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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. i dunno why eh paul friesen Went to #Bombers camp today, and had a Mike Kelly flashback. Column on Coach O'Shea's rookie mistake, up later at http://winnipegsun.com Wonder why most constantly *****.. cuz of crap like this. Exactly. How can people not comment about ignorant stuff like that? Most of our media deserve all slings and arrows launched at them. i would go as far as to say that our local sports media does more harm than good for our local sports teams, jets included actually but bombers for sure. But there is some hope with guys like Bauming and even Penton, seems to be quite balanced most times recently at least.
  2. Mike O'shea today on his PC, up on the official site, said to not look to far into depth charts at this place and time, they are just really trying to get guys reps. So with t hat being said, don't probably need to worry about guys like anderson washington wild. They will more than likely be on the team.
  3. i dunno why eh paul friesen Went to #Bombers camp today, and had a Mike Kelly flashback. Column on Coach O'Shea's rookie mistake, up later at http://winnipegsun.com Wonder why most constantly *****.. cuz of crap like this.
  4. Good luck getting to 500, hope it happens.
  5. Just saying, but another guy on the growing very long list of former NFL guys who come up here and think they are the be all and end all, sure im speculating as to what "attitude problem" means but... it's safe to say, it's probably got something to do with the fact that he thought he was just the cats meow.
  6. carter was working out with milt stegall this off season, along with several other cfl players. Good move bring him in, thought he showed some skills last year in practice. Always wondered why he didn't get a shot in a game.
  7. This topic was never really about football, it was about the park and ride/ transit deal the city pulled. I don't see the problem, if you don't like it, don't have to read it or comment right? Sure it has degenerated lol into a bit of hodge podge of everything, from the actual topic to the politics stuff to ripping on sam katz but... the topic itself, never really was about football.. was about politicians really so obviously, gonna get some talk about politics in a thread where politics is the main reason the thread exists really.
  8. Penton on the twitter feed there says smith had an attitude problem too. He seemed pretty humble on the radio interview but i guess, maybe he thought he was better than anyone else out there. It is what it is. Don't need guys with attitude issues, just got rid of a bunch in the off season.
  9. http://www.tsn.ca/cfl/story/?id=453766 Guess we can put this here, Not our property but property of the als... vaughn martin released by the detroit lions. Might have lost out on laurent but if the als could get this guy to come up here, look out.
  10. Im hoping that those 4 councillors who wont be back turns in to more, i really do feel its time for fresh new ideas across the board at city hall. I'm not convinced that the eventual mayor has yet to announce their name yet, talked to a few people and most are quite disgusted with everyone at city hall. Hopefully a guy like harvey smith (the guy is so old its crazy) and whats her face, the anti everything, ahh yes gerbasi, they need to go too. I think people are catching on to the fact that new blood is needed and i hope this is just the start.. I dont think people will vote for Paula H, not the ones i have talked too at least, she has that stigma and sure she left but... at one time she was one of sammys inner circle buddies. Honestly i think that teacher has a good chance right now, none of the actual candidates have said anything of substance just yet though so gotta see what they say first and then decide. I will vote in this next civic election and i hope everyone who does doesn't vote in the same councilor and mayor for that matter who is currently serving. It's time for change. Big time. Thomas Steen, very familiar with him, up until last year, he was my city councilor, i recently moved out of my parents house to just outside the city but.. steen is another that needs to go also. Has no business representing ek/elmwood. Lives in river heights and has no idea what the heck is going on over in this area, im close enough to ek still that i know what's going on there and thomas steen has no clue.
  11. im not sure how much some of those used buses cost but what the bombers should look at, is getting a few of them (if costs arent ridiculous, i hear those electric buses are ultra cheap and great to ride) (or even the accordian style bus) and just buy a few of them, again if costs aren't too ridiculous. Make it into a blue n gold type bus specifically used for the park and rides. If you have to charge people a buck or 2 to use it, so be it. what's an extra buck or 2 really in the big picture.
  12. yeah the one thing i definitely noticed on his twitter feed, this is definitely not the first time he has been going on about the bombers and letting them know he' ready and waiting for the call basically. Makes you wonder if maybe the bombers told him if an injury happened or if one of the backs werent as good as they thought, that he would be next in line? i dunno but.. the guy is definitely all over the place it seems. This one does appear to be a bit different than the other tweets though. either he's paying attention to what's going on here or.. he was told something by the team.
  13. I wonder if the reason wild and washington are being given "2nd team reps" is because they know what they have with them, they know you will get effort play in play out with these guys, they know what they got in them, they dont know what they have in the rookies though, i dunno maybe its just me, but every year there seems to be guys who stand out in practice and then a game comes around and those guys dont look so good any more. I don't know if i can put a lot of stock in to how a rookie is doing at training camp, the real test for the rookies will be the pre-season games. I've seen many a rookie look good in camp but, well, crap the bed when the games begin. I mean sure training camp matters, otherwise, whats the point in bringing in all these guys all the time, but... if the guy sucks in the pre-season game(s), i think that plays a bigger factor. The other thing is.. we kind of sucked last year, not kind of, we were actually terrible.. sure guys like wild and washington stood out as not being terrible but were they really that good or was the rest of the team really that bad? Personally, i like them both and would be pissed if they weren't starting but.... when you are coming off a 3-15 season, is anyone from last years team considered safe? should they be considered safe even? Just a side note here but took a drive out to U of M last night with the girlfriend, and drove by IGF.. while driving by buck pierce was just leaving. on the way back, marcus howell was leaving.
  14. the guys twitter certainly does make it seem like that is a high probability. Quite the twitter feed actually. Entertaining to say the least.
  15. It's just something I noticed that we don't have. Everyone else does so it makes me wonder why. That's all. What good s a forum if you can't pose these kinds of questions? i agree with what you are saying but at the same time, i wonder if maybe directing your questions to the bombers would be the better move, it seems like nobody on the forum here really knows, the people who do though are the people on chancelor matheson road. What i'd suggest is to email someone from the bombers or even pick up the phone and give them a call and ask them about it, i'm sure they would be happy to tell you.
  16. penton said that he has been outright released, he won't be back. He is done as a bomber probably as a football player, unfortunate but it is what it is. From all reports Grigsby and Cotton have both looked pretty good. Wonder if Smiths head was fully in to it.
  17. Little arash madani.. boom!! That really explains it all perfectly plus they just 9 gamed dyakowski.
  18. Just out of nothing but curiosity but for the folks that were actually there in person... Which media guys were there, i know irving penton and i'm pretty sure tait was there.. darren bauming also (who is actually a pretty darn good media person) Anyone else tho? friesen specifically? not that i overly care but... just curious is all.
  19. Ok, it's all good .Spuds head seems to start to explode rather easily at times
  20. Hmm off the top of my head, here are some "weak light wrestlers" who were probably and are probably some of the best in the business past and present. Bret Hart, bullcrap he was as heavy as they billed him, probably the best technical wrestler of all time. Shawn Michaels, dude was barely 200 lbs IRL, again one of the best in ring performers i have ever seen Currently or recently, CM Punk.. tiny but one of the best in the world Daniel Bryan, again not huge... probably barely 200 lbs if that.. one of the best in ring workers (might argue the best) in todays wrestling world Rey Mysterio JR... do i even have to explain that one? dude is 140 max.
  21. The bombers dont seem to mind and were and are very well aware of his previous commitments, i'm not sure why a couple fans are getting all worked up over this. You don't work with the guy, it shouldn't matter to you. O'shea is the coach, not anyone on this forum and he seems fine with it. Besides, our oline has sucked so bad and we have arguably the best oline coach in the game right now, atleast in the CFL.. why is this a big deal? Teams can only practice so much once the season gets going, heck players only want 1 practice with pads every week. I do find it a bit, i dunno if ironic is the right word but there is some i'm gonna say irony in the fact that the 2 guys who are seemingly upset the most.. well, not that it matters right, but one is from alberta, the other bc.. and Nate, well nate is nate and we all know what nate is. Why would it matter to any of us? we don't work with the guy and the people that do are fine with it. Seems like complaining for the sake of it. Oshea even said if he could have only had wylie once a week, he still would have signed him. It matters more what o'shea and the coaching staff thinks, it doesn't matter what anyone on here does. Bombers are fine with it and right now, i'll have to trust them and say i am fine with it too. Seems to be arguing about something that in the big picture is really not a big deal.
  22. LOL. just gonna delete that cuz it's apparent you can't change peoples minds on here. Let's just say cuz i just don't have the patience to post all the stats of the guys taken after him in his 2010 draft but... check it out... he's definitely pushing bust status.
  23. Who has our best tackler arguably been the last few seasons, i'd argue that it was the smallest guy on the field, alex suber. So yeah size really doesn't matter as much as some are making it out to be. And prior to him, could argue it was that gigantic 5'9 maybe monster in jonathan hefney. Size doesn't mean much really.
  24. Oh the bombers were and are very much aware... very much so direct line taken from wylies bio on the offical site Veteran offensive line guru Bob Wylie joins the Bombers for his first season and second stint with the club for the 2014 season, overseeing the development of the offensive line. Wylie oversees the development and while he is away, his protege charboneau runs things. Win Win situation really.
  25. hage retired, he wasn't being paid peanuts, burris is gone, he certainly wasn' tbeing paid peanuts.. traded shomari williams... That right there is probably.. what? over 500,000 at least in salary they let go or lost to retirement or trades. If not a bit more... probably way more actually. http://www.ticats.ca/roster/index/team/6 honestly 50 percent or more of that roster at this time last year... nobody heard of them.
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