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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Yeah considering they don't say what type of cancer it is, makes you wonder if it's something very serious. Hopefully he recovers.
  2. Rumours going around that Claude will be named head coach of the washington capitals AHL affiliate the Hershey Bears so yeah, he will work and probably sooner than nate thinks.
  3. I'm not at all. but yeah it's all good. Anyway though, I'd be surprised if this stadium was done in a month. That video that was posted in the other thread, looks like it has lots of work to do. Honestly not sure why they couldn't just use the lower bowl as it looks completed but... guess there is a reason for that, i wonder if it has something to do with bob young getting 1 million bucks per game lost at THF.
  4. Man & people here say I'm angry all the time? What's so angry about that? Think you probably read too far in to my posts at times. It's a fan forum. There is never any anger involved in my posts. Is it cuz of the "swear" word? funny thing is, that wasn't even a swear... basically i said Americans aren't stupid but used the R word instead. .
  5. or just you know, play the game at mcmaster and explain to the viewers several times a game why they are playing at a 5000 seat stadium? That works too, Americans aren't ********, not all of them at least... if you let them know why, then there you go and how many people normally watch these games? you honestly think they care if its in a 5000 seat stadium or a 30,000 seat stadium? whats more embarrassing to the league? 5000 at mcmaster or 17000 at a 50,000 rogers centre?
  6. a suspension though takes all his money out of his pocket tho.
  7. I don't know if the timeline was that ridiculous, it's a basic stadium, Not giving excuses for the delays here but we got a pretty spectacular time consuming roof, hamilton don't. Really no excuses for this one not being done. I'm betting ours would have been done if it didn't have the fancy roof Can't compare ours to theirs, it's more comparable to ottawas and ottawas looks like it will be done on time.
  8. Should have been thrown out of the game. Our season would have gone down the drain if Willy tore a knee or broke an ankle. I think that should be a suspension actually. That's the way to send a message, i understand willis being fined, it wasn't really blatant and intent to injure, this one was.. the guy should be suspended for it, one of the dirtiest cheapest hits i've ever seen.
  9. I watched that hit on Willy several times and it's actually mystifying what Grigsby was thinking there as he watches Gavins just run by him. That kind of "non-block" on that play leading to your QB getting smoked is a career killer. Ask Corey Boyd if you don't believe me. the piling on grigsby is going a little over board here, that was a very cheap hit, missed block or not.. wasn't grigsbys fault the guy went low and dirty on willy.
  10. A small part of me is enjoying this delay as ticat fans pretty much ripped the crap out of the bombers for their delays.. so a small part of me is enjoying this delay. Pretty basic stadium too, imagine they had a roof on it like IGFs... Yikes.
  11. Kind of like a body check in hockey really ,willis being bigger, collaros not as big... sometimes thats what happens. Don't really think he deserved to be fined as he did seemingly make an effort to lower his shoulder. Looked shoulder first to me, but.. guess since collaros is a qb, he gets the benefit of the doubt. Gotta protect the Qb's i guess but... at the same time, seemed pretty clean to me.
  12. Chop near the airport is pretty decent, went there the other week, was really good, reasonable prices too. Gonna throw this one out there, it's very much a dive but for some reason, i find the dive looking places to be some of the best food around.. Casa Grande. It's a pizza place but it's pretty neat. Very intimate setting there. Dark and yeah, good place for a date also.
  13. It's also just day 1 really so who knows by friday, maybe tomorrow its swiston or goossen taking the reps, maybe morley is moved to guard and goossen goes to the centre position. Still pretty early.
  14. Not good. Scott Radley ‏@radleyatthespec 41m BREAKING: #Ticats will not be playing July 26 or 31 games at Tim Hortons Field because it will not be ready, city says. heard that for every game lost at Tim Hortons Field, the contractor will pay the ticats 1 million dollars, don't be surprised if it's more than just those 2 games.
  15. oh i see, end of the year? well, i'll get back to you in 16 or so weeks.
  16. Break it down in to 2 groups.. Print media and the radio guys The radio guys are pretty decent for the most part.. Irving,Bauming, Brown,mitch,walby,westwood.. they are all fine. Toth is terrible. Thought the Jets would take D man Hayden Fleury in this years draft, honestly made no sense. He said either nylander or fleury so he's wrong most the time actually. Penton and Tait are decent print media guys, penton is ok, has his bad days, he works for the sun so... it's too be expected at times as the sun likes to always go the "negative" route, even when their is nothing negative to report, not just sports but really everything. Radio guys are solid, print media is pretty brutal and i'd suspect most casual fans probably base their thoughts on what the print media says. I doubt they are listening to the radio guys that often. The issue with them is exactly what the op said about toth, they all think they are "know it alls" but in reality, don't even know the rules. LOL at calling wicek out on something and having him block you, talk about arrogant.
  17. interesting, according to the twitter feed on the side, we may see 3 import oline this week as howard is getting lots of reps. January,Howard,Morley,Neufeld,Knapp. Goossen.
  18. http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=456632 I wish him the best in his hopeful recovery.
  19. what the hell gives you that impression exactly? bombers come across as very humble much like their coach And i'm not sure exactly what you were watching last game, if you even were but this piling on goossen stuff? i don't get it, yeah he got beat once or twice but he looked pretty decent at times too.
  20. Troy Smith sucks. LOL, for some reason i get the feeling the bombers win this one handily, things could change depending on who starts in place of greaves but... Right now, without really knowing that, i'm gonna say 38-20 bombers. Als score a late td to make it closer than it appears, Troy Smith barely completes 50 percent of his passes, i think if we can game plan to stop whittaker, 38-20 might turn in to 40 + - 10. I just don't think troy smith can beat us by throwing the ball, It's all about if the bombers can stop whittaker, if they can, i expect to see several interceptions by the bombers and several over throws by smith. Stop Whittaker and we win this one easily. If he is allowed to gain yards, i really don't know. I dont think montreal is very good, i actually think they are one of the worst teams in the league actually. Good D yup but that offence is terrible and if you can game plan to stop whittaker, you should be able to beat montreal every week.
  21. jets have a solid top 6, be better with a trade for sharp or someone like that and have a decent group on D, they should be fighting for a wild card, the likely scenario sees the jets pick in that 7-10 spot again. Kane,Scheif,Wheeler Ladd,Little,Sharp ??,Perreault,Frolik. That's a pretty solid top 9 with a guy like sharp even without it's still pretty decent Kane,Scheif,Wheeler Ladd,Little,Frolik ??,Perreault,?? I'm not including buff because i think he will be moved b4 the season starts.
  22. I'd suspect if tsn has that "fans chose which game is replayed again" thing they normally have, ottawa winnipeg will get it, it was the best game of the week by far and sask fans won't want to see the riders lose badly.
  23. I am enjoying it. Who's crapping on them? No one. This is a discussion about whether or not the Bombers can win without Willy? No one has been crapping on any player in any threads other than Grigsby's blocking. Chill. Tell me to chill? weren't you the guy that just told someone to suck an egg? and you are telling me to chill? who is crapping on them? Quite a few of you in some of these threads actually.
  24. Delete - not gonna bother arguing with people who apparently will only be happy when the bombers lose.
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