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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. yeah, the one plus i could think of was it allows our nicked up players to heal a bit more.
  2. Has to happen when you have an odd number of teams. We drew the short stray this year. oh yes, 9 teams now. My mistake, totally forgot that. Really need to get another team out east to even that out a wee bit.
  3. I think you see 10 or 11 new guys brought in to the PR, browning is one of them. The rest, i'm willing to bet they will be 1. cuts from other teams or 2. street free agents, preferably a couple DL, LB's and Receivers. Wouldn't shock me if a guy like aisho or everett end up on the PR either. O'shea basically said that the guys who were released will not be a part of the practice roster. Some of these guys are pretty old actually, older than i thought. It makes sense that they wouldn't accept a spot on the developmental roster.
  4. Not sure that was Friesen. It definitely sounds like Joe Pascucci listening to it again. http://bluebombers.com/video/index/id/97525 it was pascucci for sure. The question i thought that was really just stupid was the "what keeps you up at night" one. Then the guy went on to try and justify the question. Who was that moron? was it wicek? which guy is bauming also? I've come to really like that guy. I'm not even sure friesen was there, i don't recall hearing him at all actually.
  5. Oh good. A 35 year old Korey Banks and an MLB who no one else wanted. People often say you can't buy leadership. We did, for a late round draft pick. Maybe no one else wanted to pay for him, but I guarantee you a few teams were waiting at the door if he were to be released. A late round draft pick? kito poblah but really, is that much of a loss?
  6. I agree with this, I wasn't thrilled with the kuale signing either. But i guess it's not easy finding MLB's out there. Hopefully one or 2 is brought on to the PR because i don't see Kuale being the long term solution, short term? debatable. Wonder what it would take to get bighill or elimimian out of BC. probably more then we are willing to give up but i'd love to see Bighill here especially. Ian Wild looks very capable. The solution might very well be in-house. good point actually. I like wild, he's got a motor and he doesn't stop. Really like what he brings.
  7. Just watching the press conference and this is tough to watch, these questions are embarrassing. Hey Mike, what about emailing the bombers and asking them if they would prefer to take some fans questions instead because this is just brutal.
  8. Twenty seven year old Rusty Johnson, an NFL veteran who was a late cut of the New York Giants a few weeks ago. Johnson was brought in after a week of training camp. so not much really then.
  9. Well, I am not talking about our players that came into the league via a different team... not talking about the free-agent CFL vets (Nat'l or Int'l) we signed... and certainly not about the Nat'l players we drafted.... I am talking about the Int'l players scouted and recruited by the current scouting department. With all the bravado that we hear and read from the media (like the one we read from FreeP this morning)... showing up this kind of list is surely underwhelming. I'm curious how you can judge this based on 2 pre-season games. Obviously the coaches liked what they saw in several of them. Why not give them a chance to show what they can do when the bullets are flying for real before basically writing them off. If they aren't good, they won't be here. The guys they kept obviously showed something. Why can't we just trust that the people in charge know what they are doing? As much as i respect your guys opinions on here, you are some smart knowledgeable fans, Why do you always question everything the team does? I like playing Armchair GM too but, you can't be that naive that you actually think you know more then the people who do this for a living.
  10. I agree with this, I wasn't thrilled with the kuale signing either. But i guess it's not easy finding MLB's out there. Hopefully one or 2 is brought on to the PR because i don't see Kuale being the long term solution, short term? debatable. Wonder what it would take to get bighill or elimimian out of BC. probably more then we are willing to give up but i'd love to see Bighill here especially.
  11. Oh good. A 35 year old Korey Banks and an MLB who no one else wanted. what about randle? willy? moore? newman? eventhough he is hurt. Unless a starting qb, starting cb and starting receiver isn't good enough. Those other guys didn't fit into my argument. lol
  12. Oh good. A 35 year old Korey Banks and an MLB who no one else wanted. what about randle? willy? moore? newman? eventhough he is hurt. Unless a starting qb, starting cb and starting receiver isn't good enough. Can i ask you an honest question? What exactly did you expect from this regime in one off season? for them to completely over haul the team? Cuz i don't think that was likely, our main issue is our lack of non import depth, that can't and won't be fixed any time soon, that will take time through drafting. Do you think Winnipeg was high on the list of free agent destinations? We were the joke of the league last season, it's going to take some time to get rid of that reputation. You don't lose that reputation over a few months, it's going to take a few years. We were 3-15 last season, most free agents in every sport wont sign with a team that Sucked. We sucked. It sucks that we sucked but, before going and writing this new group off, should probably give them a chance first.
  13. I agree. we actually did something this off season that we haven't done in a long time and that is sign a bunch of free agents or trade for a bunch of guys who were going to be free agents. Upgrades for sure at certain spots. Little underwhelming but... all in all, we don't really know what we got with the "rookies" until we see them play in a meaningful game, may seem underwhelming now but, if a couple of them step up when given that opportunity too, then all concern should go away.
  14. Did we kind of draw the short straw in the pre-season? seems weird to me that we basically finished up before some teams even played their first games. Has this ever been the case before in the history of the CFL where you have a team playing their second pre-season game vs a team who is just playing their first? did we ask for this? or was it given to us? What's the story on this, does anybody know why we played 2 games before someteams even played one game?
  15. It hasn't stopped raining since
  16. Gotta admit when i keep seeing his twitter handle, i wonder is that kolton browning? or is it the figure skater kurt browning. Noticed that Ridley is high on this guy though and seems to think he fits the CFL game. Rids seems to know his stuff quite well, if he's high on the guy, that has to be a good sign.
  17. I hope they pick up a few Defensive Ends and receivers for the PR. We really did seem to lack a bit in those 2 areas especially.
  18. Who was that football player for san diego? junior seau was it? beast on the field, a mountain of a man, experienced several concussions over the course of his career, those concussions messed him up so bad that he decided to end his own life. Sad story, all probably could have been avoided with a proper diagnosis.
  19. sometimes you find the weirdest things to be upset about. Daivon Dumas has to be the least mentioned guy throughout all of training camp, which generally isn't bad for a DB, and you can't believe we kept him. And then you find it weird that we cut Dell without a chance to get a good look at him, but you're surprised we kept Howard - who also has yet to get much of a chance this TC. And Taylor Renaud? Who cares. sometimes I think you just sit there waiting to find something in my posts to blow out of proportion. Randle wasn't mentioned because he's a shutdown guy, Dumas wasn't mentioned because he was trailing the play and got very limited reps in pre-season Howard was a turnstyle... Peterson had some problems but showed more than Howard. Even with that whiffed tackle, I thought Moseley was impressive on STs. He had more speed than the other DL prospects. Renaud - I will always cheer for Manitobans... would have PRd him until we actually found another better NI prospect I'm not upset at all. In fact, I'm excited that Hall is gone. How can you tell watching the game on tv from the Yukon? It's floyd vs the world.
  20. Max Hall - i figured it was going to be either Willy,Hall or Brohm, Marve. not Willy Hall and Brohm. Brohm and Hall are similar, similar abilities, Brohm has the bigger arm, can make all the throws, Hall can't. If last year didn't happen and max hall brian brohm and robert marve were all brought in this season, would anyone be surprised hall was let go? Hall did not look good, he did not look like he had 9 games of starting experience in the CFL last season. He didn't separate himself from the 2 rookies really. That is not good. Hall should have been pushing Willy, that's why he was here, to push Willy, but hall got pushed and eventually his job was taken by a guy who sat on the IR all last season and by a rookie, new to the CFL rookie. Hall is probably done with Pro Football, I don't see another team picking him up. As for being concened with the veteran experience behind Willy? Austin doesn't seem too concerned with collaros and the rookies he's got behind him in Hamilton. Montreal doesn't seem concerned with their rookie qb's. Calgary has an oft injured drew tate and a still new to the league but pretty impressive looking bo levi mitchell. Seems to be a trend going around in the league this year. You know tate will get injured eventually, who is behind blm? Johnson,Uruittia,Reed- Though Uruttia stood out early in camp, hard not to do though where you are 6'5 6'6. Kind of went awol though the last few weeks. Johnson? Had a good game vs calgary but... did have quite a few drops and is 30 years old, i never knew that. Reed? again didn't stand out, Dell? not sure why he was brought in to be honest, never really given a chance but there must be some concern with his health. The others? No real surprises, maybe moseley was a bit of a surprise only because he seemed to be versatile and etch likes versatility, did whiff on that special teams tackle to start vs calgary and in the game day chat thread i did say when that happened that he will be cut. Didn't really mean it but guess i was right.
  21. Hamilton got ripped apart tonight. They did not look good, 9 sacks given up. UGLY. Odd, according to TSN the game was sold out but on twitter about 15 minutes before the game started one of the reporters stated that there were lots of seats still available. Sold out ? or Not?
  22. But for how long if they don't make the playoffs? That team is still in the honeymoon phase. It will always be sold out. There is an 8000 person waiting list for season tickets. The MTS Centre is sold out into eternity. Did they not require people to commit for 5 years when the Jets came back? Once that 5 years is up and if the team still hasn't taken strides come talk to me.96% of the first wave of commitments that came due signed up for another term. Half of those people re-upped for six more years instead of the mandatory three.I think the team will be fine. easy to say that now, let's see how it looks if they stagnate as a team that doesn't make the playoffs. Look I get it, Winnipeg is excited about having the Jets back, but if the team doesn't make strides the Winnipegger in the fans will take over and they'll stop the blind support. Oh sure they might be fine for the next six years. Maybe even ten. Hell they will be done for 15 years. But mark my words. At some point in the next 100 years they will have trouble selling tickets. Remember you heard it here first. So you deny that there is a honey moon period? Get real here. If the Jets don't start making the playoffs the fans will stop spending money. All depends on how the team performs. The first years were always going to be an easy sell. Lots of excitement about the team being back. The honey moon ended last season, did you go to any games? It was obvious the honeymoon is over, the team was being boo'd off the ice at several games i went too. They have been here for what will now be their 4th season, Honeymoon ended last year and it could be debated that it ended the lockout year. That first year? you will never see something like that ever again so no use in using that as a comparison.
  23. For the first time in my morning big blue history, i agree with you Brandon. I don't hate Max Hall at all, Hate is such a strong word and i don't think I'd use it to describe anybody that goes out there and puts on the Blue Bombers jersey. These guys bust their asses for our entertainment and for that, they all get my respect. Injuries and all these issues these guys have later in life, I can't hate any one of them. I agree that he has no upside at all, he does have a noodle arm and his decision making at times is suspect, For a guy who is supposed to be a smart qb, Why does he keep making the bad throws at the worst possible time. The way i see it, Max Hall had last season and this pre-season to show he could get the job done and facts be damned, he just didn't get the job done. He was `1-8 as a starter and looked pretty mediocre in the pre-season. I wish Max Hall the best of luck if he is indeed released, he might not be, maybe Brohm is, Maybe Marve is. My assumption that Max Hall is released is based simply on what i saw from him last season and what i saw from him this pre-season, I'm not the guy making the cuts though, who knows but from an outsiders/fans perspective. Max Hall kind of looked like the rookie out there this pre-season, If you are going to keep Brohm, there is no point in keeping hall and vice versa, They are similar players really but Brohm seems to have a better arm and when you are making cuts, it's the little things that go a long way to determining your fate. Did Max Hall looked worse than Brohm? Did he look worse than Marve, it doesn't matter if he did or didn't, the fact is, he was our starting qb for 9 games last season and didn't actually stand out as being that much better than either of the guys we brought in. Hall should have been pushing Willy for the starters job, he didn't he was being pushed for his job, so much so that he might actually end up losing it. Why do i get the feeling though when i wake up tomorrow (thank god for days off) but why do i get the feeling that i may regret what i'm saying right now and might have to retract everything i've said about hall and eat a little bit of crow and tell iso and 17to85 that they were right and i was wrong, if that is the case and hall isn't released, so be it.
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