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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. simple question, how old is banks? is he at that age where he could be perhaps going downhill a bit? i mean really ,wally traded him for kito poblah, not saying much when you trade a guy for a backup to a backup canadian receiver.
  2. I listened for a bit and didn't get that impression at all. What kind of stuff did he say that was 'borderline racist'? i didn't listen so i'm just going on what 2 sort of overly dramatic friends say but they mentioned he said something about all the last names and comparing it to being at folklorama, is that racist? probably not but... didn't hear it myself so i have no idea.
  3. that's a huge cop out answer. SHOCKER!! Just pm the sources, that's all. i wont throw them under the bus. why would i, just want you to prove it. Why is that so difficult?
  4. moab has been pushing some pretty crazy ideas on this forum for some time now from wild being cut to the 3 import oline and di'ing an import oline also.
  5. prove it. and btw, you saying you know, that's not proving anything. I want a link or your source. heck, PM your source. PM the info you apparently have. Just Prove it. Otherwise, move on. It's irrelevant anyways, they aren't a part of our staff anyways so really, this is just a waste of time.
  6. Hall was the victim of a few well, i want to call them give ups, if hall had been working with denmark and moore and the 'starters', his numbers probably would have been better.
  7. you keep telling yourself that and i thought the rumor was worman was going to join our player personal department. For example, director of football ops or something like that, didn't hear he was in the running for an OC job. If you believe miller was the guy hiring all the coaches or even had a say in who o'shea hired, you have to be kidding.
  8. his defences are unorthodox, however same can be sorta said for thorpes in montreal and stubler also. I thought montreals D was pretty decent last year, they might not have been up there in terms of numbers and where they ranked overall but.. they were sufficient. Keep in mind, AC was finished last season too. I think the concern is, the lack of run defence. I know people will say you cant' win just using the run in the CFL but if you can't stop the run, yes you can win. I'm not overly concerned with the game last night, got to keep in mind that i'm pretty positive it was a very vanilla defence. We aren't gonna show the argos our hand when we play them in a couple weeks time when it matters. The one thing though is it seems ETCH's d's are really easy to figure out for opposing coaches, milo figured it out last night pretty quickly, run the ball, short little 4 5 yard passes, they nickled and dimed us all night long, but like i said, pretty sure we were being very vanilla last night. I'm willing to give ETCH a chance thats for sure. Not gonna write the guy off based on one pre-season game. His past history has shown his defences are pretty decent, they suck against the run but overall are pretty decent. People will say but then once teams figure it out, it goes to crap but... that can be said for most defences in football.
  9. couple friends listened to the tsn 1290 show and said that walby came across as ignorant. some of his comments were borderline racist. the folklorama comment was just a bit out there. But that's tsn radio for you, try to gain listeners by being somewhat controversial.
  10. i don't think trading a conditional pick for brohm means anything. if the guy sucks, you get rid of him. who cares if they traded a 4th round conditional pick. It's irrelevant really. You take the 3 best guys and right now.. the 2 best were willy and marve. If you are keeping brohm around cuz you traded a later round draft pick for him, you got problems.
  11. that was just a fan board rumor, miller was asked straight up about worman in an interview with shawn churchill and denied it. Just cuz someone on a fan board posts a rumor, it dont mean its true.
  12. say what you will about burke the head coach, he was awful terrible a joke,but burke the DC is a very very respected coordinator. I'm curious if you polled bomber fans and asked, who would you rather have as DC... burke or ETCH.. i think burke might win that poll.
  13. The one thing i will say in Brohms defense, he didn't play at all last year, was on the IR all year for hamilton, hall did play last season. In my honest opinion, i didn't see much of a difference between hall and brohm. I'm not sure what that says about hall actually considering brohm didn't play at all last season.
  14. just saying but on the wikipedia page for the 2015 cfl draft, it said the bombers traded a conditional pick to hamilton for brohm, not a 4th rounder. if Brohm doesn't make the team, they probably don't give up anything.
  15. just a question but did tate play? cuz if he did, he didn't do much.
  16. I thought the best throw off the game was marves first throw or willys to feoli-guidino (who isn't getting much love for some reason but stood out for me)
  17. well to me Brohm looked pretty awful out there, throwing the ball in to traffic, not setting himself up to throw properly, not even sure he made the right reads, i think for the most part, hall did make the right reads, just either surprisingly over threw a couple guys or under threw a couple guys also. I think Brohm would have to be lights out in calgary and hall would have to really suck for hall not to be #2. I think Marve has shown in limited reps (he looked good in florida and training camp) that he has the tools to at least be a 3rd to start the year, he could move up to #2 but marve starts the year as 3rd for sure.
  18. no no, i wouldn't cut suber right now, just saying he might be on the bubble, i think he has to have a rebound game in calgary. If not, it wouldn't surprise me, banks would shock me if he was cut. He had one stupid penalty, you don't cut a vet over one stupid penalty.
  19. i dont think hall gets cut, not right now at least, however if he stinks it up in calgary, he might. Hall looked very similar to last season, the one sack he took, he should have thrown the ball away, that was totally on hall, sure the oline didn't play that well for him but it didn't play that well for marve either and marve managed to move the ball. not saying marve is now the backup because that's ridiculous, he's the developmental 3rd string diver right now but... you never know. when hall got in, the offence started to suck. looked eerily similar to last season with hall at the controls. I think the #2 job is between hall and brohm, loser gets cut and right now... honestly, it's too close to call. They both didn't look very good at all Willy looked good, Marve looked good. The other 2 were just meh really. Not sure hall has the arm for the CFL.
  20. what about dunn and suber? suber was picked on until he was taken out. plus markett showed well, so did bruce johnson and they are high on unumba.
  21. on the game day chat last night, i thought someone made the suggestion that he should be known as LH.
  22. apparently hutches 49 save performance is the third most saves a goalie has ever made in a calder cup final, fun fact.. the other 2 were in the same game, a quadruple overtime game, one goalie finished with 83 or 84 saves, the other with like 73 or 74. Hutch did this in regulation.
  23. cotton looked more dangerous than woods on the returns and showed well when he was in at rb.
  24. pretty sure mr 17 to 85 was on the cjob post game show a second ago. also thought feoli-guidino showed well.
  25. Thought Brohm looked better than Hall to be honest, hall is hall. the 2 and out master. Wonder how much of last year was on hall. Thought the D didn't look very good, bad tackling, couldn't stop the run, probably very vanilla but somewhat concerning, however missing kuale and vega also, might make a difference, not sure if turner played either.
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