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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. I remember all of this too, sammy had nothing to do with any of it, im fairly certain of this. Katz is just a photo op pig, that's really what he does best.. takes pictures and then pretends he actually knows what's going on. I dont disagree with anything you said cuz i remember the same interview. Pretty much word for word actually what you said i agree with. I said sammy wasn't at the press conference and the people that actually mattered and who were actually in on it where. I also remember hearing TNSE was peed at sammy for actually going on about things like he was in on it. Fact is, he wasn't. Had no clue, and just spouted off about things because it would get his name in the papers. That's all katz really cares about.. getting his name in the papers. As a side note to Spuds.. pretty tough to avoid politics when it was a political decision that actually made this become what it is now. This whole transit decision was kaiboshed by politicians. Hard to avoid politics in a thread when politics are the reason for it really.
  2. Sears was definitely one of our best players when he was on the field, i remember watching several games.. i recall one in particular though.. a couple seasons back now against hamilton, chris williams was just absolutely making Jovon Johnson his beeee all game long, coaches i guess had enough and put sears in, sears didn't get beat once by williams.Sure, it's just one example but there are many others. I honestly thought sears was our best corner back every time he was on the field, rarely did he get beat. Rarely. DB's will get beat for sure, but sears, not so much actually.
  3. Disagree with this. Maybe it was only one practice but this guy has all the tools. I'm in love. Brohm was easily the weakest of the QBs and while I like what Hall brings to the table, he is what he is. Marve has zip on his throws and one particular example I have is on one play, he showed great mobility on a roll out to his right while being chased by a lineman and while on the run fired a bullet to Donovan Kemp. Perfect throw and a good example of what he can do. It's early, but I think he easily gets the project 3rd QB job on this squad. Also ran into Gary Etcheverry in the parking lot and he smiled at me. This turned my impression of him around immediately. He will be the greatest coordinator this team has ever seen. Lol I hope this is a joke? Also Willy is a lock at #1, Hall pretty much a lock at #2..... The team traded for Brohm , McManus I assume likes the guy since he knows the most about him.... the dude has started in the NFL.... was fairly touted in his college career..... Marve would have to be perfect in pre season while Brohm completely shits the bed for him to take his spot. Just because a guy can zip the ball in practice doesn't really mean anything yet. I am pleased though that they brought in a guy who can throw the ball instead of bringing in guys with Dinwiddie floater arms... And just cuz a guy had a cup of coffee in the NFL doesn't mean anything yet either. Whats the fascination with the NFL pedigree? You seem to be under the impression that just cuz these guys held a clipboard in the NFL for a season or 2, they are automatically better. Disagree completely with your reasoning as you seem to be basing your opinion on guys just because you heard of them. Brohm or hall are both pretty average, they aint nothing special. Marve? he's an unknown but... i'll tell you this much, If the young kid marve looks almost as good or equal to one of hall or brohm, he's on the roster ahead of one of them. That third spot is used for a developmental qb, not for some guy who held clipboards in the NFL.What does NFL experience really have to do with the CFL? how many NFL "experienced" qb's have come to the CFL with all the hype and done absolutely nothing.. So many that i cant even name them all.
  4. Let's pretend our friend Eklund isn't full of crap like always... Chicago? Saad, prospect and a pick or 2 even cuz they aint picking high. not gonna trade kane to a team in our own division though unless toews is coming this way (NOT HAPPENING) Boston? Not gonna happen but one of Marchand or even that prick Lucic plus a Left Handed D man and their first round pick. Buffalo? pick 2 and one of zadorov(preferably cuz he's a LHD) or Rastailanen or Girgensons. Probably most likely cuz we'd probably get a guy like sam bennett at pick 2, seems to be the Jets M.O. If they do move a guy like Kane, you can bet that they are gonna want a high pick in return, of those 3 teams mentioned, buffalo is the only one who has a high pick. In other words, Not gonna happen, as our friend Eklund generally is wrong all the time.
  5. "Redskin" is a racial descriptor of disputed origin for Native Americans. Although by some accounts not originally having negative intent, the term is defined in current dictionaries of American English as "usually offensive","disparaging", "insulting", "taboo" ] and is avoided in public usage with the exception of its continued use as a name for sports teams. Some sports history here with the name "redskin" The University of Utah Redskins became the Utah Utes in 1972. The Miami University (of Ohio) Redskins became the RedHawks in 1997. The Southern Nazarene University Redskins became the Crimson Storm in 1998. Wanna pretend it's not racist anymore? the darn dictionary basically defines it as being racist.. it basically says redskins is to native americans what the n word is to blacks. If the n word is racist, then so is redskin. You know why you dont hear the word "redskins" any more as it relates to native americans? because it is indeed racist. Only racists use the word. It's pretty straight forward though, however a couple of fun facts.. there is a town in oklahoma, I cant remember the name, but it exits and its population is 41 percent native american, they have a theatre there called, wait for it... "the redskin theatre". In a town where 41 percent of the population is indeed native american. Makes you wonder at times actually if it is racist.... or if its just bitching for the sake of bitching. I know its wikipedia but look up the term "redskin". Look at the definition in the dictionary, whether one or 2 people here dont want to believe its racist, society says it is.
  6. how many oline are currently under contract? id suspect what? like 10 maybe 11 at most? That means 2 teams of 5 plus an extra guy or 2, this is essential for some drills when the vets come to camp. Just a total guess here but... i think all the import OL that we have signed are here because we lack canadian OL and you need to have a bunch there, in case of injury or even just fatigue. You cant just have 5 or 6 7 guys at main camp, gotta have enough for probably 2 groups of 5 just to get some different people on the field at times, otherwise you gonna kill your starters b4 the season even begins. Id suspect a couple oline though are let go at the end of mini camp.
  7. Im not sure he did know what was going on, at the press conference sammy was nowhere to be found while chipman thompson sellinger and the rest of the people that mattered were front and centre. Think sammy takes guesses at times and that's fine, i mean whats that old saying... throwing crap against the wall and see what sticks? i guess if you throw enough crap, eventually some will stick.
  8. Hmm, just noticed but where is pontbriand and fitzgerald? were they quietly released? cuz i dont see either of them listed on that depth chart. Odd because they are both still listed on the official team roster http://bluebombers.com/roster/index/team/5 yet nowhere to be found on the depth chart that was posted.
  9. not the smartest thing to do, im sure you get caught doing that and you wont be allowed back. why would anyone live stream a practice? It just doesn't make sense at all. It's almost like doing a disservice to the team. I'd suspect if people live stream a practice, that's the last one they will open to the public.
  10. so in other worlds, all of them?
  11. but he seems to be ok with his goldeyes getting a bunch of tax breaks... man that guy needs to go now. Not even including all the subsidies that the Jets receive every year (north of $11 million), plus transit. The one thing with that is the jets bring so much good publicity to the city, we are now considered to be part of the "big leagues", we weren't b4 the jets came back. Jets do a lot for this community, not saying the bombers dont but... the jets basically put the city on the world (north american) map again.
  12. i like these all "day" "night" type of negotiations, this is how the NHL solved theres. Basically got an announcement at like 1am or so our time telling us the "lockout" was over. I remember watching it and seeing bettman and fehr walk out basically holding hands acting like they were the best of friends. Suspect this gets done by sunday, maybe even friday.
  13. what does the depth chart really mean at this point in time when they havent even taken the field, half those guys will be cut.
  14. pretty easy to navigate, im indifferent to it as generally i just go there to check out the videos.
  15. but he seems to be ok with his goldeyes getting a bunch of tax breaks... man that guy needs to go now.
  16. all im going to add, is when is the next election? if people don't like whats going on at city hall, well next election get out and change it... it's hard to complain about the mayor and all the councillors when we the people are the ones who put them in that position to begin with. Don't like it, next election... don't vote for any of them. New blood all around is needed at city hall.
  17. I'm not exactly sure that 1 day of rookie camp is gonna tell us much, ie: who is standing out and who isn't. Is 7pm an odd start time for this or is that just me? i thought normally it's in the day, or is this to possibly let fans who work during the day head out to day one of camp? I cant make it but really all i'd like to know about day 1, is... how different is it than last years rookie camp, what are the coaches doing, what is oshea doing, what is etch up too, wylie.. etc is oshea driving around in a golf cart lol? cuz i really dont think 1 day of rookie camp is gonna tell us much to be honest. To those going tonight, will you also be going tomorrow and friday? cuz if so, maybe be nice to see a who has progressed and who has regressed in those 3 days. Oh and ofcourse, obviously how do the qb's look, marve specifically but brohm and willy also. max hall is max hall so dont need much about him.
  18. i was just typing that i like this move and i guess this all but confirms that we will indeed be going with a non import field corner.
  19. word is he got 15,000 upfront. Not a bad deal. Bombers the only team to sign all their draft picks it seems
  20. good news that they are talking and actually negotiating. Let's get a deal done guys.
  21. There seems to be a misconception out there that trotz is a defensive coach and while that is somewhat true, it's not completely true. The team in nashville is a budget team, the team in washington is not, when your first line center in nashville is mike fisher, well you gotta do what you gotta do to make it work. Nashville truly is a team made up of guys not wanted by other teams outside of rinne weber jones and josi now, there is nobody else on that team that is a top line player on any team in the league, heck, you might be hard pressed to find a guy on that team who is a top 6 player on any other team (winnipeg included) It will be interesting to see how he does in washington. But to my point again, nashvilles 4 best players are 3 d men and a goalie, so yeah a coach is gonna take advantage of that.
  22. I still feel the whole truth isn't coming out there, It's odd to me, there is an aussie radar detection system called J.O.R.N. and it reaches all the way out to where they say the plane was flying, however the interesting part is, that radar detection system didn't see anything. I'm still on the massive cover up thing and i think it is likely it could be at diego garcia military base. or its on the bottom of the indian ocean somewhere. I'm just not sure any more. And have officially lost interest. Once everyone loses interest the truth will come out.
  23. imo jones and briggs have the possibility of being 2 very solid contributors immediately (special teams)
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