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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. BTW, nate.. i don't think a guy (st louis) demanding to be traded to basically just one team (NYR) is a blockbuster. Last blockbuster if people want to call it that was probably nash to NYR or Van Riemsdyk to Toronto but at that time, JVR was basically nobody.
  2. not really though. We got goossen and everett as prospects. Swiston is at that produce or gone part of his career, pencers rope is probably a bit longer, neufeld aint a prospect exactly... not exactly stacked, when you consider the fact that morley and CK still could have jobs with us this season, i dont think we are exactly stacked up on oline prospects.
  3. I think It's gonna be LA vs NYR. Im hoping chicago cuz if not, it will be the first stanley cup finals i can remember where i dont watch a single game.
  4. It's a common misconception that freedom of speech should mean you are free of the consequences from what you've said. i agree however with that being said, what did sterling say exactly? just that he didn't want his mistress hanging out with blacks. He didn't call them the n word, he just said he didn't want her hanging with the blacks, what if he said i dont want you hanging around those african american people? is it still a big deal? Just for the record, i'm not applauding sterling here or saying he's innocent, i just am asking, if what he said, in the big picture, is it really that big of a deal? or was it maybe just blown out of proportion a bit. He is an old racist for sure, it's well documented the dislike the guy has for minorities, but...outside of his cnn interview where he totally killed himself, what did he say really?
  5. Rider Pride? oh i thought that meant something else...
  6. Not saying they rigged it, just a couple of the analysts were implying the fix was in, not saying they did tho. Ever since losing lebron though, cleveland has had 2 first overall picks now plus another high pick.
  7. 3-2 NYR in OT. 3-1 series lead. LA up 2-1 on Chicago.
  8. like none, maybe 1 if you want to consider the nash to nyr trade. But really, other than that, nothing.
  9. I don't have a caption but... is that dude in the jersey an albino? get a darn tan man
  10. It's definitely a generational gap thing. People born a long time ago were raised under different conditions, at one point blacks were used as slaves, people were hung from trees, people were hung on the streets. The world today is now way more sensitive, it's true, it's damn true.. The world wasn't so sensitive back when guys like sterling and our grandparents were born, another time, another world, im not sure most of us would have survived back then. There wasnt even an internet or cell phones or really, tv's. lets all sit around the radio. The world has changed through the years, for the better or for the worse? it's hard to say actually in the big picture. It's odd that in 'Merica, they always pride themselves on freedom of speech.. well i guess, freedom of speech only applies if most people agree with it. The World be changing again. I'm not sure how i'd feel if i was in the comfort of my own home, said something, and then the next week it was all over TMZ and the papers. I think that makes me worry a bit about what the world is actually changing in to
  11. not so sure about that, ladd wheeler and buff werent in atlanta very long, little is pretty darn good, kane has potential regardless if people cant see it due to their dislike of him, never has had the same coach for more than a year or 2 has he? same with bogo. They are good players but for the most part are young. With young players come mistakes, it's to be expected. As much as we all praised scheif and trouba this year, they too made the same mistakes. It's all about learning, maurice under contract long term should help. This team should get better. Don't get me wrong i'd move kane and buff in a second if i got a fair offer for them, i'd want pick prospect player. Kane and pick 9 to Florida vs 1st overall, Pirri and a defensive prospect like mike mathesson is a deal i'd consider. Buff, if i'm moving him, i'm trying to get a 3rd line center and a top line winger or one of those plus a pick. To Carolina for Lindholm or Skinner and the 7th. Skinner let's say. Skinner,Scheif,Wheeler. Ladd, Little,Frolik. Im taking Sam Bennet first overall then, Him and Pirri are the start of what could be a very good 3rd line. Bennet First overall, can play lw or centre, at 7 id look at taking kevin fiala.
  12. The problem with it isn't that it couldn't happen, it's how would it happen and where would the team play in the meantime. I find it very hard to believe you could convert the roof in one off season, especially considering the winters us folks in the prairies get. I just don't think it could be done and the team would have to play somewhere else for a while, Just not worth the hassle really to roof non roofed stadiums.
  13. Baron would just give Sterling "THE CLAW" and he'd be out cold in a few seconds
  14. Solid young D men are worth more than forwards generally, That's why in drafts when there are good d prospects you see a run on them instead of forward prospects, case in point was the 2012 draft there, 7 or 8 d men went in a row however, Kane probably gets you maata plus a pick. Not much else than that tho. It might get you Maata plus Bennet and a pick but... again not much more than that. I dont think the pens have any interest in moving maata anways and with toby and morrissey (sooner rather than later) and kichton even, the jets D looks ok moving forward. If you trade for maata, you'd probably have to move toby for a forward then. Maybe Toby gets you an eberle or a yakupov tho. Im not sure, we seem to undervalue toby a bit here but.. he's a pretty solid d man all things considered and those guys are worth more than forwards any day of the week.
  15. She's definitely not black either tho, his comments were directed towards black people. I find it confusing that he is in the one in trouble when he said all this in the privacy of his own home, im not sure how this woman (if i can call her that) gets off so easily here. She is the one that actually did the worst thing and thats record a private conversation in the guys own house and then send that tape off to TMZ. Listen, sterling isn't innocent but he's also not as guilty as people are pretending he is. He is an 80 year old man with signs of dimentia, i'm not exactly sure how he can be blamed for some of the things he says. My grandmother had dimentia and later alzheimers and she thought she was a teenager again back in the 30's. That was a different time. It boggles my mind that in canada a guy like vince leigh can get off a murder charge because he has a mental disorder but... in the states, a guy with a quite obvious mental disease also gets crapped on.
  16. I agree Jokinen is our oldest guy but upon further reflection I'd prefer we keep the old man for another season. Might only score 10 to 15 goals, he'll take his share of idiotic penalties but he's steady, fairly defensive and knows the ropes. Be nice if we could rope him down to $2.5 million rather than the big money he's not really earning now! Otherwise, cut him loose and let him take his act elsewhere. It depends really, i'm kind of on the fence on brining Jokinen back, i thought O'dell showed enough that he could essentially take Jokinens spot for pretty much 1/4 what you'd have to pay Olli to stay here. Does Olli make a huge difference? No but.. he isn't very good defensively, he's actually really awful at faceoffs, he's terrible in his own end. This isn't made up, stats back this stuff up. I think at this point, i'd take my chances on a guy like O'dell or another younger free agent signing or trade piece rather than give jokinen another year. I don't like Olli, i don't think his "leadership" is worth what he will want to be paid. Every team the guy has started the season with has never made the playoffs. That says something about his "leadership".
  17. LOL i traded Pav to Florida for Markstrom. LOL.. He sucked so bad in that game, traded him won my next 4 games.
  18. Why do people say this? what do people expect the Jets to do? a non playoff team/ sign a bunch of free agents? that's not how it works, The jets have dipped in to the free agent pool a couple times already, glass and jokinen are 2. Montoya is another. They have made trades, they traded for frolik and setogucci. It's not like they have just stood still since they got here but it seems some seem to think they should be doing more? Is that it? How do you do more though? They made offers to players, they made an offer to parise, they made an offer to mason raymond last season too. It's not like they are just sitting back and watching the leaves grow on trees. They have made moves, just cuz people refuse to accept them or expect more, doesn't mean they didn't. They haven't made any huge moves but what teams have really? name 3. and how has those moves worked out of them? LA doesn't count cuz the rumor at the time was philly wanted kane or and burmi for richards so that wasn't gonna happen. I know people want to win now but for gods sake, do some research and understand where this team was when they were brought here not even 3 full seasons ago. Look where they are now, not just the main roster but the ahl team, the prospects. They have done lots, just cuz they haven't gone out and made a huge move for some guy that people thinks will make us instantly compete doesn't mean they aren't doing anything. And yeah i'm gonna go here, this team is a young team all in all, the scheifs troubas heck bogos kanes even littles and guys like that are all still pretty young, they are one of the youngest teams in the league, you remove jokinen and their average age drops significantly, with a young team comes growing pains... it is what it is. There is no magic beans out there that will instantly make you compete. What i see here is a few people wanting to mortgage the future just so we can make the playoffs one year and be swept.. I don't want that, i want a team that when they make the playoffs, they have a chance. And as much as one guy or maybe 2 or 3 at most thinks one guy can and will be the difference, he wont be. That's not how it works.
  19. Like i said before, i like the design, it's a cool looking building but the roof does have that toilet bowl look to it.
  20. Are these good times though or are teams still barely making profits? People need to keep in mind, leave ottawa out of this, they are brand new, we dont know if they will make money or lose a ton of money But what we do know is BC broke even apparently ,edmonton turned a 1.9 million profit, sask is gonna turn a large profit, winnipeg turned a 2.9 million profit... What about Toronto? lost millions, hamilton? lost millions? montreal? rumors are they lost money or just barely broke even. Calgary? i dont know actually. let's assume they made a tiny profit also. 8 teams, 3 for sure made money, a tiny amount really, under 3 million. 3 definitely lost money. 1 we arent sure about... Is the league as strong as people think actually? There seems to be an issue with the new tv deal, for some reason people seem to think teams are getting millions upon millions upon millions out of it, they arent tho, they are only getting a couple million each are they not? This isn't the NFL where each team is getting 100's of millions, they are getting in some cases enough to cover what they lost. Is the league really in good times? Just cuz we got new stadiums coming and a new team and a new tv deal dont mean the good times are rolling.
  21. I guess when you are a billionaire who owns sports teams, you need to watch what you say. Doesn't really matter if any of us said what these guys did, it wouldn't be that big of a deal but when people in the public limelight/spotlight start spouting off, Well... This is what happens. It is what it is. Turns out money cant solve all your problems after all. I don't have an issue with what Cuban said, i think he's being honest and i'll be the first to admit, that i would probably do the same thing.. however, i'd probably do the same thing if a white tatood up skinhead was walking on my side of the street too. Nothing against blacks or whites or anyone really, just... sometimes, you do get a vibe about certain people and yup... I dont know about any of you but i live in an area that is dominated by white people with young families. If i saw a black guy in a hoodie walking down my street, some suspicion would creep in. Same goes for a white skinhead type too tho. We just don't have those people in this area of the "city".
  22. Somewhat surprised here about Peach but... like Howard said there, did have 3 sacks in 6 games, Not a terrible backup to have on your roster and does bring some vet presence to what is shaping up to be a young team. The McRath to Calgary signing is interesting. Interesting that Stubler likes McRath and Etch didn't.
  23. Interesting little nugget here. Doesn't mean much but... Jets draft pick Tucker Poolman (D man taken in the 5th rd of the 2013 draft) has been named the USA Hockey's Jr Player of the year. Nice to see the Jets prospects doing well.
  24. Just my opinion but i'd assume yes. I think the way this works here is until the season is officially umm on hold or whatever, you prepare like it isn't.
  25. Nobody wants a backup goalie making almost 4 million a year, cap team or not. Reality, That 4 million dollar goalie is either your starter or he is bought out. Halak siged with NYI today, 4 years 18.5 million, aav = 4.5 million. Pav's deal is horrible.
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