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Everything posted by Harbaugh

  1. All Nichols has to do is be better than Brohm. If he's better than Brohm this week then we are a better team, and a better team moving forward into next week because Nichols would have a game under his belt.
  2. Test drive? Ya, that would be completely reasonable. "Here Matt, here's the playbook, learn as much of it as you can in 3 days cause you're going in. Try not to suck it up too bad."With the patient fans of Winnipeg watching, what could possibly go wrong with that strategy? And with the patient fans of Winnipeg watching it's only going to be worse with Brohm. Real game reps for Nichols this weekend has got to maximize our chances of winning the back end of this home and home. Rome wasn't built in a day, but they sure as hell didn't waste time with garbage like Brian Brohm.
  3. So if the plan is to have Nichols start next week, wouldn't giving him the entire LDC as a test drive maximize how ready he would be for the Banjo Bowl?
  4. No lol but its better than what Marve did right lol This is depressing.
  5. Chatting with MOS and Dressler's dad in a hot tub/sauna last year at the hotel Regina was a high point. Right after creating 24 Hunter Pence esque signs aimed at Dressler,
  6. I've been to the last eight LDCs and I'm still on the fence about this year. I can get tickets and leave tomorrow morning, but of all signs are still pointing to Brohm starting this evening I'll save my money/time this year.
  7. Brohm is a waste at this point. But unfortunately we don't have any other option. So I'm not sure I'd say he's being rewarded being the starter. It's literally the teams only option at this point, and I'm sure Brohm is aware of that. The thing is, he isn't "literally" the only option.
  8. Brohm is nothing but a waste of time at this point. From any playing time he may get down to every rep he takes in practice.
  9. 1) O'Shea has not named the starter yet. 2) You would really start a QB who has had only 2 or 3 practices with a new team? What's the other option? Start the guy who has completed 2 or 3 passes in 2 years?
  10. as much as it would be nice to relate him, they can't. That is until Nichols learns the play book....patience my friend. Yes they can.
  11. PACMAN almost
  13. Cornish
  14. Sarcasm alert: three posts up
  15. Why aren't the "retired" numbers displayed in the stadium like every other sports team in North America?
  16. Can't that soccer tournament be played at Gateway?
  17. If it's where I'm thinking it is I'm pretty sure you can bring a lawn chair and sit, your vantage point won't be terrific though being at field level.
  18. Budaj adds a little bit of security to a very unknown area. Every goalie up or down has a big ? on them.
  19. It's a weird feeling this year. The Bombers are not championship material, yet they're not out of it, just dying a slow painful death. On top of my pessimistic feeling about the Bombers' remaining games, I've had a rough sports weekend: Bombers blown out Lions blow it Tigers were swept Michigan loses again All of my teams sucked this weekend, and I'm deflated.
  20. Kane-Scheifele-Wheeler Ladd-Little-Buff ????-Perreault-Frolik Lowry-Slater-Thorburn The ???? Will probably be filled by Galiardi, with Tangradi and Peluso in the press box.
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