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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. That's hard to say considering he's never played in Dunn's position, but it might be interesting to have him audition there sometime.
  2. Pish posh, all we need is a pulse and a passport, guys like Watson are a dime a dozen... Getting rid of a NI starter in exchange for a middling draft pick is a surefire way to build a cup contender.
  3. Shocked to see Brown isn't advocating "tough love"!
  4. Sherman didn't steal anything, he simply did an OK job and because of ratio reasons is still there. Rest assured that if it weren't for the ratio Sears would have been back there as soon as he was healthy. He didn't steal the job from Sears, but he stole the job from our other potential NI starters. Within reason, you try to play your best Canadians regardless of position. He is one of our best Canadians until we acquire better Canadians. Is Sherman better than Sears? No. But he's closer to Sears more than Alexander is close to Leggett and more than Goossen is close to whatever import got a job on the line this week. I am grateful that he's making plays and not just filling a roster spot.
  5. SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!!!! THE RIDERS SAID THERE WAS AN EXCELLENT CHANCE!!! fields of marigolds, skipping thru fields of marigolds, lalalalalalala, why is everything so beautiful and green? lalalalalalala
  6. This sucks. Half of the football hasn't been watchable this year, continuing to lose some of the premier talent in the league will only make it worse.
  7. Wow there is a lot of dumbness contained in this really dumb thread. I love talking about Bomber football but if some losses is all it takes for people to start plumbing the absolute depths of idiocy then coming here isn't the best way to spend my time. Okay, it never was, but at least it was an enjoyable way to mismanage it. Tough love...
  8. I don't stick up for officials until the accusations being made against them starting bordering on the ridiculous. Are there times when I get really frustrated and angry with the officiating (in any sport I watch) - yeah, of course. The thing is officials get bashed for making the correct calls/non-calls more often than they are bashed when making a legitimate mistake. Before this season started, the officials were instructed to call certain infractions more closely and then they get bashed for doing it. It's the players themselves who should be taking a lot of blame for the increase, not the officials. Penalties are up but the ones that have seen the biggest increases are ones that the players can control. Objectionable conduct penalties are up 45% and procedural penalties (Offside, Procedure, Time count, Delay, Too many men, Illegal participation/substitution are grouped together) are up 44% - that's on the players, not the officials. Procedural penalties are up 15% not 44%, not sure where you got that from. Objectionable conduct penalties going up isn't a good thing in my mind either, the referees need to put their flags away on a lot of those. I find it very interesting that objectionable conduct calls are seeing such a huge increase while major fouls such as face masking, roughing the passer, horse collar tackling, etc are seeing a small increase if any. In fact, when you isolate just face masking calls, they're actually down nearly 20% this year. Don't you think that is because in many cases the players know they were victimized by a bad call or by a non call? Why so much this year? I just find it interesting that face masks, RTP, horse collars, etc saw a minimal increase (or in some cases a decrease) but penalties for objectionable conduct (i.e. things like unsportsmanlike conduct) are WAY up. You're right with what you thought I was implying - it doesn't seem like the players are getting heated with eachother on the field because of dirty play ... so if they are getting heated ... who is left? If anything the play on the field seems less objectionable conducty this year than in previous years. From a casual observer point of view.
  9. I loved their show on Nickelodeon - hilarious. Names, bodies, practise roster, the end.
  10. Don't believe everything ANYTHING that Pederson says... Unbelievable how much Pederson abuses the position of trust he's been given. Pretty much just making stuff up whenever he wants. So, when's SJ Green suiting up for the Riders?
  11. Isn't that more on the GM than the coach? I doubt there is a huge expectation placed on either of those players this year. They are being given important roles because so far they have shown they can handle it. It is part of the growth process, not yoking them under the expectation of them carrying us to the playoffs. Scheiffle is on the line he's on because they hope this trio can become great over time, not because there is an expectation that he has to be our best centerman this season. Trouba will someday be a top pairing defenceman for us, but if he's partnered up with Stuart, quite clearly they are not trying to do that this year. No one partnered with Stuart will ever be considered a top pairing. I think Maurice is a better coach than you give him credit for. He certainly seems to have the belief and support of his players. We'll see how these new systems work out. In his first 3 months he made very few changes to the systems the Jets were using. Mostly on the penalty kill, some on the power play. Frankly those were the most important changes to make anyways, as the Jets struggled to be effective under Perry Pearn's dreadful systems. Most of the difference in Maurice and Noel came from Maurice holding the players accountable, whereas Noel seemed to expect that as professionals they would act like professionals. That assumption was incorrect, and it cost him his job. It sounds like more changes to the Jets "systems" are coming this year. That word gets thrown around a lot but doesn't always mean as much as people want it to - there are very few scripted plays in hockey. It's beauty as a sport is that almost everything that happens on the ice is improvisation at high speed. In hockey the systems aren't really x's and o's so much as a unified understanding of how the team wants to react in specific circumstances. You can have a one man forecheck, two to create pressure, keep guys high at the blueline, that's easy enough to get players on board with that, but the stuff in your own end gets far more loose as you don't have control over what happens when you don't have the puck. You are trying to do things to influence the opposition's actions and regain control without surrendering a scoring chance. There are set plays in hockey. lots of them in fact. You're taught systems when you move from community club to AA and AAA leagues. You are taught positioning for your role in given situations. I do agree with you on unified understanding of how to react in a specific situation, and that's where systems help you understand that. From what i've heard about Maurices focus, it's on defensive play in your own zone, breakouts from same and entry into opposition zone. Stuff like: do we dump and chase against a particular opponent, do we go hard in the neutral zone and finesse our way in, etc. Don't discount systems, every team uses them. If interested: here is a link. Typed a medium length response explaining how and why I use separate terms for systems vs structures, oops hit the wrong button and it's gone, but we're probably talking about similar things in different ways. Anyways, thanks for the link, I've never been to this site before. 10 years ago the internet didn't have much to offer coaches beyond a 16 bit Ryan Walter tutorial.
  12. They're not just doing an evaluation of these players, they are also trying to measure progression. How quickly can they adapt to playing at this level, how far do they have left to go, can they get there this year? Do they look more fatigued today than in their last game, similar, or have they bounced back with greater energy? Even if they already know Ehlers isn't making the Jets this year, that wouldn't be the end of the information they hope to learn about him over the next few weeks.
  13. I refuse to be there... ...unless my wife tells me our weekend getaway is cancelled, in which case I have to get my tickets back from my neighbour.
  14. Edmonton had ONeill behind Shaw, still have Congi on their 1 game IR. BC and Calgary both have split duty kickers on their rosters. McCallum/Schmitt and Parades/Maver, respectively. There are only two teams in the CFL who have one guy on their roster doing both duties without any backup - Toronto and Ottawa.
  15. When has this team or any other team in the league had a backup kicker ready to go? Saskatchewan has Bartel on their 1 game and Palardy on their PR.
  16. From what I've read from you, "hipster" is used to describe anything you don't like... A hipster colorectal exam?
  17. Isn't that more on the GM than the coach? I doubt there is a huge expectation placed on either of those players this year. They are being given important roles because so far they have shown they can handle it. It is part of the growth process, not yoking them under the expectation of them carrying us to the playoffs. Scheiffle is on the line he's on because they hope this trio can become great over time, not because there is an expectation that he has to be our best centerman this season. Trouba will someday be a top pairing defenceman for us, but if he's partnered up with Stuart, quite clearly they are not trying to do that this year. No one partnered with Stuart will ever be considered a top pairing. I think Maurice is a better coach than you give him credit for. He certainly seems to have the belief and support of his players. We'll see how these new systems work out. In his first 3 months he made very few changes to the systems the Jets were using. Mostly on the penalty kill, some on the power play. Frankly those were the most important changes to make anyways, as the Jets struggled to be effective under Perry Pearn's dreadful systems. Most of the difference in Maurice and Noel came from Maurice holding the players accountable, whereas Noel seemed to expect that as professionals they would act like professionals. That assumption was incorrect, and it cost him his job. It sounds like more changes to the Jets "systems" are coming this year. That word gets thrown around a lot but doesn't always mean as much as people want it to - there are very few scripted plays in hockey. It's beauty as a sport is that almost everything that happens on the ice is improvisation at high speed. In hockey the systems aren't really x's and o's so much as a unified understanding of how the team wants to react in specific circumstances. You can have a one man forecheck, two to create pressure, keep guys high at the blueline, that's easy enough to get players on board with that, but the stuff in your own end gets far more loose as you don't have control over what happens when you don't have the puck. You are trying to do things to influence the opposition's actions and regain control without surrendering a scoring chance.
  18. Jon Stewart has a pretty good record of hiring funny people. Not many people go on to fail after leaving his show. Funny and smart. Being quick on your feet AND intelligent seem to be just as important job requirements as the funny. Which they all are.
  19. Not nitpicking, just clarifying, there is only one extra DI spot now. The second extra game day roster spot is for a NI, not a DI. The extra DI spot (goodness knows I don't want to open up this stupid can of worms again) is one of a few reasons that a certain unnamed NI RB wasn't relevant to the Bombers offensive plans this year. At this point it seems that they're content to use that spot for other purposes.
  20. SNL has a couple of problems that keeps the show from reaching it's potential. Recurring sketches that were average the first time, sketches that run 8 to 10 minutes after using up all the jokes by the 3 minute mark, guest hosts that have zero comedic timing. The cast however has been pretty good over the last 15 years. There is always some dead weight like Chris Katan, but for every one of him there is also an absolute gem. The new season has Michael Che working the weekend update desk. He will be fantastic.
  21. If that was the case Liram would have won the punting duties out of TC Not necessarily. Lirim was a rookie and sometimes if you give kickers too much to do both areas suffer. At the TC practise I was at, I thought Lirim out kicked Renaud. I think they wanted to ease Lirim in, letting him get comfortable and good at kicking while keeping some vet experience in the kicking game. When Renaud got hurt, Lirim was given the opportunity to take over both jobs. If Renaud was the better punter, he would be back by now. This is exactly what OShea said early on in the season when asked about the possibility of Lirim punting. He'd rather let him become proficient at kicking than overwhelm him and have him be average at everything.
  22. I've found it odd how polarizing Renaud has been among fans. He's a reasonably solid but unspectacular punter. We've had far far worse - I know, high praise. Lirim has been pretty good at the job. I'm not sure he's been better all the time, but he's been better at minimum more than half the time, and he wins the leg strength battle handily. Renaud is capable of better touch but can't do it consistently. Right now I wouldn't use a spot on the 44 for him. It's pretty unlikely he'll be back next year, but for now depth at every position is a good idea as the playoffs approach.
  23. Did you read the whole thread? If so, stop trolling. Much more succinct than my unposted response. Rambled about sandbagging, donating blood, making quilts, all sorts of things.
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