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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. I never would have guessed you smoke pot... Delete - honestly, you aren't even worth a response. All i will say is... Kane isn't the only one who needs to grow up.
  2. yeah, the stats are surprising actually. kick returns cotton had 2 for 39, longest was 20 woods had 2 for 44. longest was 23 garvin had just 1 for 24 punt returns woods had 3 for 18, 10 was the longest cotton 2 for 36, 34 was longest tarver 1 for 8 garvin 1 for 18 again... garvin, cotton, woods
  3. it don't matter how many cars on the streets, that's irrelevant.. all it takes is one idiot and this is what happens. Busy streets or not and pembina is very very busy at certain times... They're putting dedicated year round bike lanes in Calgary. They wanted to put one on 1 St SE going south out of the downtown to MacLeod Trail. Anyone who knows Calgary knows that was a stupidly insane plan because of the traffic volume coming out of the downtown during evening rush hour. City council voted to not allow it for that portion of the road. But there will be dedicated bike lanes downtown. How that'll work in the winter remains to be seen. yeah. Here on ness avenue, i noticed they added dedicated bike lanes... i was wondering about the winter aspect myself... the bike lanes are so tiny to begin with and very close to traffic as is... to me, it screams accident waiting to happen.
  4. He does. But he's a pretty young guy so don't kid yourself that young people do stupid things at times, cuz we all do. however, most of us aren't pro athletes and most of us aren't in the limelight constantly.. if this was you me or the next guy on here.. big woop right, probably not even get paper mention but since it's kane, yup.. there you go. I do agree he needs to grow up.
  5. Hall is amazing, as long as it's not windy or cold or the D-line is not too tall or fast and they keep their hands down. Knock knock, Halls there? i'll play along... halls there who?
  6. o'shea in his press conference today was asked straight up about the backup qb he said they haven't decided yet, the reporter asked him if its safe to assume that all 3 guys behind willy could be the backup for game 1. o'shea said it's safe to assume that. Hall needs to step up, so does brohm.. marve has a spot for sure. (not as backup but as 3rd) Comes down to hall or brohm for backup in my opinion and so far, i'd say it's pretty even. Nobody has stepped up yet.
  7. did you have to download the new one or does the old one just update automatically?
  8. Except that what is the point to the board of governors voting if the players end up rejecting the CBA? I'm we'll hear something tonight. good point. Never thought of that. Yeah alright, i'd suspect tonight after 6 your time, 7 ours. maybe closer to 7 yours, 8 ours.
  9. That's an awful trade and won't happen.. kane for neal doesn't have any legs to stand on at all... for one, we really don't have a need for neal, he's a rw, kane's a lw... buff for neal? sure but kane? i don't think so. Pens would have to add significant pieces to make that one happen. Neal can play both sides. why would chevy who wants guys who are high on character want a guy like neal, who in your post, you said, he is not well liked by basically everyone but malkin. Neal makes no sense for this team moving forward. The jets plan is to build around the young guys, not bring in a guy like neal who has inflated numbers because he plays with malkin.
  10. yeah not sure how we could replace his 5 career special teams tackles over a 3 year period... It's not all about tackles.. Blocking is just as important. volny wont be released just like tyson pencer won't be released....
  11. probably won't hear nothing until tomorrow... after the board of governors vote on it even.
  12. That's an awful trade and won't happen.. kane for neal doesn't have any legs to stand on at all... for one, we really don't have a need for neal, he's a rw, kane's a lw... buff for neal? sure but kane? i don't think so. Pens would have to add significant pieces to make that one happen.
  13. Sometimes people just want to take a swing at an athlete. Hell I remember hearing stories in Brandon about people trying to take a swing at the tough guys on the Wheat Kings just to try and prove a point. Kane has a reputation as a tough hockey player, maybe this guy figured he either gets to brag about how he took a swing at Kane and Kane pussed out, or he gets his ass kicked and he sues this prick of a hockey player for assault. Yes thats possible but thats actually pretty rare. Plus, this guy was identified as an employee. The fact they knew each other to at least a minor extent raises the suspicion level in my mind. I dont get the "ring of truth" from Kane's story. But, the cops who investigated the matter were satisfied. End of story, no? Man, not gonna say names but a couple of my friends are cops k and the stories i could tell you about pro athletes being given the benefit of the doubt, even when its even apparent to the cop that they are guilty as sin... would shock you. I'l tell you this much, a couple friends let a couple pro athletes off the hook in 2011, (lots of jet players were real dicks that year). why did they let them go? cuz they gave them free tix or signed some stuff for them. This happens more often than anyone thinks too. Here, i'll just tell this one, involved my self and a few friends several years ago... we were getting high b4 going to see a movie at cinema city 8.. oh yeah the cheap theatre, the one friend was being a real ****.. we were sitting in the car, he was just going crazy for some reason, honking the horn, yelling out stuff to security at the mall.. "what you gonna do man, call the cops". The guy did call the cops, cops showed up... took a look at my ID, not saying im well known but the last name certainly is amongst police, my uncle is/was a cop.. cop looks at id and goes, oh do you know "insert uncles name here", i said yeah man, thats my uncle. They are like ok have a good night and left. Not saying that it's the same, it just gives you some idea that it's not always about what you do but who you know. Getting high while driving a car, yelling at mall cops & your buddy honking the horn like a nutbar. Then the cops letting you guys off. Nice story. Question, you've claimed in the past that being high on weed doesn't impair your judgement or ability to drive like alcohol does. So, explain your friend's erratic behaviour then? Sounds like he'd have been a maniac behind the wheel & could have killed someone. Guys like you are a danger to everyone. Delete - i'm not gonna debate the pro's and cons of smoking weed in a parking lot b4 going to see a movie. There is obviously quite a bit of a generational gap here.
  14. but in the other thread, you said volny is a good special teams player and he has 5 special teams tackles over 3 seasons.
  15. yeah not sure how we could replace his 5 career special teams tackles over a 3 year period...
  16. The thing is... taman, mack, kelly... they never won a grey cup.. that's all that matters. Taman and Mack both made it to the big game though. I guess when looking at our non import talent over the last 20 something years, it hasn't been good enough period. No doubt we've had some talented non imports come and go over the years, but.. none of them won a cup for us so... In my opinion, that means, we just haven't been good enough. Regardless of who the GM was. But then again, who have the qb's been. Kept hearing that cal murphy would always say you only go as far as your qb and non imports take you... Guess that means we can make it to the big game but can't win.
  17. Sometimes people just want to take a swing at an athlete. Hell I remember hearing stories in Brandon about people trying to take a swing at the tough guys on the Wheat Kings just to try and prove a point. Kane has a reputation as a tough hockey player, maybe this guy figured he either gets to brag about how he took a swing at Kane and Kane pussed out, or he gets his ass kicked and he sues this prick of a hockey player for assault. Yes thats possible but thats actually pretty rare. Plus, this guy was identified as an employee. The fact they knew each other to at least a minor extent raises the suspicion level in my mind. I dont get the "ring of truth" from Kane's story. But, the cops who investigated the matter were satisfied. End of story, no? Man, not gonna say names but a couple of my friends are cops k and the stories i could tell you about pro athletes being given the benefit of the doubt, even when its even apparent to the cop that they are guilty as sin... would shock you. I'l tell you this much, a couple friends let a couple pro athletes off the hook in 2011, (lots of jet players were real dicks that year). why did they let them go? cuz they gave them free tix or signed some stuff for them. This happens more often than anyone thinks too. Here, i'll just tell this one, involved my self and a few friends several years ago... we were getting high b4 going to see a movie at cinema city 8.. oh yeah the cheap theatre, the one friend was being a real ****.. we were sitting in the car, he was just going crazy for some reason, honking the horn, yelling out stuff to security at the mall.. "what you gonna do man, call the cops". The guy did call the cops, cops showed up... took a look at my ID, not saying im well known but the last name certainly is amongst police, my uncle is/was a cop.. cop looks at id and goes, oh do you know "insert uncles name here", i said yeah man, thats my uncle. They are like ok have a good night and left. Not saying that it's the same, it just gives you some idea that it's not always about what you do but who you know.
  18. Pretty safe bet here Willy 1st half plus 1st series of the second.. Hall and Brohm split the remaining 3rd and probably 10 minutes of the 4th, marve gets the last 5 Marve is the developmental qb.. the #2 job is between hall and brohm, loser gets cut IMHO.
  19. There is always the possibility that its true too, how about the truth being his motivation.
  20. Id suspect.. cotton woods, garvin all still have chances to be the return man this season.
  21. I remember the draft quite well, it's the one where after taking pencer they showed reed and tillman and they were high fiving, the proceeded to then take austin pasztor (sp??) with the next pick who has also not seen the CFL field yet. After that calgary took DL/DE ameet pall who was subsequently PR'd then take by another team(montreal??) Chambers was taken next. 2012 was a pretty crappy draft actually.
  22. called saulsberry, saw no use for him with the way morley and goossen played. I almost want to say robertson got the aardvark kiss of death earlier in the year gatling? didn't notice him too much last game and the other DE/DL.. same thing. Didn't notice him at all.
  23. This is awful. Apparently on average and this shocked me there is only 2 deaths per year involving cyclists. Shocking actually.. With the way some of the people in this city drive, i'm honestly shocked it's not way more. Condolences to his family and friends. That's just awful.
  24. I think sometimes as fans, we don't want to believe that one of our beloved players could possibly be an actual ****. Is there any truth to this story? who knows, who cares really but... the fact is, these stories have followed kane around his whole career, this ain't just a since he got to winnipeg thing, the rumors have followed him around since he became a pro. It is what it is i guess. Generally, i tend to believe where there is smoke there has got to be some fire near by at least. Kane doesn't seem to be the most high character guy out there either so.. wouldn't surprise me if there is indeed some truth to this. All i know is, this is just another in a long long list of "rumors" that have followed kane throughout his career and more bad press for kane and by association, the jets. The jets won't stand for this much longer, i get the feeling kane is traded at or near the draft. Just causes too much drama i think, regardless if true, you don't hear about this stuff with any other jets player really.
  25. poblah has all the talent in the world, but he seems to have a problem doing the one thing that receivers are supposed to do and that is catch the ball.
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