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Everything posted by Yourface

  1. Winston Rose is not great….
  2. Great play indeed. He certainly showed up in the clutch.
  3. That’s always the go-to excuse for anyone performing below expectations lol. Rose was not “fantastic” last year, he was ok at best, and certainly not up to his 2019 standards.
  4. He was ok, but certainly not as good as he was in 2019. I always thought he was our weakest link in the defensive backfield last year.
  5. Not surprised whatsoever that Houston was able to step in for Rose and not miss a beat. Rose has been arguably our worst DB since last year.
  6. I think that should have been an accidental PI.
  7. Nice to see a broken tackle there.
  8. I’m sorry but I do expect a RB to break a tackle once in a blue moon. I sure hope he turns it around but at the moment he’s looking like the Canadian version of Bloi-Dei Dorzon.
  9. Oliveira reminds me of Bloi-Dei Dorzon. He can’t break a tackle.
  10. Agree to disagree I suppose. I meant “objectively” as in a way that does not involve personal feelings or bias. The Bombers were putrid offensively, and inept defensively in the first half, while the Redblacks kept shooting themselves in the foot. Just an awful game until the fourth quarter. It’s not like the Als-Argos game was a masterpiece either, however based on each team’s performance so far, I’m not sure how anyone could say that the Bombers will “slaughter” either of those teams, which was my original point.
  11. Significantly better offensive performances. No blatant drop like the one we saw with Acklin last week. No botched clock management. I was at the Bombers game last week, and for a large portion, it was an absolute snore fest. What makes you say that?
  12. If that was bad, the Bombers game last week was HORRIBLE, if we’re looking at it objectively. Not convinced the Bombers would slaughter either of them.
  13. I would argue it’s better than the Bombers game last week, objectively speaking. Offences are looking decent. Drew Willy 2.0
  14. Let’s not talk about COVID here….
  15. 5 of 7 panelists chose the Bombers to win.
  16. Guess I’m in the minority but I thought that was a great halftime show. Good energy. I’m sure it was even better live. Infinitely better than the kickoff show anyhow.
  17. I appreciate your opinion. My point is hostility from both sides should be condemned. Anyway, I believe I have said everything I wanted to say on this topic. Not interested in exchanging insults.
  18. Well maybe it's just me, but I don't want to live in a world where we are frowned upon for criticizing the government. To label those who do so as "uneducated, overly entitled narcissists who only care about themselves" is wrong. In their minds they are fighting for our freedoms, and therefore are doing the right thing. Insults only serve to antagonize in this context. You're right, my statement may have been too general. However in the context of the pandemic, there are plenty of statistics and expert opinions that support various viewpoints. Of course we won't all agree. It is silly to believe that we ever will. There is antisocial behaviour on both sides. It is fine to believe what you believe and argue accordingly, but an open mind is healthy, and hostility is not the answer.
  19. Facts can be found in support of any argument, in my opinion. Those that we gravitate to and choose to disseminate generally validate our own biases and feelings. I’m certainly guilty of that myself, despite my best efforts. As long as people believe they are doing the right thing for themselves and the people around them, I think they deserve a respectful dialogue. Anything else will not do any good.
  20. If people have a problem they should focus their attention on the government. Why attack a business that has no choice but to obey public health orders? People have become so hostile to one another, on both sides, and it is so disheartening. The world would be a much better place if we learned to understand each other’s differences and have respectful dialogue.
  21. Some food for thought: https://www.cihi.ca/en/covid-19-resources/impact-of-covid-19-on-canadas-health-care-systems/covid-19s-effect-on-hospital If you click on the xlsx file referenced in the above article, you will notice that there was a sometimes signifiant decrease in hospital activity across the board from March to November 2020 compared to 2019 (December was about the same). That includes overall admissions, ICU admissions, ventilator use, etc. I’d be curious to see how the 2019 numbers compare with early 2021 but I cannot find those numbers. The following report from 2014 (a more recent study would be welcomed) shows that Canadian ICUs in urban areas spend 45 to 51 days per year above capacity on average. https://secure.cihi.ca/free_products/ICU_Report_EN.pdf That being said, I certainly feel for health care workers in this difficult time (there are a few in my family), but I think that the increase in workload and stress levels have more to do with the change in protocols (having to separate COVID patients and non-COVID patients, having to sanitize/change equipment more often, more administrative work) and staffing levels (senior health care workers retiring early, more people calling in sick due to any little symptom, as they are asked to do) than anything else. There has been a shortage of nurses for as long as I can remember, and unfortunately these factors have only exacerbated the situation.
  22. Multiple studies show that the viral load is the same between a vaccinated and unvaccinated individual. While a vaccinated individual might be less likely to get infected, they are also more likely to walk around as asymptomatic carriers (especially considering they are seldom required to get tested anymore compared to the unvaccinated). There really is no need to be scared of the unvaccinated. The decisions they make only affect themselves. I say this as a fully vaccinated person myself. Keep in mind that these people think they’re doing mankind a favour by fighting for our freedom, and therefore do not believe that they are being selfish. And honestly, we need people like that in this world, who don’t just blindly trust the government with everything they ask us to do.
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