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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. man oh man, every excuse in the world by rod black for hamiltons piss poor play
  2. ahh i see, any reason to crap on management.. makes sense. Why is there an article on the tsn site saying he was released when he hasn't been yet? they should keep him on the IR one more game then release him after we play the redblacks.
  3. not draft day but... sam gagner traded to tampa bay for teddy purcell.
  4. to be fair, i think collaros could be good but what 8 sacks, dude has no time. That oline is awful, dont care who the qb is, it wouldn't matter one bit.
  5. Goalie


    it is what it is. oh well, the rain is nice. just tough when it rains for 3 days straight. the rain aint so bad even, the wind is though. so many downed branches on my street its crazy.
  6. is it to late to change my pick Damn it
  7. There is no spinning anything, jesus. The guy asked for his release cuz he isn't a starter. Thats not spinning anything, thats a fact. fact: he got beat out for his job by a younger better johnny sears, ill take sears over banks any day. Fact: in the off season when he thought he was going to be handed the starters job he was rah rah rah. Fact: he hasn't been rah rah rah recently. Fact is.. banks asked for his release cuz he isn't starting. Thats not spinning anything. The only spinning going on here is from you guys who think it's got nothing to do with all that stuff mentioned above. MOVE ON. Another fact: banks was actually never the starter for us, he might have been in pre-season but... that is irrelevant. Never was named a starter, just assumed he was going to be and with the way he played in the pre-season, im surprised he wasn't cut cuz he sucked.
  8. Collaros is going to get killed, we thought our oline was bad, Hamiltons is awful. wow. Just sucking hardcore. no protection at all.
  9. Unless its lightning, the game will be on. That post there above showing edmonton and hamilton last year at guelph is a great example. GAME ON!! Unless there is lightning. They will play in the rain/monsoon.
  10. wow. how is the gm supposed to know that a guy brought in to be a leader wouldn't accept being a backup. This isn't on walters or o'shea, this is on Banks, we don't need selfish players on the team, like it or not, banks was/is being selfish. Not a leader. If he only wants to be a starter, i'd suspect his days in the CFL are over.
  11. got a simple question for you, you seem to like to stick up for every other team all the time, what are you gonna say when drew willy has a bad game?
  12. not sure why anyone thinks the optics matter, its football. who gives a crap about optics. They made a mistake. Its really that simple. You think the average fan gives a crap about optics? nope, all the average fan cares about is winning. This board was awfully quiet the day after the bombers won that game... funny thing, im willing to bet the second they lose, that its not so quiet the next day. Optics? who cares about optics.
  13. He's 98 percent wrong all the time though. i read that site too and the guy is basically just there for craps n giggles. It's like reading tweets from montreal fans who think kane will go there for thomas plekanec, just LOL at those tweets really. Will there possibly be trades by the Jets coming? maybe, but i doubt its anything significant. You know what makes sense for both teams, the eric staal rumour, id trade buff for staal, it helps us and it helps them too. They need D, we need a centre. It actually makes sense.
  14. if the weather in regina is even remotely close to what we have been getting here the last 2 days going on 3 now, probably tomorrow too, this game is gonna be ugly to watch.
  15. You still feel that way today? LOL! yup sure do. It was one game. I wasn't the only one who felt that way btw.
  16. Took a 6 win team with a league record for roster turnover then the Guelph thing and took them to Grey Cup. Dont have to love him but give him a peck on the cheek at least. Not taking anything away from austin but... calvillo out all year pretty much, ray missed significant time, winnipeg sucked. not really much competition from the east last season.
  17. we traded kito poblah for him, i mean really. a backup to a backup receiver. Tells you all you need to know really.
  18. Kevin Glenn to a T indeed. When the game is on the line, he throws an interception. That's what he's done his whole career, not sure why people say its one game, yeah its one game this season so far, but many many other games has ended up the same whether it was in winnipeg hamilton even calgary for glenn.
  19. eklund right there and that guy is always wrong, those rumours are total and pure BS.
  20. oh well, is this really that big of a deal? lets be honest, the guy looked turrible in the pre-season when he got in, looked slow, looked like he could care less actually... just cuz he went on twitter and "tweeted" a few things doesn't mean he's a leader, as a matter of fact, i'd suggest the reason he will be cut/traded/released is because he's not being the leader they expected him to be. And if he aint bringing that veteran leadership, then why keep him around when its apparent he's not good enough any more.
  21. Pretty boring dull game. Not much happening at all. Smith looks horrible but BLM don't look much better.
  22. Bob just said it best, McKenzie.. the most unpredictable draft in recent history became predictable. every player selected tonight was in the TOP 40. No big trades, meh to the neal trade, that's not a trade that i'd call a big deal, i was thinking spezza, buff, even kane to be dealt. Guess theres always tomorrow.
  23. Has to be attitude related, maybe no the leader they thought he would be? No idea.
  24. Jets very very thin on the left side, ehlers immediately becomes their number 1 lw prospect, their other is blomqvist who wasn't even drafted... I like this pick, Kids got speed to burn and is very good defensively, put on a little weight and he'll be good. The danish drouin they say.
  25. we already have paul stastny, his name is bryan little. Jussi? Olli? and Glass? Damn, let's start the parade...
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