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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. He is great in space, but "in space" isn't something a RB can expect to be in all the time. Volny had 2 decent carries last month and didn't fumble. I'd be fine if the Bombers gave him a 3rd this week. Feature back? Let's see if his 3rd warrants a 4th first.
  2. Lots of people seemed to want the coordinators fired before the first game was played and little will change their minds. There a lots of areas for improvement on the Bombers, but upgrading our some of personnel will get way better results than changing our coordinators.
  3. Yes he was, and Taman signed him to a try out contract. I don't know if that try out ever occurred. I can't find much information about it. It doesn't matter anyway. The reason I mentioned it was simply that Taman has made some good moves in his career.. Careful, fake Duane Forde will come at you with a badger for suggesting that.
  4. Don't take this the wrong way - and unlike some I have no issues with Volny - you seem like a nice enough chap and all, but between this and the semi-weekly Ottawa should/will bench Burris threads, maybe it's time to take a break from starting new topics.
  5. Grey Cup '96. My childhood memories are that the Nylons performed every Grey Cup halftime show between '82 and '98.
  6. Normally I would take criticisms of the clarity of my posts more seriously. For whatever reason, you don't make the cut today. Sorry. Taman "had" Khari but he sure as hell didn't find him. BC did. The only reason he got Glenn was that SK had plethora at the time and he was able to snake Glenn by way of TO. Taman's bird dogging at the QB position is embarrassing. See, there you have it - you were sarcastically crapping on him rather than literally crediting him. Now there is clarity. If my looking for it offends you, then next time I won't bother and just put words in your mouth instead. Since that seems to be your preference. And as for the content... ...others have covered it quite well.
  7. And my problem with all that is that a declining Watson is still a better player than the guy we'd replace him with. I'm not under any illusions as to what he is. Unless a team greatly overpays for his services, chances are the best 44 we can put on the field has Watson on the roster. Even next year, with him one year older. If read literally, then sure, Feoli-G played better in the games Watson did not play in. Otherwise, I vehemently disagree. Feoli-G has greatly exceeded my expectations because I expected nothing of him. He's decent, and to get him on our roster with the equivalent of cleaning empties out of the ditch is one of the good stories of the season. I don't think his ceiling goes any higher than what we see right now though. It's nice to have a NI receiver that doesn't drop 80% of the balls that come his way.
  8. I don't need to read it again, without properly expressing tone it will still have 2 possible interpretations - you are the one who wrote a post that can be read with 2 interpretations. And chose not to clarify whether you were sarcastically dissing him or pointing out that his is better at his job than most people around here want to give him credit for, when given the opportunity. Taman had Khari Jones and the best version (2007) of Kevin Glenn when he was here. There is more that goes into a cup winning football team than having a great QB.
  9. That's all the Renaud and Markett moves are. They are now "break glass in case of emergency" players.
  10. WHAT!?!? Why not? There huge and cool and fly around and breath fire and they might even eat people. It would be a pyrotechnic extravaganza! Mike's admitting he hates Game of Thrones. The real question is, will they have snowmobiles jumping over the stage?
  11. How do you figure that exactly? Whatever the party line and smokescreen has been in mold-land about Sunseri being better than Willy, Willy was a free agent and was going to leave in February 2014. Taman was smart/lucky/right-place-right-time to get a pick for him. He didn't mismanage anything, Willy's contract was coming to an end. Slavery has been abolished. He was free to leave and was going to leave, having fulfilled the terms of his contract. Not sure why Taman gets blamed for the Bombers not giving him anything beyond a bare-bones scouting department or a player budget comparable with other CFL teams when he was here. More often than not he did an alright job of making lemonade out of lemons. Unless you were being literal and not sarcastic. Then I agree, and if we'd given him the same resources he has at his disposal in Regina, we might have seen similar results here.
  12. While I disagree to a certain extent, I'm liking this post because it is not moronic. Which can't be said about several others. My preference to keep Watson is also from a big picture perspective. Next year we're almost certain to use our 1rst round pick on a lineman. Probably an Olineman. Nic Demski isn't coming here until at least 2017 when he gets his first chance to be a free agent. So lets say we can get a 3rd round pick for Watson. Is our team more likely to be better in 2015 and 2016 with that player or with Watson? Assuming we get typical 3rd round value for a 3rd round pick, we're better with Watson. He is a starting 7 NI now and will certainly still be next year, and not just because he has a passport and a pulse. Can another player also start in his place? It's a silly question because the rules mandate another player has to start. The important question is whether or not that player, say Julian FG, is better or as good as Watson, and subsequently, is the player who now backs up Kohlert and Julian FG (Carter) as good as Julian FG? My opinion is no and no. So we've downgraded at 2 roster spots to acquire a 3rd round pick. And what of this 3rd round pick? Is he likely to be a starting 7 NI now or in the future? All things being equal, the chances are slim that you find a starter in the 3rd round of the CFL draft. There are examples, but based on the percentages it is not a good bet. More likely than not we're getting a player of Derek Briggs caliber with that pick, or a Swiston. So here's the net effect of moving Watson - we've downgraded one starting 7 NI spot, we've downgraded one depth spot, and we've added one depth player who's main role will likely be on special teams. On the whole I'd say we're making the team worse both now and in 2015 and 2016. If we can get a pick of value for Watson then it could be a good move, but the big prize in draft picks is finding a NI starter. Which is what we have in Watson.
  13. This is incredibly disappointing. Tino Sunshine had so much mileage left on the tires, now this wonderful nickname will sit on the shelf untouched like discount bologna.
  14. Yes, a roll of duct tape would share the team lead for receiving touchdowns... (place all the eye rolls here)
  15. Sherman is arguably the worst tackler we have on the field (Bucknor would be in that argument too), and he's pretty awful when he gets isolated in coverage too. A lot of our big breakdowns in D have been when he's been isolated, but it's been a combination of luck, Sherman mostly being used as a blitzer, a great safety and set of halfbacks who have saved our bacon for most of the season. Love Sherman's energy, he's pretty good at blitzing and he has a knack for getting the ball out of guys, but he's severely limited at this point. I'd give Bucknor the nod for worst tackler over Sherman. Sherman can whiff in space but Bucknor gets guys along the sideline where he has the opportunity to just push them out and whiffs on that, the much easier play. Both these guys have deficiencies in their game, it's not like we're way smarter than all the other teams for putting them in our starting lineup. We're making do with the injuries we've been handed. I've been impressed by both of them in that my expectations were much lower than what they've delivered. The question remains, are the Bombers better with Sherman at WIL so we can get Sears back in at SAM, or better with the status quo, cause Sherman probably isn't coming off this season. My point was more about his ability to handle increased physicality on the other side. The deficiencies in his game will show up wherever he lines up.
  16. On one hand, I don't have much interest in eating seal. On the other hand, telling peta where to take their grandstanding claptrap is always a good thing. On the other other hand, I have too many hands.
  17. This thread is taking way longer to get locked than usual. SASKATCHEWAN!!! There, that should pick up the pace.
  18. If you hadn't started with "listen" I would have completed disregarded this post. I did. Should have started with "read".
  19. Pulse and a passport is all it takes, eh? Talent? Pffft. Wonder how much longer BC is going to put up with that Andrew Harris clown? He's injured again. At least they can rest assured that his production won't be hard to replace. Given the choice, which one would you rather have on your team? This would have to be classified as a non-point. Aaron Rodgers? Not sure, but if we're playing make believe then that's my answer. We've had Canadian bodies taking up space on the field who catch balls once in a while. Receiving threats? The only one since Gerald Wilcox who comes anywhere close to being a player defences feel threatened by is Watson. Does he get injured? Sure. Will we easily find a player with comparable talent to replace him? No. We can probably find another Hargreaves fairly easily. I sure don't want that. The ability to find playmaking NI receivers seems to be greatly overestimated by some here. Look at Ottawa. They have no talent at all for NI receiving. They have Matt Carter. He has 356 yards so far this season. Is that better than all our guys? Yep. Is he better than any of our guys? Nope. He has been targeted over and over by Burris in that offence and has 356 yards to show for it, and I'm guessing those numbers include the forward progress he makes before he fumbles the ball. I'm pretty sure he's been targeted more than all our NI's combined, and then multiplied by 2. If a decent NI receiver had that opportunity he'd have around 700 yards already. Fantuz hasn't seen half that much pigskin and he has almost 500 yards. Carter is getting the biggest opportunity he will ever have in his career and is showing himself to be a larger-bodied Geoff Drover. Watson has actual talent. Moving him and replacing him with what will almost certainly be a significantly inferior player, a guy with a passport and a pulse? I think that's a terrible move for the Bombers, and an obvious downgrade in overall talent. That thing we keep saying needs to be upgraded. Taking him out and putting in a Matt Carter/Hargreaves/Drover/longlistofuselessNIreceiversoverthelast15years? On purpose? Barf.
  20. Pulse and a passport is all it takes, eh? Talent? Pffft. Wonder how much longer BC is going to put up with that Andrew Harris clown? He's injured again. At least they can rest assured that his production won't be hard to replace.
  21. There is no way that offer was on the table. I'd fire Taman on the spot if he made that move. Taman has never shied away from trading first round picks for quarterbacks though, in fact I'm pretty sure he's been quoted as saying that first round picks for qbs or starting NIs is a no brainer or something similar. Unless he has gotten wiser with age that is exactly the kind of trade Taman would do.
  22. I've long said SAM is the most difficult position to play on defence, mainly because it requires the broadest set of skills and also has one of the largest territorial responsibilities. Both Sherman and Sears know how to bring the lumber. There may be more to playing the short side than that.
  23. Willy said he couldn't hear the play call. He ran towards the sidelines to get it. He thought he still got the play off in time, but he apparently he didn't. Those more or less are his words, expressed to Bob Irving and relayed to the populace via the medium of radio. Not sure why I'm wasting my time. The tin foil hat is strong with this one.
  24. Ooh, that's a good name. If you end up not needing it, can I use it?
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