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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Kane straight up for Eberle? Id do that in a heartbeat, im not so sure chevy would tho. But i would. I love eberle, he's my fav oiler by far. Id make that deal everyday of the week. Similar long term contracts too for both. Both young. Eberle is a RW tho right? Harder to find then LW's.
  2. It's not the only problem but it's by far the biggest one. Too many players took a step back with Eakins for him to not be problem #1. Nah man, the problem is in Edmonton, you can fire coaches all you want, how many coaches tho need to be fired until you look at the players on the ice? Hall had a good year, point a game player, eberle had a down year but still, he had an ok year, yakupov suffered a little bit of sophomore jinx, longer season then last year also. Im not a huge oiler fan but its pretty obvious there biggest issue is they dont have any nhl d men really. Ferrence? he's a good bottom pairing guy but he aint a top 2 guy and thats what he played this season. Edmontons problem is they have drafted skilled forwards, smaller ones at that and rushed them. Their biggest issue is D by far, They cant play D. None of them can, They just arent a good defensive. Is this not the 3rd or 4th coach this team has had in the last few years? None of them coaches could get the job done, what that means is its not the coach, its the players. Edmonton should have taken Murray instead of Yakupov and should have let a few of their guys play in the minors first (RNH for sure, dudes so small its crazy) Coaches coach man, players play. 3 4 coaches the last 4 years have had the same results really. Eventually you gotta realize its not the coach, its the players.
  3. Gotta give the guy a chance before writing him off really. He's good enough for O'shea, he's good enough for me. I get everyone wanted Stubler but Stubler didnt want to come here. Move on. No need to throw etch under the bus just yet, It almost seems some want him to fail and that is just kind of assinine actually Over/Under on how many games he lasts? In April? Seriously? How is that even possible to suggest that. Gotta see what the guy can do with THIS TEAM, not what he has done in the past, thats all irrelevant, it dont matter. All that matters is what he does this year and really, its april so nobody has a clue just yet. He could fail miserably, sure. Or the other option is, Our D could be quite good. Not sure why everyone on these forums always go to the negative all the time. Gonna be a long ass season if we throwing people under the bus in april already.
  4. Id do Hamonic,Strome and a pick for Kane from the NYI. Thats a fair Deal. Id do that for Buff too actually. You arent gonna give away either of those guys for free so really, if a team wants one of them that badly, Nothing less then Hamonic,Strome and a pick. Strome replaces Olli and Hamonic gives us another top 4 d man, Could move a guy like Toby back to the east really. I dont think we trade kane or buff or toby for that matter to teams in our own conference or division, I think if we move anyone, its to the east. Look at eastern teams. NYI,NYR,PHILLY, I think the Islanders have a bunch of guys who would benefit from a change of scenery, Josh Bailey is another. But if a team wants one of our guys that bad, you get what you want or you dont do it at all. You dont trade guys for bags of crap or pucks, You trade them for guys who will make a difference. Want a 23 year old 30 goal scorer? (how has he regressed exactly?? he scored 30 plus year 1, was on pace for 30 plus during the lockout shortened season, had 19 this year and missed a bunch of games) He is a perenial 30 goal scorer, you dont trade those guys for anything but top end talent. The main issue with Kane is it seems people like to believe what they read on the internet is always true, its not. I mean, i could find a website that tells you the sky is green and the grass is blue but we all know thats not the case.
  5. Dont see Glenn here in Winnipeg to be honest. Not via trade. We just dont really have anything to offer them. However, if no other team is offering anything, and I doubt they are, because pretty obvious Glenn wont play for Ottawa, the REDBLACKS will be forced to release him. You dont want that in the locker room on a new team in year 1. This has disaster for Ottawa written all over it really. No team it seems will trade for the guy and the ones that might, i dont think they are offering much at all. They dont have too, Hey... heres the thing, you think other GMS want to help out desjardins and ottawa? I dont think so, Ottawa had their choice of guys to chose from. You think Wally is happy that they took demarco from him? You think Huff is happy they took Glenn? Nobody will help ottawa out. The way i see it, Ottawa either trades him for basically nothing or they release him. I dont see Glenn in Ottawa this year at all. I dont see him here either. But... If im a GM and im talking to Ottawa, i offer them pretty much nothing cuz really, i dont need Glenn that bad, Not as badly as ottawa needs to get rid of him. Dont care what anyone says, Glenn in Ottawa is a huge disaster waiting to happen, That locker room could become quite toxic with Glenn there. Ottawa pretty much screwed the pooch on this one, They had a valuable piece in Glenn who could have gotten them a few pieces, but... Now that everyone knows Glenn wants out, I doubt they get much if anything for him and will be forced to release him. Similar to the Mike Kelly situation, We all know MK wanted Glenn gone, he even said so, tried to trade him but couldnt cuz teams knew if we didnt trade him, we'd just release him. Thats what happened. Its happening again except this time, Its glenn who wants out and not the coach or GM who wants to send him packing. When a player says he wants out, well, there is no reversing that. He is either gonna be traded or released, my money is on being released cuz other teams know exactly that. Why trade for him when you could sign him as a free agent, cuz ottawa cant trade a guy who other teams know will be released. This is the CFL, there are 9 teams now, its not the NFL, this is a small brotherhood of sorts here. Why trade for him when you could get him for basically nothing when Ottawa is forced to release him.
  6. Total guess based on nothing but bob irving and others opinions but Kenny Tate and the MLB Mcrath for sure However, if we have a new running back, he might make the most impact.
  7. Trade Trouba? someone hasnt been paying attention at all. What a ridiculous idea that is. Thank god nasty nate isnt running this team. Trade trouba? No, you build your team around a guy like Trouba and thats what the JETS will do. This team is going to be built around guys like Trouba,Scheif,Morrissey.... You dont trade those guys. No teams will offer sheet them either cuz it just doesnt work like that anymore. Trouba will be a jet for a very long time. As for Chevy, the one thing i will say is when Chevy speaks, he says a lot but he doesnt say much. He holds his cards close to his vest and i'm fine with that As a fan, i dont need to know everything, i dont care even to know everything thats going on behind the scenes, i dont even care about everything going on behind the scenes. Some of the questions our media asks the guy, What type of answer do you expect him to give? Are you going to trade kane? What is he supposed to say, YES and lower his value? Chevy is a smart hockey man, he knows more about hockey then all of us combined. Its been 3, 2.5 seasons actually since they have been back... 2 of his draft picks are on the team already and others are having outstanding years playing in the WHL or OHL or even St Johns (Kichton anyone??) Has locked up consistent players like wheeler and little (so under rated its insane), Has a great captain in Ladd, good d man in toby, all those naysayers saying toby is too small to play in the west, LOL he played all 82 games, Locking up a guy like stuart even, maybe not the best player on the ice but a heart and soul guy who busts his butt night in and night out and a guy who now calls winnipeg home. What do we want in 2.5 seasons really? Did we forget that sure when they got here they had a good core, but outside of that...absolutely nothing. 2 of his picks are on the team and others seem to be knocking on the door (dont be surprised if morrissey or even kichton is on this team next season) Chevy has done a good job restocking the cupboards, we were a bottom 5 team in terms of prospects when the team moved here, now we are ranked in the top 15 or even top 10 in terms of prospects.He's done good, Free agents? Gotta remember that no free agent will sign with a team (alteast not one that is any good) that doesnt win. Its nothing to do with winnipeg or the cold or this city or lack of malls or whatever else people throw around. Its all about winning. This team starts winning and free agents will want to come here. After 2.5 seasons tho, this team is where they are because basically, you cant change everything in such a short time frame, but what you can do is take baby steps and that is exactly what chevy and company have done, baby steps. Do we need some upgrades in certain areas? sure we do, all teams do, and im sure they will find a way to do some things this off season ( i think buff gets moved b4 kane to be honest) (end of season interview suggests maurice wants buff to play forward and buff wants to play d, i could see them moving buff)
  8. I dont think id trade out of the top 4 really. I dont think other teams tho would be willing to move their picks also to move up. Ottawa,Winnipeg,Edmonton,Montreal,BC = top 5 yes? Ottawa needs talent all over, they could take lavertu but they could take a receiver also. They need talent all over. Winnipeg, we need oline, thats what we will take at 2, (still feel its lavertu or goosen for us) Goosen played for a team who played in the NCAA did he not? he might be closer to be ready to play then we think. Edmonton needs oline. They will take one of lavertu goosen or foucault for sure, however Gill could end up there too as they probably will need to replace Laurent. Montreal? Pretty obvious they have a need at receiver. Not sure a team like Montreal would be willing to move 2 picks to move up 2 spots to take a receiver when, in all liklihood he will be there at 4. BC might look at a guy like coombs to back up harris, pretty good chance he is available at 5 also. Not sure you will see many trades here, as the draft class seems to be a bit weaker then most years. You might see one or 2 but i doubt any of those trades involve teams with picks 1 to 5.
  9. There is about a 20 minute interview up with bob irving on cjob website where he talks about the mini camp. Actually it was on the upperdeck sports show at about 607 to 635 ish. Some of the things bob mentioned In all his years, the bombers have never put more effort in to finding talent that they have this year QB Marve has a cannon and has looked good. Max Hall has looked good, more in shape, had an interview with hall where hall says last year he only had a month to train for the season. Kenny Tate is impressing people. Figures they will take about 20 25 guys to rookie camp in winnipeg, mentioned a few running backs, grigsby cotton and another guy but the name slips me. Mention the little 5'8 155 pounder also, said he could be the kick returner this team has been looking for. Impressed with a few receivers, haulstead urutia and the 155 pounder. Willy has looked "average". Willy will also be opening day starter and Oshea has let the other qb's know this already. Asked Oshea if these are the 4 qb's who will come to main camp, Oshea said its a high possibility that they are. All in all, its hard to get a sense of what exactly is going on, Hard to base opinions when you havent seen it yourself but from the sounds of it, sounds like of the 55 guys there at the mini camp, about 15-25 of them will definitely be making their way up here for rookie camp. Expects 3 rbs from the camp to be there, the other rb is a guy from harding university. Expects a few receivers, expects a few LBs (Mccrath has taken a leadership role and has looked very good, I already mentioned tate but even bob mentioned tate in the "rover" position has looked outstanding) Like i said, pretty tough to judge based on just comments from people but from what it sounds like, there is definitely quite a bit of talent at the mini camp.
  10. Ottawa needs help all over that roster, not just on the oline, 2015 is a pretty good year for oline guys too. Maybe AKG is a stop gap until then. Who really knows. Ottawa might take lavertu, they might not. He might be able to come in and play right away, he might not. There are no guarantees in the CFL draft. Who here actually watches the CIS on consistent basis? I dont so really the only thing i know is what i hear and according to the experts, the guys that actually do pay attention to this stuff, sure lavertu is a good one but they are also impressed with foucault and goosen. Sure ottawa might take lavertu but who knows really, maybe goosen or foucault will be better. Nobody can say for sure that they wont be. And to be honest, it wouldnt surprise me if ottawa takes a guy noone thinks they would have taken, Gill or even LDT... Sure its far fetched but a few things ottawa has done so far, seems a little strange actually. They might even trade that pick. Who really knows, It wouldnt shock me at all. Ottawa seems to be a little bit of a gong show, kohlert taken, resigns in wpg, hage taken, retires. Glenn takes, wants out. Who really knows what desjardins does. This is the same guy who gave printers a boat load of money so really... nothing is for sure with them at all.
  11. No games are meaningless for teams, thats even ridiculous to suggest that. Teams going to the playoffs like Boston, they want to be on a roll, yes boston sat rask and they sat chara but no buff ladd bogo or even pavelec for us also. It goes both ways there. Basically it was Boston minus chara and rask vs the ice caps plus wheeler and kane and we beat them. You play 82 games, you want to win them all. I dont care who you play or where you are in the standings, you want to win, as a pro athlete you want to win, I see some people talking about tanking for draft picks, but obviously those saying that, have never played a sport in their lives cuz if they did, they would know that everytime you lace up the skates, put on the cleats, put on the sneakers, whatever sport really, you play to win. You dont play to lose. Rask and Chara didnt play for Boston? Nope but neither did several of our top stars also. Is hutch the real deal? i dont know. But i do know that some of you on here must be maple leaf fans also cuz if you go to the maple leafs site, you see the exact same comments about players who have one or 2 good games from their fans too. Then they ride off in to the sunset never to be heard from again. Its been 3 years, have we improved? one could make the argument we have as we are now in the tougher western conference. Is hutch the real deal tho? After 2 or 3 games? nobody really knows. People thought Montoya was the real deal but never bothered looking in to his past to see that A. this is the first season he actually played this many games and B. when he did get to play regularly when pavelec was hurt, looked pretty average. 3-3 in those 6 games as a starter there. Career backup. Not a fresh faced rookie like Hutch really. Seems to me the backup goalie and backup qb are one in the same here in winnipeg. Its sad that like vancouver and toronto, winnipeg is going to be a graveyard for goalies also. Would have thought our fans were a little smarter then the fans out west and out east, but guess not. Annointing guys future stars after 2 or 3 games? Thats a very toronto maple leaf fan mentality there.
  12. First time poster. Love this site. Way better then those other forums. Anyways, Regarding Kane, I keep asking myself a simple question and that is... If Winnipeg was in the NHL in 2009 when Kane was drafted, would we have taken him? It seems astho the Jets value guys who are high character and humble, is this Kane? I'm not sure it is. Yes, he's a young talented player, but... does he fit in to what the Jets are building here exactly? On the ice? He most definitely does. Big strong young fast power forward, every team wants that. Off the ice? I dont know. You hear so many rumors and i understand they are rumors but generally where there is smoke there is fire. Is he a high character guy? I'm not sure actually if he is or isnt, is he immature at times? seems to be but really what 23 year old isnt, Im not far removed from 23 and some of the things i did at 23 would put some of the things Kane has rumored to have done to shame. Do i want to trade Kane? I'm gonna answer this by saying yes and no. No because i feel at 23, he's really hasnt reached his peak yet and despite what some say, That is relevant. You do not want to give up a perenial 30 goal scorer ( he did it once and last year if it was a full season, he would have done it again, i think even this year if he didnt miss so many games he probably would have also, he did score 19)but.. if he doesnt fit into the culture the team is building, then i think it is best to move him. The yes part is quite simple, if you can get a good return on Kane, im talking top 6 forward, high draft pick and maybe a prospect or a left handed d man, yeah you do that in a second because that improves the team overall. This team isnt just one or 2 players away, they are a few and a guy like Kane, he could get the team what they need to take that next step.
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