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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Just my opinion but i feel as though import kickers are a dime a dozen, similar to running backs really. If you really truly wanted an import kicker to do all 3 jobs, I don't think it would be too hard to find a guy down south. (sorry not calling them nats and internationals)
  2. Colts released Justin Hickman and rumours are he may be on his way back to Hamilton, If that is the case, Hamilton should finish first in the east by a long shot, heck even without hickman, that ticat team is stacked. East: Ticats Argos Als Redblacks
  3. That's very much a lawless question, basically he asks statements and then asks if they agree or disagree with it, there really is no question that he is asking, he is making a general statement lol.
  4. While i'm not a huge fan of ford, he is a serviceable running back, can get the job done, yeah i realize it means very little but he was an all star last season so it's not like we are gonna have to go with dorzon or something, we are gonna have to go with a guy who is proven to be decent, not great but decent. for a couple weeks, that should be fine.
  5. Kelly is a proven CFL receiver, he's not great but he's not as bad as some make him out to be, he's serviceable, he catches the ball which is more than some of our rookies can say. Fact is, kelly doesn't need to put up big numbers, he won't be the number 1 or even 2nd or 3rd option, heck it's likely he might even be the 5th option on plays. Anyways though, with o'shea letting wild lead the post practice yoga, it tells me they are high on wild and like what he brings, he's a leader and he will definitely be on the team.
  6. seems to be a lot of love for BC, who has done nothing this off season except trade for a backup qb. They lost a ton of guys.. I'm not sure i agree with BC finishing with a winning record.
  7. Honestly tho, who gives a crap what the media thinks, the reality is the media in winnipeg like to think they actually run the teams. That's the problem here, too many media guys like to think they make the decisions, lawless is one of those guys. The jack of all trades master of none complex. Thinks they know everything about everything but in reality know very little.
  8. Are Hall and Brohm not pretty much the same age with similar experiences in other leagues except that Hall has started more games in the CFL? That's why we're having these discussions because we have 2 backups at a similar point in their careers only one is slightly more experienced than the other. He may not be good enough to start, but I haven't seen any of the qbs behind Willy stand out more than Hall has yet. Marve looks promising but again the guy has only had a couple series haven't seen nearly enough of him in real situations to make any kind of statement on him. How has hall stood out exactly?
  9. I feel 6-12 or 7-11 is realistic for the bombers and since i feel that's the case SASK CAL BC WPG EDM I almost put the bombers ahead of the lions too, I just don't think BC will be as good as some expect them to be. They lost a ton of talent this off season, tons.
  10. Why are we making excuses for Max Hall? This is what I don't really understand. It's pretty apparent the guy isn't good enough to be a starter and if he's not good enough to be a starter, then why keep him around? because of his experience? from last season? when he went 1-8 as a starter? The guy isn't a spring chicken. The way I sum up Max Hall is what you see is what you get, he's not going to get better because he's been the same Max Hall his entire career, same Max Hall in Arizona is the same Max Hall in Winnipeg. Weak arm and makes really questionable decisions with the ball, he did this last year too, he did it with the cardinals, Ok qb's will make mistakes but when you are defined as being a "smart qb", How can you be when you keep making the dumb throws. Enough excuses for Hall, he isn't good enough. Bottom Line : he was the best of a bunch of legitimate crap that we had last year, This year, a rookie looks better and a guy who sat on the IR all last season looks about the same.
  11. I'm not a big fan of answers like this, cuz fact is... Winnipeg has lots of people who move here from elsewhere too. Every city has people who move there from other places. Ottawa is no different than Winnipeg in that regards. We all have constant streams of immigrants coming to our cities to live and work. Fact is, Ottawa just isn't that big of a sports town, sens don't sell out EVER, like never, in reality their arena should be the size of ours cuz thats what the consistently draw in Kanata.
  12. Ottawa looks good, small but good, good for Ottawa. What works for them don't necessarily work for us and vice versa. No way Hamilton is down on time, last time i checked their progress, the field wasn't even started to being laid at all, like no prep work, that in itself will take a good month or month and a half to complete. Perhaps Hamilton should look at playing in the Maritimes, Never understood why they didn't last year, it would have been a good test for that market, see if they can support a team.
  13. Here's a crazy statistic that I don't believe happened last year at ALL,not once, in any game. It happened in Calgary. Our Offence had no 2 and outs. I agree with the poster who said i think we will be like Edmonton last year, however our oline seems to be better than what Edmonton had last year. I also feel it will be similar to 2010 where we lost a few games by under 7 points, for example what happened in calgary, we tie it up, big return by calgary, march down field a bit, kick the winning fg. I see a few games turning out like that. We will be better than last year, I'm leaning towards 6-12 but 7-11 is a possibility also.
  14. I don't think Gary makes things personal with anyone, sometimes though he is a just a little bit over the top though and does tend to enjoy raking guys over the coals so to speak. Honestly, Kane and Buff have deserved their fair share of criticism, Buff did get a DUI boating, that's not cool. Kane does seem to get in to trouble off the ice, Buff came to camp out of shape, close to 300 pounds, That deserves to be written about. What type of commitment does a player show when he shows up to camp so over weight. Gary, takes a lot of crap from people, myself included but at times, he is right. These guys are pro athletes and sometimes, instead of coddling them, you need to make them be held accountable. Bar fights? Parking tickets not paid for, DUI's, out of shape players.. I have no issue with gary holding those players accountable.
  15. Philly would have to add to make it work, perhaps a guy like matt read or even just their draft pick. Jets wont trade Kane unless they get what they want in return.. Schenn,Read and a 1st is probably what it would take.
  16. Messam hasn't been the same since having his NFL shot, Since he doesn't play special teams, i understand the reasoning to not bring him in. Last time messam was actually really good was a few years ago now, perhaps some are thinking that the messam from 2 3 years ago is the same one today but.. fact is, he's not. What does it say when a guy who a few years ago was compared to harris and cornish and is now cut on the 1st day of cuts by his current/former team. Tells me he isn't good enough. 80,000 for a guy who doesn't play special teams and wouldn't see the field on offence. So basically 80,000 to sit on the bench and be a Canadian. Sure the Canadian depth thing is an issue, but signing messam won't fix it at all. Just want to add, signing messam would be the equivalent of signing any one of us off this site, we wouldn't play, we would just sit there and be Canadian and never play. Seems kind of silly to sign a guy who would only play in the extreme case that both our running backs get injured. Sign this guy, sign that guy... but never wonder what that guy was cut? this was the first cut down date, i don't think we should be picking any of these guys up.. I get the feeling if CK played for another team and he was released, you'd have people wanting to bring him in too.
  17. I wouldn't count out garvin as being a DI kick returner/rb/wr/db type. Every time the guy has had a KO or Punt return, he's had pretty decent gains.
  18. CK was made expendable due to his sucking and the fact that both morley and goossen are better Tate? did he do anything? this years duane slay. maher? not surprised, his passport worked against him. Tarver? saw that one coming last week. Brooks? not sure he got a fair shot, although he must have shown to not be good enough on film, never noticed him on special teams and thats where he was going to have to make the roster. Gotta look at it this way, if a NI (non import) (im not calling them Nationals and Internationals, sounds so soccer ish) is let go right now and our depth is concerning, what does that say about the talent level of that non import? If a guy isn't good enough, then he isn't good enough. Get rid of him, NI or IMP. 6 NI for 3 NI ol positions right now isn't that bad. It's a backup for every starter essentially.
  19. we don't need cameron, he sucks. we have maher and hajrallahu who are both better.
  20. 4 but wouldn't shock me if its 5. between 3.5 and 4 million.
  21. The way hall exited the game was telling i think. You don't normally want to take a guy out after an interception in pre-season, especially if it's goning be his last reps of the pre-season. The last impression of Max Hall is throwing a bad pass for an interception. That's not good. I feel Hall was just the best of a bad group of QB's last season, Brohm scored a TD. Hall threw a pick. Both didn't look so good last week But hall has had 1/2 season or more with MB as his OC, Brohm has not. Hall hasn't got better. Still the same old Max Hall. I think it's likely Hall is cut, I'm just not sure if it's going to be now (tomorrow) or closer to the start of the season.
  22. I wonder if expanding chancelor matheson by one lane each direction would help?
  23. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/thinking-ahead-230455641.html A little confused here, is this the winning bid? If so, I actually don't mind it. the ability to launch boats is a nice thing Redeveloping Pembina near the U of M would probably be a better place for things like bars, etc. U of M has a decent bar/restaraunt thing.
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