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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Just saying but almost positive DB means Darren Bauming.
  2. Lucas and Thomas were inked in as one of the 7 starting NI's. It's not likely at all that Lucas was getting cut. Our NI starters took a hit when Lucas tore his ACL and we need to find another NI DT to rotate with Thomas if we still plan to use an NI at DT. It's much more likely IMHO that we will be forced to use 4 NI O lineman which is a shame because January and Jones were our two best O lineman last year and we won't be able to start both of them this year. No they weren't. I didn't hear anybody say that. You are speculating all the way out there in BC again. You are assuming that was the case but... you have no facts to back what you are saying up. That's your opinion. That's all it is, stop pretending like your opinion is always what the bombers are going to do. Speculation at best. What was actually rumoured was a non import field corner and safety. Never did hear anything about lucas or thomas. Not once, maybe from a couple of you on this board here but walters in the past mentioned field corner and safety as 2 likely spots.
  3. i'd probably debate if kane scheif wheeler is our number 1 line, i'd say its ladd little frolik actually.
  4. I'll be honest, i'd rather have guys getting hurt giving it there all than floating out there, training camp is time for work, if a few guys get hurt, so be it. it means they are busting their butts. That's a good thing in the big picture.
  5. Monty wont be back, it's gonna be PAV and Hutch.. Pav only has a couple years left on his deal, he's what you call a stop gap until helly or comrie are ready.. in a few years, pav will be gone and helly or hutch will be starter and backup. Makes sense now to stick with Pavelec, Montoya isn't the answer, he's a 30 year old career backup, people need to get that, montoya is a backup. When pav was "hurt", they gave monty his chance and what he did was win 3 and lose 3. It is what it is.
  6. Them walking off at half time would also be a big FU to the fans who showed up to the game, not the smartest thing to do. The other thing is, how many vets are going to be playing monday? i'd assume not that many
  7. when did the bombers say lucas was going to be starting? they didn't. why do we assume he was going to be? for all we know, he would have been cut. Yeah our non import depth is an issue but lets not assume that a guy like lucas would have been starting cuz its just as likely that he wouldnt be. we know and all knew about our non import depth issues a while ago, there is only so much you can do in one off season, the free agents weren't out there, gonna take a year or 2 or 3 to get to the point we want to be canadian depth wise.
  8. Lots of these injuries are hamstring pulls or ankles being rolled on, it's not like guys are out there breaking necks, it's just part of football, im not sure there is much you can do to avoid hamstring pulls or ankles from being rolled, it just happens. again though it seems some are making to big of a deal out of a depth chart, the depth chart means nothing at this point. O'shea has said several times already that the depth chart means little so really wish some would stop pretending some guys are being penciled in as starters right now when they are not.
  9. didn't use park and ride last year, used get dropped off and picked up after I have no issue with this though, it should make no difference to most people any ways. If people have issues paying to take a bus, then we got bigger problems here.
  10. Irving has been known to take issues with members of the BOD from time to time, never really says names (actually doesn't ) but does from time to time let people know that he thinks there are some members on the BOD who are in it for themselves. ( my best guess is he's referring to Asper as Asper has been there a while now and this goes back a bit now with Irving and the BOD ) I thought i recalled Bob mentioning something relating to how can people who are fans of the team and always let their emotions get in the way of business actually know what's best for business. Not exactly that but.. pretty much. Made it sound to me that it was obvious he was talking about Mr Asper. I'm not sure how far CJOB's archives go back but.. if it does, i'm sure irvings rant on the BOD can be found, it was one of those "rants" irving does every so often about different things going on in the sports world, like a 60 or 90 second clip discussing the random events of the week relating to sports.
  11. Kind of wont happen but... the ideal situation this summer for the jets would probably be something like Trade Kane to Florida for the 1st overall pick and a prospect. Take Bennett who can play LW and would probably look great with scheif and wheeler. Maybe even try Kane to florida for the 1st overall and Huberdeau, Scheif and Hubs has history together, played very well at the world juniors together. Hubs,Scheif,Wheels. Ladd, Little,Frolik. Bennett,Richards, ?? ??,O'dell/Slater,?? could address those 3 question marks on offence with a trade of BUFF.. get back a pick a good 3rd line winger or ideally a 2nd line winger and move frolik to the third line with bennett and richards. Yeah none of this will happen, just saying.
  12. richards is the kings 4th line centre right now so playing third line here would be a step up I'd see if he was bought out, then if he was offer him a deal in the 3 million range, 3.5 even, got a few guys on ELC's here so 3 3.5 for richards aint gonna break the bank, especially if we move buff or kane or even don't resign jokinen.
  13. It's interesting the different opinions you get on here from all the camp reports by those of you who have gone. one guy says grigsby looked meh, other said he looked good. Goossen standing out as being good to one, as being not so good by someone else. Quite interesting. Do appreciate the reports though.
  14. The last thing i will say about this topic is... i dont know how much actual information we would gain from interview positional coaches. Just saying but... one of our media members didn't know about the canadian ratio a while back, they didn't know that the aussie kicker would qualify as a non import, i'm not even sure they know anything actually. Just pretend they do more often than not. Irving, Tait ok,maybe those guys but guys like friesen and even penton, man, what are you gonna ask the DC for example.. how can they ask the DC a legit question when they themselves have very little clue about what is actually going on. i couldn't imagine some of the questions these guys would get... honestly, you'd be better off having fans off this site asking the coaches questions, at least here you got guys like JBR, and got ok, i'll stroke his ego, MIKE, and guys like this who actually understand the game and probably could come up with something better to ask these guys.. what would a friesen question to lets say etcheverry be? or the special teams coach, what would he actually ask them, i'd imagine not much cuz the guy really doesn't have a clue about football. Hard to take some of our media guys seriously when they think they are experts on everything. Seriously, rapid transit, politics, bombers, jets, they think they know it all, But really.. the truth is they don't and it's pretty obvious.
  15. same old same old, o'shea is a breath of fresh air is all i will say Oh and the callers need to be screened, pretty sure every 30000 year old man calls in.
  16. He's got a cold? That's keeping him off the field? I was scared it was a hang-nail, feel better now. JK Tyson - please don't hurt me!! LOL hey man, those colds going around here are pretty vicious. I had one for a good week, it was awful. not fun. Couldn't imagine playing football or honestly doing anything really if you get one of these new ones. No bs, rumors are these vicious flu's are more awful than normal due to all the immigrants coming over here. (not saying i dislike that, just saying, i did read something that mentioned that being a cause)
  17. the real story is he had other interests outside of football, why is that hard to believe? The NFL im sure didn't come calling, no other CFL team did... the guy has been out of football for a year, obviously he was doing other things for that year... Sometimes what happens is life happens, your priorities change. He was humble IMO on the radio interview i heard, of course that was several days b4 actually getting here. Part of me believes that he thought the job was his to lose, even had people telling him that, the media speculated quite hard on him, we did too. He's here to be the starter if he can stay healthy. I'm sure he has a nice little nest egg, maybe nothing too ridiculous but... he's doing ok. Probably came here, expected to be named starter, saw that there is some competition here, got hurt, perhaps not as bad as they are saying, decided, you know what, i'm hurt already why bother.. i'm done and let's move on to life after football. Who knows, maybe it will turn out smith asked to be released cuz his heart just wasn't in to football anymore. I mean think about it, out of a football for a year due to injury, get a chance up north, get injured.. i'd be frustrated, maybe smith knew his body just wouldn't let him play football anymore.
  18. Too bad for Lucas, this is probably the end of his career here though. He got injured last season too. Up there in age too isn't he? wont be easy coming back from an ACL injury.
  19. Ouch. Ryan Lucas done for the season already with a torn ACL, there goes starting a canadian at defensive tackle.
  20. IIRC, the jets might have a very good chance of landing richards if he is bought out, he spends his summers in kenora and his girlfriend is from winnipeg and is doing her residency here.
  21. I understand i responded earlier but in a way, im angry at myself for doing that. 4 pages here now, that's exactly what this article was intended to do. The better thing in the future, unless some people like stirring the pot, is to not have topics based on friesen articles. Don't read the article. Don't have 4 pages plus on a message board about it. The only time anyone talks about Paul Friesen is when he makes crap articles like this, if nobody talked about him and his garbage articles then eventually he would go away. It's almost like we are egging him on. Do i think he reads these forums? he probably knows they exist and the other forums too, what he sees is people going on and on about it and the sun site getting cliks and boom, bam,bang, zing, pow... Friesen did his job. I hate it but.. 4 pages probably more to come = we all fell for it again. Don't post future friesen articles is the moral of this thread.
  22. did you watch O'sheas press conference yesterday? He specifically said that Special Teams is going to be a very important part. Especially for backups, they can't just be average really, they have to be good and have to make the team that way, especially canadian back ups. Special teams has been emphasized as being a very important part of the team by O'shea several times. Not you here bro but.. i also see things talking about depth charts and who the starters are, i guess nobody watched the PC? cuz o'shea said again to not look to far into what the depth chart is as of today, people seem to be thinking that the "starters" are the guys who get the first reps, but they arent according to o'shea, O'shea said that all the depth chart is at this time is to get guys some reps. Nothing more nothing less.
  23. I don't like the guy, i'm not sure how anyone who is a fan of teams in this city can, he does way more harm than good. You can see it, i saw it with the Jets coach maurice a bit too, you see it with O'shea, when certain members of the media ask them questions, you can almost see them rolling their eyes at them. Guys like Friesen and even Lawless with the Jets ask the stupidest most uninformed questions around. Anyone hear friesen ask the question? He sounds scared when he does, intimidated, afraid really. He is what i'd call a keyboard warrior, doesn't really say much to guys faces, just asks questions where he can spin the answer in to whatever he wants really but writes articles that basically crap on the team, Friesen is no different than what we call "trolls" on here, getting a rise out of people for the sake of it. No substance no nothing, just pure and utter BS. I remember in another thread, Mike was going on about a blogger in the states arguing with him and being pretty adamant that the riders made 150 million last season, Hey Mike, you sure it was a blogger in the states and not Paul Friesen cuz this is the type of crap we always get from him. Living in this city, i'm not sure (yes there is the internet) but i'm not sure if people who don't or haven't lived here in a while (17 to 85 not withstanding) understand the crap that some of these guys pull, friesen more often than not. The guy is a grade A pile of steaming crap and so are his opinion articles. It sickens me that there are people out there who live and die on what Paul Friesen says. I said it another thread, i'll say it here, In Real Life, when talking to people, random people, guys girls kids even, they can't stand paul friesen, he is a joke. I have yet to actually meet one person who actually likes friesen, They exist but i have yet to meet one. People wonder sometimes why coaches don't want to come here, you'd have to be naive to think that articles like this and guys like friesen aren't one of the reasons. Was there not a rumour about was it millanovich? bombers wanted to talk to him about their head coaching job a while back and he said No thanks, and one of the main reasons was he didn't want to have to deal with slimeballs like friesen every day? Be naive to think these guys are helping, they aren't. Friesen is a joke, always has been, always will be. There is a reason the sun is free in most every area of this city.. It's cuz it's completely crap that nobody in their right mind would pay for.
  24. Maybe someone like Gord Miller if he is staying works. Personally, i agree with the Farhan Lalji opinion of a few on here but i'd rather see farhan actually become a play by play guy instead. Maybe replace Miller and give Farhan and Matt D some more games to call. Rob Black is terrible and i couldn't stand to watch the pregame if he was on it. Hate when he calls our games, which happens too much. Maybe we'd get cuthbert though on thursdays? it's highly possible but.. I'd honestly say anyone but Rod Black.
  25. Bauming is good .Tait is Fantastic. Penton is ok too. Friesen is just terrible. Really really really piss poor excuse for a "journalist" but really, he's not a journalist, he's an opinion writer and unfortunately, i'm honestly not sure how many of them there are, hence why the sun is free in most areas there are some real people out there somewhere (i've never met one though to be honest) who do think friesen isn't awful. It's sad they exist... i'm sure if you talk to any of them about football, you would quickly find out they know jack squat. lol
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