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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. yes he was, but im not even sure why pearn was hired in the first place. I didnt like it when we hired him and was happy when we let him go with claude. Seems to me that in hockey, there isnt always a need to have more then 3 or 4 coaches in place. Wouldnt hate to see pascal vincent replaced tho as i believe he was in charge of the power play and it was absolutely awful. People can go on and on about goaltending but one more pp goal a game and its the same thing. Our powerplay sucked and if vincent was in charge, wouldnt mind if he wasnt brought back also.
  2. according to the interviews, its maurices decision. Said he had lots of chemistry with those guys. With that being said tho, anything can happen.
  3. just based on needs, i'd suspect the als will look at bailey if he's there when they pick. I dont really see many non import receivers on their roster. Ottawa? who knows, they are a confusing bunch really. Winnipeg probably goes with lavertu or goosen (pretty safe bet, its one of the 2) Edmonton will go with the oline guy winnipeg and ottawa (id suspect) dont take. Quinn Smith eh? I wonder if his draft stock has gone up because not only can he play DL but he can also play OL also it seems. Versatility is a good thing. Gill? Lets hope he told teams he only wants to play for the bombers
  4. well despite what i just said, i forgot to mention, and really i just ignored both chevy and maurice, but... all assitants are under contract for next season and will be back. Maurice even said that at this time he doesnt expect to add any assitants to the staff. I think he adds one but... in the interviews yesterday, it was stated by both chevy and pomo that all current assitants will be back (pascal vincent,flaherty,huddy)
  5. I'm a fan. Loved Ultimate Warrior, the energy he brought to the ring was insane. Always going 150 percent out there. His promo from RAW, think people are reading to far in to it. That was the Ultimate Warrior just being the Ultimate Warrior. I thought he looked pretty good for a guy who is 54. Hogan looks terrible, warrior looked ok. Sure, he seemed to be a little winded and was sweating a lot but... thats the ultimate warrior. The guy would get winded back in the day running to the ring. It was part of his gimmick. Watched the Utlimate Warrior DVD the other day and some of the stories people tell, Insanity. How warrior and macho man would always be pushing each other to see who can be more intense. One of them was, they were in englad i believe and needed a fix, (none of these guys were that in to drugs i dont think, doesnt sound like it at least, pretty sure warrior was pretty natural for the most part) but... they needed a fix, nothing was around. They went and found a cofee machine and stole it, brought it back to the arena and proceeded to down about 100 cups of cofee b4 going out to wrestle. I know the easy thing to do is when these guys die is to think, gotta be drug related but its not like that in all cases. Things have changed recently too, wwe's drug testing policy is more strict then any other "sport". Sure, the 80's sounded like it was an insane time but.... Not everyone back then did drugs all the time. His official cause of death is cardiovascular related, rumors are his father died of something similar. Like i said, its easy to go the drug route... but fact is... hear disease is also something that could be hereditary. I dont like the idea of saying its because of years of steroid abuse, the guy hasnt been around for 20 years. Had a young family, great kids and great wife. His hall of fame speech was outstanding telling his little girls the greatest thing he will ever do in life is be their father. Outstanding. Sad day when warrior died. Hulk Hogan was apparently a huge drug addict, i really dont think warrior was even back in the 80's. Sounds more and more like he was just... well, he was just crazy intense. The stigma of wrestlers from the 80's is they all were drug addicts. I dont think thats always the case tho. The one thing i wonder tho is, macho man is dead, warrior is dead... but hogan? the biggest drug addict in wrestling history isnt? how.
  6. Coaches contracts all have outs in them, im sure maurices is no different. Anyways tho, I wouldnt be opposed to maurice adding trotz to the staff. Trotz is a good defensive coach, something we seem to lack here a bit. Doubt it happens as im sure trotz gets a head coaching gig somewhere but it would be a pretty neat thing to see if it did.
  7. Florida might have to add another player, maybe a prospect like mike matheson or even a bottom 6 like quinton howden or drew shore. Shore i think would fit in nicely with the bottom 6 here. Is there room on the top 6 here for barkov?
  8. Not sure why you would be. Lets look at reality instead of sillyness for a moment. Pavelec is the only goalie currently under contract for next season. Montoya is a UFA and a career backup, as much as people want to pretend he's a starter, he isnt. Pasqualle hasnt played a game up here. Hutch has played 3. Helle and Comrie are way too young to bring up just yet. Not sure why so surprised actually. I dont know why people seem to expect these guys to come out to the media and say, yup pav is gone for sure or yeah we gonna buy him out or stuff like that. It doesnt work like that. He's the only goalie currently under contract for next season. Its as simple as that. Maurice seems to think its less pav and more on the entire team. I'd honestly take chevy and maurices opinion over people who arent in the room. Same really with Kane, ill take the guys in the rooms opinion over people who post on fan forums anyday, Ive heard things like Kane is a cancer in the room, is he tho? how would any of us actually know this?
  9. Cant say im overly shocked or surprised. This coming from a guy who has no idea who really any of them are tho But from the sounds of things, they all had terrible mini camps and other guys stepped up
  10. Gotta see if marve actually looks good when guys are actually coming at him. One thing to say he looked good at a mini camp, its a whole other animal tho when the pads are on.
  11. burmi? sure. but what the hell has telegin done exactly to warrant praise?
  12. Yes. i was informed of this news. Makes sense now why he might suggest that.
  13. I gotta ask, what makes kane a moron and whata bad choices? a picture of a moneyphone or the rumors on the internet that arent neccesarily true? Want to actually give me some proof besides a picture of a moneyphone that makes kane a moron? I think you need to stop believing what you read on the internet so much.
  14. 2 days of mini camp or so where none of us where, based on reports from guys like penton and irving and some think marve should be starting? Things never change around these parts, not sure why we would want to throw a rookie under the bus already, and marve is a rookie, Willy isnt. If people want marve to actually be a good one, you dont throw him under center week 1 because by week 3 he will be gone. Honestly, im not sure whats more insane, wanting to start marve based on 2 days of mini camp or wanting to start hutchinson based on 3 games played with the JETS. Right now, marve is the #4 qb on the depth chart, he's the developmental (4 man/PR) qb. You dont throw him in there week 1. You give him time to learn the game. Oh and btw, just cuz he had 2 solid days at a mini camp, doesnt mean anything. He's still #4 and the developmental qb.
  15. why did the oilers trade gretzky? montreal traded roy, sure he asked to be traded but they traded him, he certainly didnt suck. Lots of players get moved for reasons other then they suck, actually most players who suck dont get moved at all, they just get benched and either bought out or they let their contracts expire and let them wak or get buried in the minors. I dont think the Jets move Kane, i think he wants to be here and i think those rumors are fueled by ppl on twitter with nothing better to do then talk crap about a 23 year old rich young black man. Its funny, you hear all the bad about kane but just the other day, he met with some people, some special needs children and where was that reported? nowhere. Fact seems to be, Kane only gets mentioned when things go wrong because those in charge think thats what sells papers. He does good community things too but those never get mentioned. Is he a bit immature? sure he is, but he's 23 for gods sake. Gotta give the kid a chance to grow up.
  16. The problem with johnson is that its not 10 years ago anymore. If this was chad johnson from 10 years ago, you might actually have something. Im not so sure tho that the present day chad johnson will make that much of an impact. I have no issue with the als brining him in, think its fantastic actually. I just dont really expect johnson to be as good as some seem to think he will be.
  17. Ladds a good captain. The problem seems to be fans want to pretend ladd is more then he is, which he isnt. Ladd isnt gonna wow you or put up huge numbers, but he will be consistent and put up 20-25 goals a year. Thats really all anyone should expect from Ladd. He's won a few cups and is the right guy to lead this group moving forward. He just needs other guys like wheeler and the sorts to step up (which he did) and help him out. Anyways, regarding Kane and the rumors, i hate saying this.. i dont want to believe it but... i think part of the reason he gets so much heat around here is the fact that he's a rich young man who happens to be black. I dont want to believe this, but unfortunately racism does exist. Its plain as day on twitter that it does. Keyboard warriors none the less, its those people tho who help fuel the rumors.
  18. Great news, Honestly, in my mind there never was any doubt he'd be back. Interesting 50 minute interview with chevy also Talks about everything from Pavelec ("he's our starting goalie next season") to Burmi (jets still own his rights) and everything in between.
  19. The only way burmi is back is if jokinen isnt. Burmi said he was upset with the jets giving jokinen more ice time then they gave him. No chance Burmi is back if Jokinen is back. Not a chance. If jokinen isnt, then sure. Its a possibility.
  20. .and Dan West why? you need guys to play special teams also and west has got some special team skills. I wouldnt release him. Theres plenty of other guys id release ahead of west right now.
  21. People need to get off the Burmistrov train, he aint coming back. Its obvious actually. People can suggest he was upset with noel but he was upset with management cuz they sent him to st johns during the lockout. Guy is getting paid so much money to play in the KHL, would he give that up for half of that to be a 3rd line center here? Im not sure he would, i know i wouldnt. Money talks, and burmi wont get here what he's getting in the KHL. not even close. The burmistrov train has sailed. Ive never understood the fascination with him anyways, sure he's got skill but Odell looked just as good really this season.
  22. Ok, but why do the Islanders do that? That's what people always forget when they come up with trade ideas, the other team needs a reason to do it too. They might. You put kane with Tavares and that gives them a pretty solid group there. Islanders have been known to do some pretty interesting moves, it wouldnt shock me if they would. Maybe remove the pick tho as they dont really have a first rounder this year (if they do, they are keeping it or it goes to buffalo)(it cant go anywhere else)(its either NYI's or buffalos) Kane for Hamonic and Strome even they might consider. Islanders have been floundering recently, they need to make a move, rumors were tavares wasnt even too happy with the way things went for the team this year, it was an epic fail really. Went from making playoffs last year to pretty much 5th last overall. Changes could be coming.
  23. if kane or buff is moved, it will be at the draft, theres something called a salary cap, teams wont trade much for a guy at the deadline anymore. The trade deadline day is vastly over rated, vanek went for a career minor leaguer and a what? 2nd of was it 4th rd pick? If you trade kane of buff, you do it on draft day or not at all.
  24. id suspect we will draft a non import kicker/punter or 2 even. It wouldnt surpise me one bit. I dont know how many picks we have but im guessing OL,LB (thomas miles), a kicker/punter or 2. Plus if we have other picks, i dont know what we have for picks even but.. id suspect 2 will be OL, one LB or 2 even and a kicker/punter or 2 even. As much as we all wanted brett cameron to do well last season, he didnt look good and he was cut because of that. Burke,Mack,Dickenson whoever...he was cut because he didnt impress. Like 17 to 85 said if his name was brett smith, nobody would have cared. To be completely honest, from what i saw last training camp, cameron was the worst of the bunch, that includes the aussie kicker we had.
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