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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. http://forums.bluebombers.com/index.php?topic=38927.0 save u the time, monday 750am to 1220 pm.
  2. Just a little interesting note seeing as though we all were wondering about him.. Robert Mccune... guest coach at the stampeders training camp.
  3. The weather sure is cooperating here. 26 degrees. High humidity again tho. Very warm. These guys must lose quite a bit of weight during these camps.
  4. I don't remember where I saw it but there was a video featuring Kashawn Fraser, and they were saying that he's shown well so far. http://bluebombers.com/video/index/id/96449 That's the one.
  5. i think i'd put kemp in there ahead of fraser, danny mac was speaking quite highly of fraser on one of those videos at bluebombers.com. O'shea spoke very strongly of the entire dline too. Based on nothing, you'd have to assume a db or 2 gets cut because there is so many of them, an oline or 2 and probably a receiver or 2 also.
  6. Mr. Cohon (avatar), you have to be on the negotiating table to hammer this CBA deal out. You are not needed here in this Bombers Rookie Training Camp. LOL! I called off talks yesterday so I could have a long weekend, check out Bomber camp and hit the tanning salon! About those tanning salons, I have have some bad news for you . . . I really want to add a Bad News Barrett pic to this. But I have no idea how. So yeah, just visualise it. Mike - any guesses as to the cuts? aha... I'm afraid i got some baaad news for you... Man, o'shea should use that line when he cuts some players.
  7. I'm going to my cabin on sunday so i wont be at the first day of main camp but... this is just a suggestion, there has got to be a way for fans to actually voice their displeasure with some of these guys, whether that be throwing a jersey on the field, whether it be chants like "we are actually the league". or something, perhaps turning backs to certain players like nick moore and kory banks. I'd love to hear about that. It would send a message that the fans will not put up with this bs for much longer. Maybe nobody should show up even. I dunno, but... what these morons dont really get is without the fans, there is no league. They can all pretend, without the players there is no league but thats bullcrap, theres thousands of players down south who would come up here in a second to play. The players are all replaceable, the fans are not.
  8. my guess, that money or increase would go to just the top players on the team, that's probably what the PA doesn't really get... it's not like the guy at the bottom of the depth chart is gonna get a significant raise, it's the "stars" that will. so for the bombers, maybe willy gets a bit, maybe turner and vega get a bit, but guys like i dunno, lets say matt bucknor and dan west, they wouldn't see an increase at all. The greed some of these players are showing and just downright stupidity (you have to call it that relating to banks ridiculous tweet) is just mind boggling. Some of them really don't get it at all do they. I'll tell you this much, this guy wont be buying a banks or moore jersey thats for sure. That's not a name i would be proud to wear on my back.
  9. I had no involvement in Ringmasters but if guys in the ring got upset, are you sure they weren't working and selling as they should have been? Also, I'm not a local wrestler. Also, I dont get worked up at all. Suspecting you have underlying discrimination to certain segments of the population only disappoints me, it doesnt anger me. i have to believe it was just part of the act also, i mean, if a drunk lady got in the ring and one of those guys actually did something to her, she could have probably sued that organization. She's lucky she didn't try that at a wwe event, she would have been beat down pretty big time.
  10. haha skiddle bits, my boy oh boy, so long ago i cant remember, must have been grade 1, if that even but my teacher dated joey gregorish lol and our whole class got to appear on skiddlebits, halloween episodes. Was quite ridiculous but at the time, was pretty fun. Ahhh...so Mr Gregorash was a "player"! lol, he must have done something right, gonna be honest, the teacher was kind of a smokeshow. quite good looking actually.
  11. haha skiddle bits, my boy oh boy, so long ago i cant remember, must have been grade 1, if that even but my teacher dated joey gregorish lol and our whole class got to appear on skiddlebits, halloween episodes. Was quite ridiculous but at the time, was pretty fun.
  12. Quick, someone retweet back to him that it's cheaper to live in Winnipeg rather then Vancouver, so he'll be making gobs more money just because of that. Seriously, what a stupid tweet. Since the Canadian dollar is lower then the US, we should be making more? Yeah, ok...but how can the CFL stay afloat if they're giving you all their money? Oooohhh, that's right, you don't care because you're almost retired so you just want to milk it for all it's worth before you're gone and don't give a rats ass about the rookies or all the future Football players who will be part of the league years down the road. I wouldn't cut the guy because of his tweets....it makes me want to smack him a little...a lot...but not cut him. gbill tweeted him back telling him that if the canadian dollar is an issue, he can go play in the arena league. I thought that was sufficient.
  13. Has bilukidi shown even a tiny bit of interest in coming to the CFL at all, cuz i haven't seen or read one article or quote from him where he even mentions the CFL as an option. Sure, it would be nice to see him here but i'm highly doubting it happens.
  14. Anyways, back to the topic somewhat. More specifically the tweets. i see nik lewis is at it again... Moron. Anyone see korey banks' tweets yesterday? talking about how the players need more money cuz the canadian dollar is low? is this the high character type of guy we want on our team? Between banks and moore, i'm not sure how i feel anymore about the direction of the team. I understand they are being union guys but.. the stupidity with a couple of their tweets really makes you question their character a wee bit. Maybe it's just me, but i'd love to see these 2 guys get cut. lol. ok, maybe that's going to the extreme but i think i might have a hard time cheering for 2 dbags. When the season does start, these 2 better step up.. the keyboard warrior stuff is really getting ridiculous, thought we got away from that when we let hef and jj go.
  15. Didn't you also get CityTV on channel 13? I know I did. Oh yeah there was some channel that started up in the early 90's - broadcasting out of Portage la Prairie - is that the one you are thinking of? wasn't it mtn. buckley and beave to say play it again, we'll have a radical time today on MTN, while mom and dad sleep in. Heck i remember that channel and i've got a few years to go to hit 30 also.
  16. You thought about it twice in one day? I hate to jiggle your mind again, but it's a 5 year deal good god, i need to pay more attention i guess.
  17. This could be the end for a lot of guys actually. Every year, every darn year, several new players come in to every team... wally buono has said something about turning over half your roster most off seasons. The players are thinking way to long term when most of them wont even be around in 3 years. I dont get their mentality here. Do you think the players in 3 years are gonna care about these guys now? No, they are gonna take their jobs.
  18. It does seem some people to have a preconceived hate on for a certain guy so some of their reports are going to be a bit biased i guess you can say but... they are there, you are not, i am not... gotta take there word for it, none of the people on here are experts, some pretend to be, but none really are.. yourself included brandon. For you to say that marve isn't fighting for the #2 spot is bullcrap... he certainly is. We all know willy is the starter but that backup spot is wide open. Why you pretending that hall actually proved anything last year? or that brohm is any better? because why? because you say so? Bet your butt that if marve shows better than hall and brohm then he is indeed the backup. This idea that he isn't fighting for the backup spot is a load of crap... they are all fighting for the backup spot, willy is the starter. That's all we know, the backup spot is certainly wide open for the taking.
  19. hmm, just a question here about the wrestling stuff, were the wrestlers in character at the time? cuz, if they were.. then them getting upset is actually just part of the act. Especially if they were portraying heels.
  20. apparently its only a 4 year tv deal? why did i think it was 8.
  21. clippers gonna be sold for close to 2 billion... sterling got PAID.
  22. Think it's time this one gets locked up eh? Turned totally into a political debate, i get that politics played a role in this whole topic but it has seemingly become all about politics now. And in no way related to the original topic, just some food for thought, don't care if it is locked or not, just think well, that last post there is definitely pushing a slippery slope here. I mean, i may not be a fan of these guys either but theres got to be a line here somewhere.
  23. man oh man, the canadian players at it on twitter too, these guys are delushional little morons, if not for the ratio, most wouldn't be in the league. who the heck is tristan black and why does he think he matters? Bo Levi Mitchell just said the league wants a 5 year deal, but thinks in 3 years the tsn deal will be renegotiated, where are they getting this info from? how are they gonna renegoiate a tv deal in 3 years when the deal is for 8 isn't it? someone be spewing a whole lot of bs to these guys it seems.
  24. saw the tweet too, suspect it means, at least that is what i interpreted as, is the league feels the strike vote is 50/50 amongst players. 50 percent want too strike, 50 percent do not. durant tho? as in darian? i'd suspect the qb's are in the "not wanting to strike" camp. See, this is what happens in a league where careers arent long, these guys no they only have so much time... it boggles my mind that they are even thinking about striking when in reality, that could be the end of many of their careers.
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