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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Just saying here but.. 98 percent of this board called halls release. You are gloating for no reason. We all saw it coming. Do you really think a non mobile joey elliot and alex brink would have fared any differently last season? Last season was more about the coaches and the ridiculous schemes they tried to run instead of about how bad the players were. I'm not sure peyton manning would have done much here last year or russel wilson for that matter but because wilson can scramble and run, he might have looked ok but not much more than ok.
  2. Richardson ahead of Thomas? Anderson buried behind Turner and Thomas? Yikes.
  3. Desjardins will not be the coach of the Pens, Looks like he is now going to be the coach of the canucks. These things seem to change on a daily basis.
  4. QB... WILLY, Brohm, Marve OL... JANUARY, GREAVES, MORLEY, NEUFELD, KNAPP, Goossen REC.. KELLY, MOORE, WATSON, DENMARK, KOHLERT, Feoli-Gudino, Carter, Woods RB... GRIGSBY, Volny, Pontbriand, Fitzgerald DL... VEGA, TURNER, THOMAS, PEACH, Anderson, Richardson LB... BANKS, KUALE, DUNN, Sherman, Wild, Stephan, Cornell DB... RANDLE, WASHINGTON, LEGGETT, SUBER, ALEXANDER, Markett, Bucknor, Jones ST... Hajrullahu, Renaud I can also see us field Everettt as Backup OL/DL in place of an Nat'l LB or CB. Bucknor can also start ahead of Alexander. Knapp can be RG and Neufeld at RT. Not a bad line-up actually, and only 2 - Willy and Leggett - rookie starter in the mix. The soft spot I can see is the LB and RB units. What about bolton instead of grigsby, unamba instead of dunn.
  5. QB... WILLY, Brohm, Marve OL... JANUARY, GREAVES, MORLEY, NEUFELD, KNAPP, Goossen REC.. KELLY, MOORE, WATSON, DENMARK, KOHLERT, Feoli-Gudino, Carter, Woods RB... GRIGSBY, Volny, Pontbriand, Fitzgerald DL... VEGA, TURNER, THOMAS, PEACH, Anderson, Richardson LB... BANKS, KUALE, DUNN, Sherman, Wild, Stephan, Cornell DB... RANDLE, WASHINGTON, LEGGETT, SUBER, ALEXANDER, Markett, Bucknor, Jones ST... Hajrullahu, Renaud I can also see us field Everettt as Backup OL/DL in place of an Nat'l LB or CB. Bucknor can also start ahead of Alexander. Knapp can be RG and Neufeld at RT. Not a bad line-up actually, and only 2 - Willy and Leggett - rookie starter in the mix. The soft spot I can see is the LB and RB units. Just out of those rostered names I can count 18 guys who are Walters additions. Plus Everett, Cotton, probably a couple others that I won't waste time looking up. Stuff has happened. Also, having watched the presser video now, OShea does say that some of the 11 cut may be invited on the PR. did he? could swear, maybe it was on twitter and i guess twitter is wrong from time to time, thought bauming or someone tweeted that none of them will be on the PR. Going to have to force myself to watch it again, it hurt the first time maybe it won't be so bad this time
  6. personally just want to see a team who won't give up and are competitive. Baby steps i guess is what you can call it.
  7. Yup. saw that. Brad Richards was bought out by the NYR though.
  8. Most experienced yes. But maybe the coaching staff doesn't give too much weight on his experience as a 1-8 starting QB. Wonder if hall throwing the oline under the bus after the last game and saying " if that block was made, it was a td" and "i thought i played well" had anything to do with it? That is probably not something you want your qb or leader to say, leaders don't throw team mates under the bus like that and hall most certainly did.
  9. That's not the same paris jackson from BC is it? That guys gotta be like 50 years old, he's been around forever and last time he did something relevant was probably 5 years ago.
  10. That's a good point actually. Dunn was one for sure, Was zach anderson another? Outside of those 2 guys though, I don't think there was anyone else and Anderson might not have even started the first game. Markett? nah, he didn't start. Desia Dunn (who admittedly, I wasn't excited about at all) and Zach Anderson right off the bat. Then there was Markett and Wallace Miles was a promising receiver as well (although he was here right at the end of 2012) Hows miles doing out in ottawa? is he gonna make the team or is he a guy that we could possibly pick up? He had 4 catches for 44 yards last week. Most receptions on the team. That's good to hear, glad he is doing well. Really thought he looked good when he got his shot last season, made some plays. The guys going to be a pretty good receiver in this league i think.
  11. Some guys look good on one team and not so good on the other, If he fits into our system, why not?
  12. That's a good point actually. Dunn was one for sure, Was zach anderson another? Outside of those 2 guys though, I don't think there was anyone else and Anderson might not have even started the first game. Markett? nah, he didn't start. Desia Dunn (who admittedly, I wasn't excited about at all) and Zach Anderson right off the bat. Then there was Markett and Wallace Miles was a promising receiver as well (although he was here right at the end of 2012) Hows miles doing out in ottawa? is he gonna make the team or is he a guy that we could possibly pick up?
  13. Like i said, not a big alcohol drinker. We never did use mix, some guys wanted too. A friend who is a fan said exactly what you just did.
  14. I think a big problem with last years team was the Offence. It was so bad that the games were over when other teams scored 14 points, well they weren't but essentially we all knew they were. If we can get a decent to even mediocre performance out of the offence, not going 2 and out all game, not leaving the D on the field for 45 of the 60 minutes of the game, I think we should be better.The Offence was a big reason why we were just so terrible last year. Crowton was just terrible, With a capable offence and it looks like we may have a capable offence, we should see some significant improvement over last year. Last year should just be putin the garbage and taken away cuz i don't really think last year was an indication of how good or bad we were, our head coach looked lost, our OC to the start the year made Buck Pierce a pocket qb, The team has talent, they just weren't really used properly last season. I'll go back to the buck pierce point once again, the guy was not a pocket qb and our brilliant OC tried to turn him in to one. Just had fail written all over it, this team? I feel there is some hope. Our coaches know what they are doing (I'm not convinced Etch does) but the others are all capable. Last year, none of them were.
  15. That's a good point actually. Dunn was one for sure, Was zach anderson another? Outside of those 2 guys though, I don't think there was anyone else and Anderson might not have even started the first game. Markett? nah, he didn't start.
  16. Not a fan of hard liquor at all however i will say this about scotch. It's fricking fantastic. At a wedding social at the fort gary hotel about a year ago me and several friends decided lets drink some scotch, straight at that, no mix no nothing. The first one was pretty harsh but the 5th one went down a whole lot easier
  17. I think people are tired of career politicians running things, i think we see new blood across the board, from mayor (bowman) to new city councillors. I think the masses are tired of the same old same old. Judy is a career politician and i feel that people don't want that.
  18. Oh good. A 35 year old Korey Banks and an MLB who no one else wanted. what about randle? willy? moore? newman? eventhough he is hurt. Unless a starting qb, starting cb and starting receiver isn't good enough. Can i ask you an honest question? What exactly did you expect from this regime in one off season? for them to completely over haul the team? Cuz i don't think that was likely, our main issue is our lack of non import depth, that can't and won't be fixed any time soon, that will take time through drafting. Do you think Winnipeg was high on the list of free agent destinations? We were the joke of the league last season, it's going to take some time to get rid of that reputation. You don't lose that reputation over a few months, it's going to take a few years. We were 3-15 last season, most free agents in every sport wont sign with a team that Sucked. We sucked. It sucks that we sucked but, before going and writing this new group off, should probably give them a chance first. None of those excuses matter when it comes to import competition, talking rookies, not veteran CFL free agents. 99% of the time they have no say in where they end up in the CFL if they decide to pursue the CFL, they could care less about the history of the Blue Bombers. This is the worst competition among import spots I can remember since Taman ended up running the show solo after Ritchie was fired, basically the only solid competition was at DB, and Maher was a good option too. Import scouting and procurement is something a front office can really control, whereas the non-import issue is a longer term solution of drafting and developing. Hopefully some of the rookie imports who made the team show us a little more when the games count. People can say what they will about Joe Macks failings but the man did know how to bring in some rookie talent. I completely agree with that. Mack was solid in finding several import talents for the team, several of which are still here. What he lacked seemed to be the ability to make trades, didn't seem to value veterans that much, never was that active in free agency. People can say a lot of bad stuff about MACK but i don't think anyone can really question his ability to find import talent. He would make a great regional scout. Just wasn't a very good GM. Just one example of many, everyone on here seems to be wild about Ian, well Ian Wild was a mack find. Who is our best dline talent? turner,anderson,vega? mack mack mack. Denmark is very good, mack again. Suber? Sears? Washington? Once again, the return of the mack.
  19. did we though? Calgarys starters got a significant amount of time, most if not all of the fist half, just like ours. and we were missing our number 1 receiver in moore, our best canadian receiver in watson, ford didn't play, sears didn't play. It's not like we brought all our starters either.
  20. I'll just say this, Let's just watch the tsn preview show first, whoever TSN picks to be good won't be.
  21. Id strongly suggest that bowman is the leading candidate right now and with katz not seeking re-election, bowman is the guy the business community will get behind, part of the reason sammy isn't seeking re-election is because the business community is supporting bowman. Bowman should win this easily. I like the guy too. New blood. Keith McCullough @keithsportsnews Katz saw writing on wall. He had lost the support of business community to Bowman. Watch for Bowman vs Judy showdown this fall.
  22. I agree with this, I wasn't thrilled with the kuale signing either. But i guess it's not easy finding MLB's out there. Hopefully one or 2 is brought on to the PR because i don't see Kuale being the long term solution, short term? debatable. Wonder what it would take to get bighill or elimimian out of BC. probably more then we are willing to give up but i'd love to see Bighill here especially. Ian Wild looks very capable. The solution might very well be in-house. I'm really name about him too. He shows up all the time in good plays and moves around well. oh i see what you did there, very nice.
  23. did we though? Calgarys starters got a significant amount of time, most if not all of the fist half, just like ours.
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