Made the right read when he had time, just problem was, the receivers didn't play well at all.
  13. at the game JFG stopped running actually, he slowed down, if anything JFG misjudged the throw a wee bit. It was pretty obvious in person, He got his hand on it, he stopped running for a few seconds, If he didn't, Touchdown. I'm going to say it, Watson makes that catch and scores,JFG has been good but Guaranteed Watson catches it and scores. JFG has been a very nice surprise though, not really much press when we signed him, but has turned out nice for us.
  14. Reilly played well, by that i mean he used his legs well, he ran well, didn't do much else well though. The main issue i saw was that when our guys had reilly, they just blew the tackle, happened lots, reilly was stopped lots of times for barely any gain, (not enough for the first down at least) but.. didn't go down. Poor Tackling, Zach Anderson was the only guy who knew how to tackle. Really, we had lots of issues last night, no need to "blow things up" or "cut guys".. Gonna be lame here but.. Football comes down to execution, last night both teams struggled actually at execution, the bombers just struggled more. Couldn't catch, Couldn't return, couldn't tackle. Edmonton wasn't that impressive. Maybe the big crowd made guys nervous? i dunno, but even during warm-ups i noticed something, Cotton and Grigsby both had a hard time hanging on to the ball, They were the ones bobbling or dropping balls all warm-up. Not sure why, but... Oh well, we are 3-1. Who expected that? Anyone saying we need to cut guys right now.. man, Just stop it. I'm just going to add, Iike our Dline, Turner and Anderson in particular, IMO, if anderson had a good night, so did Turner and vice versa but.. Honestly, i think we could really use a guy like Alex Hall, a pure pass rushing defensive end, we lack that and i think if we had it, our Dline would be very very good instead of just good really. Turner and Anderson and Vega are solid, Peach is good depth but i really feel we are missing that dominant pass rushing defensive end.
  15. Wylie was there, do believe during the game he was up in the box though, Charbs was on the sidelines i believe but Wylie definitely was there. Oline has a couple holes, but it has potential when greaves gets back to be pretty solid i think, not blaming howard just IMO, oline works as one, needs consistency to become good, pretty tough when Greaves, is he our best offensive lineman? I think i'd say he is, is injured, disrupts the line a bit, didn't play too bad first 2 games did they? Might have just played the best 2 Dlines in the league back to back??? Halftime comment: They need to do something about the concourse, it's just way way way way too packed at times. Lots of people just standing around doing nothing too, I understand people want to get up and stretch and do that but man, they need to somehow find a way to keep it under control a bit more. Insane.
  16. thought west and briggs were noticeable on special teams actually, they don't really play so why worry about them, i guess what it shows is our lack of canadian depth. That's not a fix we can just snap our fingers at and improve. Besides those guys are very valuable special team players, They arne't asked to really contribute on D that often if at all, They are there primarily for special teams, you could probably call west a safety if they wanted too, hell if they really wanted too, could call cornell a fullback, pretty irrelevant what they call them when they are just used for special teams. We lack depth though big time, can't just replace them.. cuz like others have said, with who? What 2 canadians do we add or 3 canadians we add when we remove those 3 canadians? Oline? why? they don't play special teams.
  17. Willy - had no time to throw, when he did, had no one to throw too, when he did have someone to throw too, that player dropped it, flat out dropped it.. stopped running their route like JFG did early in the game and or just flat out dropped the ball.Willy wasn't the issue at all, Oline had problems though, not just one guy either, receivers couldn't catch, grigsby couldn't catch... cotton sucked at returns. I mean really, esks didn't score an offensive touchdown until the 4th quarter i believe and i believe it was right after the bogus call on washington even. They didn't exactly kill us, ESKS aren't that good, we just simply put... RB, OLINE, RECEIVERS, Returners didn't show up. Willy played pretty decently, maybe it doesn't come across on TV and maybe if i watched at home i would think Willy wasn't that good either but being there in person, you can see they guy had no one to throw too. Seriously, people in the section were like throw the ball willy, in my head i'm thinking? to who? cuz nobody is open at all. Kind of amused me near the end, throw the ball willy, he does... DROP by our guy... summed up the night.. Willy, when he had time to throw (not often) made the right throw i thought and right read, it's just that nobody was open and when they were, they dropped the Damn ball.
  18. Starting to come around but... as i said in another post, does seem a little confusing at times, is that a call? isn't it? I'm not 100 percent sure all the time and i should be. Hey man, you did the flag raising the first game right? what's the deal with it? cuz last night they only got it half way too.. Is that as far as it can go??
  19. Sorry but it's really not as simple as that at all... You know for a fact if a bomber hit him while he was down, it would have been a flag so really.. whats the bombers to do in that situation? Again sorry i've read some of your posts and i'm not sure how you can say some of the stuff you have been saying,for example saw you say willy didn't throw the ball enough, you weren't at the game so... how do you know who was open and who wasn't? Cuz i was and i'll give you a hint, the reason he held on to the ball and "looked like the rookie qb he was" was because NOBODY was open and when they were? He'd hit them and drop it, saw you call the JFG throw in the first an overthrow? Funny happened right in front of me at the game and JFG stopped running and got turned around, if he kept running ,touchdown easily cuz the nearest esk was 2 sections away. Anyway though, really not as simple as you think it is.
  20. Was at the game and was kind of confused at times wondering what was a penalty and what wasn't. I don't really get how the offensive player(white i believe, the esks rb) can lead with his head and not get a penalty but last game we got a defensive call against us for basically leading with the head too. That and the roughing the passer calls are just mind boggling at times, really makes you wonder, went both way toos, some really weird calls against both teams, thought the demond hit on stamps was good and didn't think there needed to be a call on it, stamps was allowed back in the game too so really, how hurt could he have been, yeah he was carted off after but they let him back in a couple times... no flag until stamps starting rolling around on the ground, BS in my opinion. Also the fumble by bowman, thought it was indeed a fumble, but guess not.. Refs do seem to be very flag happy for both teams. Does slow the game down a tad though.
  21. But we won and the D where 2 of those spots were changed up, Sherman at LB, Sears at safety looked pretty good doing it. Yeah starting 3 IMP is not the way to go but.. It's not like it hurt us that much. If at all really. 3-0. 1-0 without greaves vs a good Montreal D, a very good Montreal D.... One of the best in the league really, the best?? Not too shabby
  22. Goosen can also play guard. If Morley is doing the job at center as he appears he is so far then why get rid of him if he has a good season? Sign Etienne & deal Watson? If Etienne was so good, then how come he got traded from here, cut in Saskatchewan, not resigned by the Riders after Getzlaff went down or signed as a FA by any other CFL team? Other teams want depth at receiver, too. Holy crap, that's the dumbest suggestion I've ever read here. What's great is that we're 3-0, and all of a sudden Morley's getting a pass, after 4-5 years of ineffective line play. I'll give him this, he's been better this year at C than he was at G. Your point is made. But Morley's a proven commodity, and a proven below-average one... we can't settle for that when his game inevitably slips. We've settled since 1990 and look where that's gotten us... Given the opportunity to retain the injury prone Watson or deal him for the younger NI OL Watman... I take it, with some kind of draft picks/whatnot attached to even the deal out. To keep ISO happy, Etienne can keep his farm job, and we'll sign someone else to compete with Carter for the NI WR backup job behind JFG and Kohlert. How long is watman signed for? If he's a free agent, we may just get him in the off season for "free".
  23. lol was at the bomber store today with the girlfriend, seriously just saying but.. the bomber store is really the only place you can get clothes at that actually don't suck. We went to River City near Polo, 98 percent of that shop is Jets Stuff, what the heck really, had more rider "clothing" than bomber stuff, made no sense. Anyway, while we were there several bombers were leaving, turner,sherman,anderson, sears, suber, several others also... but at the bomber store, we were there for a good 30 45 minutes cuz shopping for a girl is difficult And yeah, seriously, tons of people, lots and lots of people. Bodes well for tomorrow for sure. 3 rows up on the main bowl for myself, will be fun, honestly, Well over 30,000 im sure. +29, no rain, south wind.. Yup gonna be a beauty.
  24. The D stepped up when they had too and put 14 points on the board themselves... how can anyone blame the D when they actually stepped up when it mattered.. so did the Offence actually, went pretty cold for a while, a long while actually, if the D didn't step up, that last drive of the game wouldn't have mattered.
  25. I don't get why some want to "hate" on johnson, what did the guy do really? In the NFL, he was a showman, had some fun, woopedidoo.. yeah a couple off field issues but man what football player doesn't have off field issues, the guy doesn't need to play up here, he's loaded, has all the money in the world, is playing for the love of the game.. and regardless is good publicity for the league... say what you want but the als signing johnson is probably the biggest PR move in the history of the CFL, you got a name player people in the states know and are well aware of, it could be worse, its not like he's killed a guy or anything like that... hugging a ref? yeah i thought he should have been flagged too or fined, just cuz you can't touch the refs really but... declining an interview? who cares.
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