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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. lol it's a couple hours on westjet But, is that game on tv?
  2. i watched it again, and to me, it seemed hall made the right reads,got rid of the ball quickly, held on to it too long on one play and took a sack when he should have thrown it away, the oline gave him plenty of time on that one too, oline wasn't as bad as some made it out to be. I just think teams are well aware (even in pre-season) that hall is not very mobile at all, dude doesn't run, so it looked to me like at times, toronto was sending lots of guys when hall was in. Hall was the victim of a couple of bad drops, was the victim of a couple give ups by tarver, did over throw him once though and did under throw the ball a couple of times too, we are all aware of halls lack of arm strength, however, if you watch it again... hall wasn't that bad. He wasn't great but... he wasn't awful either. I'm still under the impression that if hall was working with denmark kohlert moore etc, that he probably would have had better numbers and looked a lot better than he did. hall did have lots of 2 and outs but again, it goes back to the drops, jaymar johnson there on the sidelines, easily would have been a first down if he stayed in bounds. Quite a few drops there when hall was in though for sure.
  3. so i guess the playoffs finish tonight more than likely.
  4. I thought there were quite a bit of good things. Willy looked better than anything we had last year, so did marve. The kickers were great. Denmark was awesome, Feoli Guidino made some nice plays, the oline wasn't as bad as the poster above(pigseye) is making it out to be, but as the game went on and the backups got in there.. yup they struggled a bit, to be expected though. Takes time for the oline to work as one, can't expect that to happen over night. The oline started to look worse when hall and brohm were in, is that fully on the oline or is it on the qbs that were in? cuz marve had a crap oline to work with and he made it work. washington, markett and randle all play well, teague shermans hustle play in the pre-season is a very good thing too. want to call that the lobendahn from now on tho.
  5. nobody will touch richards contract even if LA keeps some of the salary which they wont. Not sure why you crapping on LADD either, he's been very good here so far, putting up lots of goals and points, very responsible defensively. Ladd is solid. Wish people would stop pretending he hasn't been.
  6. LOL marchand would go for kane, it would be marchand scheifele wheeler for sure. a trade wont happen, i think he will be bought out, he has lots of term remaining on that deal, 6.75 or so a year, kings probably will buy him out, they will resign gaborik, muzzin is a soon to be free agent also. If they do, there is a good chance he comes here. I'll go on record saying IF the kings buy him out, he's a jet.
  7. From guys like bauming and the media guys at training camp, marve has looked good there too. Really haven't heard them say he's had a bad day Today is an example Bauming tweeted... hall is in and throws a ball that legget easily intercepts. Brohm comes in, gets picked off but then completes a nice pass. Marve comes in goes 5 for 5 for 75 yards. I mean, the guys been doing it since florida mini camp.
  8. or Joey Elliot for that matter, he's no longer in BC.
  9. anyone listen to the coaches show tonight? it was on at 7 some notes o'shea praised wild, said he played well yesterday and the d was very vanilla as etch didn't want to give too much away to a team they play for real in a couple weeks.
  10. suber has talent for sure but... so do a lot of the db's they brought in.. he's on the bubble right now. This is a good thing thought in my opinion, you either step up or you get replaced by someone who does. If suber is let go (not convinced he will be, but not convinced he wont be), that just means someone better took his spot. That's fine with me. Our team hasn't been good for a few years now.. Don't think anyone from the last few years should be guaranteed a spot. Seems every year, a veteran is let go and every year someone comes in and replaces that veteran. But, that's football for you. Some guys will lose their jobs because other guys stepped up and took it. It is what it is. Just like suber took someone elses job when he came here, someone will eventually take his.
  11. Banks is up there in age, i'm not sure what to expect from him this year, i think he was brought in to be a locker room leader and to be adequate on the field, I think if anyone is expecting Banks to be an all star, they might be kidding themselves, but i think he will be decent enough to stick around for the season. Next year? who knows, 36 is pretty old for a CFL player. Banks main issue seems to be he has a bit of an attitude issue at times, him and harris went at it in bc a few times last year from my recollection. But, the guy comes from a winning culture and i think, his leadership and his experience are what the bombers liked when they traded the backup to the backup receiver for him. I see banks as a veteran presence, nothing more really. When you look at our team, more specifically our D, not many veteran players back there I guess id consider Turner a veteran but outside of him, you got banks kuale and suber, maybe chris randle too but again, how veteran is he. After that, there isn't much veteran leadership on D... The majority of our veterans are on Offence it seems.. January,Morley.. Denmark,Watson,Moore i guess ill consider a veteran also. We are a pretty young team all in all, young to the CFL that is... need to have some veterans around to teach the youngsters how to win. IF you look at some of the signings/trades this off season...Banks and Kuale specifically... Pretty obvious they were brought in for their veteran presence.
  12. think Henoc is a good bet to stick in the NFL. Matthews, shocked me when he signed with seattle, pretty deep at receiver there even after losing golden tate to free agency Hall? i agree with the poster who said, is he even ours? Mulumba, interesting one, green bay took a few lbs in the draft, think right now he's penciled in pretty low on their depth chart, he could be here come September or so if another team doesn't pick him up once he is inevitably released by green bay. Don't think mulumba can go to the PR can he? he played too many games last year so its roster or cut for him pretty much. What about Bilukidi? Personally, i'd be tempted to trade bilukidis rights to hamilton for evan gills rights.
  13. I don't think im overly concerned, cuz let's be honest here, willy is the guy we will be moving forward with. Knew about Marves issues when we signed him, was talked about quite a lot, but... honestly, last night, it made me wonder if that was a different robert marve I don't think marve will see much game action this season, perhaps on 2nd or 3rd and shorts but... he looked pretty darn good last night, running and passing. Especially his mobility in the pocket, truly does bring a different look than the other qb's on the roster. I like the kid, hey man, we all do silly things when we are younger, sounds like his father might have been a little pushy too, good for the kid to get away from some of his past.. whats in the past is in the past, looked good yesterday. Obviously bombers checked him out quite thoroughly. Thing is, he's pretty young so maybe just maybe taking a year off football helped him.
  14. who the heck are you anyways? wasn't even talking to you.
  15. Thought Morley was fine at centre, thought goossen was fine too. Pretty tough to get a actual legit breakdown of the oline without knowing exactly what they were supposed to be doing out there. On some plays, sure it looked like pencer maybe messed up but... i don't think we can say for certain that he did. Maybe another guy on the oline missed their assigment. Canadians won't be getting cut any time soon though. We lack canadians, we aren't gonna be cutting a bunch after 1 pre season game. Really, look at the roster, most cuts (if there even are any by next game) will be in positions which have a bunch of guys... DB's,Receivers, A couple import oline, saulsberry i dont think serves a purpose anymore with morley and goossen looking decent yesterday. Peterson is another. Heck Jarvis Jones didn't even look that good. Just want to add, if any canadian oline is in trouble right now, it's probably chris kowalczuk (sp??), he really serves no purpose anymore, i'm not sure he ever did but with morley and goossen showing decently last night, CK could be let go. Wouldn't shock me if we released a couple vets too, (renaud,suber come to mind as guys who could be in trouble) (dunn is another) But i'm not convinced we make any cuts b4 next game. Its on saturday. That's a pretty brutal pre-season schedule for the bombers, played last night and play like 5 days from now too. Tough.
  16. but a few pretty bad series and it could be career over. Hall is what he is, hopefully willy stays healthy and we dont have to worry about who the backup is.
  17. the bombs down the field, i'd suggest it had something to do with the way toronto was playing D, or.. they were wanting to see what they had in the receivers, it's evaluation time, can't really over analyse the play calling in a pre-season game. It could be as simple as just trying to see what receivers were hustling and who wasn't. Basically, who wants it and who doesn't.
  18. simple question, how old is banks? is he at that age where he could be perhaps going downhill a bit? i mean really ,wally traded him for kito poblah, not saying much when you trade a guy for a backup to a backup canadian receiver.
  19. I listened for a bit and didn't get that impression at all. What kind of stuff did he say that was 'borderline racist'? i didn't listen so i'm just going on what 2 sort of overly dramatic friends say but they mentioned he said something about all the last names and comparing it to being at folklorama, is that racist? probably not but... didn't hear it myself so i have no idea.
  20. that's a huge cop out answer. SHOCKER!! Just pm the sources, that's all. i wont throw them under the bus. why would i, just want you to prove it. Why is that so difficult?
  21. moab has been pushing some pretty crazy ideas on this forum for some time now from wild being cut to the 3 import oline and di'ing an import oline also.
  22. prove it. and btw, you saying you know, that's not proving anything. I want a link or your source. heck, PM your source. PM the info you apparently have. Just Prove it. Otherwise, move on. It's irrelevant anyways, they aren't a part of our staff anyways so really, this is just a waste of time.
  23. Hall was the victim of a few well, i want to call them give ups, if hall had been working with denmark and moore and the 'starters', his numbers probably would have been better.
  24. you keep telling yourself that and i thought the rumor was worman was going to join our player personal department. For example, director of football ops or something like that, didn't hear he was in the running for an OC job. If you believe miller was the guy hiring all the coaches or even had a say in who o'shea hired, you have to be kidding.
  25. his defences are unorthodox, however same can be sorta said for thorpes in montreal and stubler also. I thought montreals D was pretty decent last year, they might not have been up there in terms of numbers and where they ranked overall but.. they were sufficient. Keep in mind, AC was finished last season too. I think the concern is, the lack of run defence. I know people will say you cant' win just using the run in the CFL but if you can't stop the run, yes you can win. I'm not overly concerned with the game last night, got to keep in mind that i'm pretty positive it was a very vanilla defence. We aren't gonna show the argos our hand when we play them in a couple weeks time when it matters. The one thing though is it seems ETCH's d's are really easy to figure out for opposing coaches, milo figured it out last night pretty quickly, run the ball, short little 4 5 yard passes, they nickled and dimed us all night long, but like i said, pretty sure we were being very vanilla last night. I'm willing to give ETCH a chance thats for sure. Not gonna write the guy off based on one pre-season game. His past history has shown his defences are pretty decent, they suck against the run but overall are pretty decent. People will say but then once teams figure it out, it goes to crap but... that can be said for most defences in football.
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