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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. quick google search for the name jeffrey rabb brings up basically nothing http://www.jewishpostandnews.ca/features/1179-y-sports-dinner-honours-arch-honigman-and-jeff-rabb thats about it, this is if you ignore the articles about the bombers not wanting him. The only common thing between asper and rabb is they are both jewish, both own real estate developmental companies Pretty apparent this is all about the bombers wanting the CoW rep to actually be a CoW rep and not some random guy. I mean, its all well and good for this guy to be a board member, just dont think he really qualifies for the CoW rep, I dont think they'd have a problem if he was just a board member but this seems to be all about him not being an actual rep of the CoW. Not sure what the issue here is, the city requires a rep who represents the city, this guy doesnt. He isnt a member of city council, he's not on the epc, he isnt cao, he has got nothing to do with the day to day operations of the city. The seat has a pre requisite that rabb doesnt meet. Its really that simple.
  2. Guess releasing the american center probably means they will take one of lavertu or goosen. It is interesting that they worked out lavertu the other day and goosen yesterday and then release this guy today, must mean they are sold on both of them.
  3. Just saw this on twitter and was about to post it. Any real surprises there? Not really i guess.
  4. also happy to see the wild win, karma played a role there for sure. as the wild should have won game 5 also if not for a couple of poor non calls.
  5. why would anyone trade for jumbo joe, he has proved that when the games matter, he doesnt show up. Thats the sharks problem, their star players like thornton and marleau go missing when the games start to matter goaltending might be an issue but they only scored 1 goal last night....
  6. to be expected, first year of a new stadium, the next year you will see a drop off in attendance for sure. IMO, anything over 20,21000 is a good number for season ticket sales. If the team starts to play better, those numbers will go up. Really not surprised to here this at all, know quite a bit of people who arent renewing, their reasons are simple. Its either they have a new young family, just got married, had a baby etc or they really werent that big of fans to begin with and only got tix last season to be part of the first season at the new stadium. Again, anything over 20,21 k is a good number IMO.
  7. wouldnt the better solution here be the probably simplest one. Not sure how people would feel about this but... basically instead of riding free, you pay the 2.50 fare or whatever it is, 5 bucks get you there and back. I dont think people would have an issue paying 5 bucks to take the bus to and from bomber games, lots of people do it every day. Maybe they can come up with a bomber type go pass where you pay say 50 bucks for it and its good for one season of bomber football. 100,000 people lets say took the bus to get to games last year, (just a rough estimate and sure its the same people) but you times that by 5 bucks and thats a pretty nice chunk of change there they would make, probably enough to cover the costs of the buses, if not very close to covering the costs. 100,000 x 5 bucks = 500,000 dollars. How much are they looking for? cuz that right there pretty much is what they are looking for isnt it?
  8. how do you think so? because honestly i dont think he's very good.
  9. I think the names max caron and thomas miles should be names we familiarize ourselves with.
  10. They traded the 2nd rounder they got from us to Hamilton. oh right, the punter deal.. right. forget about that one. Then watman 8th and 18th then.
  11. why in gods name do you think guys like that would sign in Winnipeg exactly? Especially someone like Vanek. He can basically write his own ticket on any contender looking to add a piece like him, Winnipeg is so far down the list of places big names are going it's not even funny. disagree with this big time. Vanek has a home in minnesota, if miny didnt want him and he wanted to play close to home, winnipeg is a logical destination. This attitude that players dont want to be here is so toronto. Im sick of it, its not about the city at all, its about the team, this team starts winning and everyone will want to sign here.
  12. #2 for watman straight up? no thanks. #2 for watman sasks 8th and 2nd rounder that they got from us in the neufeld deal? id think about it. But definitely not straight up. We need canadian depth, if sask wants that pick bad enough, then they will have to offer more then just watman.
  13. any westwood suggestion gets a huge no from me. he was a darn kicker... and now just cuz he's on the radio doesnt make his opinions any more valid. Loud mouth moron for sure. Same guy who crapped on ladd for missing a game to be there with his wife. Westwood is dead to me.
  14. old boys network? tell that to marnie strath, jeff thompson,brock bullbuck and the other guys they have on their. This idea that its an old buys club is ridiculous. It might have been a while back but... things have changed. Their are limits on how long a member can serve now. Arent there 2 or 3 openings coming up very soon? Oh and one more thing, if you think its an old boys club, heres an idea, get off your ass, get off the computer, go out there and become a succesful business person and then you too can get on the board one day too probably. And the idea that fans should have a say in who is running the team is a joke and the day that happens is officially the day the bombers die. Ive never understood why people want to have a say, it makes no sense. we arent qualified to have a say. Good god, wouldnt that be wonderful, all those idiots that call in to the post game shows or call in shows deciding the fate of people who are more qualified then any of them.
  15. much better back then but the big 3 (rumble mania summerslam) generally stay the same, the other ppvs... they have always either done just average buys or done pretty awesome buys,depends on the event really. PPV is just a small portion tho of their revenue, its actually a tiny portion, so much so that the wwe network offers ppvs for free for just 9.95 a month. we cant get it here yet. 50$ is a lot to pay 12 times a year... just based on them offering ppvs tho as part of the 9.95 a month you pay for wwe network shows you how little ppv actually means in the big picture to them. Its all about advertising revenues for sure, and thats bigger now then it was back then. wwe makes most their money off house shows and advertising.
  16. Holy Jumpin'. Paul Friesen is a moron. Some of those questions he was asking, unreal. Are they concerned Willy struggled at mini camp? What the heck, was friesen even in Florida at the camp? I dont think he was so what gives him the right to ask that question. You can almost see the disgust on walters face every time friesen asks a question. Were only 2 guys at the press conference cuz all i heard was questions from 2 guys, one was decent( who is that guy?? is that wiebe??) Friesen was just pathetic as usual. If anyone didnt think Friesen was a moron before, just listen to the press conference. The guy is a huge troll and really has no idea. Starting to think these PC's would be better if the media just submitted a bunch of questions before hand, and then walters answered the best of the bunch. Some of these questions, Makes me shake my head and wonder how this guy has a job.
  17. 3 ol 2 receivers, safety and someone else. maybe newman could play lb, maybe its alexander at corner (im not convinced he makes it out of camp tho)
  18. the attitude era was cool but at the same time, the amount of sponsors and the type of sponsors they get these days far outweight what they had in the attitude era. The attitude era didnt even last that long actually. Wrestling for as long as i have been watching, has generally been a pg product. You go back to the hogan days, that was pg, they then had that 5 year period (the attitude era) were it wasnt. now they are back to pg but recently, its been getting a little less pg, using more swears and stuff. I also am not under the impression that the rating of the show makes it better, its the storylines and the characters. Attitude era had austin rock dx, foley, taker in his prime, etc etc. It had excellent compelling stories, vince vs austin was huge... it also had competition from WCW and right now... well they have a few guys like cena bryan punk (when he was there), wyatt, the shield, but thats about it. They dont have good storylines and they dont have competition, when you dont have competition, why would you go all out. WWE is doing quite fine as is, they aint going anywhere anytime soon, will probably be around forever.
  19. yeah not allowing people to enter or leave throught kings drive is a huge problem, i understand the reasoning also but... i think if they allowed people to do that, it would definitely help the "traffic problem".
  20. went to a few jets games, and yes i live closer to downtown then i do U of M but... it seemed liked a few times, it took just as long to get home from mts as it did from u of m. Maybe its because, generally with bomber games, we dont park on campus or we dont take the "main routes" like pembina but instead take the perimeter hwy so maybe its quicker but there were a few jets games where it took forever to get home from too. I think regardless if its 15000 or 30,000 or 100,000 you are gonna have some traffic problems, just based on the amount of cars on the road at that time. i guess i compare it to rush hour traffic in the mornings or coming home around 430 5 ish, lots of cars on the road, gonna take some time. It is what it is. The roads can only handle so much traffic, dont think they are meant for handling that many cars all at once. I see it every morning and every weekday "evening" i come home, thousands upon thousands of cars... it takes longer and i expect it too. Seriously for the maybe 10 jets games and maybe 5 or 6 bomber games i go to per year, i dont have a problem with it. Its not my biggest worry thats for sure. Honestly, i think if the cfl had games only on saturdays and sundays, perhaps it would be less of an issue. The problem with bomber games and jets games for that matter seem to be the start times of the games, 7 730 start times generally, well... thats rush rush rush, rush to get home, rush to get going. Dont know if it would be a huge problem if games were on the weekends all the time in the afternoon.
  21. drew hankinson was festus in wwe and doc in tna. he was also the fake kane in wwe for the 3 weeks they went with that.
  22. drew hankinson was festus in wwe and doc in tna.
  23. i expect philly to win at home last night and i expect the rangers to do the same tonight.
  24. i think the talking to ownership part at the deadline might have to do with the jets wanting to add some salary, but when scheif got hurt, that all changed. Perhaps they were talking to buffalo about moulson or nyi about vankek. That would require chipmans approval for sure as they would be going over their "budget". There were strong reports out there suggesting the jets were heavily scouting buffalo games, rumors from everyone from christian erhoff to matt moulson to drew stafford. adding any one of those 3 would probably put the jets over their "budget" so im pretty positive thats what talking to chipman was all about. Jets wanting to add salary to make a playoff push, scheif got hurt so they didnt do it.
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