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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. oh i dont know man, they are playing calgary, it's not like they are playing ottawa or someone like that.. I think it's a pretty safe bet that calgary will destroy hamilton.
  2. PR's have been expanded this season, qb depth is a good thing to have. No need or reason to read in to this any further than what it more than likely is.. a depth move. a practice roster move. That's all. Is odd they "hyped" this one sort of but... whatever.
  3. Toronto and Ottawa.. Durie out, Owens out, barnes out... Ottawa wins their first of the year.. gonna say 30-17 Calgary and Hamilton.. LOL do i have too? Calgary in a wooping, i'm thinking 50 -10, probably could be more but BLM will be pulled early to get Tate some reps Bc and Montreal.. That montreal D is solid, don't think BC's oline is very good, thinking Montreal by a touchdown Edmonton/Winnipeg.. Tough call but playing at home, i think the bombers pull it off, probably something like 38-25.
  4. Hockeybuzz isn't very credible, that's eklunds stuff and that guy is wrong 9 out of 10 times.
  5. Agreed. Probably rank them 4th or 5th right now.. Middle of the pack. Probably 5th actually behind Montreal too.
  6. not surprised at all, saw this coming a while ago. Unfortunate for Mr Ford but... it was pretty obvious this was bound to happen. Best of luck to Will in his future, i doubt that future includes another CFL team.
  7. Greaves is no surprise cuz O'Shea already told us he was out for weeks. Most folks glommed onto the #2 but it looks a bit more serious than that. Greaves was our best overall o-lineman. Hopefully, he's not out as long as I first suspected - 6 to 8 games. Watson is a chronic so his status will always be somewhat doubtful so I hope he's either traded for an asset or somehow regains his physical health. Legget is a real downer cuz it causes a number of defensive shifts. None of them make it as good as when he's playing safety. just lol at this entire post... a few weeks is 6-8 in your mind? trade a chronically injured player.. yup for sure. Man, i swear to god, i get dumber reading your posts. Not a shot at you or anything but just the lack of knowledge and just total guessing game you play is becoming ridiculous.
  8. I don't get the trade proposals Chronically injured watson and a 3rd rd pick for a starting canadian oline? You serious? Why the hell would sask make that trade? Seriously, name one reason, one legit reason sask wouldn't hang up the phone immediately? So ok lets say Taman is drunk that day and does make that trade and then next game... JFG and Kohlert get hurt... who starts the week after? Carter and Taylor Renaud? Like it or not, our lack of depth means we have to start 2 canadian receivers, this fantasy world of starting 4 canadians on the oline isn't happening... I really don't get the trade proposals in here at all.. Realistically? for Watson who is always injured? you'd probably guy future considerations or maybe a late round pick cuz he's canadian, you aint getting a starting canadian olineman, hell, if there was a CFL video game and you tried that trade, it probably wouldn't even let it happen cuz its just so unrealistic it's crazy.
  9. Interesting stats here Edmonton has played BC,HAM,OTT.. combined record of 1-6, 2 teams with ZERO WINS, one team just one their first game this past weekend (bc) Winnipeg has played TOR,OTT,MTL... Combined record of 2-6.. Yup.. only Ottawa is winless on the year None of the teams Edmonton played had a win when they played Edmonton.. they were all 0 for at the time...Montreal just came off a win last week... I'm not overly worried here, I do think Reilly is a tad over-rated, I mean what has he done to earn this love? Edmonton wasn't much better than we were last season. I'd argue Edmonton has played the 3 worst teams in the league, I'd argue that we haven't. We have only played one of the worst teams in the league LOL. Edmonton has faced Glenn (backup qb), Collaros(also lefevour and masoli(backups)) and Burris Ray,Burris,Smith... say what you will but we have faced the better qb's and the better teams.. Edmonton has yet to play a team who actually won a game when they played them... DLINE is strong but... they have yet to face a good offence, we are a good offence, actually we have the most points scored so far by a wide margin. Edmonton has looked good against 3 teams i'd ranked as the bottom 3 teams in the league at this point.
  10. the fumble return TD happened after Marve was stuffed. ok so really... we had 3 turnovers that lead to 6 points, they had 2 and we got 14 off them.. the d won the game.
  11. Has to be said, Can pick out a bunch of areas that needs to be improved, its only going to be week 4 so the team can certainly get better and they know that more than we do. Regarding the D stuff, regardless of a couple missed tackles, regardless of washingtons fumbles, the D stepped up when it mattered... Scored14 points actually on there own and those 2 fumbles by demond only lead to 2 field goals. The entire D stepped up when they had too, I'd go as far as to say this.... Week 1, our Offence won the game, week 2, demond and the special teams won the game, at least had the turning point, week 3, our D won the game, Offence went cold for most the second half, stepped up on the last drive though. Without our D playing pretty stellar and scoring 14 points and keeping montreal to 6 on 2 turnovers.. we don't win. We had i believe 3 turnovers, those 3 turnovers lead to what? 6 points? maybe 13, i can't completely remembered what happened on the als drive after stuffing marve on 3rd down... we forced 2 turnovers and got 14 points off them. Win by one point, thats the difference really.
  12. both of us have the day off so i think the plan is to leave around 430 ish, should be there 515 ish.. nice to know there are options.
  13. Don't they say that about every player who leaves sask though? that they were never the same? I mean these are the same fans who crapped all over dwight anderson for years but then when he became a rider, kind of loved him
  14. Going to the game on thursday, got wikked awesome seats 3 rows up... going to be driving though as gotta be up early the next day for a little doctors appointment. Just curious, don't want to park on campus, don't really want to pay for parking.. is there free parking around? if not, where is the nearest not on campus parking spots? and how much does it cost, probably leave super early so... maximum 20 or 25 minute walk should be fine.
  15. I've said this before but Black sucks the life out of every game he does. More people need to do what you did, Iso... call TSN and complain. Complaining about him on message boards isn't going to do anything since I doubt they even have a clue that people are constantly complaining about him (basing that on the comment you made about the TSN person being surprised when you said Black sucks) - enough people need to contact them directly before they will do something about him. All TSN cares about is ratings though, If these games are pulling in numbers, that's all that matters. I hope more people actually do complain to them but... As long as they aren't losing viewers when black does a game, they won't do a damn thing about it unfortunately. . I'd never call them and complain for this very reason... yeah i went on about black sucking early but... fact is, as much as i can't stand that smug son of a beach, guess what... as much as all of us? can't stand him and his crap, we still watch the game. I'm not gonna miss a game just cuz i dislike/can't stand Rod Black, I'll still watch it, I'll be annoyed as hell watching it but.. I'll still watch it. Maybe i won't watch the other games Black does though. Maybe if he didn't do those games, maybe i would but Rod Black once a week is too much for me so I can't deal with his crap more than once a week.
  16. Was out all night with the lady but.... man, what happened to sask? I thought BC sucked, they certainly didn't look good the first 2 weeks that's for sure. Is sask believing the TSN ass kissings too much? or did BC actually play a good game, I see charles had almost 100 yards at half but fumbled then got pulled? What the hell is chamblin thinking? Trying to lose games, are the riders over rated? Did losing dressler hurt them that much? I think it might have. And the Calgary/Toronto game... All i got from the TSN highlights is... when Calgary beats Toronto it's a statement, when Winnipeg beats Toronto and worse, it doesn't really matter or it's a fluke. It was just week 1.
  17. Dunigan did have a cannon but the reason he suffered so many concusions was because of the way he played the game, Dude was buck pierce before buck pierce, by that i mean, He would take the head shot to get that extra half yard or yard needed to get the first down or touchdown, The guy was crazy on the field, going 100 percent all the time and unfortunately it caught up to him. It caught up to BUCK, buck was more injury prone than Dunigan though, It's gonna catch up to Reilly too one day, He's gonna get nailed one game and he's gonna stay down for a while. It's just bound to happen when you play the way some of these guys do. Dunigan,Buck,Reilly... all played/play a certain way, balls to the wall... all out. Eventually, just wait, maybe not this week maybe not next maybe not this season but sometime soon,Reilly is gonna get injured badly too. It's just bound to happen the way he plays the game.
  18. hmm http://cfl.ca/page/2014-us-broadcast-schedule Guess they wont be showing that game on ESPN after all.
  19. No to the first part, No because sometimes teams need penalties called against them, lots of iffy calls last night in the bomber game sure but most/ 98 percent of them were legit and that call is made every time. Yes to the second part but... with an *. that * being if you called one penalty against one team and don't call it against the other... then perhaps a fine should occur. Bomber game is an example, they called PI vs bucknor on Johnson, they didn't call it on denmark in the endzone though, o'shea had to challenge, if you call one, call the other, if not... consequences need to happen.
  20. That was the first game i remember being at, was only about 7 or 8 at the time but... man, that made me a fan for life. Haven't seen anything since then even close to that performance that Matty D had that game. Unreal. The video brings back some nice memories actually.
  21. After watching the game again, i feel part of the reason why the game seemed to drag on at times was due to the poor announcing. The guys at half talked about how slow the first half was, it was but... lots of commericals, lots of stops in play, lots of babbling on and on by both announcers certainly made it feel longer then it actually was. Lots of flags too, at times it seemed the refs were just throwing flags for the sake of throwing flags... if the refs are gonna throw a flag, don't take 2 minutes to discuss why they threw a flag, just call the damn penalty and move on. Refs were kind of bush league at times, not saying they were deliberately calling penalties at times but... it sure seemed like they were way too flag happy. TSN concentrating on trestman for 10 minutes didn't help, black basically sucking johnsons johnson after his first td didn't help, man... it was a long game but quite a bit of factors made it seem longer then it was.
  22. On the one fumble by Demond last night, whyte really nailed that punt and demond had to back up to catch it, kind of tripped on his own feet really so pretty hard to say he dropped that one, suppose technically he did but... he tripped backing up so that one i can let slide, the other? i dunno, sometimes you just gotta give the other team props.. it's not like demond flat out dropped the ball, he tripped trying to catch the first one and the second one got stripped... It is what it is. Personally, I don't think i can be too angry at the guy considering he basically won the game for us last week and was named special teams player of the week also. I'd let woods return punts though, he's consistent at least. Demond? i'd give him another chance down the line, i just wouldn't have him being our dedicated returner, he's too valuable of an asset on D to have him back returning all the punts.
  23. Like this trade, Kromah is solid, remember him when he was with the riders, was a beast until he broke his leg.. This could turn in to quite the steal for the bombers. Where does he fit in? Perhaps he takes Kuales place or perhaps he's just here for depth only in case of injury. Like the trade though. 3-0 and still looking to get better. Honestly, I'd be somewhat surprised if Kromah plays this week unless Kuale is injured. I don't think 3 days is enough to really get him up to speed. One question i have about Kromah, Can he play special teams? If so, then perhaps he could be on the roster this week. It's a short week though no?
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