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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Probably helps that no one in Nashville is voting. I might be most curious what happens in the Karlsson v Pietrangelo matchup. I have a hunch that Karlsson will be viewed as a one-dimensional player and get some backlash because of it, when it really shouldn't be close. Depends what you like in a d man though. Karlsson is a good offensive d man but not so good in his own end, Pietrangelo is a solid 2 way d man. Honestly, if push came to shove, i think i'd go with AP over EK.
  2. Little note for those taking anthony allen, apparently hugh charles is starting and is ahead of allen on the depth charts.
  3. Let me clarify lol, I'd do it but i doubt the Jets or Avs would. Find it hard to believe they would trade a player to a divisional rival, one that we will play a whole bunch of times. The likely scenario with Kane if he's moved, is he's moved to the Eastern Conference. I just don't see them trading him to a team in our own division or conference for that matter. Don't get me wrong, If a western conference team or central division team offered us the moon, I'd take it but i just don't see that happening.
  4. Can also play the left wing actually, i believe he plays left wing with Colorado and yes, I'd do that deal in a minute. Maybe throw in rights to Burmistrov also and the Avs can send us a pick next year too, (1st but i'd take a second also)
  5. If the ALs looked good tonight, it will be the first time all year they have, they looked awful week 1 and really last week, not sure what happened but i guess their D did enough for them to win the game. Certainly not like their Offence was lighting it up. Unless Willy turns in to Kevin Glenn and gives the game away, bombers should win. Als have a good D but their Offence and Special Teams ain't anything special at all. Troy Smith is not AC, Dinwiddie is not Millanovich or Trestman and Higgins is certainly not Trestman. Bombers win.
  6. Yup. MBRG said it, Pretty solid numbers for playing with guys like Antropov Wellwood Jokinen and what ever other scrub or third liner he's played with.
  7. Rumours running crazy about wiggins being sent to minnesota for Kevin Love. Will Cavs fans forgive and forget? Short answer is YES, Long answer is also yes. They have the best basketball player in the world on their team again, ofcourse they will forgive and forget.
  8. Think it will be a good game but has the potential to get ugly... Not sure what to expect from Howard and no idea what to expect from the Montreal O. If they were smart, it will be lots of whittaker, if not, i don't see Troy Smith beating us. I'm gonna say whittaker has a good game but Wpg 30 Montreal 17
  9. Still think Piper is the hottest for sure, Morelli right up there. Can't stand Pousey.. and Soso (Brook) is annoying as hell. lol
  10. I'm not a fan, she is a girl i wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. I like the crazy new yorker girl, can't recall her name but she's got a very obvious voice. The one who was convinced that her and christopher were gonna get married. LOL. Her and Red are pretty interesting characters. Actually, they all are pretty interesting characters.
  11. Honestly, i understand what you are saying but i think it's a bit of a stretch comparing the best basketball player in the game today to evander kane, Kane might be a good player, he might be a super star but he isn't yet.. He hasn't won anything, no individual awards, no team awards. Say what you will but Lebron never left Cleveland cuz he didn't like Cleveland, he left because he wanted to go somewhere else to win. He might even sign with Cleveland this off-season. Honestly, kane might be our best player based on potential but the argument could be made right now that our best player all around is Blake Wheeler. I never said they were equal in talent or even at the same stages in their professional career, I'm suggesting the similarirties are pretty obvious as treating themselves as a business and not just as an athlete who wants to play. Makes sense. I agree.
  12. In season two, piper seems to be playing more of a back ground role... i just finished season 2 last night and hope season 3 comes out shortly.
  13. More likely Bryant and Swiston have to agree as i don't see them dressing 7 OL. O'shea was asked if he would dress 7 OL and flat out said NO. Come to think of it, maybe they will dress 7 OL just in case Howard, play miserably. If he plays miserably, you put goossen in his place then, no way do they dress 7 OL. that's a waste of a roster spot.
  14. Honestly, i understand what you are saying but i think it's a bit of a stretch comparing the best basketball player in the game today to evander kane, Kane might be a good player, he might be a super star but he isn't yet.. He hasn't won anything, no individual awards, no team awards. Say what you will but Lebron never left Cleveland cuz he didn't like Cleveland, he left because he wanted to go somewhere else to win. He might even sign with Cleveland this off-season. Honestly, kane might be our best player based on potential but the argument could be made right now that our best player all around is Blake Wheeler.
  15. Heatley isn't good any more. He's slow as hell and just doesn't seem motivated.
  16. They are. They are one of several teams who are up against the cap right now, Boston and Philly being 2 others for sure.
  17. More likely Bryant and Swiston have to agree as i don't see them dressing 7 OL. O'shea was asked if he would dress 7 OL and flat out said NO.
  18. Performance and discipline? WTF? Performance? 67 goals 65 assists the last 3 seasons, one being a 30 goal season, the other prorated being 30 also, had 19 last year but did pass the puck off to peluso on an empty net, missed significant time with injury. Discipline? He was late for a meeting once. Besides that, what else has he done? Seriously, twitter? who gives a crap about twitter, Interviews where he vaguely answers questions? I don't see discipline issues actually. I see maturity issues but not really discipline issues. He's a 23 year old making 5 million bucks a year. He has some growing up to do. Pittsburgh wouldn't be a good fit for him, their media is as vicious if not more than ours. The guy needs to go to a place like Columbus or Florida or somewhere like that where he can do whatever he pleases and not be crapped on for it. So that eliminates every big market their is. Honestly if Kane can't handle our local media, how the heck would he survive in new york or pittsburgh or montreal or toronto?
  19. It's offical Officially open! pic.twitter.com/02eayHdU8p — TD Place (@TD_Place) July 9, 2014
  20. Who cares what the media says, the media here is a big big problem, i think the majority of people like kane the hockey player, sure see lots of his jerseys around town and at MTS centre... think theres a perception that people don't like him, i don't think thats the case though, I think people like the guy, i just think people wish he wouldn't throw more logs on to an already burning fire. The guy knows the media here is out to get him and theres certain fans on twitter who are all over him for no apparent reason, stop fueling them... just shut up and do your job.. Not sure why he'd want to throw more gas on to the fire though. All that really matters is what his team mates in the locker room think about him, haven't really heard anything negative or positive from his team mates. If his team mates though start to get tired of his act, then it's time to move him. All the media bs, the money phones, the interviews, the favouring of tweets... who gives a crap really... if it starts to piss his team mates off though, then you got a problem. Until then though, nothing to see here. Just a guy who seemingly wants and needs attention. Nothing wrong with that. Think if Kane is moved, it's probably best to move him to a market where maybe they don't care as much as we do here. Think that would be what is best for Mr Kane. Don't want to see this guy fail and be on "where are they now' 10 years from now.. he's a talented player and i hope he gets his stuff together off the ice, it's apparent he has some issues, but nothing too ridiculous. It's kind of funny Claude Giroux slaps a cops ass a bunch of times, media makes a big joke out of it... what if Kane did that? Don't think it would be a big joke and that's a problem. He does kind of get unfairly treated by the media but at the same time, he does at times bring it on himself. It's an odd situation. He signed a long term contract with the JETS, ever since and even b4 then, media and some "fans" thinks he's wanted out but has really not given any indication that he does. With all that said, i have very little sympathy for a guy making over 5 million bucks a year, he should learn to probably shut up at times and be grateful that you can make 5 miillion bucks a year playing hockey.
  21. no heatley for the jets. Thank god. Signed a 1 year 1 million deal with the ducks.
  22. Definitely agree, similar to collaros for sure. Similar scrambling ability, even kind of looks like collaros in that video.
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