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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. MINOR trade..once again involving the canucks Vancouver Canucks ‏@VanCanucks 1m #Canucks acquire RW Derek Dorsett from NYR for 85th pick in this year's draft.
  2. Yup. next year the jets will have yet another pick in the 7 to 9 range. Awesome, can't wait.
  3. let the speculation beging. Buff and 9? kane and 9th? Some other team more than likely.
  4. Buffalo has cap space however Buffalo is in rebuild mode too so to answer the question, outside of Buffalo and they won't cuz it makes no sense for them and doubt sedins would waive to go to buffalo, Nobody. Canucks stuck with the twins for now.
  5. whenever i think about whats best in this situations, i ask myself, what if my girlfriend or sisters or parents were on this plane... I'm sure if you had family on the plane, you wouldn't want the search stopped, theres a human element at play here too, 250 or so people are presumed dead or missing, hell, it's not even for sure that it ended up in the ocean (its likely) but who really knows, nobody. The reality is this is just a huge guessing game for the people in charge, all these theories they come out with aren't based on fact, it's based on guessing. If a member of my family or loved one were on board, i'd want to know what happened and the only why i know that is when they "find the plane".
  6. I think it's a good deal for the canucks, listen, when you are handcuffed by a player and his NMC, this aint that bad. Bonino is 4 years younger and had more goals than kelser did last season, Sbisa is an often injured still only 24 year old developing d man and the 24th pick? That's not so bad at all. Really, kesler submitted a list of like what? 2 3 4 teams he could be traded too, the canucks did good. Bonino will be a very good player for them. The irony of sorts is kesler was taken with the 23rd overall pick in his draft year, 23rd or 24th so if you are good at scouting, you could get a steal there.
  7. Like him or not and i'll admit, i liked burke. I liked burke the DC.. i didn't like burke the head coach.. fact is and i'll take in to account reinbold had 2 seasons and burke only 1 and a half but Burke only had 1 more win than Jeff did. Burke was terrible, i'm sure there is some truth to what he said, i wish he would have come out and said something along the lines of "what did you expect me to do, my hands were tied, our GM refused to bring in players or make trades, was i a good head coach? no, some elements were out of my control though". I could actually live with that because from an outsiders perspective, that did seem to be the case last season. But he didn't say that... instead of throwing just one guy under the bus (mack) he basically threw the whole organization under and took no blame himself.
  8. Burmi rumours all over hfboards right now. Saw it on twitter as well. Think Burmi probably does get moved, wouldn't expect much back, maybe a 2nd rounder at best.
  9. Everyone of us have been wrong about players, we ain't the experts, we just fans. Even old sheldon from alberta is wrong at times
  10. Burmistrov rumours out there, the bogo rumours don't really seem to be legit.. Kesler though has been traded Pierre LeBrun ‏@Real_ESPNLeBrun 4s Anaheim will trade Bonino, Sbisa plus 24th overall pick and teams will swap third-rounders once deal goes through https://twitter.com/Real_ESPNLeBrun/...81437816659968
  11. Bombers were solid, Argos did take 22 penalties though. But Bombers looked good.. O showed up, D looked good for the most part, Sp Teams need some work but.. i suspect they will get better. Not sure about Woods as the returner, I like him, He does get decent returns actually but.. I'm not sure how long he will be doing that. Bombers did have decent field position all game though.. Liked Lirim and what he did on the kick-offs, consistently down to the goal line really. Teague Sherman, Anthony Coombs, Thomas Miles... but who would hav thought Teague would be the one that stood out the most.. Dudes shakespeare out there cuz all he does is make plays bro. Willy, Drew Willy... Unreal, looked like a seasoned vet out there, Not worried about our QB too much right now. WIlly will be good Oline? What the... Seriously? I like Wylie and knew that he'd make the OLINE better but... they looked more then better today, they looked pretty good actually. Not the same as last season that's for sure. Grigsby? Holy crap buddy, aren't you apparently the third string RB.. I like what he brings, excellent blocker and hard to bring down, has a nice 2nd gear to him, Big Powerful runner, carries the pile at times.. did tonight on a couple runs. Kelly?Guess we don't really need Romby do we?? Etch and The D ? You serious? That's a pressure defence if there ever was, Ray was hurried or hit most the night.. pressured all game, Gotta give the D props, gave up a couple "big" plays but... all in all great effort there. Sp Teams? Needs work but... like Lirims kick-offs like i said, Gotta give renaud and sherman props on the "trick play" "audible", Woods had a few decent returns too. Gave up a couple of big run backs tho, 2 big run backs, 1 directly and 1 indirectly lead to Argo Points. Clean it up boys All in all, wow, shocking.. Good for the Bombers, Good for the fans of the Bombers, Good for the City really.
  12. Tim Burke SUCKS. Creehan SUCKS too Argos looked pretty bad actually, Lots of penalties, 22 or so in total, 30 yards by that Prick Emery on one play, what a goof that guy is. Argos Oline looked like crap, Bombers got some mad pressure most the night, Never seen Ray hit so many times in one game actually.. pressured too, Forced to throw the short passes and hope his receivers could pick up the YAC, only owens could though. Argos are Ray Durie and Owens.. how they go, the argos go. Owens invisible on O most the night, Durie when he did get the ball looked old and not Andre Durie ish, Ray didn't look like himself, Guess it don't matter how good a QB is, if you have good coverage, pressure, guys in your face even, if you keep getting hit over and over, every QB looks like that.. Even Ricky Ray. Burke's D looked terrible but... then again, He's an argo so who really gives a crap any more. Tonight was a big night for the U of M also, 3 former bisons playing in Coombs Miles and Sherman... Honestly, who would have thought that Teague Sherman would be the one who made the biggest impact of those 3, he caught the fake punt pass, also was it none Sherman who actually caused that Fumble earlier in the game? Seems all the guy does is make plays.
  13. I don't think they should call the search off, they need to know what happened so it doesn't happen in the future, the famillies deserve to know the answers, the truth, not bs baseless rumours and made up crap like we are and have been getting. I dunno anybody who honestly thought they would find a plane in 4 months, hell that air france flight they knew where it went down roughly and it took them a year to get it, this ones gonna be a while. It's a big mystery, You don't give up after 4 months. You can't give up even.
  14. Have no issue with players celebrating after a big tsn turning point type of play which demonds fumble return was. "interception". That was a big play, celebrate away, this isn't the NFL, guys can celebrate all they want. Happened after a pick by Willy, was a huge play in the game, argos had some momentum, bombers took it away. Differences? I'd say just having the confidence to go for it at times, we haven't seen that in a while here, the in game coaching, o'shea talking to woods after the return, to me it did look like the ball didn't end up in the endzone but i dunno, but still o'shea coached woods up afterwards. Didn't see that in a while, saw coaches screaming at players lots last season though. It was just one game but you know what, we needed that one game.. gives us something to be happy about, to be positive, sure some will point out negatives, honestly never will understand people who point out the negatives after a HUGE win that nobody NOBODY expected us to win. Seriously, be the first to admit, i thought the score might be the other way around.. argos 45 bombers 21. I was wrong and am glad i was. Can nitpick about stupid things all we want but you know what... Screw it, we won and it was exciting and it gives us all something to be happy about and be positive about. No need for negativity after a game like that. most points we scored in a half last season 14. Tonight 24. Most points scored last year was like 38, tonight 45. Things weren't perfect, some issues on special teams for sure... but you know what... overall, it was what the team, hell, it was what this city needed.
  15. tough to bring down too, at times he pushed the pile to gain extra yards. Also have to mention, liked how near the end, the bombers players were staying in bounds to let the clock run down instead of going out of bounds, good coaching there.
  16. Everyday of the week for me, twice on fridays Need to come to reality, let's look at what the Jets are doing, They are building through the youth, Scheif,Trouba,Morissey,Bogo even. They aren't contenders, for gods sake they finished like last in the division didn't they? And thats with Nashvilles goalie Rinne missing 3/4 of the season. The Jets aren't winning anything any time soon.We have had 3 seasons of the same thing, Scheif draft at 7, (That was Atlantas last season though), next year, Trouba at 9, Year after in a shortened season at that, Morissey at 13, if full season, bet it would have been around 7 or 9 i'll bet.. This year Pick 9. There is a theme there outside of the last draft. What it says is we aren't good enough, we ain't in the top 15, we really aren't even that close, we are in the bottom 10! Consistently in the bottom 10. Buff isn't part of the young core, Wheeler Kane Ladd Little have all re-signed, Bogo,Toby also. Buff has not. There is a reason for this, Buff doesn't want to play forward and here in Winnipeg that's what he will be asked to do, Since it's apparent he don't want to and wants to play D, and we don't need him, We have 2 RD in Trouba and Bogo and not point in Buff on pair 3... He will be moved. Believe it. When this team wins, it won't be soon, Let's maybe not have a pick in the TOP 10 in a non shortened season before we talk about even competing but when they do actually start competing for playoff spots instead of competiting for last in the division with a team whose best player was injured 3/4 of the season, Buff won't be on it. You move him now cuz he's probably at his highest value Now, He actually was probably after 2011 but... You trade him now cuz well, you just do. It's smart to trade guys who aren't part of your future sooner rather than later.. especially guys like Buff, Here the rumour is actually Buff to Philly... If that's the case, Pick 17 and B Schenn coming (just signed a 2 year deal) (buff has 2 left). Change is needed. The jets have shown that they aren't really that good when you take off the Jets goggles, yeah they are fun to watch, it's exciting for sure but you know what... pick 7, pick 9, pick 13 (shortened season) and pick 9 again. It tells us all we really need to know. The current group ain't getting it done. You trade Buff for the future any day of the week because Buff isn't part of our future. He ain't going to be here till he retires. It's not happening. If it's to Florida, Hell... I take that deal and make my pick b4 florida can actually change their mind.. Steal. You could have a very good to excellent player in your system for the next 10 years at the least. Buf ain't gonna be here in 10, probably not even 10 months if the Jets are smart. Hopefully not even 10 more hours.
  17. Gonna say it, that was not what i expected from an ETCH defence. It looked like a normal CFL defence, nothing too silly at all, lots of pressure on Ray all game long, could have probably had 10 sacks, What a performance, did not see this coming at all.
  18. Gotta give the oline some props, gave Willy time and Grigsby ran wild. Willy was outstanding. That first drive was just something of beauty. Great game by Willy.
  19. If the jets wanted Couturier they would have taken him over Scheifele when they had the chance. At 9, I'm thinking Nylander or Kapanen if they are still available.
  20. B Schenn,Read,1st (17th overall) for Kane and Postma.
  21. Winnipeg Poll should be between Edmonton Montreal and Ottawa
  22. If so, Both mack and burke should have been sent to the glue factory a long time ago. You know, At least Mack had a pretty cool name.. say what you will.. JOE MACK.. JOE F'N MACK Tim Burke, bland and boring and just UGGGGG, could see why he sucked as coach though, didn't want to be one in the first place. Guess Joe FN Mack put a gun to his head
  23. Thinking Cornell and Howard. Makes sense. With 6 "Middle Linebackers" listed..
  24. The Canucks probably want Sam Reinhart, He's a local boy and fits the needs of their team. Nucks are going to be in rebuild mode shortly, if they aren't already, probably be trading Kesler (Anaheim). If you look at what the Canucks have in their system, It's not much really.. Horvat and That's it, Shinkaruk is over rated. It's basically Horvat and that's about it. If Vancouver trades up, It's for Reinhart. I think the Winnipeg offer is probably the "stronger' offer Tallon referred too. Not sure what they are offering, but i'd suspect it's better than the Canucks offer If the Jets get the 1st?? Our D is pretty solid and has potential to be good moving forward. Bogo.Toby.Trouba. Morissey. I don't think they go D Centre? Scheif,Little? Is that a legit 1 2 or is it more so 2 3? Don't think we get that number 1 Centre this draft though Left Wing. Ladd,Kane. Could take Bennett if we had the 1st pick, not this year, needs to get stronger but in a couple years, he could make a very good 1st or even 2nd line LW or Centre for that matter, Think if Jets take him, he's playing the wing though Right Wing? Not much depth there outside of Wheeler,Buff (who i think will be moved) and Frolik. No real RW's out there that could go 1st overall, so if they pick 1st, Doubt you see a right wing.. If the Jets stay at 9.. Kasperi Kapanen or Jake Virtanen (if they both fall, they might) would be good choices I feel. Kapanens dad is Sami, PoMo was a fan of Sami, Kasperi is a good 2 way winger/Centre. Be a good fit i think.
  25. SO who sits tomorrow then? Carter and Howard? Cuz that's a 46 man roster there no? 44 only dress.
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