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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. didn't he take a puck to the throat area in that last game vs calgary, thought it had something to do with that. Nothing overly serious i dont think, should be good to go by time camp rolls around, keep in mind here that the USA absolutely have sucked and crapped the bed at the WHC so really they got nothing to play for so if a guy like trouba is even injured a tiny bit, its best to be cautious and send him home.
  2. Tate seems to be a solid recruit, could see him lining up as DE or LB, perhaps he is one of the 4 DI's. Grigsby has a chance to be our starting running back, if not, i dont think he makes the team. Can he return kicks? cuz if not, its either starter or Fodder really Neman i think will be a player this year, whether that be as a starter or backup, im not sure. But he will definitely make the team. Could see him platooning as a lb on some plays Brohm, when they traded for him, they said he was a max hall type of guy, a natural born leader, i actually could see him becoming the backup over hall due to halls lack of arm strength Kemp? he's an interesting one, lots of competition at the receiver spots it seems, has seemingly dealt with injuries his whole career but if he could stay healthy, he very well could be an impact player, my guess tho.. he's fodder.
  3. Joe brought in new guys frequently... The only problem was he ignored the o line and kept Burke Not exactly though. He didn't ignore the oline really, he brought in guys, greaves and everyones favorite jarvis jones were brought in by mack, so was swiston and pencer, he didn't ignore the oline, i'm not exactly sure why you think he did, what did you want him to do? trade a pile of crap for some all star? Fact is, mack tried to fix the oline, it just didnt work really. and Burke? really, he may have been one of the problems last season but this team hasn't been good for a few years, 2011 was a fluke really it seems, Let's not pretend that this team was actually any good and then burke came here and ruined it.. cuz he didn't. There were way more problems than just tim burke thats for damn sure. If you wanna talk about what mack didn't do, maybe you could talk about not brining in veterans, maybe not being active in free agency (although not much really made it to free agency and those who did, why would they have come here anyways??) but to say he ignored the oline just isn't true, he drafted and brought in several olineman, they just weren't good enough. Just cuz they werent good enough didnt mean he ignored them. Just for the record, im not defending mack cuz he did do a lot of dumb things, was very stubborn it seemed, did seem to ignore certain aspects of the team at times, mainly free agency trades and the veteran issue but... anyone who thinks he didn't try to fix the problems, man you are kidding yourself. He definitely tried to fix the problems, it just didn't work out the way we all hoped it would. It is what it is. This team was in shambles when mack got here, it's a bit better now than it was when he took over but we still got a ways to go.
  4. why? cuz some people have a different opinion than you do?
  5. I don't really have any concerns here, they are scheduled to meet on Wednesday again so... Honestly, i think both sides are posturing a bit for the media, this is what happens it seems, doubt a strike happens, think they get a deal done. They pretty much have too and i think regardless what you hear in the media, both sides know this and will get a deal done soon.
  6. israel vs palestine. The never ending war, based on basically " my god is right, your's is wrong". I find it hard to believe that if there was a god that they would be cool with half the crap that's going on in the world and im sure michael sam is the least of their concerns.
  7. I know it was another era and another time, but would koch want to come back here? did he not get unceremoniously released or not signed? even though it was his dream to play for the bombers? is he not local or somewhat local? perhaps kenora/thunder bay if not manitoba born. I guess, if no other team has interest he might be but... you think he holds a grudge a bit? People were wondering if glenn wanted to come back here too, gotta wonder if koch wants to be here or if he still feels a bit betrayed by what transpired, sure those past regimes are gone but... As for if he's an upgrade over CK, i'd imagine he is, CK, honestly i dont even know why he's still here. Of all the signings this off season by the bombers, the 2 that surprised me most, cuz i was certain both would be gone were CK and west.
  8. no,nothing to jump up and scream about but... for a chance to live your dream, it's worth it. Pretty obvious the guys who play in the CFL, sure they want the NFL big money but lots are definitely playing for the love of the game. That is what makes the CFL so unique, people like all of us here can take our family and friends to a game and see guys who, hey you know what.. they aint making that much more than any of us, people complain lots when ticket prices go up, you keep raise salaries, ticket prices will keep going up.
  9. yeah so what, it's their choice. its per week man, thats 1200 every 2 weeks, thats nothing to cry about exactly. i know lots of people who actually went to college and don't make that much per week right now after taxes.
  10. or is this board full of lawyers doctors pharmacists and all that? cuz 750 a week aint that awful really.
  11. 750 a week eh, i guess when you think about it, that's not that bad for a few months of the year, besides, players dont have to agree to be on PR's, they can decline and try to catch on elsewhere or try to get a job somewhere else also. For a guy straight out of university or college, that's nothing to sneeze at exactly. Fact is, this is the CFL... these guys aren't gonna become millionaires playing up here, they all know this ahead of time, maybe the qb's and elite players can become millionaires if they have long careers, guys like ray probably have a few million in the bank already... but. I played football for 2 years when i was much younger, quit because i enjoyed hockey more... Tell you this much, if some hockey team offered me 750 or 3000 bucks a month to play hockey and have a chance at maybe making the pros, i'd strongly strongly consider it. Yeah sure, this year or this week you might be making 750 bucks a week but next year or the year after... who knows really. Gotta start somewhere. Few years ago when i was in college, 750 bucks a week would have been very nice, but at that time, it was more like 750 or even a few bucks less every 2 weeks. 750 a week, aint so bad at all really for a few hours of work really. For me, a few years ago to make 750 every 2 weeks, that was almost 80 hours or so of work, these guys work what? 5 6 10 hours every couple weeks? if that? how many hours of "work" do these guys get, sure its 750 a week but what happens if you break it down in a per hour type of scenario. Bet its not that bad at all.
  12. Spends hours in the gym... dude is a physical specimen. yeah, im not one to be intimidated that much by other people but if i was walking down a dark alley and saw this guy walking behind me, i'd definitely walk a hell of a lot quicker. Physcial specimen to say the least.
  13. Way better than any other sites ive ever been a part of, just seems more friendly, less bs, can say what you want in reason, easier on the eyes even. CFL.ca dies for a while and topics get rehashed too much and it seems to be very anti winnipeg Bluebombers.com It's ok but... the folks running the site over there take it a little too seriously at times. Ourbombers was good while it lasted but seemed like too many trolls took it over and sort of, i dunno what the word is, guess made it less fun to post there. Turned into more bitching about "random poster" then it did football talk, bluebombers.com seems to be going that way too. This forum is great. Love it. Good job guys.
  14. http://bluebombers.com/video/index/id/96309?autostart=true say what you will about kuale, but that is one intimidating looking individual.
  15. I wouldn't. We are fine with scheif and little at centre, if you want GINO, a centre (not happening anyways), you'd have to throw in a centre also so one of scheif or little would need to go cuz GINO aint a 3rd line centre.
  16. Sweet. Only real suggestion i have, and i'm not even sure this is possible but... on the official bb.com site, the roster is always so outdated, it would be nice to have one that is up to date all the time. That and videos but, again i doubt that is possible.
  17. what makes kane for malkin a reality? I'd say something like Kane,Little,1st rd this year and next year plus prospect really for Malkin Gino is one of the elite players in the game, they aren't gonna move him but if they did, it would probably mean us trading half our team to pittsburgh plus draft picks.
  18. I think i will wait a bit to make my prediction for the roster. I have to see at least a day or 2 of camp first. I really have no idea what to expect this year, seems we have turned over a significant part of the roster, mostly on defence but... The Defence is the one that is giving me a hard time coming to my conclusions on who will start and who will back up. I'm pretty Confident there will be a few surprise cuts, maybe not so much a surprise really but guys like Max Hall (lack of arm strength),Will Forde (is he really an every down RB), Aaron Kelly (i'd be pissed if he made the team) Stephan and Markett on D i think are in trouble. Just think the talent they have brought in at the DB position makes me think one or 2 guys from last season will be gone (not including the guys who were already sent packing) Stephan just can't stay healthy so i don't see him making the roster as LB either. I could see Denmark being sent packing too, i doubt it... but... seems every year a receiver or 2 or 3 even come in and make it impossible to cut them. The D, i really have no idea... I have no clue what type of D etch is even gonna be running, its going to be unorthodox tho and not your normal CFL defence so right now, i need to see a few guys in person first
  19. is Moseley competition for kuale? at that size he does seem to be the prototypical CFL mlb. Guess he could move to DE too.
  20. Think its obvious with the rosters expanding and going to 4 DI's that we are gonna be using an import kicker/punter. Maher for sure. I don't think mark was ever really an option.
  21. Makes it easier to carry the import kicker, probably a returner/back up rb. DB and DE/LB. I'm curious if theres a chance one of those DI's could be kory banks. Probably not but....
  22. all class for sure, hard to believe that guy is a father. Saw on his tweeter a day or so ago he posted that his little girl is happy for the game, ready to go. What a great example he is setting. What a dbag really lucic, that whole boston team tho is full of dbags, marchand is another one Not a fan of the habs but... i'm happy for them cuz i can't stand boston. LOL, side note, anyone see the pic of the bell centre the other night, game 6? they must have a tim hortons or something there, all the Dohnuts were sold out except for Boston Cream. Funny stuff.
  23. Isn't one of the main things about the oline is playing together, i mean they need to learn each others tendencies and all that stuff, might be tough for 5 new guys to do that so quickly but yeah actually looking at the line, it does have potential, i just really feel they are gonna need some time to gel and come together. As far as the trade for glenn though, i think the original poster is on to something and lulay probably isn't as healthy as he should be at this time.
  24. not sure why the non gays have to stick up for the gays here to be honest, unless....
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